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论纯净钢及其生产技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘春 《鞍钢技术》2002,(5):30-33
详细介绍了纯净钢的生产技术:去碳、去硫、去磷、去氮、去氢、去氧及夹杂物的控制,最后阐述我国纯净钢的生产现状及趋势.  相似文献   

洁净钢的生产实践   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
余志祥  郑万  汪晓川  邹阳 《炼钢》2000,16(3):11-15
介绍了近年来武钢第三炼钢厂在纯净钢冶炼工艺和生产方面所做的工作。描述了在钢中碳、氮、氢、硫和总氧的控制和夹杂物的变性处理上采取的措施、目前达到的水平,以及这些措施在IF钢和石油管线钢上的应用效果。  相似文献   

杨森祥 《钢铁钒钛》2011,32(3):70-75
简要介绍了攀钢炼钢厂的装备及工艺技术水平,叙述了攀钢近年来为实现洁净钢生产,在铁水预处理、转炉冶炼、钢水精炼(脱硫、脱氧、脱磷及夹杂物控制)等方面所作的改进,以及在350 km/h高速铁路用钢、抗H2S腐蚀石油管坯钢等典型钢种上的应用,实现了wT[0]≤0.001 5%,w[S]≤0.005%,w[P]≤0.010%,...  相似文献   

天钢冶炼ER50-6钢硫含量的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据焊丝钢ER50—6用户对硫含量的要求,对精炼工序脱硫影响因素进行讨论,研究制定了生产该钢种的工艺路线、精炼工序的关键控制点。生产出的ER50-6钢硫含量达到了用户要求。  相似文献   

杨森祥 《工程科学学报》2011,33(S1):151-156
针对攀钢高硫铁水冶炼现状,结合不同生产工艺路线,论述了攀钢近年来为实现洁净钢生产,在铁水预处理、转炉冶炼、钢水精炼过程中硫控制技术的开发与应用,形成了提高钢的纯净度和控制钢中非金属夹杂物的数量和形态的洁净钢生产工艺技术,实现了350 km·h-1高速铁路用钢轨、电工钢等洁净钢的生产.高速轨成品[S]的质量分数≤ 0.008%的合格率达到95%以上,钢轨T[O]的质量分数降至0.001 5%以下,夹杂物的分布形态得到有效控制;低硫电工钢RH脱硫率可达到20%左右,成品[S]控制在0.006%左右.  相似文献   

郭凯  杨森祥 《钢铁》2014,49(9):44-48
 作为目前炼钢技术发展的重要方向之一,洁净钢对钢中杂质元素的含量具有非常严格的控制要求,并且由于氮的离子半径较大,在钢中的扩散系数小等原因,所以钢水脱氮有一定的难度。为实现洁净钢的规模生产,攀钢集团攀枝花钢钒公司提钒炼钢厂结合自身特点,通过优化原辅料的使用方式和炼钢转炉冶炼制度,改善LF钢包炉精炼工艺,加强RH真空处理设备检修和改进连铸长水口等手段,将钢中的氮含量控制到了较低水平,实现了帘线钢、IF钢、气瓶钢等洁净钢的工业生产,并有效控制了帘线钢生产中TiN夹杂的析出。  相似文献   

介绍了永钢采用110 t电炉→LF精炼→VD精炼→连铸工艺生产超低硫X65QS管线钢硫含量控制的生产实践。各工序硫含量得到严格控制,电炉平均脱硫率16.35%。出钢过程用铝1 kg/t脱氧,同时随钢流加入石灰6 kg/t和精炼合成渣2 kg/t。LF炉采用喂铝线、复合碳化硅和铝豆对渣面扩散脱氧,造高碱度白渣对钢水深脱氧、脱硫,LF炉平均脱硫率89.2%,精炼结束后钢水平均硫含量0.000 93%。LF精炼结束到连铸工序过程平均增硫0.000 1%,最终成品硫含量平均0.000 9%。通过控制入炉料硫含量,提高LF精炼炉深脱硫能力,防止精炼后回硫等措施,生产的超低硫X65QS大圆坯硫含量符合下游客户要求,具备批量生产成品硫含量在0.002%以下的超低硫钢的能力。  相似文献   

洁净钢生产技术初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主要论述钢的洁净度与其性能之间的关系,以及近年来国内外主要钢厂生产洁净钢控制钢中杂质元素[C、S、P、N、H、O]技术的进展,为鞍钢纯净钢的生产提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

结合莱钢J55、L360等低硫钢冶炼的生产实践,分析了"铁水预脱硫处理—转炉—LF钢包精炼—连铸"全流程各工艺环节的硫含量控制技术,指出铁水预脱硫处理、转炉冶炼、LF精炼过程硫含量控制技术是低硫钢冶炼的关键技术环节。通过采用全流程硫含量控制技术,生产出了硫的质量分数最低为0.002%的低硫钢。  相似文献   

介绍了莱钢洁净钢的生产工艺:脱碳、脱硫、脱磷、脱氮、脱氢、脱氧及夹杂物的控制,莱钢充分利用RH与LF精炼技术提升产品质量,成功开发了低碳洁净钢,将S、P、N、O、H5元素质量分数总和控制在100×10-6以下。  相似文献   

As the market demand for clean steel increased,a number of new technologies for clean steel production have been developed in some domestic and foreign steelmaking plants.Based on the existing equipments and technical conditions in the No.1 steelmaking plant of Ansteel,a series of clean steel technologies have been integrated including single bay duplex-dephosphorization in steelmaking control technology,high efficiency desulfurization technology,the control technology for nitrogen content during the whole process,the control technology for hydrogen content in VD,and the systematic control technology for oxygen content.A series of process for all kinds of ultra-low phosphorus,ultra-low sulfur and relative low level of inclusions have been designed in clean steel production.This process include hot metal desulfurization and slag-off,single bay duplex-dephosphorization in BOF,molten steel slag-off,LF processing,VD processing,and continuous casting with protection,then a stable,low-cost and large-scale production process has been formed.Applying this integrative technology,the sum of 5 major elements including phosphorus,sulfur,oxygen,nitrogen,hydrogen is less than 80×10-6 in high alloy steel scale production,and the industrial applications for clean steel technology have been achieved.  相似文献   

张强  袁宏伟  杨森祥  李清春  陈靓 《钢铁》2013,48(11):32-36
 攀钢提钒炼钢厂采用w([S])为0.06%~0.12%的铁水炼钢,导致低硫钢的生产困难较大,结合攀钢X52NS,L245NCS等低硫钢冶炼的生产实践,分析了“铁水脱硫预处理—转炉—LF钢包精炼—连铸”全流程各工艺环节的硫含量控制技术。通过铁水脱硫预处理后将w([S])控制在0.003%以下,转炉冶炼工位采用含硫较低的辅料造渣以及LF工位控制钢水[O]活度等措施,生产出了w([S])最低为0.002%的低硫钢。  相似文献   

The development of clean steel technology at Baosteel can be dated back to the first production of IF steels and pipeline steels in the early 1990s.Now the technology has gradually covered nearly the whole range of products.This progressive development is introduced in the overview including the levels of cleanliness for some steel grades at Baosteel.The technologies at different processes for the production of clean steel and the removal of some impurity elements in molten steel are also discussed.Suggestions are given on the future research and development of clean steel technology at Baosteel in the aim to keep a sustainable development,which should focus on the basic research,inclusion control and making efficient use of inclusions,as well as stable and reliable low-cost manufacturing technology,removal of harmful residual elements,and the expanding of the technology to stainless steels and special steels.  相似文献   

李志广  张远强  李艳 《甘肃冶金》2012,(1):24-26,55
本文介绍了洁净钢主要的生产技术以及洁净钢传统工艺流程和新工艺流程的对比。并综合国内外文献,分析了洁净钢生产的发展前景。  相似文献   

Mg在超纯净钢中应用的理论探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈斌  姜敏  王灿国  王新华 《钢铁》2007,42(7):30-33
就镁在冶炼纯净钢中的应用进行了理论探索.得出镁有比铝强得多的脱氧能力,镁能够将钢水中氧含量降低到很低的水平,当钢液中w(Mg)为10×10-6时,与之平衡的钢液中溶解w(O)不到1×10-6.采用新的镁处理铝镇静钢方法代替传统的钙处理铝镇静钢方法,可以使钢水的氧含量更低,纯净度更高.同时得出镁脱氧产生的MgO有很强的扩大CaO-SiO2-Al2O3三元系相图中低熔点区域的能力,使得由CaO、SiO2和Al2O3组成的非金属夹杂物生成低熔点的非结晶相的概率大大增加.  相似文献   

论述了钢的洁净度对钢材性能的影响,介绍了洁净钢生产中S、P、N、O和非金属夹杂物的控制技术,分析总结了洁净钢生产的新技术,并展望了洁净钢生产技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

刘平  智建国  陈爱梅 《包钢科技》2007,33(6):18-20,39
通过采用无铝脱氧工艺,即合适的终脱氧剂和精炼造渣工艺降低钢水氧活度和全氧含量,采用VD真空强化脱气工艺降低钢中氢、氮含量,采用优质耐火材料并严格工艺操作防止大型夹杂物的带入,采用全程保护浇注和中间包冶金技术防止钢水二次氧化和促使钢中夹杂物上浮排除;生产出了w[Al]≤0.004%,w[O]T≤0.002 0%,w[H]≤0.00015%,非金属夹杂物类别中A级不高于2.5级,B、C、D级不高于1.5级的高速铁路用钢.  相似文献   

Based on the current process and equipment conditions of No.3 steelmaking and continuous rolling plant, which consists of desulphurization and slag skimming of hot metal, 260t combined blown BOF, rimmed steel tapping with slag stopping process, RH-TB vacuum treatment process and medium thin slab continuous casting, the methods for improving cleanliness of IF steel in BOF smelting, RH vacuum treatment and continuous casting were investigated. According to results of theoretical analysis and experiments, a series of quality controlling schemes were proposed for improving cleanliness of IF steel via controlling chemical composition, T[O] content, tapping temperature, shrouded casting and controlling stability of continuous casting.  相似文献   

综述了国内外洁净钢技术的发展与新观点,在工业生产中的定义,生产过程中洁净度的控制,以及高品质钢对钢水洁净度的要求;提出了洁净钢经济洁净度控制与发展策略。  相似文献   

 Clean high carbon heavy rail steel was prepared by the process of vacuum induction furnace smelting, forging and rolling. Mechanisms of RE on the impact toughness and fracture toughness for clean high carbon steel were investigated. In addition, the appropriate range of RE content for clean high carbon steel was determined. Both the austenite grain size and pearlite lamellar spacing decreased due to small amount of RE, consequently the impact toughness and fracture toughness were improved evidently. When the RE content exceeded a critical value, the pearlite lamellar spacing was increased, because RE was segregated on the austenite grain boundaries, damaged the orientation relationship of pearlite transformation, caused the disorder growth and morphology degenerating of pearlite. With the increasing of RE content, both the impact toughness and fracture toughness of clean high carbon steel were gradually increased at first and then decreased. It was found that when the RE content was between 00081% and 00088%, both the impact toughness and fracture toughness of clean high carbon heavy rail steel were the best. The maximum ballistic work was 212 J (20 ℃) and 122 J (-20 ℃), respectively. The maximum plane-strain fracture toughness was 4567 MPa·m1/2 (20 ℃) and 3704 MPa·m1/2 (-20 ℃), respectively.  相似文献   

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