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In this work we consider solutions for the Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko theories of beams in which material behavior may
be elastic or inelastic. The formulation relies on the integration of the local constitutive equation over the beam cross
section to develop the relations for beam resultants. For this case we include axial, bending and shear effects. This permits
consideration in a direct manner of elastic and inelastic behavior with or without shear deformation.
A finite element solution method is presented from a three-field variational form based on an extension of the Hu–Washizu
principle to permit inelastic material behavior. The approximation for beams uses equilibrium satisfying axial force and bending
moments in each element combined with discontinuous strain approximations. Shear forces are computed as derivative of bending
moment and, thus, also satisfy equilibrium. For quasi-static applications no interpolation is needed for the displacement
fields, these are merely expressed in terms of nodal values. The development results in a straight forward, variationally
consistent formulation which shares all the properties of so-called flexibility methods. Moreover, the approach leads to a
shear deformable formulation which is free of locking effects – identical to the behavior of flexibility based elements.
The advantages of the approach are illustrated with a few numerical examples.
Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Mike Crisfield, for his cheerfulness and cooperation as a colleague and friend over many
years. 相似文献
In a previous paper we proposed a mixed least squares method for solving problems in linear elasticity. The solution to the
equations of linear elasticity was obtained via minimization of a least squares functional depending on displacements and
stresses. The performance of the method was tested numerically for low order elements for classical examples with well known
analytical solutions. In this paper we derive a condition for the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the discrete
problem for both compressible and incompressible cases, and verify the uniqueness of the solution analytically for two low
order piece-wise polynomial FEM spaces.
Received: 20 January 2001 / Accepted: 14 June 2002
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Centre under contract
number NAS8-38779. 相似文献
Like the finite element method (FEM), the symmetric Galerkin boundary element method (SGBEM) can produce symmetric system
matrices. While widely developed for two dimensional problems, the 3D-applications of the SGBEM are very rare. This paper
deals with the regularization of the singular integrals in the case of 3D elastostatic problems. It is shown that the integration
formulas can be extended to curved elements. In contrast to other techniques, the Kelvin fundamental solutions are used with
no need to introduce the new kernel functions. The accuracy of the developed integration formulas is verified on a problem
with known analytical solution.
Received 6 November 2000 相似文献
In this paper, the properties of various boundary integral operators are investigated for error estimation in adaptive BEM. It is found that the residual of the hyper-singular boundary integral equation (BIE) can be used for a-posteriori error estimation for different kinds of problems. Based on this result, a new a-posteriori error indicator is proposed which is a measure of the difference of two solutions for boundary stresses in elastic BEM. The first solution is obtained by the conventional boundary stress calculation method, and the second one by use of the regularized hyper-singular BIE for displacement derivative. The latter solution has recently been found to be of high accuracy and can be easily obtained under the most commonly used C 0 continuous elements. This new error indicator is defined by a L 1 norm of the difference between the two solutions under Mises stress sense. Two typical numerical examples have been performed for two-dimensional (2D) elasticity problems and the results show that the proposed error indicator successfully tracks the real numerical errors and effectively leads a h-type mesh refinement procedure. 相似文献
Yan Ping Cao Ning Hu Jian Lu Hisao Fukunaga Zhen Han Yao 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2002,53(11):2529-2548
In order to improve the accuracy of the mixed element for irregular meshes, a penalty‐equilibrating 3D‐mixed element based on the Hu–Washizu variational principle has been proposed in this paper. The key idea in this work is to introduce a penalty term into the Hu–Washizu three‐field functional, which can enforce the stress components to satisfy the equilibrium equations in a weak form. Compared with the classical hybrid and mixed elements, this technique can efficiently reduce the sensitivity of the element to mesh distortion. The reason for the better results of this penalty technique has been investigated by considering a simple 2D problem. From this investigation, it has been found that the penalty parameter here plays the role of a scaling factor to reduce the influence of the parasitic strain or stress, which is similar to the devised selective scaling factor proposed by Sze. Furthermore, compared with the hybrid stress element, the proposed element based on the three‐field variational principle is more suitable for material non‐linear analysis. Numerical examples have demonstrated the improved performance of the present element, especially in stress computation when FEM meshes are irregular. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A meshfree formulation of local radial point interpolation method (LRPIM) for incompressible flow simulation 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The LRPIM method is adopted to simulate the two-dimensional natural convection problems within enclosed domain of different
geometries. In this paper, the vorticity-stream function form of N-S equations is taken as the governing equations. It was
observed that the obtained results agreed very well with others available in the literatures, and with the same nodal density,
the accuracy achieved by the LRPIM method is much higher than that of the finite difference (FD) method. The numerical examples
show that the present LRPIM method can successfully deal with incompressible flow problems on randomly distributed nodes.
Received: 2 April 2002 / Accepted: 6 January 2003
The authors would like to thank Mr. Y. T. Gu for his contribution to this work. 相似文献
A boundary element methodology is developed for the static analysis of three-dimensional bodies exhibiting a linear elastic
material behavior coupled with microstructural effects. These microstructural effects are taken into account with the aid
of a simple strain gradient elastic theory with surface energy. A variational statement is established to determine all possible
classical and non-classical (due to gradient with surface energy terms) boundary conditions of the general boundary value
problem. The gradient elastic fundamental solution with surface energy is explicitly derived and used to construct the boundary
integral equations of the problem with the aid of the reciprocal theorem valid for the case of gradient elasticity with surface
energy. It turns out that for a well posed boundary value problem, in addition to a boundary integral representation for the
displacement, a second boundary integral representation for its normal derivative is also necessary. All the kernels in the
integral equations are explicitly provided. The numerical implementation and solution procedure are provided. Surface quadratic
quadrilateral boundary elements are employed and the discretization is restricted only to the boundary. Advanced algorithms
are presented for the accurate and efficient numerical computation of the singular integrals involved. Two numerical examples
are presented to illustrate the method and demonstrate its merits.
Received: 9 November 2001 / Accepted: 20 June 2002
The first and third authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Karatheodory program for basic research offered by
the University of Patras. 相似文献
In this paper, we present some examples of sensitivity analysis for flows modeled by the standard k–ε model of turbulence with wall functions. The flow and continuous sensitivity equations are solved using an adaptive finite
element method. Our examples emphasize a number of applications of sensitivity analysis: identification of the most significant
parameters, analysis of the flow model, assessing the influence of closure coefficients, calculation of nearby flows, and
uncertainty analysis. The sensitivity parameters considered are closure coefficients of the turbulence model and constants
appearing in the wall functions. 相似文献