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Accidental blast wave generation and propagation in the surroundings poses severe threats for people and property. The prediction of overpressure maxima and its change with time at specified distances can lead to useful conclusions in quantitative risk analysis applications. In this paper, the use of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code CFX-5.6 on dense explosive detonation events is described. The work deals with the three-dimensional simulation of overpressure wave propagation generated by the detonation of a dense explosive within a small-scale branched tunnel. It also aids at validating the code against published experimental data as well as to study the way that the resulting shock wave propagates in a confined space configuration. Predicted overpressure histories were plotted and compared versus experimental measurements showing a reasonably good agreement. Overpressure maxima and corresponding times were found close to the measured ones confirming that CFDs may constitute a useful tool in explosion hazard assessment procedures. Moreover, it was found that blast wave propagates preserving supersonic speed along the tunnel accompanied by high overpressure levels, and indicating that space confinement favors the formation and maintenance of a shock rather than a weak pressure wave.  相似文献   

Elasticity estimation of thin-layered soft tissues has gained increasing interest propelled by medical applications like skin, corneal, or arterial wall shear modulus assessment. In this work, the authors propose one-dimensional transient elastography (1DTE) for the shear modulus assessment of thin-layered soft tissue. Experiments on three phantoms with different elasticities and plate thicknesses were performed. First, using 1DTE, the shear wave speed dispersion curve inside the plate was obtained and validated with finite difference simulation. No dispersive effects were observed and the shear wave speed was directly retrieved from time-of-flight measurements. Second, the supersonic shear imaging (SSI) technique (considered to be a gold standard) was performed. For the SSI technique, the propagating wave inside the plate is guided as a Lamb wave. Experimental SSI dispersion curves were compared with finite difference simulation and fitted using a generalized Lamb model to retrieve the plate bulk shear wave speed. Although they are based on totally different mechanical sources and induce completely different diffraction patterns for the shear wave propagation, the 1DTE and SSI techniques resulted in similar shear wave speed estimations. The main advantage of the 1DTE technique is that bulk shear wave speed can be directly retrieved without requiring a dispersion model.  相似文献   

Issues of modeling and design of 2-D arrays in three dimensions with finite element code are discussed. These ultrasonic arrays are used for real time dynamic imaging of the heart. Topics include optimization, sensitivity, and performance and methods to speed up the run times required for computer simulations of large three-dimensional models. Empirical results from 45×45 2-D arrays are also presented  相似文献   

Shear modulus imaging with 2-D transient elastography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In previous work, we have shown that time-resolved 2-D transient elastography is a promising technique for characterizing the elasticity of soft tissues. It involves the measurement of the displacements induced by the propagation of low frequency (LF) pulsed shear waves in biological tissues. In this paper, we present a novel apparatus that contains a LF vibrating device surrounding a linear array of 128 ultrasonic transducers that performs ultrafast ultrasonic imaging (up to 10,000 frames/s) and that is able to follow in real time the propagation of a LF shear wave in the human body. The vibrating device is made of two rods, fixed to electromagnetic vibrators, that produce in the ultrasonic image area a large amplitude shear wave. The geometry has been chosen both to enhance the sensitivity and to create a quasi linear shear wave front in the imaging plane. An inversion algorithm is used to recover the shear modulus map from the spatio-temporal data, and the first experimental results obtained from tissue-equivalent materials are presented.  相似文献   

The study of new tissue mechanical properties such as shear nonlinearity could lead to better tissue characterization and clinical diagnosis. This work proposes a method combining static elastography and shear wave elastography to derive the nonlinear shear modulus by applying the acoustoelasticity theory in quasi-incompressible soft solids. Results demonstrate that by applying a moderate static stress at the surface of the investigated medium, and by following the quantitative evolution of its shear modulus, it is possible to accurately and quantitatively recover the local Landau (A) coefficient characterizing the shear nonlinearity of soft tissues.  相似文献   

The present paper addresses the problem on torsion of a circular indentor with a flat base on a half-space covered by an inhomogeneous coating with shear modulus arbitrarily varying in-depth. Approximate analytical solution of this problem is developed. The obtained formulas allow one to determine the distribution of contact stresses under indentor, as well as the dependence of the torsion moment applied to the indentor from the twisting. It is shown that the approximate formulas are asymptotically exact both at large and small values of characteristic dimensionless geometrical parameter of the problem.Based on the analysis of the derived solution, we suggest evaluation technique for the shear modulus of a functionally-graded coating in the case when it depends on one parameter only. The technique uses the data received in the course of torsion experiments by a series of indentors of various radii.  相似文献   

We present a method for the simulation of 3-D hydraulic fracturing in fully saturated porous media. The discrete fracture(s) is driven by the fluid pressure. A cohesive fracture model is adopted where the fracture follows the face of the elements around the fracture tip which is closest to the normal direction of the maximum principal stress at the fracture tip. No predetermined fracture path is needed. This requires continuous updating of the mesh around the crack tip to take into account the evolving geometry. The updating of the mesh is obtained by means of an efficient mesh generator based on Delaunay tessellation. The governing equations are written in the framework of porous media mechanics theory and are solved numerically in a fully coupled manner. An examples dealing with a concrete dam is shown.  相似文献   

Tao Fu 《Materials Letters》2007,61(2):330-333
The three-dimensional (3-D) carbon fiber fabric is used to reinforce a hydroxyapatite (HA)/epoxy biocomposite. The elastic modulus calculation of the 3-D fabric reinforced composite by the stiffness average method and the finite element method shows that the elastic modulus of the composite is designable, and can be adjusted to the range of a human cortical bone (7-30 GPa) by varying the micro-structural parameters of the woven fabric to fulfill the nonisotropic requirement of the composite implants. The calculated elastic modulus is comparable with the flexural modulus of the 3-D fabric reinforced composites prepared by resin transfer molding. The incorporation of HA has decreased the flexural modulus of the composites for the weakened fiber-matrix interface, but the flexural modulus (22-36 GPa) is still close to that of the human cortical bone, which favors the avoidance of ‘stress shielding’ and the sequent bone absorption caused by implant materials with a high elastic modulus.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a method for simulating nanopore structure by using conventional 3-D simulation tool to mimic the I-V behavior of the nanopore structure. In the simulation, we use lightly doped silicon for ionic solution where some parameters like electron affinity and dielectric constant are fitted to consider the ionic solution. By using this method, we can simulate the I-V behavior of nanopore structure depending on the location and the size of the sphere shaped silicon oxide which is considered to be an indicator of a DNA base. In addition, we simulate an Ionic Field Effect Transistor (IFET) which has basically the nanopore structure, and show that the simulated curves follow sufficiently the I-V behavior of the measurement data. Therefore, we think it is reasonable to apply parameter modeling mentioned above to simulate nanopore structure. The key idea is to modify electron affinity of silicon which is used to mimic the KCl solution to avoid band bending and depletion inside the nanopore. We could efficiently utilize conventional 3-D simulation tool to simulate the I-V behavior of nanopore structures.  相似文献   

面向叶片精锻过程的三维有限元模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对刚粘塑性有限元用于模拟分析叶片精锻过程的基本原理进行了论述 ;对模拟中需解决的关键问题提出了相应的算法和处理技术 ;开发了考虑工模具间的摩擦的三维刚粘塑性有限元模拟分析系统 .采用该系统 ,对航空发动机压气机简单叶片和带阻尼台叶片精锻过程进行了三维有限元模拟分析 .模拟过程中对榫头和叶身过渡处采用圆角连接 ,改善了金属的流动性和充填性 ,使叶片锻造三维有限元模拟的建模与分析更接近于实际过程 .结果表明 :采用作者所提出的基于边界构形的网格重划方法 -内缩法 ,进行畸变网格的重划是可行的 ;采用作者所提出的动态边界条件的处理方法以避免模具死锁问题是有效的 ;所开发的软件系统是可靠的 .  相似文献   

A two-dimensional (2-D) array of 256 X 256 = 65,536 elements, with total area 4 X 4 = 16 cm2, serves as a flexible platform for developing acquisition schemes for 3-D rectilinear ultrasound imaging at 10 MHz using synthetic aperture techniques. This innovative system combines a simplified interconnect scheme and synthetic aperture techniques with a 2-D array for 3-D imaging. A row-column addressing scheme is used to access different elements for different transmit events. This addressing scheme is achieved through a simple interconnect, consisting of one top, one bottom single-layer, flex circuits that, compared to multilayer flex circuits, are simpler to design, cheaper to manufacture, and thinner so their effect on the acoustic response is minimized. We present three designs that prioritize different design objectives: volume acquisiton time, resolution, and sensitivity, while maintaining acceptable figures for the other design objectives. For example, one design overlooks time-acquisition requirements, assumes good noise conditions, and optimizes for resolution, achieving -6 dB and -20 dB beamwidths of less than 0.2 and 0.5 mm, respectively, for an F/2 aperture. Another design can acquire an entire volume in 256 transmit events, with -6 dB and -20 dB beamwidths in the order of 0.4 and 0.8 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

The pressure derivative of the elastic shear modulus of V3Si is calculated from 20 to 300 K in the linear chain model for the -W compounds. The theory agrees with the experiment and predicts a different behavior for transforming and nontransforming single crystals.  相似文献   

为探寻季节性冻土区多次水-温循环后沥青胶结料特征官能团变化与复数剪切模量之间的关系,联合FTIR和动态剪切流变(DSR)试验,对经0、3、6、9、12、15和18次水-温循环后的苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SBS)改性沥青进行测试,探明了多次水-温循环下SBS改性沥青复数剪切模量和特征官能团的变化规律;采用灰色关联熵分析理论数学模型,明确了复数剪切模量与特征官能团含量变化的关联程度;基于麦夸特法和通用全局优化算法对不同温度和频率下DSR测试的SBS改性沥青复数剪切模量G*及FTIR测试官能团变化指数进行多元统计回归分析,提出了SBS改性沥青复数剪切模量的预估模型。结果表明:多次水-温循环使沥青发生了水-温老化,但SBS改性剂对沥青水-温老化具有抑制作用;随着水-温循环次数的增加,沥青FTIR图谱中亚砜基与羰基呈现出明显的增大趋势;SBS改性沥青特征官能团变化对复数剪切模量影响程度由大到小的排序为脂肪族化物 > 非对称脂肪族化物 > 芳香族化合物 > SBS含量(苯乙烯+丁二烯) > 亚砜基 > 羰基;多次水-温循环后SBS改性沥青复数剪切模量随着特征官能团含量变化呈现出多元线性关系。   相似文献   

This feature issue on Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging comprises 15 papers on digital holographic techniques and applications, computer-generated holography and encryption techniques, and 3-D display. It is hoped that future work in the area leads to innovative applications of digital holography and 3-D imaging to biology and sensing, and to the development of novel nonlinear dynamic digital holographic techniques.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at exploring the interconversion path between the relaxation modulus E(t) and the corresponding complex modulus E ?(ω) for linear viscoelastic solid materials. In contrast to other approximate methods, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm is directly applied on the time-dependent part of the viscoelastic response R(t). Firstly, the method foundations are presented. Then, a theoretical example is performed by means of a generalized Maxwell model, where the influence of sampling conditions and eventual experimental error and data dispersion is analyzed. Finally, an application example using experimental data is carried out to assess the method. As a result, the proposed procedure allows obtaining the complex modulus by means of relaxation tests, and vice versa.  相似文献   

A relation between the shear modulus and Young's modulus of isotropic porous ceramics has been derived based on the Mori–Tanaka mean-field approach. The applicability of the relation has been evaluated using the experimental values available in the literature for the shear modulus, the bulk modulus and Young's modulus of porous ceramics prepared using various processing techniques and powder sizes. It is also shown that the ratio of the shear to Young's modulus of porous ceramics can be approximated by a constant value of 0.391.  相似文献   

Transverse shear modulus of SILICOMB cellular structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work describes the transverse shear stiffness properties of a novel honeycomb with zero Poisson’s ratio. The cellular configuration is simulated using a series of finite element models representing full-scale and representative unit cells of the honeycomb topology. The models are benchmarked against experimental results from pure shear and 3-point bending ASTM tests. The benchmarked models are used to perform a parametric study of the shear moduli (G13 and G23) against the geometry of the unit cell and the gauge thickness of the honeycomb panels. The shear stiffness maps obtained allow comparison of the SILICOMB configuration against classical centresymmetric and rectangular honeycomb topologies.  相似文献   

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