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将喜欢的网址添加到IE收藏夹中是笔者经常做的事情.不过经常在网吧使用的IE收藏夹却不能自己家里的电脑上使用.如果我们忘了备份收藏夹.在重新安装系统之后收藏夹也很容易丢失.为了保护好收藏夹.我们必须将它转移到其他地方——不是软盘,也不是硬盘的其他分区.让收藏夹无处不在!  相似文献   

呆瓜 《现代计算机》2006,(1):152-152
经常使用浏览器收藏夹来保存网址的朋友都会为收藏夹只能本地使用而感到遗憾,其实,通过微软的在线收藏夹,我们就可以将收藏夹放到因特网上,这样便可随时随地调用收藏夹中的网站了。  相似文献   

经常上网的人相信少不了使用收藏夹,它可以在我们的操纵下保存那些我们经常去过的网址,以后想要再次拜访时,只需打开收藏夹点击即可,不必在电脑前翻开厚厚的一本网址录,再输入那一长段的字母符号。有了收藏夹的确是省了我们不少的时间。收藏夹是一个好东东,这不容置疑,但大家在日常使用中一定要懂得巧用活用收藏夹,这样它就可以更加灵活方便地为你服务了。  相似文献   

经常上网的朋友IE收藏夹中都收藏了很多精彩的网址,但时间一长由于网址数目众多,找一个网址可能会花很多时间。其实只要我们简单修改一下注册表,就能让收藏夹中的网址按字母顺序排列,从而来提高我们使用收藏夹时的速度。  相似文献   

Maxthon收藏夹也能玩拖拽文/笨笨虎我们可以把经常登录的一些网站收藏到浏览器的收藏夹中,这样可以大大方便浏览,但时间一长,收集的网址多了后,查找起来就非常麻烦。使用I E浏览器时,我们可以把登录最频繁的网站拖到收藏夹的顶端,这样操作起来就方便多了。可是使用Maxthon浏览器的朋友,却不能通过这个方法拖动收藏夹中的网址,怎么办?其实,我们只要打开Maxthon浏览器侧边栏的收藏夹,就可以方便的拖动里面的网址了。启动Maxthon,依次点击“查看/侧边栏/收藏夹”菜单(或直接按下“Ctrl+I”快捷键),打开Maxthon侧边栏的收藏夹,用鼠标选中需…  相似文献   

相信各位网友们对收藏夹的作用应该是再熟悉不过的了,有了他我们可以将一些精彩的网页和一些经常访问的网页保存起来,以便以后随时调用,那你知不知道在WORD里也有一个“收藏夹”呢?有了它你就可以把经常用到的文件添加进去,以后就可以直接调用,而不必再通过“文件”/“打开”,然后再瞪大你的眼睛找文件这么烦琐的步骤了,下面就让我们把它找出来为我们服务吧!  相似文献   

收藏夹帮你快速访问常用信箱很多人有多个信箱同时使用,经常会为多次拖动滚动条才能找到常用信箱而烦恼。在Outlook2003中,直接用鼠标拖动信箱或信箱下的文件夹到上部的收藏夹窗格中即可。也可以在信箱上右击,选择“添加到收藏夹”。要想把信箱从收藏夹中剔除,只需右击再选择“从‘收藏夹’中移除”。让空间再大些在Outlook2003中,左侧的导航窗格被“邮件”、“日历”、“联系人”等又宽又长的按钮占据,真正中间可用的空间非常小。要想让空间再大些,可以将鼠标放到按钮顶端的边框线,当出现双向箭头时,向下拖动此边框线,就会发现所有的按钮…  相似文献   

许多朋友都在电脑里同时安装了 Windows2000和 Windows98,这两种操作系统中均内置了 IE 5.0。如果你经常用 Win2000或Win98上网的话就会从中发现,在使用 Win2000里的 IE 时将一个新网址添加到收藏夹中,但当你再用Win98中的 IE 时,却在收藏夹里看不到那个新添加的网址了,即 Win2000与Win98中的 IE 收藏夹不能  相似文献   

Hellen 《玩电脑》2004,(7):112-112
我们平时上网,遇到喜欢的网站都会立即添加到收藏夹中。时间一长,收藏夹中网址数量已经相当多了,但是你会发现,经常访问的往往也许就是那么几个,能不能让经常访问的网址突出显示在收藏夹的最前面呢?  相似文献   

经常在网上漫游的"菜鸟"们都会对许多精彩的网页留恋忘返,结果就是找笔,找纸一个劲的记下那些网址,写完之后,那些细心的朋友们还会再次核实一下,以防出错,然后就是把那张记录着网址的纸条当作个宝贝似的保存到一个安全的地方以备下次之需,其实,我们完全可以摆脱这样的尴尬,只要掌握了使用收藏夹的技巧你就可以告别这样的"低效率"的工作。下面我们就来为大家介绍如何使用"收藏夹"将我们认为的那些宝贝收入仓库。一、认识收藏夹在我们IE菜单中,有一个"收藏"菜单,单击这个菜单会弹出一串下拉子菜单,第一个是"添加到收藏夹…",第二个是"整理收…  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of overflow processes from a PH1 + PH2/M/S/K queue having two independent phase type renewal input streams. Both the superposed overflow process and individual overflow processes for the PH1- and PH2-streams are analyzed using first passage time distributions for the number of customers in the system. Each overflow process is characterized as a Markov renewal process. The nth moment of the number of customers in an infinite server group to which these overflows have been offered is derived using a theory for the MR/M/∞ queue with a Markov renewal input. The numerical examples for means and variance-to-mean ratios (peakednesses) of the individual overflow streams are given for an H2 + H2/M/S/S queue with interrupted Poisson inputs, which is a vital model for telephone network planning. In addition, overflow traffic characteristics are discussed by using these examples.  相似文献   

We present four polynomial space and exponential time algorithms for variants of the E S problem. First, an O(1.1120n) (where n is the number of variables) time algorithm for the NP-complete decision problem of E 3-S , and then an O(1.1907n) time algorithm for the general decision problem of E S . The best previous algorithms run in O(1.1193n) and O(1.2299n) time, respectively. For the #P-complete problem of counting the number of models for E 3-S we present an O(1.1487n) time algorithm. We also present an O(1.2190n) time algorithm for the general problem of counting the number of models for E S ; presenting a simple reduction, we show how this algorithm can be used for computing the permanent of a 0/1 matrix.  相似文献   

Characterization of surface micromachined metallic microneedles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the paper is to provide quantitative characterization of metallic microneedles. Mechanical and fluid flow experiments were performed to evaluate the buckling force, the penetration force, and the pressure versus flow rate characteristics of the microneedles. The microneedle design variations characterized included varying the shaft lengths, varying the tip taper angles/geometries, and the inclusion of micromechanical barbs. The penetration force was found to range from 7.8 gF for a microneedle of shaft length 500 /spl mu/m, to 9.4 gF for a length of 1500 /spl mu/m, both with a tip taper angle of 30/spl deg/. Microneedles with a linear tip taper angle of 30/spl deg/ penetrated 95 +% of the time without failure. The microneedles with a 15/spl deg/ and 20/spl deg/ linear tip taper penetrated 10% and 25% of the time, respectively. The buckling force was found to be 98.4 gF for a 500 /spl mu/m long microneedle shaft, 72.3 gF for a needle of shaft length 1000 /spl mu/m, and 51.6 gF for a 1500 /spl mu/m long shaft. The results demonstrate that the penetration force was 7.9% of the buckling force for 500 /spl mu/m long shafts, 11.6% for a 1000 /spl mu/m long shaft, and 18.2% for a 1500 /spl mu/m long microneedle shafts. The microneedle fluid flow characteristics were studied. An inlet pressure of 49.0 Pa was required for a flow rate of 1000 /spl mu/L/h and 243.0 Pa for a flow rate of 4000 /spl mu/L/h using air as the fluid medium. For water, an average pressure of 30.0 kPa was required for a flow rate of 1000 /spl mu/L/h and 106.0 kPa for a flow rate of 4000 /spl mu/L/h.  相似文献   

Interval routing (IR) is a space-efficient routing method for computer networks. For longest routing path analysis, researchers have focused on lower bounds for many years. For any n-node graph G of diameter D, there exists an upper bound of 2D for IR using one or more labels, and an upper bound of for IR using or more labels. We present two upper bounds in the first part of the paper. We show that for every integer i>0, every n-node graph of diameter D has a k-dominating set of size for . This result implies a new upper bound of for IR using or more labels, where i is any positive integer constant. We apply the result by Kutten and Peleg [8] to achieve an upper bound of (1+)D for IR using O(n/D) or more labels, where is any constant in (0,1). The second part of the paper offers some lower bounds for planar graphs. For any M-label interval routing scheme (M-IRS), where , we derive a lower bound of [(2M+1)/(2M)]D−1 on the longest path for , and a lower bound of [(2(1+δ)M+1)/(2(1+δ)M)]D, where δ(0,1], for . The latter result implies a lower bound of on the number of labels needed to achieve optimality.  相似文献   

Decidability of infinite-state timed CCP processes and first-order LTL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ntcc process calculus is a timed concurrent constraint programming (ccp) model equipped with a first-order linear-temporal logic (LTL) for expressing process specifications. A typical behavioral observation in ccp is the strongest postcondition (sp). The ntcc sp denotes the set of all infinite output sequences that a given process can exhibit. The verification problem is then whether the sequences in the sp of a given process satisfy a given ntcc LTL formula.

This paper presents new positive decidability results for timed ccp as well as for LTL. In particular, we shall prove that the following problems are decidable: (1) the sp equivalence for the so-called locally-independent ntcc fragment; unlike other fragments for which similar results have been published, this fragment can specify infinite-state systems, (2) verification for locally-independent processes and negation-free first-order formulae of the ntcc LTL, (3) implication for such formulae, (4) Satisfiability for a first-order fragment of Manna and Pnueli's LTL. The purpose of the last result is to illustrate the applicability of ccp to well-established formalisms for concurrency.  相似文献   

For arbitrary equally sized square complex matrices A and Q (Q Hermitian), the paper provides a complete algebraic test for verifying the existence of a Hermitian solution X of the nonstrict Lyapunov inequality A*X + XA + Q 0. If existing, we exhibit how to construct a solution. Our approach involves the validation problem for the linear matrix inequality Σj=1k (Aj*XjBj + Bj*Xj*Aj) + Q> 0 in Xj, for which we provide an algebraic solvability test and a construct solutions if the kernels of Aj or, dually, those of Bj form an isotonic sequence.  相似文献   

We obtain the following upper bounds for the eigenvalues of the matrix A A . For any a in the interval [0, 2] let and ca and ra the maxima of the caj and rai , respectively. Then no eigenvalue of the matrix A A exceeds the maximum of over all i , nor the maximum of over all j . Therefore, no eigenvalue of A A exceeds cara .
Using these bounds, it follows that, for the matrix G with entries no eigenvalue of G G exceeds one, provided that, for some a in the interval [0, 2], we have and
Using this result, we obtain convergence theorems for several iterative algorithms for solving the problem Ax = b , including the CAV, BICAV, CARP1, SART, SIRT, and the block-iterative DROP and SART methods.  相似文献   

G. Bolch 《Computing》1983,31(4):305-315
In the modelling of computer systems, especially multiprocessor systems, for performance evaluation are mostly formulae needed for the computation of the performance measures such as queue lengths or response times for M/M/m-, M/G/m- or G/G/m-queueing systems. For M/M/m-systems there exist exact formulae which are very complex compared to M/M/1-formulae. There exist only approximate formulae for M/G/m- and G/G/m-systems. In the first part of the work approximate formulae are derived for the mean queue lengths, waiting time distributions and steady state probabilities for M/M/m-systems. These obtained formulae are as well easy as the M/M/1-formulae and though amazingly very accurate. These solutions are partly extended to M/G/m- and G/G/m-queueing systems in the second part of the work. It is also shown that the known approximate formulae compared to these results are unessentially more accurate but essentially more complex.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed an idea of p-valued input, q-valued output threshold logic to synthesize many-valued, p-valued, logical networks, and derived the condition for (p, q)-logical completeness for the output-closed set of (p, q)-logical functions. In this paper, the condition for (p, q)-logical completeness for the output-coherent set F of (p, q)-logical functions is described, and the proof is given in almost the same way as for the output-closed set. The output-coherent set F is applied to image processing. That is, a restoration scheme is described for images to which normal random noise is added.  相似文献   

An innovative release method of polymer cantilevers with embedded integrated metal electrodes is presented. The fabrication is based on the lithographic patterning of the electrode layout on a wafer surface, covered by two layers of SU-8 polymer: a 10-/spl mu/m-thick photo-structured layer for the cantilever, and a 200-/spl mu/m-thick layer for the chip body. The releasing method is based on dry etching of a 2-/spl mu/m-thick sacrificial polysilicon layer. Devices with complex electrode layout embedded in free-standing 500-/spl mu/m-long and 100-/spl mu/m-wide SU-8 cantilever were fabricated and tested. We have optimized major fabrication steps such as the optimization of the SU-8 chip geometry for reduced residual stress and for enhanced underetching, and by defining multiple metal layers [titanium (Ti), aluminum (Al), bismuth (Bi)] for improved adhesion between metallic electrodes and polymer. The process was validated for a miniature 2/spl times/2 /spl mu/m/sup 2/ Hall-sensor integrated at the apex of a polymer microcantilever for scanning magnetic field sensing. The cantilever has a spring constant of /spl cong/1 N/m and a resonance frequency of /spl cong/17 kHz. Galvanometric characterization of the Hall sensor showed an input/output resistance of 200/spl Omega/, a device sensitivity of 0.05 V/AT and a minimum detectable magnetic flux density of 9 /spl mu/T/Hz/sup 1/2/ at frequencies above 1 kHz at room temperature. Quantitative magnetic field measurements of a microcoil were performed. The generic method allows for a stable integration of electrodes into polymers MEMS and it can readily be used for other types of microsensors where conducting metal electrodes are integrated in cantilevers for advanced scanning probe sensing applications.  相似文献   

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