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One key parameter in using electroactive materials to harvest electric energy from mechanical sources is the energy conversion efficiency. Recently, it was shown that, in the relaxor ferroelectric PMN-PT single crystals, a very high longitudinal electromechanical coupling factor (>90%) can be obtained. This paper investigates energy harvesting using 1-3 composites of PMN-PT single crystals in a soft epoxy matrix. It is shown that 1-3 composites enable the single crystals operating in the longitudinal mode to achieve high efficiency for energy harvesting, and the soft-polymer, matrix-supported single-crystal rods maintain high mechanical integrity under different external loads. For comparison, 1-3 composites with piezoceramic PZT also are investigated in energy-harvesting applications, and the results show that the high coupling factor of single crystal PMN-PT 1-3 composites leads to much higher electric energy output for similar mechanical energy input. The harvested energy density of 1-3 composite with single crystal (22.1 mW/cm3 under a stress of 40.4 MPa) is about twice of that harvested with PZT ceramic 1-3 composite (12 mW/cm3 under a stress of 39 MPa). At a higher stress level, the harvested-energy density of 1-3 PMN-PT single crystal composite can reach 96 mW/cm3.  相似文献   

PZT/环氧树脂1-3-2型压电复合材料的制备及性能   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用压电陶瓷基板与1-3型压电复合材料串联连接,沿表面两相互垂直的方向切割PZT陶瓷,在切槽间浇注环氧树脂,制备出新型的1-3-2型压电复合材料.实验测试了材料的压电和介电性能,结果表明其d33常数达到400 pC/N,振动位移113.5pm,声速3500m/s,声阻抗17.6Mraly,厚度机电耦合系数0.62,带宽3.6kHz,相对介电常数817,介质损耗0.02.  相似文献   

A magnetoelectric (ME) composite consisting of a single PZT rod embedded in a matrix of continuous Terfenol-D fiber and epoxy medium has been fabricated and characterized. With an optimized aspect ratio of the composite rods, a large ME effect has been observed. The magnetostrictive effect of the continuous Terfenol-D fiber/epoxy medium can be enhanced by imposing an optimal pre-loading stress on the material and this pre-loading stress can be induced by suitable heat treatment. Experimental results show that the ME effect of the single PZT rod/continuous Terfenol-D fiber/epoxy composites can be enhanced significantly by a post-curing process. A thermal stress-mediated continuous fiber composite model has been used to explain the ME enhancement of the post-cured composites.  相似文献   

Finite element (PZFlex; Weidlinger Assoc., New York, NY and Los Altos, CA) simulations predict that for a 2-MHz phased array element with a single matching layer, the three-layer hybrid structure increases the pulse echo signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by 16 dB over that from a single layer PZT element and -6 dB pulse echo fractional bandwidth from 58% for the PZT element to 75% for the hybrid element. Analogous finite element method (FEM) simulations of single crystal material [lead zinc niobate (PZN)-8% lead titanate (PT)] showed increased SNR by only 3.1 dB, but a -6 dB bandwidth of 108%  相似文献   

The fabrication and performance of a 256-element high-frequency (40-MHz) linear array is described. The array was fabricated using a high-frequency 1-3 PZT-polymer composite material developed in our laboratory. The spacing of the pillars in the composite was chosen to match the 40-microm center-to-center element spacing of the array electrodes. The element electrodes were created using photolithography, and connections to the electrodes were made using ultrasonic wire bonding. The array was focused in the elevation direction by geometrically shaping the composite material using a cylindrical die with a 6-mm radius of curvature. The resulting transducer produced pulses with a -6 dB two-way bandwidth of 50% and a peak-to-peak pressure of 503 kPa when excited with a +/-30 V monocycle pulse. The measured one-way (-6 dB) directivity for a single array element was 24 degrees and the -3 dB one-way elevation beamwidth was measured to be 130 microm. The radiation pattern for a focused 64-element subaperture was measured by mechanically translating the aperture above a needle hydrophone. A -3 dB one-way beamwidth of 97 microm was found at a depth of 6 mm. The one-way radiation pattern decreased smoothly to less than -30 dB at a lateral distance of 640 microm.  相似文献   

In this paper, PIMNT/epoxy 1-3 composites with different volume fractions were prepared by the dice-and-fill method for application in ultrasonic transducers. The theoretical and experimental properties at different volume fractions and the temperature stability of the electromechanical property were investigated. The highest electromechanical coupling factor k(t) was obtained as 0.833 with the volume fraction of 0.58 and k(t) changed little below the Curie temperature of the single crystal. Afterward, an angle-beam transverse wave ultrasonic transducer using the fabricated composite was designed and manufactured based on the simulation of the KLM model and commercial software. The assembled prototype transducer showed large improvement in two-way insertion loss, relative bandwidth at -6 dB, surplus sensitivity, and axial resolution, which were -24.3 dB, 107%, 85 dB, and 28 dB, respectively, compared with a commercial PZT-based composite transducer.  相似文献   

In this study, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and flexural tests were performed on unfilled, 1, 2, 3, and 4 wt% clay filled SC-15 epoxy to identify the effect of clay weight fraction on thermal and mechanical properties of the epoxy matrix. The flexural results indicate that 2.0 wt% clay filled epoxy showed the highest improvement in flexural strength. DMA studies also revealed that 2.0 wt% system exhibit the highest storage modulus and T g as compared to neat and other weight fraction. However, TGA results show that thermal stability of composite is insensitive to the clay content. Based on these results, the nanophased epoxy with 2 wt% clay was then utilized in a vacuum assisted resin transfer molding set up with carbon fabric to fabricate laminated composites. The effectiveness of clay addition on thermal and mechanical properties of composites has been evaluated by TGA, DMA, tensile, flexural, and fatigue test. 5 °C increase in glass transition temperature was found in nanocomposite, and the tensile and flexural strengths improved by 5.7 and 13.5 %, respectively as compared to the neat composite. The fatigue strength was also improved significantly. Based on the experimental result, a linear damage model combined with the Weibull distribution function has been established to describe static failure processing of neat and nanophased carbon/epoxy. The simulated stress–strain curves from the model are in good agreement with the test data. Simulated results show that damage processing of neat and nanophased carbon/epoxy described by bimodal Weibull distribution function.  相似文献   

Nanopores with lateral dimensions as small as 33 nm have been fabricated by nuclear track etching in 5 m thick, single crystal mica wafers. The nanopores have a diamond shape with their axes aligned with the crystal axes of mica as a result of anisotropic etching. Nickel nanowire arrays with a constant volume fraction have been fabricated by electrodeposition into the nanopores. The magnetic properties of the nickel nanowire arrays in the mica templates are reported.  相似文献   

Lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate 0.67Pb (Mg/sub 1/3/Nb/sub 2/3/)O/sub 3/-0.33PbTiO/sub 3/ (PMN-0.33PT, abbreviated as PMN-PT) single crystals were used to fabricate PMN-PT/epoxy 1-3 composites with different volume fractions of PMN-PT ranging from 0.4 to 0.8. The electromechanical properties of the 1-3 composites were determined by the resonance technique. Theoretical modeling of the 1-3 composites matched quite well with the measured material properties. It was demonstrated that the thickness electromechanical coupling coefficients of the composites could reach as high as 0.8. A 2.4 MHz plane ultrasonic transducer was fabricated using a PMN-PT/epoxy 1-3 composite with 0.37 volume fraction of PMN-PT. It shows a -6 dB bandwidth of /spl sim/61% and an insertion loss of -14 dB.  相似文献   

A novel technique is reported for fabricating silicon/polymer composite nanopost arrays by combining colloidal lithography and surface-initiated atom-transfer radical polymerization. The composite nanopost arrays possess a core/shell nanoarchitecture, with shells of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and cores of silicon nanoposts. The polymer brush possesses quasi-3D homogeneous nanoarchitectures due to the controllable polymerization process using the surface-initiated atom-transfer radical polymerization technique. The composite nanopost arrays are durable due to the particular nanoarchitectures. The backbone templates of the composites are silicon nanopost arrays directly etched from silicon substrates, and the polymer shell is covalently grafted from the arrays. The composite nanopost arrays exhibit vivid colors. Moreover, the colors of the composite nanopost arrays can be tuned from green to red by changing the thickness of fi lm. Specifically, the composite nanopost arrays can be used as sensors to rapidly detect water vapors with high stability and reproducibility. Many different functional surfaces could be prepared through this technique using other functional monomers.  相似文献   

以石墨为母体的硅碳核壳复合负极材料的制备及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李敏  侯贤华  王洁  张苗  胡社军  刘祥 《功能材料》2013,(19):2828-2832
通过喷雾干燥和高温热解法,成功制备了不同有机碳源包覆的硅碳核壳复合负极材料。用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)表征了材料的组成和形貌;用恒电流充放电(CC)、循环伏安(CV)和交流阻抗(EIS)表征了硅碳核壳复合材料的电化学性能,测试结果表明柠檬酸、酚醛树脂和葡萄糖作为有机碳源包覆硅碳复合材料的电化学性能相对于传统石墨材料都有明显改善,而葡萄糖为有机碳源制备的硅碳核壳复合材料具有最高的首次效率和容量保持率。  相似文献   

通过淬火处理可以使弛豫型PMN-PT单晶中一些应力集中的区域产生应力场致相变,在Td处产生宏畴,从而在温谱上Td处的介电峰强化.研究表明,经淬火处理单晶谐振极化所对应的低温介电行为受到压制,主介电峰变窄,峰值变高并稍向高温方向移动;频率弥散减弱,弛豫性变小.  相似文献   

Samarium- (Sm) and manganese- (Mn) doped lead titanate ceramic fibers with a diameter of 35 /spl mu/m were prepared using a sol-gel method. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that the fibers have a pure perovskite structure. The 1-3 composite disks with a thickness of 31-41 /spl mu/m and with ceramic volume fraction of /spl sim/0.68 have been prepared using the samarium and manganese doped lead titanate (PSmT) fibers. The resonance characteristics of the poled composite disks were measured. A focused transducer was fabricated using a concave 1-3 composite disk with nonuniform thickness in order to enhance its bandwidth. The insertion loss (IL), pulse-echo response and frequency spectrum of the composite transducer were measured. The center frequency of the transducer was /spl sim/31 MHz with a -3 dB bandwidth of /spl sim/123% and a low IL of 29.3 dB.  相似文献   

1-3型水泥基压电复合材料的制备及性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用切割-浇注法, 以硫铝酸盐水泥为基体, 制备了1-3型水泥基压电复合材料。详细阐述了1-3型水泥基压电复合材料的制备过程; 研究了0.375Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.375PbTiO3-0.25PbZrO3压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t对1-3型水泥基压电复合材料的压电性能、 介电性能和声阻抗的影响。结果表明: 压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t对1-3型水泥基压电复合材料性能有很大影响, 随着w/t的增加, 其压电应变常数d33、 机电耦合系数KpKt、 机械品质因数Qm、 介电常数εr和介电损耗tanδ均随着w/t的增加而减小, 而压电电压常数g33值几乎不受w/t的影响。在压电陶瓷体积分数仅为22.72%的条件下, 调节压电陶瓷柱的宽厚比w/t至0.130, 可使复合材料的声阻抗与混凝土的声阻抗十分接近, 从而有效地解决了智能材料在土木工程中的声阻抗相容性问题。   相似文献   

碳/碳复合材料活塞的制造与性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了用C/C复合材料制造的航模发动机活塞的新方法,并研究了制备工艺,对用相同方法制造的短梁试样进行了性能测试和微观组织分析。实验结果表明:所制得活塞的密度达到1.43g/cm3,剪切强度最高达到16.89MPa,弹性模量7.55GPa,断裂强度25.52MPa,其试样断口为纤维拔出型。  相似文献   

改进的1-3(1-3-2)型压电复合材料由1-3压电复合材料与陶瓷基底沿陶瓷极化方向串联而成,其不仅具有与1-3复合材料相同的优点,而且克服了1-3复合材料遇热和受压容易变形等缺点。利用改进的1-3型压电复合材料制作的圆柱型水声换能器在直径为70mm时,其谐振频率为72kHz;发射电压响应为139dB;在20~60kHz频率范围内接受电压灵敏度为-212(起伏±4dB)。换能器水平方向具有基本均匀的指向性,垂直方向波束宽度为12°。  相似文献   

Ma  Huan  Gao  Yang  Liu  Wei  Farha  Farial Islam  Zhang  Kun  Guo  Lamei  Xu  Fujun 《Journal of Materials Science》2021,56(23):13156-13164
Journal of Materials Science - Flexible strain sensors with high sensitivity are indeed critical for smart wearable devices, they are used for detecting the tiny deformation of human skin induced...  相似文献   

1-3型水泥基压电复合材料传感器的性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以 123型水泥基压电复合材料作为传感元件制备了水泥基压电复合材料传感器。研究了水泥基压电复合材料传感器的频率响应、 线性性能以及应用于混凝土后的传感性能。结果表明: 当加载频率小于 5 Hz时 , 所有载荷下传感器输出电压的幅值均增大 , 但当加载频率大于 5 Hz时 , 所有载荷下传感器输出电压的幅值几乎与输入载荷频率无关 ; 传感器的输出电压幅值和输入载荷幅值之间存在明显的线性关系。水泥基压电传感器在实际混凝土结构中具有良好的传感特性 , 其输出电压与复杂载荷、 随机载荷和脉冲载荷均呈现明显的一一对应关系 ,且与输入载荷基本同步 , 不存在滞后现象 , 试验输出电压值与理论输出电压值也非常吻合。该传感器非常适合于土木工程结构的健康监测。   相似文献   

采用表面处理和接枝聚合的方法分别制备了以环氧树脂为基体,以钐元素为功能元素的氧化钐/环氧树脂与聚丙烯酸钐/环氧树脂辐射防护材料.用X射线衍射、扫描电镜等方法对比研究了通过表面处理法制得的氧化钐/环氧树脂和通过接枝聚合法制得的聚丙烯酸钐/环氧树脂2种材料样品的微观结构;测试了材料的力学性能,并用多道碘化钠(NaI)γ谱仪...  相似文献   

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