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陈芝会  王恩刚  雷洪  赫冀成 《钢铁》2008,43(8):25-0
 数值模拟了在电磁制动作用下结晶器内金属液的流动行为,并研究了诸如磁感应强度,水口出口角度和磁场位置等各种操作条件对电磁制动效果的影响。数值模拟结果表明:应用电磁制动使结晶器内的流场有很大的改变。施加0.5 T的磁场使结晶器内金属液的表面流速最小,这一计算结果与实验结果十分吻合。为此,应用磁场对结晶器内的流场进行控制,有必要在一定的浇注条件下优化磁感应强度的大小。当磁感应强度、拉坯速度和水口出口角度一定时,磁场位置与水口浸入深度之比有一最佳值,可达到理想的电磁制动效果。  相似文献   

 从磁场分布和结晶器设计、磁场对铸坯表面质量改善的机理、电磁场作用下结晶器内弯月面的行为、磁场施加方式的演变等几个方面,综合论述了软接触结晶器电磁连铸技术的发展现状,并指出了该技术未来发展过程中值得注意的几个方面。  相似文献   

This study aims to propose suitable simulation methods, which enable to reduce the major differences between water model and real caster, such as the gradually decreased flow space, flow mass in the casting direction, and the momentum decay in the mushy zone. With consideration of solidified process, the method is concerned with the change of flow space and flow mass at the casting direction in water model. The level fluctuations, stimulus–response curves, velocities of liquid surface, and distributions of liquid slag have been changed in the water model to study the differences of flow character and the variation of fluid flow in molds. The mold with a solidified shell leads to significant differences in flow behaviors, such as higher level fluctuations, higher surface velocities, and worse liquid slag distributions. Neglecting the solidified shell causes unrealistic lower surface velocities and level fluctuations in water model. The mold with consideration of flow mass balance has higher level fluctuations and surface velocities than the mold without shell, and has lower level fluctuations and surface velocities than that of mold with a shell. The results indicate that it is necessary for water model to take the solidified process into account to acquire more accurate and reliable experiment results, especially for thinner slab.  相似文献   

电磁场对软接触结晶器内钢液流动的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
采用非交错网格和适体坐标方法数值模拟了电磁场对软接触结晶器内钢液流动的影响规律。讨论了感应线圈电流强度和电源频率等因素的影响。结果表明:电磁力能加强地晶器上部熔池的搅拌强度,并在上部区域形成一明显的回流区,同时还能减小射流的渗入深度;加大电流强度,能加强钢液的回流和对钢液的搅拌,减小射流深入深度。但电流强度有一个最佳控制范围;增加电源频率,射流渗入深度增大,弯月面附近的紊动能和钢液速度提高。电源频率应控制在20kHz左右。  相似文献   

The influence of mold curvature, slide gate and magnetic forces on the steel flow in a slab mold was studied with a 3‐D mathematical model. The slide gate application induces a biased flow toward the mold side where its opening is located in the submerged entry nozzle (SEN). Turbulence and asymmetry of flows are more intense in a curved mold than in a straight mold. The effect of an electromagnetic brake (EMBr), located in the discharging ports to control flow turbulence, is only appreciable when magnetic flux density is higher than 0.1 T. The magnetic flux density does not affect the velocity profile in the discharging ports in the SEN because its construction material is insulated. Increasing the magnetic flux density leads to a decrease of the discharging jets angle and to the elimination of the two upper roll flows. The use of the EMBr in a curved mold equipped with a slide gate eliminates the meniscus velocity spikes observed in the mold corners. These results help to demonstrate that EMBr eliminates the asymmetry in a curved mold even under the excessive turbulent conditions existing in curved continuous casting molds.  相似文献   

对大方坯连铸结晶器电磁搅拌过程的流场和温度场进行了数值模拟,并讨论了搅拌强度对流场和温度场的影响。结果表明:在结晶器电磁搅拌下,搅拌器区域的钢液变为水平旋转,使从水口向下吐出的钢水与向上回流的钢水流股相冲突,流股侵入深度变浅,从而使轴向温度迅速降低,径向温度升高,提高了热区位置,有利于传热;搅拌强度越大,钢水的二次流现象越明显,热区位置越高。  相似文献   

SymbolList Ab,An———Surfaceareaofbroadfaceandnarrowfaceof moldrespectively,m2;Cp———Effectiveheatcapacity,J·kg-1·K-1;Cp,s———Heatcapacityofsolidphase,J·kg-1·K-1;Cp,l———Heatcapacityofliquidphase,J·kg-1·K-1;Cw———Waterheatcapacity,J·kg-1·  相似文献   

对直线电磁铁作用下板坯连铸机结晶器内磁场、钢液流谱和夹杂物运动轨迹进行数值预测,并提出用壁面承受的剪应力的最大差值来标定液流对结晶器窄面凝固壳的冲击强度。结果表明,采用电磁控制(EMB)时,结晶器内的钢液流谱能被有效地控制,水口钢液射流对结晶壁的冲击可大大减弱,源电流强度和线圈安放位置是决定控制效果的关键因素.  相似文献   

Flow of Steel in Mold Region During Continuous Casting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was used to study the fluid flow phenomena that occurred during continuous casting, using a water model with dimensions of 1 840 mm×280 mm. Two types of solidified shells, ie, the smooth type and the coarse type, were used to characterize the dendrite in order to simulate different liquid solid interfacial conditions. The influence of the nozzle angle and the immersion depth of nozzle, as well as the casting speed on the flow behavior was investigated quantitatively. The results were as follows: (1) There are two large recirculations above and below the fluid jet in the mold, respectively, under the smooth interface condition. However, in the case of the dendrite solidified shell, it was found that the flow velocity of the fluid decreased and more smaller vortices appeared in the upper region of the mold. (2) The angle and the immersion depth of nozzle are two important factors affecting the flow pattern, and they are also capable of bringing about the change in the flow direction. (3) The higher the casting speed, the higher are the jet stream and the impacting point on the narrow face. However, the high casting speed causes serious fluctuation of the meniscus, and correspondingly leads to various defects.  相似文献   

软接触结晶器电磁连铸技术的发展   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
介绍了软接触结晶器电磁连铸技术的基本原理,评述了该技术的发展过程,分析了在该技术研究中尚需解决的问题。作者认为,对于该技术的基本原理和规律的研究已较充分,但仍存在某些关键技术问题有待解决,为使该技术实用化,应加强此方面的研究。  相似文献   

Thequalityofsteelbiletiscloselyrelatedtotheflowfieldinmold.Whenmoltensteelwithnon-metalicinclusionispouredintomold,steeljetus...  相似文献   

连铸结晶器电磁搅拌磁场及钢液流场模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 建立了大方坯连铸结晶器电磁搅拌条件下电磁场及钢液流场数学模型,开发了相应的Visual Cast仿真软件,并应用软件模拟分析了大方坯连铸结晶器内磁场、电磁力分布及双侧孔浸入式水口条件下结晶器内钢液流场的分布特征。结果表明,结晶器内磁场分布均匀,并沿横断面水平旋转,电磁力的旋转周期为磁场旋转周期的一半。电磁搅拌改变了结晶器内流场形态,减小回流区和冲击深度,有利于促进钢液中非金属夹杂物上浮排除,提高大方坯洁净度。  相似文献   

 以鞍山钢铁集团公司中薄板坯连铸机为研究对象,利用商业软件CFX44对结晶器内钢水流场和传热凝固进行了数值模拟,主要研究了三孔浸入式水口的冶金特征及其对结晶器内钢水流场和温度场的影响。结果表明,采用三孔浸入式水口可以优化结晶器内钢水流场和温度场,稳定坯壳发育和成形,防止拉漏。  相似文献   

连铸结晶器电磁搅拌对夹杂物的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在连铸过程中 ,夹杂物对钢的质量有着重要影响。本文分析了结晶器电磁搅拌对夹杂物的作用机理 ,简要叙述了结晶器电磁搅拌对铸坯内夹杂物含量、大小、分布及其形态的影响  相似文献   

连铸结晶器弯月面处保护渣的流动行为   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
引入变量m(冲量密度)和Yang-Mills规范变换m=u+gradХ,将原始变量的N-S方程转化为规范不变量形式,用自由质点法处理Coronoi元,对连铸结晶器弯月面处保护渣流动行为进行数学模拟。输出振动周期内的动态流场,然后结合一组试验数据进行计算,计算结果与实际情况相吻合,进而讨论了渣圈对液渣流动为的影响。为研究结晶器弯月面处保护渣的行为和铸坯振痕的形成提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

总结了电磁搅拌技术的发展、作用及其在国内外的应用,分析了组合式电磁搅拌、多模式电磁搅拌、电磁制动技术及连铸的软接触技术的特点,提出了关于优化鞍钢主要连铸生产线的几点建议.  相似文献   

电磁场对改善钢材质量的作用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
赫冀成 《钢铁》2005,40(1):24-30
研究了电磁制动技术对结晶器内钢液流动及夹杂物迁移行为的作用,以及电磁搅拌和电磁超声波对钢材料凝固组织的影响。研究结果表明,在恒稳电磁场作用下,钢液内形成的与钢液流动相反的电磁力可有效地控制钢液流动、稳定液面波动,有利于夹杂物的去除;在电磁搅拌和电磁超声波的作用下,金属的凝固组织得到细化,等轴晶比率明显提高。计算了磁场对奥氏体/铁素体及铁素体/奥氏体平衡边界的影响,磁场对相图的奥氏体/铁素体界限产生很大影响,使其向高成分或高温度区域移动;随成分不同,磁场每增加1T,钢的Ae3温度升高2~3℃。研究了电场奥氏体化对中碳合金钢40MnMoV性能的影响,与常规工艺处理样品相比,电场奥氏体化可使其硬度值升高,且冲击性能和拉伸性能的指标都有所提高。  相似文献   

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