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《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2013,52(2):176-189
AbstractThis study presents a numerical and physical modelling study of flow pattern, mixing, solid–liquid mass transfer and slag matte phase distribution in an industrial Peirce–Smith converter (PSC) slice model. The two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulations of the three phase system were carried out using volume of fluid (VOF) and realisable k?? (RKE) turbulence model to account for the multiphase and turbulence nature of the flow respectively. These models were implemented using the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical code FLUENT. In physical simulations, water, kerosene, air and sintered benzoic acid compacts were used to simulate matte, slag, injected gas and solid additions into PSC. Both numerical and physical simulations were able to predict, in agreement, the mixing and dispersion characteristics of the system in relation to different blowing conditions employed in this study. Measurement of dimensionless turbulence characteristic values conclusively indicated that fluid flow in PSC is stratified.Ce document présente une étude de modélisation numérique et physique de la configuration de l’écoulement, du mélangeage, du transfert de masse solide-liquide et de la distribution de phase scorie-matte dans un modèle en tranches de convertisseur industriel Peirce–Smith (PSC). On a effectué les simulations numériques 2D et 3D du système à trois phases en utilisant le modèle du Volume de Fluide (VOF) et de la turbulence réalisable (RKE) pour tenir compte des phases multiples et de la nature turbulente de l’écoulement, respectivement. On a exécuté ces modèles en utilisant le code numérique commercial de la dynamique numérique des fluides (CFD) FLUENT. Dans les simulations physiques, on a utilisé de l’eau, du kérosène, de l’air et des compacts frittés d’acide benzoïque pour la simulation de la matte, de la scorie, du gaz d’injection et des additions de solide dans le PSC. Les simulations numériques et physiques étaient toutes deux capables de prédire, en accord, les caractéristiques de mélangeage et de dispersion du système en relation avec les différentes conditions de soufflage utilisées dans cette étude. La mesure des valeurs caractéristiques sans dimension de la turbulence indiquait décisivement que l’écoulement du fluide dans le PSC était stratifié. 相似文献
A kinetic model for the Ruhrstahl–Heraeus (RH) desulfurization process is established based on the FactSage Macro Processing. The desulfurizer addition, the desulfurization reaction, the steel mixing, the flow circulation, and the desulfurizer floating during the RH refining process are considered in the model. Simulated results agree well measured results, indicating that the current model can be used to predict the desulfurization reactions during the RH refining process. The CaO activity increases with a higher CaO/Al2O3 ratio and a lower SiO2 content, which exhibits a similar tendency with the desulfurization ratio. It is indicated that it is necessary to increase the CaO activity in the desulfurizer to improve the desulfurization ratio. The S content in the molten steel decreases with time and a higher ratio of the powder blowing. The cost increases with time due to the refractory erosion and the steam consumption. The cost of the desulfurizer added by the powder blowing is lower than that of the gravity sinking. 相似文献
Nikulkina V. P. Rodin A. O. Bokshtein B. S. 《Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals》2020,61(3):291-296
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals - Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) has been used to obtain concentration curves and calculate the bulk diffusion coefficients of Sn in solid solutions of... 相似文献
Naizabekov A. B. Dolya A. V. Fedorova T. D. Lawrinuk D. N. Karipbaeva A. R. 《Metallurgist》2021,65(1-2):90-101
Metallurgist - The authors consider the refinement of the microstructure of copper (grade M1) on the rate of deformation using a “helical rolling-pressing” method. The deformation was... 相似文献
Metallurgist - We present the results of industrial testing of the technology of processing of silver–zinc crust obtained in the process of refining of raw lead from silver in a... 相似文献
Kovalev D. Yu. Averichev O. A. Luginina M. A. Bazhin P. M. 《Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals》2019,60(1):61-67
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals - The phase formation of Ti–Al–C powder mixtures with compositions close to MAX phases during self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) is... 相似文献
According to a recent document released by the State Development and Reform Commission (SDRC), the investment in copper smelting by China's enterprises will be put under strict control so as to prevent the blind investment and duplication in copper smelting projects at low technical standard. The document stipulated a series of conditions including equipment, technology, energy consumption and environmental protection. 相似文献
The following figures provide the productiongoals of Jiangxi Copper (Group) Ltd.set for thisyear:318,400 tons of cathode copper,refinedcopper ores that contain 150,500 tons of purecopper,10 tons of gold,150 tons of silver and 相似文献
Sharin P. P. Akimova M. P. Yakovleva S. P. Popov V. I. 《Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals》2019,60(4):441-449
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals - The structure, as well as the elemental and phase compositions of the diamond–matrix interface of a diamond tool for abrasive wheel dressing,... 相似文献
A mathematical model in present study has been established to investigate the effect of Rheinstahl Heraeus (RH) blow argon mode on the decarburization rate in ultra-low carbon steel refining based on the RH equipment of Shougang Qian'an Iron and Steel Co Ltd (SQISCO). The calculated results show that the increase of argon flowrate promotes the carbon elimination from argon gas bubble surface, molten steel free surface in vacuum as well as splash droplet surface, while reduces that from the interior of liquid steel. It has been found the critical turning point of flowrate ascension is at the 5th minute and the optimum blow argon flowrate in later stage is 2 100 L/min in accord- ance with the 2 stages argon blow mode, which have been confirmed in the commercial production in SQISCO. 相似文献
S. A. Oglezneva M. N. Kachenyuk N. D. Ogleznev 《Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals》2017,58(6):649-655
The structure formation and properties during infiltration, free sintering, and spark-plasma sintering in Cu–(12.5–37.5 vol %) powder materials Ti3SiC2 are investigated by electron microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, and energy-dispersion analysis. The independence of the phase composition of composite materials (CMs) on the sintering method and temperature in a range of 900–1200°C is established. The peculiarities of formation of the CM structure during sintering are the intercalation of silicon from titanium carbosilicide and the formation of a carbon solid solution based on Ti5Si3(C) titanium disilicide, small amounts of titanium carbide, silicon carbide, and TiSi2 silicide. An increase in Ti3SiC2 in the CM certainly lowers electrical conductivity, but considerably increases the hardness, strength, and electroerosion wear resistance of CM electrodes for electroerosion broaching. 相似文献
Junyu Tian Guang Xu Li Wang Mingxing Zhou Haijiang Hu 《Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals》2018,71(1):185-194
The evolution of lengthening rate of bainite sheaves during continuous cooling process in a Fe–C–Mn–Si superbainitic steel was investigated by in situ observation on high-temperature laser scanning confocal microscope. The lengthening rates of bainite sheaves in three temperature ranges were calculated. The results indicate that the lengthening rate of bainite sheaves continuously decreases with the decrease of temperature during continuous cooling process. The lengthening rate of bainite sheaf depends on undercooling, transformation temperature, the diffusion of carbon atoms and the carbon content in parent austenite etc. The lengthening rate at high temperature is large due to the favorable carbon diffusion, smaller carbon content and less plastic deformation in untransformed austenite. Additionally, the microstructures after different isothermal holding temperatures were analyzed, indicating that the larger lengthening rate of bainite sheaves due to the high isothermal transformation temperature does not mean more amount of bainite transformation. Lower bainitic transformation temperature results in more and finer bainite plates. 相似文献
The results of investigation of the structure of a heat-resistant eutectic niobium–silicon alloy, which was prepared by directional solidification using a liquid-metal coolant, are reported. The typical areas of the macrostructure of an ingot undergone directional solidification are considered, and the composition and the volume fractions of the Nb–Si composite have been determined. 相似文献
The columnar-to-equiaxed transition in the solidification of a Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al alloy is considered during vacuum arc remelting. A GV curve is plotted using a linear model of a multicomponent alloy along with modified Hunt (to determine temperature gradient G as a function of supercooling ΔT) and Ivantsov (to determine the concentrations at the dendrite tip versus liquidus isotherm velocity V) models. The unknown parameters of the models are determined by comparing the results of model calculations with experimental data, which are also obtained in this work. The plotted GV curve is compared with the GV curve of a VT3-1 alloy. 相似文献
Based on a recent report released by the China Bureau of Geological Survey,more than six hundred ore beds are found in the country’S west highlands including Qinghai and Tibet.These ore beds contain some metals resources such as iron,copper,lead,zinc etc.According to Zhang Hongtao,chief-engineer of the bu- reau,the initial estimation shows that the ex- 相似文献
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals - The stress-strain state has been studied for a flange of a semiproduct made of an aluminum–copper bimetal under drawing boxes rectangular in plan.... 相似文献