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用于消费类数字电子产品的低功耗256Mb FCRAM MB81EDS256545拥有64bit位宽的I/O口及使用低功耗DDRSDRAM接口,其数据吞吐速度相当于两个拥有16bit位宽I/O口的DDR2SDRAM,同时能减少最大约1W的功耗,从而降低了消费类数字电子产品的功耗,适合数字电视和便携式摄像录像机等消费电子产品。  相似文献   

CC430技术平台不仅有助于推动无线网络技术在消费类电子产品市场及工业市场的大规模应用,还可为基于微处理器(MCU)的应用提供业界最低功耗的单芯片射频(RF)解决方案。CC430平台既可降低系统复杂性、将封装与印刷电路板尺寸缩小50%,又可简化RF设计,从而将包括RF网络、能量采集、工业监控与篡改检测、个人无线网络以及自动抄表基础设施等在内的应用推向新的水平。  相似文献   

SiGe半导体公司现已进一步扩展其Wi-Fi芯片系列,在产品中加入专为降低便携式消费类电子产品尺寸及功耗而设计的无线射频前端方案。  相似文献   

如今,便携式消费类电子产品市场已经显现出不可阻挡之势。在市场被广泛看好的同时,严峻的技术挑战不容忽视。集成度、灵活性、功耗、可控制性、混合信号以及其他领域的应用等问题,都对具体设计提出了极为苛刻的要求。可以说这是便携式消费类电子产品能否在市场中脱颖而出的关键。  相似文献   

展示公司最新的模拟技术及芯片解决方案;资深勘总裁Roland Anderson先生发表主题演讲,分析信息家电发展前景,阐明公司将模拟和数字技术结合成适用于现实世界的硅芯片解决方案,并指出中国是消费类电子产品市场的主导者,必将为全球消费类信息家电领域领航。  相似文献   

Broadcom(博通)公司宣布,推出业界首款采用单芯片设计的65nm、5端口千兆以太网(GbE)交换器BCM53115,该器件将使得具有千兆以太网连接能力的消费类电子产品和家用网络设备无处不在.65nm工艺技术使Broadcom能够开发出业界占板面积最小的智能交换解决方案,该方案实现了前所未有的性能,而且与前几代Broadcom芯片相比功耗降低30%.  相似文献   

德州仪器(TI)近日宣布推出业界首款单芯片无源红外线(IR)MEMS温度传感器,为便携式消费类电子产品实现非接触温度测量功能。该TMP006数字温度传感器可帮助智能电话、平板电脑以及笔记本电脑等移动设备制造商使用IR技术准确测量设备外壳温度。与此同时,其尺寸比现有的解决方案小95%,功耗比同类产品低90%。  相似文献   

兆霁 《今日电子》2001,(12):4-4
满足消费类电子产品快速变化、日益个性化的需求,降低总体或本,成为ASIC器件的可编程逻辑替代解决方案。同时推出网上数字视频技术支持栏目。  相似文献   

全彩色QVGA显示器为消费类电子产品制造商提供了最适于取景器应用的低成本便携式显示的解决方案  相似文献   

日前,杰尔系统宣布其针对手持消费类电子产品市场推出新款功能齐全的90纳米TrueStore读取通道,该通道具有业界功耗最低与性能最高等特性。  相似文献   

The advent of consumer electronics dates back to the invention of the vacuum tube and its application to one of the first consumer electronics products-the radio. Since that time technology development and subsequent applications have expanded the scope of “consumer electronics.” Today, technology advances on many fronts including compression, digital signal processing, computing power, displays, communication, and software are cascading to cause a virtual explosion of new consumer electronics products, applications, and services. This paper describes “consumer electronics” within the context of the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society and explores future directions  相似文献   

余炳晨 《电子与封装》2009,9(6):37-41,47
消费性电子产品是与社会大众关系最为密切的一类半导体产品。它在半导体工业中处于应用的最前沿,其消费电子产业也是半导体产业界中发展最迅速、市场规模最大的一股力量。文章分析了近年来消费电子产业发展的动态和规律,提出了当前消费电子产品有四大发展趋势,即跨界融合、节能低功耗、体积微型化和环保绿色化,也可以简要概括为更强大、更省电、更小巧和更环保四个要素。同时分析了半导体制造工艺技术的提升是消费电子产品发展的基础和前提,并着重介绍了几类先进封装技术在消费电子产品制造中的应用。  相似文献   

开关电源已经普遍应用于工业电子、消费类电子产品中。文章结合监控采集设备的实际需要、从低成本、体积小、易生产采购的角度,探讨了一种简单实用的微功率多通道隔离开关电源的设计案例。并在数据采集服务器产品开发中得到良好应用。  相似文献   

作为一种新型的功率半导体器件,绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)以其优越的性能,成为中高功率电力电子领域的主流功率开关器件,被广泛应用于智能电网、新能源、高速铁路、工业控制、汽车电子、家电产品、消费电子等领域。概述了IGBT的演变历程以及主要技术发展,同时对我国IGBT的发展现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an explosion in demand for smaller and lighter, more efficient, and less expensive power electronic supplies and converters. There are a number of reasons for this recent necessity, ranging from the need for smaller and cheaper power converters for consumer electronics (such as laptop computers and cellular phones) to the need for highly reliable power electronics for such items as satellite and military craft power systems, which are required to be highly efficient, light in weight, smaller in volume, and low cost. This paper discusses the concept of Integrated Power Modules (IPMs), in which the electronic control circuitry and the high power electronics of the converter are integrated into a single compact standardized module. The advantages and disadvantages of such an approach will be discussed in reference to the current industry standard for power electronics design and packaging. The researchers will then take the readers through the IPM design, including basic circuit topology layout, module fabrication processes, and finally thermal considerations.  相似文献   

功率半导体作为半导体行业的一个重要分支,大量应用于消费类电子、工业控制和国防装备,是节能减排的关键技术和基础技术。本文结合我国功率半导体市场需求,概要介绍了功率半导体发展的技术趋势以及面临的挑战和发展前景。同时根据我国功率半导体技术的发展现状,对未来我国功率半导体领域的发展方向和重点发展技术做了展望与建议。  相似文献   

文章讨论了PAGER控制器芯片(ZQD021)的系统设计,该控制器内部集成了FLASH,SRAM,POCSAG协议解码器和嵌入式MCU CORE。重点分析了芯片的可测性设计(DFT),内嵌FLASH设计,低功耗设计,其设计方法和思路对消费类和嵌入式控制芯片的设计有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The impacts of VLSI on the field of consumer electronics are briefly discussed. VLSI devices and process technology are considered to have a realistic influence on the future of consumer electronics, mainly through digital signal processing and the application of microprocessors.  相似文献   

The impacts of VLSI on the field of consumer electronics are briefly discussed. VLSI devices and process technology are considered to have a realistic influence on the future of consumer electronics, mainly through digital signal processing and the application of microprocessors.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1994,31(1):20-21
No matter what the field, the theme underlying much technical development last year and this is almost an oxymoron: an intertwining of competitiveness and compatibility. While companies want their high-tech products to edge out the competition, they are realistic enough to realize that this is the age of multivendor systems. Thus, to ensure their own survival, they are designing hardware and software to work with everyone else's. Here, the author presents a technological analysis and forecast of the following areas: telecommunications; data communications; consumer electronics; PCs and workstations; software engineering; application software; large computers; solid state; test and measurement; power and energy; transportation; aerospace and military; medical electronics; industrial electronics; and specialties  相似文献   

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