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《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(13-14):1793-1816
Dynamic manipulation of an active object is introduced as a general model of hopping and juggling tasks. In this setting, juggling and hopping are two extreme cases of this general model. Behavioral resemblance of these two tasks is afterwards extended to a detailed mathematical analogy between them. Then the analogy is exploited to develop a unified and abstract planning framework for juggling and hopping. To this end, dynamic manipulation of an active object is decomposed into three distinct phases and two transitions: Carry I, Free flight and Carry II phases. These phases are analogous to Lift off, Free flight and Touch down in hopping. In the next step, a mathematical model for each phase is developed. It is shown that dynamic grasp (in Carry phases of juggling) and foot stability (in Support phases of hopping) conditions share similar sets of dynamic equations. Accordingly, Lift off/Release and Touch down/Catch conditions in hopping/juggling are derived. It is shown that analogous strategies can be developed for Lift off and Release. The analogy is held for Touch down and Catch conditions as well. It is discussed that in the planning framework the initial and the goal configurations of the three phases are set in a model-based and forward manner. To do so, Touch down/Landing time, Free flight duration and robot/object maneuvers during Free flight are used as free parameters for planning in order to ensure foot stability in hopping and dynamic grasp in juggling along with other constraints.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(1-2):63-82
This paper presents the mechanical design, locomotion and associated dynamic models of a new robotic wheelchair on climbing winding stairs. The prototype stair-climbing robotic wheelchair is constructed comprising a pair of rotational multi-limbed structures pivotally mounted on opposite sides of a support base so that the robotic wheelchair can ascend and descend stairs; in particular, the capability of climbing winding stairs is addressed. Based on the skid-steering analysis, the dynamic models for climbing winding stairs are developed for the trajectory planning and motion analyses. These models are required to ensure a passenger's safety in such a way that the robotic wheelchair is operated in an open mode. Moreover, an equivalent constraint method is proposed for the prescribed motion of the robotic wheelchair on climbing winding stairs. The results of the simulation and maneuver are reported that show the behavior of the prototype as it climbs winding stairs in a dynamic turning.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(11-12):1427-1450
In this paper, we present a novel generic approach for planning landmark-based motion. The method consists in selecting automatically the most relevant landmarks along a preplanned geometric path. It proposes a strategy to correct the trajectory and to smoothly switch among the landmarks of the environment. Experimental results highlight the relevance of the proposed formalism.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(1):61-81
Fault tolerance in a team of cooperative and distributed object-lifting robots is dealt with. It is assumed that one of four object lifting robots misses a portion of its lifting power and the robots must redistribute the load among themselves to perform their task. Two distributed and cooperative methods for load reallocation among the position-controlled robots without requiring them to change their grasp positions are introduced. The first method benefits from the existing redundancy in the number and lifting power of robots. In the second method, the object is tilted in order to move the zero moment point (ZMP) away from the faulty robot and, consequently, redistributing the load. Difficulties in controlling ZMP movements are pointed out. Therefore, the second fault-clearing procedure is designed such that the ZMP position is controlled without resorting to sophisticated or centralized control algorithms. Stability of the proposed methods is mathematically proven and the deadlocks are investigated. It is also noted that the required sensory system and robot behavior in the proposed strategies are exactly the same as those used in the object-lifting task. Consequently, no additional complexity is imposed on the system. The basic idea in ALLIANCE is used for developing a mechanism for each robot to process help requests and select proper actions in a distributed fashion without negotiating with its teammates. Simulation results are given to support the developed methods.  相似文献   

攻击图在网络安全评估和防御方面,占有重要地位。通过对攻击图的分析,网络管理者可以预知网络脆弱程度,采取加强网络安全性的措施。基于原子域的攻击图生成算法,其在生成时间复杂度和扩展性方面具有实用性的优势;本文通过对网络评估系统的介绍,重点介绍基于原子域的攻击图生成系统在网络安全评估中的应用设计与实现,同时对基于原子域生成系统进行性能测试。  相似文献   

一种结构测试数据自动生成的框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对结构测试中控制流和数据流覆盖测试数据的生成都可以归结为面向路径的测试数据生成的问题,提出了一个通用的基于控制流和数据流的结构测试数据自动生成的框架。该框架根据控制流和数据流测试中所采用的覆盖标准优化选取测试路径,并以改进后的迭代松弛法为核心,对所选取的路径生成测试数据。以基于路径覆盖、分支覆盖和数据流覆盖测试数据自动生成这3种算法为核心,开发了一个测试数据自动生成的框架原型。实验结果表明该框架是可行的。  相似文献   

汇编嵌入式软件程序流程图自动生成的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
程序流程图的自动生成是软件结构分析及软件测试的基础。为实现汇编嵌入式软件程序流程图的自动生成,本文首先分析汇编嵌入式软件的特征,将汇编指令划分为5种典型类型,分别定义其单链表存储结构,给出链表生成算法。在此基础上,给出汇编嵌入式软件程序流程图自动生成算法。最后,对算法的时问复杂度进行了分析。  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(11-12):1405-1426
The motors of a robot produce ego-motion noise that degrades the quality of recorded sounds. This paper describes an architecture that enhances the capability of a robot to perform automatic speech recognition (ASR) even as the entire body of the robot moves. The architecture consists of three blocks: (i) a multichannel noise reduction block, consisting of microphone-array-based sound localization, geometric source separation and post-filtering, (ii) a single-channel template subtraction block and (iii) an ASR block. As the first step of our analysis strategy, we divided the whole-body motion noise problem into three subdomains of arm, leg and head motion noise, according to their intensity levels and spatial location. Subsequently, by following a synthesis-by-analysis approach, we determined the best method for suppressing each type of ego-motion noise. Finally, we proposed to utilize a control module in our ASR framework; this module was designed to make decisions based on instantaneously detected motions, allowing it to switch to the most appropriate method for the current type of noise. This proposed system resulted in improvements of up to 50 points in word correct rates compared with results obtained by single microphone recognition of arm, leg and head motions.  相似文献   

刘晓平 《计算机仿真》2005,22(12):76-79
用于知识发现的大部分数据挖掘工具均采用规则发现和决策树分类技术来发现数据模式和规则。该文通过采用基于仿真属性的离散化方法,基于概率统计的未知属性与噪声数据处理方法以及基于误差的剪枝算法,实现了用于自动生成决策树的通用算法模板。利用该模板,决策树算法的设计者可以快速验证为解决特定决策问题而设计的新算法。构造决策树的基本机制是算法的设计者利用其自己定义的公式来初始化通用算法模板。然后利用该系统提供的交互式图形环境,针对不同的决策问题测试该算法,从而找出适合特定问题的算法。  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(10):1025-1038
In this paper, we present a control method to realize smooth continuous brachiation. The target brachiation is basically divided into two actions: a swing action and a locomotion action. In order to realize the continuous brachiation effectively and smoothly, it is necessary to start the swing action as soon as the robot grasps the front target bar at the end of the locomotion action. The collision, which occurs at the moment the robot grips the target bar, affects the pendulum motion of the robot. The action of bending the elbow joint of the swinging arm is proposed in order to solve this gripping problem. The elbow-bending action enables the robot to decrease the impact forces and use the excess mechanical energy after the end of the locomotion phase. Thus, there is no loss of energy and waste of time during the subsequent swing phase. Experimental results show that the robot can successfully achieve smooth, continuous brachiation.  相似文献   

This approach proposes the creation and management of adaptive learning systems by combining component technology, semantic metadata, and adaptation rules. A component model allows interaction among components that share consistent assumptions about what each provides and each requires of the other. It allows indexing, using, reusing, and coupling of components in different contexts powering adaptation. Our claim is that semantic metadata are required to allow a real reusing and assembling of educational component. Finally, a rule language is used to define strategies to rewrite user query and user model. The former allows searching components developing concepts not appearing in the user query but related with user goals, whereas the last allow inferring user knowledge that is not explicit in user model.John Freddy Duitama received his M.Sc. degree in system engineering from the University of Antioquia -Colombia (South America). He is currently a doctoral candidate in the GET – Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry France. This work is sponsored by the University of Antioquia, where he is assistant professor.His research interest includes semantic web and web-based learning systems, educational metadata and learning objects.Bruno Defude received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Grenoble (I.N.P.G) in 1986. He is currently Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the GET - Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry France where he leads the SIMBAD project (Semantic Interoperability for MoBile and ADaptive applications).His major field of research interest is databases and semantic web, specifically personalized data access, adaptive systems, metadata, interoperability and semantic Peer-to-peer systems with elearning as a privileged application area.He is a member of ACM SIGMOD.Amel Bouzeghoub received a degree of Ph.D. in Computer Sciences at Pierre et Marie Curie University, France.In 2000, she joined the Computer Sciences Department of GET-INT (Institut National des Telecommunications) at Evry (France) as an associate professor.Her research interests include topics related to Web-based Learning Systems, Semantic Metadata for learning resources, Adaptive Learning Systems and Intelligent Tutoring Systems.Claire Lecocq received an Engineer Degree and a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences respectively in 1994 and 1999. In 1997, she joined the Computer Sciences Department at GET-INT (Institut National des Télécommunications) of Evry, France, as an associate professor. Her first research interests included spatial databases and visual query languages. She is now working on adaptive learning systems, particularly on semantic metadata and user models.  相似文献   

针对J2EE服务端组件难于进行自动化测试的现状,提出了一种将Cactus框架与Ant工具结合以实现容器内自动化单元测试的解决方案,能利用其辅助XP的持续集成实践。  相似文献   

It is a difficult task to manually cluster a large software system into loosely coupled modules with a large number of highly cohesive classes. On the other hand clustering is a NP-Hard problem. In this paper the design and implementation of a flexible software environment, called DAGC, to assemble and experiment with genetic clustering algorithms, for software (re)modularization, is described. The main idea behind the design of the DAGC is to define a general genetic clustering algorithm which may invoke different implementations for the parts from an extendable list of components. The DAGC provides visualization facilities to compare and evaluate different genetic clustering algorithms, regarding the two parameters of running time and the quality of clusters generated by the algorithms.  相似文献   

为解决目前高级综合方法在处理滑动窗口程序时存在的存储系统设计瓶颈问题,提出了参数化存储体系结构模型.采用三级存储层次,充分开发内层循环、外层循环的数据重用;采用寄存器平移策略,简化硬件设计.与相关工作相比,这种体系结构模型使用相对较少的存储资源,将程序执行速度提高了2.13倍~3.8倍,将执行频率由相关工作的69MHZ提升到了238.7MHZ.  相似文献   

在经典控制器的基础上,本文设计了基于BP神经网络的PID控制器,采用BP神经网络训练方法,针对阴极炭块自动组装过程中工作台拖动的模型,用MATLAB软件工具进行了仿真,仿真结果证明了方案的可行性。  相似文献   

基于 BIM 技术的钢筋模型可以用于工程量直接计算、指导施工、碰撞检查和钢筋 自动加工等。虽然部分软件如 Revit 和 Tekla 可以输出钢筋工业基础类(IFC)模型,但是需要根 据结构设计软件的配筋结果重新建模,且核心算法没有公开,国内后续理论研究和软件开发均 无法参考;另外,现阶段研究主要集中于通过二次开发的方式实现不同软件之间的钢筋信息共 享,该方法不具有通用性。本文对钢筋模型几何信息在 IFC 标准中表达方式进行解析,并研究 利用结构设计结果参数自动生成基于 IFC 标准的钢筋模型,重点进行几何信息的生成算法研究。 最后通过程序生成带有纵筋和箍筋的简支梁 IFC 模型,验证了算法的可行性。  相似文献   

本文首先针对自动化测试的现状,分析了自动化测试在深入开展后遇到的问题。通过对测试用例间依赖关系 的系统分析,提出基于用例依赖关系的解决方案与应用实现。实验结果表明基于用例依赖关系的应用可以快速生成高可靠性 的调度及有效消除缺陷误报。  相似文献   

In this paper, a task-oriented design (TOD) procedure is proposed by which a robotic arm can be designed to achieve predefined tasks. To define the target tasks, we have spent about six months, observing every-day life of disabled people, and have determined 12 important tasks. By using TOD procedure in a coherent and consistent manner, we have developed a working prototype of a care-providing robotic arm for physically disabled people. Through experiments, we confirmed that the developed robotic arm is indeed able to carry out the predefined tasks.  相似文献   

寻求Hamilton图的适当的特征刻画是图论的一个重大未解决问题,根据图的结构特征,设计了图的顶点的分层方法,研究了Hamilton图中层与层间对外顶点数和对外边数应该满足的关系,分析了Hamilton图中每层顶点数与每层对外项点数的关系,探讨了图与其Hamilton演化图的Hamilton性关系,最后得到一些新的Hamilton图的必要条件。所获得的新的Hamilton图的必要条件实用性强,使用方便,能判断一些原必要条件不能判断的非Hamilton图。  相似文献   

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