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本论述了国内浮选机的应用情况,详细介绍了XJ,BF,BS—K,CLF,GF,CHF—X,HCC,JJF,KYF,LCH—X,SF,XCF,BSF,xHF,XHB系列浮选机的结构、特点,在此基础上提出今后浮选机研究与发展方向。  相似文献   

武学龙 《酒钢科技》2002,(2):31-39,8
我国是水泥生产消费大国,水泥工业已成为国家重要的经济支柱,水泥总量过剩,但结构不合理,水泥工业结构调整的目的是实现“由大变强,靠新出强”的战略手段,控制总量,淘汰落后,发展新型干法,甘肃水泥工业相对落后,立窑水泥占70%以上,但近年来新型干法发展迅速,宏达公司特定的地理,经济位置和小规模经营,制约了企业发展,只有立足本地,依托酒钢这个原料和销售市场,扩大生产规模,调整产品结构,大量利用工业废渣,降低成本,扩大水泥市场份额,实现跨越式发展,企业才有发展前途。  相似文献   

ICP—AES法测定含铀岩矿中常量和痕量元素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用偏硼酸鲤熔矿,使用975型ICP直读光谱议,样品溶液不经去溶,在同一份溶液中可同时测定含铀岩矿中Si,Al,Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,P,Ba,Be,Xr,TI,Zn,Ni,La和Y等十五个元素,获得了较好的准确度和精密度。  相似文献   

稀土元素在铁基溶液中的热力学   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文用多种高温平衡实验方法,研究得到1300-1600℃内铈,钇,镧,钕,钐稀土单一元素在铁基溶液中分别与硫,氧,硫+氧,碳,氮,锑,锡,铅,磷,铜,钛,铌,钒元素共30个三系和四元系的相平衡及热力学性质与温度的关系,并依据Fe-RE相图计算了这5个稀土元素与铁的二元溶液中的热力学性质。  相似文献   

钢背青铜玻璃复合板,是以钢背为强化基体,以青铜玻璃复合材料的工作层,经烧结,轧制,机加等工艺制成的复合板和滑板,轴瓦等,其摩擦系数低,磨损率低,可在有无润滑,高温,粉尘,污水等各种环境下工作,也适合在低载荷,高转速,重载荷,低转速下工作,通过几年的实践证明,具有明显的经济效益,是一种科技含量高,有着广泛的实用价值的新材料。  相似文献   

对于下面的18种元素,在临界状态测定和收集了它们的溶化的的Sn中的热力学和相位平衡数据,这些元素分别是:AL,Ca,Ce,Co,Cr,Cu,Fe,H,Mg,Mo,Na,Ni,O,P,S,Se,Si和Ti。对于剩余吉布斯能量的二元和三元数据进行了最优化,并用温度和成分的函数形式给了多项式,对于某些溶质来说,这些最优化的表达式在整个成分范围(0≤XSn≤1)内都是有效的,而在其它的一些情况下,这些表达  相似文献   

患者女性,29岁,因工作不慎伤及右膝部,即疼痛、流血、下肢血运差,急至当地医院行清创,Guo动、静脉吻合术,术后逐渐肿痛,并给予筋膜室切开减压,疼痛仍明显,为进一步治疗,转入莱钢医院。查体:T38.2℃,P96次/分,R20次/分,BP130/80mmHg,右下肢石膏屈曲位外固定,压痛、肿胀明显,末梢血运差,行DSA动脉造影示Guo动脉血栓形成,遂以右Guo动、静脉断裂吻合术后,血栓形成,右小腿骨筋膜室高压症收入院。入院后立即作好术前准备,在氯胺酮全麻下行右小腿筋膜室高压筋膜减压术,术中见右小腿切口偏小,给予延长,深室、外侧室、第四室未减压,给予减  相似文献   

今年来,江铜集团在“做大,做强”的进程中,顺应世界经济发展的潮流,适时调整思路,转变观念,落实科学发展观,转变经济增长方式,大力发展循环经济,努力探索企业可持续发展之路。江铜集团在发展循环经济中,精密结合企业实际,存分利用现有资源,有计划地稳步向前发展,取得了低投入,高产出,效益最大化和人文环境和谐的优异成绩。中央新闻媒体一直十分关注江铜集团循环经济的发展,  相似文献   

工矿企业铁路与国铁相比,其特性是曲线半径更小,走行车辆轴更重,钢轨磨损更快,脱线事故多,工矿企业铁路运输的首要任务是安全保产,新型护轮轨装置经运营实践证明,设计合理,结构稳定,安全可靠。既能防止列车车轮脱线事故发生,又能减少小半径曲线钢轨磨耗与伤损,强化了轨道结构,且经济效益明显。该技术为国内先进,安全,效益好,推广应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

锂在国民经济各部门有着广泛的用途,如高能电池,超轻合金,耐磨合金等,锂及锂化物一些工业产品生产中作为添加剂,可明显改善了工艺条件及产品性能,所以锂在工业市场上经常供不应求,本文研究提出了用硫酸盐法从锂云母中制取碳酸锂的工艺流程,获得了回收率高,产品质量好,能耗低,产能高,成本低,渣量小,无污染,社会效益显著的良好效果。  相似文献   

A ramp kernel method is proposed for accurately calculating the drawdown due to any temporal variation in pumping discharge. The use of the ramp kernels assumes the linear variation between the two consecutive measured pumping discharges. The prior studies assume a rectangular variation between the two consecutive measured pumping discharges. In the rectangular variation, a uniform pumping rate is assumed during a time span. An analytical equation for calculating the ramp kernel is derived. An optimization method is used with the proposed ramp kernels for inversely estimating the aquifer parameters from drawdown due to an arbitrary unsteady pumping discharge. Unlike the prior methods, the proposed method accurately identifies the parameters even when the sampling interval for the drawdown and pumping discharge is longer than that needed for assuming a linear variation. The proposed method outperforms the prior method. Application of the proposed method is illustrated using examples.  相似文献   

The low-bid method, typically used for competitive bidding in the United States, may result in a contract with a firm that submits either accidentally or deliberately an unrealistically low-bid price. Such an occurrence hurts both the owner and the contractor by promoting disputes, increased costs, and schedule delays. To address this problem, other countries have adopted bidding methods based on the average of the bids submitted. One such approach is the below-average method where the winning bid is closest to but below the average of all bids. A competitive bidding model for the below-average-bid method is presented and its merits relative to the average-bid method and the low-bid method are explored. The below-average-bid process is investigated analytically and through Monte Carlo simulation. The results of bidding models for the below-average, the average, and the low-bid methods are presented in four easy-to-use nomograms which allow contractors to determine the optimal lump-sum bid price for each method without the need for complicated analysis. A comparison of the three methods provides information and insights to help owners with the difficult choice of a suitable bidding method for the project at hand.  相似文献   

The paper is a follow-up to the first part devoted to an analogical problem investigated with a view to the degradation of the stone structure due to the effects of nonstress load, and it deals with the probability problem of the bridge structure collapse under the effect of an extreme flood wave. The paper presents the results of the numerical analysis of the response of the historic stone bridge structure of Charles Bridge of the 14th century to the flood wave effect simulated by angular rotation, subsidence, and shifting in the footing bottom of a bridge pier. Special focus is on the effect of interventions into the stone bridge structure dating back to the last major overhaul of 1967–1975, particularly, on the effect of the reinforced concrete slab (tie plate) connecting the opposite bridge breast walls increasing the rigidity of the breast walls and their structurally efficient connection to the vaults of the bridge arches. The numerical analyses performed point out the prevailing negative effects of the implemented interventions in terms of structural rigidity of the stone bridge structure exposed to the effect of a flood wave.  相似文献   

A review of the literature dealing with the effect of cobalt on lead-based anodes for oxygen evolution during electrolysis of sulfuric acid solutions verifies that the presence of cobalt at the anode–electrolyte interface, either as constituent of the anode material or as ions in the electrolyte, catalyzes the evolution of oxygen and reduces the corrosion of the anodes and the contamination by lead of metal cathodes produced during electrowinning. However, due to harmful effects of cobalt ions on the cathodic reaction in some processes, these benefits are limited to the electrowinning of copper. Efforts to develop a way of introducing cobalt at the anode–electrolyte interface without interfering with the cathodic reactions are reviewed in this paper. The use of lead–cobalt alloy anodes has had limited success due to issues arising from the low solubility of cobalt in lead, segregation during casting of the alloys, and nonuniform distribution of cobalt which affects the integrity of the anodes. This has been overcome in part lately by inclusion of cobalt into only the surface layer of a lead or lead alloy substrate, by thermal treatment of a cobalt salt to form a catalytic cobalt oxide surface species, or by electrodeposition of composite lead–cobalt oxide anodes. The last approach in particular has been actively investigated by several groups, but to our knowledge it is yet to find application in the industry. The review also critically examines the likely reaction mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina was one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history. The effects of the hurricane were particularly devastating in the city of New Orleans. Most of the damage was due to the failure of the levee system that surrounds the city to protect it from flooding. This paper presents the results of centrifuge models conducted at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers simulating the behavior of the levees at London Avenue North and South that failed during Hurricane Katrina. Those levees failed without being overtopped by the storm surge. Also included are the results of a centrifuge model of one levee section at Orleans Canal South, which did not fail during the hurricane. The key factor of the failure mechanism of the London Avenue levees was the formation of a gap between the flooded side of the levee and the sheetpile. This gap triggered a reduction of the strength at the foundation of the protected side of the levee. The results are fully consistent with field observations.  相似文献   

This paper reports the study of the leaching behavior of cement/metal oxides mixtures containing lead, chromium (III) and zinc oxides. A fractional factorial design of experiments (24?1) was carried out considering four factors, the concentration of ZnO, Cr2O3, PbO, and Fe2O3 in the formulations. Iron oxide was also included in the experimental design as it is usually the main constituent of industrial wastes from thermal processes, where lead, chromium and zinc oxides are also found. After 56 days of curing, samples were subjected to the Acid Neutralization Capacity Test and the concentrations of Cr, Zn, and Pb were determined in the leachate at different pH after filtering. The output variables for the analysis of the experimental data were the concentration of metals at initial pH (in water), at pH 9, 7, and 4, and the acid neutralization capacity of the samples at pH 9. The analysis of the results indicates that the immobilization of Zn and Pb in Portland cement is poor; these metals behave as their amphoteric hydroxides. However, the leaching of Cr (III) is in the range found in the control sample, indicating that the stabilization of Cr (III) is successful.  相似文献   

A plan was made to remove Matilija Dam on the Ventura River. With dam removal, the delta in the reservoir and the downstream channel were expected to undergo major changes in morphology. The FLUVIAL-12 model was employed to simulate reservoir and river channel responses after dam removal. As a first step, the model was calibrated using the Ventura River data to establish its validity. In calibration, the model was used to simulate the fluvial processes starting from the time of dam completion. The simulated sediment deposition above the Matilija Dam matches closely with the deposits measured by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. A large amount of sediment was stored in the reservoir; some of the stored sediment would be transported downstream after dam removal. An important consequence of dam removal is the major increase of sediment release to the river channel downstream. The sediment supply to the downstream reach is not only from the stored sediment in the reservoir but also from natural sediment inflow from the upstream watershed. Therefore, sediment supply to the downstream reach will exceed the natural sediment flow before the dam presence. This situation tends to overload the downstream reach with sediment, resulting in excessive deposition. The amount of sediment release from the area above the removed dam is closely related to the changes in reservoir morphology. It is necessary to model changes in the channel bed profile and channel width during erosion in order to determine the amount of sediment removal. The amount of sediment release may not be simulated using an erodible-bed model but it may be determined using an erodible boundary model.  相似文献   

On September 16, 2001, Typhoon Nari resulted in severe flooding in the Keelung River basin. More than 1,000 shipping containers were swept by the rising water from the floodplain into the river, blocking 14 bridges. A severe overbank flow due to the blockage occurred at the Ba-Tu Railway Bridge. The overbank flow then passed through a railway tunnel and inundated Keelung City, resulting in significant damage. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of the bridge blockage and the Ba-Tu overbank flow on the water stages in the Keelung River during Typhoon Nari. The floating-pier-debris module and the lateral-weir module in the Hydrologic Engineering Center–River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) unsteady-flow routing model were applied to investigate water stage variation due to the bridge blockage and overbank flow. The numerical simulation results provided by this study served as an important reference for authorities who needed to clarify the responsibility of the containers’ owners for the loss of lives and property during this typhoon.  相似文献   

Pseudostatic slope stability procedures are commonly used in engineering practice. However, the selection of the seismic coefficient employed in the analysis is often based on precedence without due consideration of the amount of seismic displacement that constitutes satisfactory performance for each particular project and without incorporating the vastly different seismic exposure for sites around the world. In this Note, a rational basis for selecting the seismic coefficient is presented. The proposed procedure requires that the engineer establishes the project-specific allowable level of seismic displacement. The seismic response characteristics of the slope are represented by the fundamental period of the potential sliding mass, and the site-dependent seismic demand is characterized by the 5% damped elastic design spectral acceleration at the degraded period of the potential sliding mass. The level of uncertainty in the estimates of the seismic demand and displacement can be handled through the use of different percentile estimates of these values. With the proposed equations, the engineer can properly incorporate the amount of seismic displacement judged to be allowable and the seismic hazard at the site in the selection of the seismic coefficient.  相似文献   

In this work, the particle swarm optimization method is employed for the reliability-based optimal design of statically determinate truss structures. Particle swarm optimization is inspired by the social behavior of flocks (swarms) of birds and insects (particles). Every particle’s position represents a specific design. The algorithm searches the design space by adjusting the trajectories of the particles that comprise the swarm. These particles are attracted toward the positions of both their personal best solution and the best solution of the swarm in a stochastic manner. In typical structural optimization problems, safety is dealt with in a yes/no manner fulfilling the set of requirements imposed by codes of practice. Considering uncertainty for the problem parameters offers a measure to quantify safety. This measure provides a rational basis for the estimation of the reliability of the components and of the entire system. Incorporating the reliability into the structural optimization framework one can seek a reliability-based optimal design. For the problems examined herein, the reliability indexes of the structural elements are obtained from analytical expressions. The structure is subsequently analyzed as a series system of correlated elements and the Ditlevsen bounds are used for the calculation of its reliability index. The uncertain-random parameters considered in this work are the load, the yield-critical stress; and the cross sections of the elements. The considered design variables of the optimization problem are the cross-sectional areas of the groups, which control the size of the truss, and the heights and lengths that control the shape of the truss. The results of the optimization are presented for a 25-bar truss and a 30-bar arch and the robustness of the optimization scheme is discussed.  相似文献   

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