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The phase relation, microstructure, Curie temperatures, hysteresis, and magnetocaloric effects of LaFex*11.6Si1.4 (x=0.96, 0.98, 1.0, and 1.02) compounds prepared by arc-melting and then annealed at 1423 K (1.5 h)+1523 K (4.5 h) were investigated. The main phase was NaZn13-type phase, the impurity phases included a small amount of α-Fe and LaFeSi phase in four samples. The crystal cell parameters of 1:13 phase increased from 1.1433(5) to 1.1454(4) nm with x increasing from 0.96 to 1.02, respectively. All samples kept the typical first-order magnetic transition. The increase of Fe strengthened IEM behavior, and led to the remarkable enhancement of MCE effect and negative slopes in Arrott plots around TC. The maximum ΔSM (T, H) under a low magnetic field (0-2 T) was 15.3, 16.8, 17.9, and 24.7 J/kg K with increasing of Fe content from x=0.96 to 1.02, respectively.  相似文献   

The structure, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the Ge-rich Gd5Ge2.05-xSi1.95-xMn2x (x=0.01 and 0.03) alloys were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and magnetization measurements. The results of energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffraction analyses showed that the composition and crystal structure of the alloys were desired. DSC measurements were performed to determine the transformation temperatures for each alloy. Both alloys exhibited the first order phase transition around room temperature. The alloys showed an anti-ferromagnetic transition around 60 K. The isothermal magnetic entropy changes of the alloys were determined from the isothermal magnetization measurements by using the Maxwell relation. The maximum values of isothermal magnetic entropy change of the Gd5Ge2.05-xSi1.95-xMn2x alloy with x=0.01 was found to be -12.1 and -19.8 J/(kg·K) using Maxwell equation around 268 K in applied fields of 2 and 5 T, respectively.  相似文献   

Magnetocaloric effect and magnetic properties of La0.9Ce0.1(Fe0.99Mn0.01)11.6Si1.4 and its hydride La0.9Ce0.1(Fe0.99Mn0.01)11.6Si1.4H1.6 were investigated. The Curie temperature of La0.9Ce0.1(Fe0.99Mn0.01)11.6Si1.4 was increased by hydrogen absorption. XRD patterns showed that the structure of La0.9Ce0.1(Fe0.99Mn0.01)11.6Si1.4H1.6 remained NaZn13-type. The Curie temperature (TC) of the sample was increased from 174 K to 331 K. The homogeneity of the hydrogen absorption for La0.9Ce0.1(Fe0.99Mn0.01)11.6Si1.4H1.6 was proven very well by the random measurement of DSC. The magnetic entropy △SM of La0.9Ce0.1(Fe0.99Mn0.01)11.6Si1.4H1.6 had peak at 326 K. The peak value of-△SM-was 12.3 and 7.8 J/(kg.K) under magnetic field change of 0-2 T and 0-1 T,respectively,which was comparable with Gd5Si2Ge2. The negative slope and inflection point of the Arrott curve indicated that the first-order magnetic transition of La0.9Ce0.1(Fe0.99Mn0.01)11.6Si1.4 was reserved after hydrogen absorption.  相似文献   

The morphology analysis and electrochemical method were used to study the corrosion behavior of LaFe11.6Si1.4 alloy of copper ion implantation. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) research results showed that a 15 nm-thick oxide film was formed on the surface of sample, and the copper content reached the highest value at 60 nm with a normal distribution. Immersion experiments indicated that the corrosion happened in the copper-poor zone firstly and a galvanic connection was formed among different zones on the surface due to the inhomogeneous distribution of copper. Electrochemical experiment results showed that the corrosion was serious when the ion acceleration voltage increased, and the high acceleration could reduce the thermodynamic performance of corrosion of LaFe11.6Si1.4 alloy.  相似文献   

The Tb40(Fe49Co49V2)60 films were fabricated by magnetron cosputtering from a multiple target arrangement at different argon pressures.The samples were investigated using X-ray diffraction,magnetic force microscope and vibrating sample magnetometer.A strong perpendicular anisotropy was obtained for the sample prepared at 0.4 Pa.The easy direction of magnetization could be turned from perpendicular to in-plane direction either at high working pressures(P Ar >2.0 Pa) or by annealing at temperatures higher than 250 °C.An excellent magnetic softness with coercivity below 3 mT and saturating field of 20 mT in film-plane direction was obtained for the sample prepared at 0.7 Pa and then annealed at 350 °C.  相似文献   

Theformationandresorptionofboneismain tainedbytheinteractionsofosteoblasts(OBs)withos teoclasts(OCs),andafunctionalimbalancebetween themmaycausethelossofbonemass.OCsaremulti nucleatedcellsformedbythefusionofmononuclear progenitorsofthemonocyte macrophagef…  相似文献   

Eu3+-doped binary borate glasses with different metal oxide components RO (R=Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn or Pb) were prepared by meltquenching technique. The fluorescent spectral properties of Eu3+in these glasses were experimentally studied. The analysis on the phonon sidebands (PSBs) indicated that RO component did not cause obvious change of the electron-phonon coupling constant (EPC). By inspecting the optical absorption edges it was found that RO could greatly affect the band gap energy, and the glass with PbO component revealed the smallest band gap energy, the glasses with ZnO, BaO and SrO showed similar band gap energy. The optical transition intensity parameters of Eu3+in all studied glasses were calculated, it was found that for each sample its value of2 was larger than that of 4 and 6, and the sample with PbO component exhibited the smallest2, but the λ values for ZBE, CBE, BBE and SBE were very similar. These results might be helpful for the design of borate glasses.  相似文献   

Eu3+-doped (Y,Gd)NbO4 phosphor was synthesized by solid-state reaction for possible application in cold cathode fluorescent lamps. A broad absorption band with peak maximum at 272 nm was observed which was due to the charge transfer between Eu3+ ions and neighboring oxygen anions. A deep red emission at the peak wavelength of 612 nm was observed which could be attributed to the 5D0→7F2 transition in Eu3+ ions. The highest luminance for Y1-x-yGdyNbO4:Eux3+ under 254 nm excitation was achieved at Eu3+ concentration of 18 mol.% (x=0.18) and Gd3+ concentration of 8.2 mol.% (y=0.082). The luminance of Y0.738Gd0.082NbO4:Eu3+0.18 was higher than that of a typical commercial phosphor Y2O3:Eu3+ and the CIE chromaticity coordinate was (0.6490, 0.3506), which was deeper than that of Y2O3:Eu3+. The particle size of the synthesized phosphors was controlled by the NaCl flux and particle size as high as 8 μm with uniform size distribution of particles was obtained.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline samples of pseudo-ternary intermetallic Nd3-xGdxCo11B4 (x=0,1,2,3) borides prepared by standard arc-melting were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD),magnetization and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicated the hexagonal Ce3Co11B4-type structure with P6/mmm space group for each composition. The substitution of Gd for Nd led to a decrease of the unit-cell parameters a and the unit-cell volume V,while the unit-cell parameter c increased linearly. Magnetic measurements indicated that all samples were ordered magnetically below the Curie temperature. The Curie temperatures increased as Nd was substituted by Gd. The saturation magnetization at 4 K decreased upon the Gd substitution up to x=1,and then increased.  相似文献   

In order to improve the luminescence properties of CaTiO3:Pr3+, a series of CaTiO3:Pr3+, such as CaTi0.97Nb0.03O3:Pr3+, Ca0.8Zn0.2TiO3: Pr3+, Ca0.8Zn0.2Ti0.97Nb0.03O3:Pr3+ and B3+-doped Ca0.8Zn0.2Ti0.97Nb0.03O3: Pr3+ were prepared through conventional solid state reaction method. The results of the photoluminescence excitation and emission spectra showed that all the samples emitted red phosphorescence at 612 nm originating from 1D2 to 3H4 emission of Pr3+ under the 337 nm excitation. When examined by the X-ray diffraction (XRD), all the samples presented a predominant phase of CaTiO3 (JCPDS# 42-423) except Zn2+-doped samples which also revealed another phase of Zn2Ti3O8 (JCPDS# 73-579). The results of the afterglow decay curves showed that co-doping Zn2+ ions, Nb5+ ions or adding a small amount of B3+ into Ca0.8Zn0.2Ti0.97Nb0.03O3:Pr3+ were effective in improving the photoluminescence properties of CaTiO3:Pr3+ phosphor. Thermoluminescence results showed that the trap existing in all the samples was the same as in CaTiO3:Pr3+ and doping singly Nb5+ or Zn2+ hardly changed the trap depth but co-doping Nb5+ and Zn2+ could modify the trapping level from 0.63 to 1.26 eV distinctively. In addition, adding a certain amount of B3+ into CTO-PZN could also deepen the trap depth.  相似文献   

Effect of impurity phase(α-Fe phase and La-rich phase) on corrosion resistance and magnetic entropy change of LaFe_(11.3)Co_(0.4)Si_(1.3)C_(0.15) compound was studied using scanning electron microscopy, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques and magnetism testing. With the decrease of impurity phase, the corrosion resistance of LaFe_(11.3)Co_(0.4)Si_(1.3)C_(0.15) compound was first enhanced and then slightly impaired. Corrosion resistance could be significantly improved by the decrease of α-Fe phase. However, the matrix phase was corroded if the La-rich phase as anode was too few. This caused the corrosion resistance to decrease slightly. After immersing the sample in distilled water for 15 d, –?S_(max) of the samples annealed for 3, 12 h, 3 and 7 d decreased about 50%, 41%, 16% and 17%, respectively.  相似文献   

使用电弧熔炼法制备了La1.1Fe11.4Si1.55Ge0.05合金。研究了用少量的Ge替代Si后,La1.1Fe11.4Si1.55Ge0.05合金的磁性和磁热效应。粉末X射线衍射结果表明:在1273K真空退火处理10d后,合金La1.1Fe11.4Si1.55Ge0.05主相为NaZn13型立方结构,存在微量的α-Fe相。热磁曲线M-T与Arrott曲线表明:在居里温度Tc=205K处发生由铁磁性(TTc)转变为顺磁性(TTc)的二级磁相变。在磁场变化0~1.5T下,根据等温磁化曲线通过Maxwell关系式计算得出最大磁熵变-ΔSmmax=9J.kg-.1K-1。Ge替代Si后该合金在其居里温度Tc处-ΔSm-T曲线半高宽增大,使合金的相对制冷能力RCP(S)有所提高。  相似文献   

The magnetocaloric effect was discovered in 1881by Warburg[1]. When a magnetic field is applied to amagnetic material, the unpaired spins are aligned par allel to the magnetic field, which lowers the magneticentropy and causes the sample to heat up. I…  相似文献   

Magnetic Transition and Magnetic Entropy Change of Gd_5Si_(1.75)Ge_(1.75)Sn_(0.5)  相似文献   

Recently,researchonmagnetocaloriceffect(MCE)hasattractedagreatdealofinterestinrare earth(RE)basedcompoundsbecauseoftheirenergy efficiencyandenvironmentalsafetyformagneticrefrig eration.Afirst ordermagneticphasetransitionwas foundintheintermetalliccompoundsRECo2(RE=Er,Ho,Dy)withMgCu2typestructure[1,2],leadingtoa largemagneticentropychangeforthesecompounds,whereasasecond ordertransitionwasfoundinTbCo2andGdCo2.IntheintermetalliccompoundsRECo2,theloweringofd electronconcentrationbythesubst…  相似文献   

The phases in alloys(Tb1-xCex)Co2 with x=0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 and 0.5 were investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis,and the magnetocaloric effect for x=0-0.4 was studied by magnetization measurement.The samples were almost single phase with MgCu2-type cubic structure.The magnetization decreased with the increase of Ce.The Curie temperatures(Tc) of Tb1-xCexCo2 alloys with x from 0.1 to 0.4 were 180,165,160 and 152 K,respectively.For x=0.5 in the range from 100 K to 230 K,the point of magnetic transition was n...  相似文献   

Magnetic Entropy Change of (Gd_(1-x)RE_x)_5Si_4(RE=Dy, Ho) Alloys  相似文献   

The FeNi coated LaFe_(11.6)Si_(1.4)/Sn composites were prepared by hot pressing(HP). The microstructure,corrosion behavior and magnetocaloric effect(MCE) of FeNi coated LaFe_(11.6)Si_(1.4)/Sn composites were investigated systematically. The results show that the corrosion resistance of FeNi coated LaFe_(11.6)Si_(1.4)Sn composites is better than that of LaFe_(11.6)Si_(1.4)/Sn composites in deionized water. The maximum magnetic entropy change((-△S_M)~(max)) and relative cooling power(RCP) of FeNi coated LaFe_(11.6)Si_(1.4)/Sn composites are 13.30 J/(kg-K) and 146.25 J/kg, respectively, which are larger than that((-△S_M)~(max), 10.65 J/(kg·K) and RCP, 106.53 J/kg) of LaFe_(11.6)Si_(1.4)/Sn composites in a low magnetic field change of 2 T. FeNi coated LaFe_(11.6)Si_(1.4)/Sn composites possess a more negative slope. The improvement of magnetic properties is due to high permeability FeNi permalloy(1 J85) which improves the itinerant-electron metamagnetic(IEM) transition. So, the method of coating FeNi can provide a new idea for enhancing the corrosion resistance and magnetocaloric effect of La(Fe_xSi_(1-x))_(13)-based materials.  相似文献   

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