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不同的发展阶段,不同的市场环境,可能催生不同的商业逻辑和行为。价格联盟与寡头垄断固然最不可取,但市场竞争同样需要符合规则与逻辑,而不应沦为噱头式的"口水仗"或简单地走向极端的"恶性竞争"。  相似文献   

在持续寒冬笼罩的氛围下,2012年被称为电商生死之年。从年初起,以京东、苏亍易购等为首的所有主流电商全面开打价格战,至6.18京东店庆并遭到众电商狙击之时达到巅峰。然而,有多少价格战只为冲量圈地扩大销售额,甚至欺骗消费者赚吆喝?  相似文献   

mh 《电脑爱好者》2012,(18):22-23
电商价格战渐渐偃旗息鼓,它对互联网的影响却并未散去,这场盛宴看起来是花投资人的钱,请消费者的客,其背后实是一场营销狂欢。  相似文献   

由于移动付费增值业务中存在严重的对消费者“强制扣费”等行为,引发了信产部“二次确认”等监管措施的出台。在此,我们要为监管部门的“二次确认”叫好,它为消费者拿回了本应属于消费者的选择权。[第一段]  相似文献   

根据工信部最新发布的数据显示,至2009年11月底.我国移动行业定格在下面两个数字上:移动电话用户数7.39亿,3G用户数1307万。3G用户占比约为1.8%。也就意味着每50个移动用户里,只有一个3G用户。这对刚刚在3G上投资1609亿元、立志向信息服务提供商转型的电信运营商来说,并不是一个好消息。  相似文献   

蔡恩泽 《微电脑世界》2012,(10):112-113
"秋老虎"发威,电商也凑热闹,价格战打得十分火爆,但惊天却不动地,原来这是一场默契的促销游戏,消费者不必当真。隔空交战与传统的价格战不同,本轮电商价格战更多的是网上的口水仗。  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply the game theory to study some strategic actions for retailers to fight a price war. We start by modeling a noncooperative pure pricing game among multiple competing retailers who sell a certain branded product under price-dependent stochastic demands. A unique Nash equilibrium is proven to exist under some mild conditions. We demonstrate mathematically the incentives for retailers to start a price war. Based on a strategic framework via the game theory, we illustrate the use of service level to build price walls which can prevent a huge drop in price, as well as profit. Three kinds of price walls are proposed, and the respective strengths and weaknesses have been studied. Analytical conditions, under which a price wall can effectively prevent big drops in both market share and profit, are developed. Aside from the proposed price walls, two other pricing strategies, which can lead to an all-win situation, are examined.   相似文献   

1 引言随着互联网和电子商务的飞速发展,人们深刻地认识到信息资源的重要性,但事实上,许多重要信息不能在网上公开出来。目前的情况是,一些人拥有某种信息,并且希望以此获利;另一些人渴望得到这些信息,并且愿意付出一定的代价。合理的解决之道便是进行信息资源的交易。  相似文献   

暑假在炎热的夏天是那么的诱人,可以待在家里上网冲浪娱乐,碰到感兴趣的东西自然想打印下来,这时候想起来应该是一台可爱的打印机.当然在准备去选购一台打印机前,想到的不仅是那将自己喜欢东西打印出来的快感,应该还有那让人左右为难的价钱吧!  相似文献   

面对3G市场的激烈竞争,必须开展特色竞争和科学管理,才能应对价格战.  相似文献   

首先描述了当前我国电信市场上价格大战的种种现象,剖析了价格战对固网市场产生的强烈影响和冲击。指出应对价格战急需政府加强监管力度,最后提出了政府加强监管的政策性建议。  相似文献   

The end of the Cold War posed a threat to NATO's continued existence: without the Soviet Union to deter, what role did NATO have? This article argues that NATO survived the immediate aftermath of the Cold War for a number of short-term reasons, but addressed the longer-term question of its survival primarily through changing its goals rather than its structure. In particular, it developed two new goals: a new political role involving dialogue and limited cooperation with the former Warsaw Pact states; and a capability to intervene in conflicts in Europe or elsewhere (for missions ranging from peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance to the defence of strategic interests). Both of these new roles have proved problematic, however. Although NATO's continued survival seems assured through the lack of neither a serious competitor nor any convincing reason to abandon it, its continued importance cannot be guaranteed.  相似文献   

该文针对TCP/IP协议的特点,提出了一种基于IP的端到端加密传输机制。通过修改操作系统的IP协议软件,应用对称密码技术对IP数据报进行加密/解密处理,使得网络中传输的IP数据报只有通信双方能够识别,可以为互联网络上两台主机之间提供加密的安全通信。安全管理工作由独立的安全服务器完成,采用公钥密码技术向安全客户端传输安全通信所使用的对称密钥。与现有的安全通信技术相比,这种机制具有思想简单、易于实现,对IP以上层协议软件和应用程序完全透明等优点。  相似文献   

It's no longer just black hats or white hats in computer security. The more someone has to lose, the less likely they should be to trust the computer. It means that all people, all programs, all transactions are shades of grey. Black and white are just a memory.  相似文献   

It's 2020, and IS enterprises have emerged from their relationship with outsourcing a bit wiser. Why did the relationship seem so promising, and what made the parties go their separate ways? Is there hope for a reconciliation?  相似文献   

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