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The oxidation behavior of vacuum plasma sprayed, free-standing MCrAlY-coatings was studied in Ar-20%O2 and Ar-4%H2-2%H2O. During exposure in Ar-4%H2-2%H2O the coating formed large “blisters”. This phenomenon was attributed to H2-gas evolution within the coating, creating high pressures sufficient for coating plastic deformation as a result of atomic hydrogen recombination on coating defects. It is suggested that the hydrogen is produced at the scale/metal interface by reaction of H2O-vapor with yttrium and aluminium present in the coating.  相似文献   

The catalytic effect of the addition of lanthanum oxide (La2O3), in the range 0.5–2.0 mol%, on the hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 prepared by ball milling has been studied. The addition of La2O3 reduces the formation during milling of the metastable orthorhombic γ-MgH2 phase. The desorption rate of samples with 1 and 2 mol% La2O3 comes out to be about 0.010 wt% per second at 573 K under an hydrogen pressure of 0.3 bar, better than for sample with 0.5 mol% La2O3. The presence of LaH3 after hydrogenation/dehydrogenation cycles has been observed in all samples. The sample with 1 mol% of La2O3 gives a lower hysteresis factor compared with sample with 2 mol%.  相似文献   

We tried to improve the hydrogen sorption properties of Mg by mechanical grinding under H2 (reactive mechanical grinding) with oxides Cr2O3, Al2O3 and CeO2. The hydriding rates of Mg are reportedly controlled by the diffusion of hydrogen through a growing Mg hydride layer. The added oxides can help pulverization of Mg during mechanical grinding. A part of Mg is transformed into MgH2 during reactive mechanical grinding. The Mg+10wt.%Cr2O3 powder has the largest transformed fraction 0.215, followed in order by Mg+10wt.%CeO2 and Mg+10wt.%Al2O3. The Mg+10wt.%Cr2O3 powder has the largest hydriding rates at the first and fifth hydriding cycle, followed in order by Mg+10wt.%Al2O3 and Mg+10wt.%CeO2. Mg+10wt.%Cr2O3 absorbs 5.87wt.% H at 573 K, 11 bar H2 during 60 min at the first cycle. The Mg+10wt.%Cr2O3 powder has the largest dehydriding rates at the first and fifth dehydriding cycle, followed by Mg+10wt.%CeO2 and Mg+10wt.%Al2O3. It desorbs 4.44 wt.% H at 573 K, 0.5 bar H2 during 60 min at the first cycle. All the samples absorb and desorb less hydrogen at the fifth cycle than at the first cycle. It is considered that this results from the agglomeration of the particles during hydriding–dehydriding cycling. The average particle sizes of the as-milled and cycled powders increase in the order of Mg+10wt.%Cr2O3, Mg+10wt.%Al2O3 and Mg+10wt.%CeO2. The quantities of hydrogen absorbed or desorbed for 1 h for the first and fifth cycles decrease in the order of Mg+10wt.%Cr2O3, Mg+10wt.%Al2O3 and Mg+10wt.%CeO2. The quantities of absorbed or desorbed hydrogen increase as the average particle sizes decrease. As the particle size decreases, the diffusion distance shortens. This leads to the larger hydriding and dehydriding rates. The Cr2O3 in the Mg+10wt.%Cr2O3 powder is reduced after hydriding–dehydriding cycling. The much larger chemical affinity of Mg than Cr for oxygen leads to a reduction of Cr2O3 after cycling.  相似文献   

The reactions for LiNH2 under a H2 and an Ar flow were investigated, respectively. The results showed that LiNH2 can be converted into LiH and NH3 by reacting with H2 under a H2 flow condition, whereas LiNH2 is converted into Li2NH and NH3 by decomposition under an Ar flow. Moreover, the reaction between LiNH2 and H2 can be accelerated by mixing LiNH2 with LiH as well as doping LiNH2 with TiCl3. The confirmation of reaction between LiNH2 and H2 is helpful for the deeper insight in the systems of Li–N–H and Li–Mg–N–H for hydrogen storage materials.  相似文献   

The absorption and emission spectroscopies of RE3+ ions embedded in a new phase, LaGa3O6, owing to the La2O3–Ga2O3 binary system (RE=Pr, Nd, Eu) are discussed. The 2S+1LJ level degeneracies are completely lifted in accordance with the low point symmetry of the site occupied by the rare earth ion in LaGa3O6. The energy level schemes deduced from the data are reproduced by considering a crystal field (CF) effective Hamiltonian involving the nine real and five imaginary parameters required for the C2 or Cs symmetry of the rare earth site. The rms deviation is satisfactory for the three simulations. However, the strong variation of the CF parameters between Pr3+ and Eu3+ in LaGa3O6 suggests the possible limit of existence of the phase, intimately correlated to small variations of the rare earth ionic radius.  相似文献   

The LaPO4-Ba2P2O7-Ba(PO3)2 portion of the oxide La2O3-BaO-P2O5 system has been investigated. Important parts of this investigation were the determination of equilibria in the LaPO4-Ba(PO3)2 subsystem and the addition of liquidus data to the partially known LaPO4-Ba(PO3)2-Ba2P2O7 subsystem. These data were combined with known data from the LaPO4-Ba2P2O7 subsystem and with measurements of the equilibria within the LaPO4-Ba3P4O13 isopleth to determine the nature of the phase equilibria in the quasi-ternary LaPO4-Ba2P2O7-Ba(PO3)2 system.  相似文献   

Multifunctional Fe@C@Y2O3:Eu3+ nanocomposites were prepared by the solvo thermal method, and their structure, magnetic and luminescent properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results show that the nanocomposites are spherical with a mean diameter of 700 nm and there are high special saturation magnetization (47.4 emu/g) and strong red emission under UV-light. Even dispersed in water solution, the nanocomposites also exhibit a strong red emission under ultraviolet light radiation, and it could be manipulated using an external magnet. Thus it looks promising for application in biomedicine field, especially in drug targeting and fluorescence label. And we also discussed the effect of the electron transfer process between the Fe magnetic core and Y2O3:Eu3+ shell.  相似文献   

We applied our model to the enthalpy of mixing data of the binary systems Na2O-SiO2, Na2O-GeO2, Na2O-B2O3, Li2O-B2O3, CaO-B2O3, SrO-B2O3, and BaO-B2O3. The most stable composition in the liquid, that is where the enthalpy of mixing is most negative, is with a metal-oxygen ratio of 4 to 3, for monovalent metals (Na and Li) and 3 to 4 for divalent metals (Ba and Ca) in liquid silicates or borates. The same applies to the CaO-SiO2, CaO-Al2O3, PbO-B2O3, PbO-SiO2, ZnO-B2O3, and ZnO-SiO2 systems. The oxygen to metal ratio, its constant value in various types of systems, reflects and describes the structure of the liquid. Using the analyzed enthalpies of mixing data and the available phase diagrams, we calculated the enthalpies of formation of the various binary compounds. The results are in excellent agreement with data in the literature that were obtained from direct solid-solid calorimetry.  相似文献   

The preliminary results concerning the effect of negative corona discharge and that of a tensile uniaxial stress on the hydrogen solution in palladium are presented. By the simultaneous measurement on the same sample of its electrical resistance and dilatation it is inferred that both effects result in an increase of the hydrogen concentration in the hydride with respect to the unperturbed situation, i.e., equilibrium condition.  相似文献   

Nanocomposites of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), containing 20 and 40 wt% alumina, were prepared by a two-step process: (1) fine-particle aggregates of the constituent phases were melted and homogenized in a high enthalpy plasma, prior to rapid quenching in water to obtain metastable starting powders, and (2) the metastable powders were consolidated by hot isostatic pressing (HIP), under conditions designed to ensure the formation of nanocomposites by controlling the metastable-to-stable phase transformation during sintering. In both cases, the resulting nanocomposites had completely uniform structures, comprising 27 and 50 vol% of -Al2O3 in a tetragonal YSZ matrix phase. Measurements of hardness and indentation toughness were correlated with observed structures.  相似文献   

Employing a Tian-Calvet-type calorimeter operating in the scanning mode at temperatures from 1120 to 1220 K, the enthalpy change, ΔdH, associated with the decomposition of GaBO3 (=1/2β-Ga2O3+1/2B2O3(liq.)) and the corresponding decomposition temperature, Td, were determined: ΔdH=30.34±0.6 kJ/mol, Td=1190±5 K. Using the transposed-temperature-drop method the thermal enthalpy, H(T)−H(295 K), of GaBO3 was measured as a function of temperature, T, in the region from 760 to 1610 K; the results obtained are
[H(T)−H(295 K)]/(J/mol)=104.8·(T/K)−31 300 (760 K<T<1190 K),
[H(T)−H(295 K)]/(J/mol)=138.8·(T/K)−41 480 (1190 K<T<1590 K).
On the basis of the experimental results, the enthalpy and entropy of formation, ΔfH and ΔfS, respectively, of GaBO3 from the component oxides were derived:
ΔfH=−30.34 kJ/mol,ΔfS=−25.50 J/(K·mol) at 1190 K,
ΔfH=−10.55 kJ/mol,ΔfS=−5.48 J/(K·mol) at 298 K.
The enthalpy versus temperature curve shows, apart from a step associated with the decomposition of GaBO3, a further step at 1593 K which is attributed to a monotectic equilibrium.  相似文献   

The electronic structures and linear optical properties of Y2Si2O7 (YSO) and La2Si2O7 (LSO) are calculated by LDA method based on the theory of DFT. Both YSO and LSO are direct-gap materials with the direct band gap of 5.89 and 6.06 eV, respectively. The calculated total and partial density of states indicate that in both YSO and LSO the valence band (VB) is mainly constructed from O 2p and the conduction band (CB) is mostly formed from Y 4d or La 5d. Both the calculated VB and CB of YSO exhibit relatively wider dispersion than that of LSO. In addition, the CB of YSO presents more electronic states. Meanwhile, the VB of LSO shows narrower energy distribution with higher electronic states density. The theoretical absorption of YSO shows larger bandwidth and higher intensity than that of LSO. The results are compared with the experimental host excitations and impurity photoluminescence in Eu3+-doped YSO and LSO.  相似文献   

We calculated the binary phase diagrams B2O3–Ga2O3, B2O3–In2O3 and B2O3–Al2O3, and the Gibbs energy of formation of the binary compounds, using experimental liquidus data. The B2O3–Ga2O3 system is of industrial importance, because liquid B2O3, in which Ga2O3 is not very soluble, is used to protect GaAs during growth of single crystals of GaAs. During recovery of noble metals B2O3 is added to slags containing Al2O3 to lower the melting point and the viscosity. The B2O3–In2O3 system is of much less importance to industry. In all three systems we have a liquid miscibility gap, and also solid binary compounds, none of which melt congruently. The miscibility gaps are not surprising, because even in the B2O3–Bi2O3 system where four congruently melting compounds are present, a liquid miscibility gap exists close to B2O3.  相似文献   

A valence change from Eu3+ to Eu2+ was observed in the europium ion-doped ZnO–B2O3–P2O5 glasses prepared at high temperature in air. The fluorescence emission spectrum of the sample consists of a broad emission band ascribed to the 5d–4f transition of Eu2+ ion and sharp emission peaks assigned to the transitions of 5Do7FJ (J = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4) of Eu3+ ion, indicating that part of Eu3+ can be reduced into Eu2+ in the glass. A charge compensation model is proposed. The rigid tetrahedral network structure of glasses plays an important role in stability of Eu2+. The fabrication conditions are also studied.  相似文献   

An experimental exploration of the transport rate of hydrogen through amorphous Al2O3 layers is presented. Significant changes in the transport rate were observed when changing the thickness of the oxide from 1 to 3 nm. By coating the oxide with a catalytically active Pd layer, a fast dissociation of hydrogen is allowed, enabling a separation between the limitation imposed by dissociation and the transport through the oxide.  相似文献   

A complete literature review, critical evaluation, and thermodynamic modeling of the phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties of all oxide phases in the MgO-Al2O3, CaO-MgO-Al2O3, and MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 systems at 1 bar total pressure are presented. Optimized model equations for the thermodynamic properties of all phases are obtained that reproduce all available thermodynamic and phase equilibrium data within experimental error limits from 25 °C to above the liquidus temperatures at all compositions. The database of the model parameters can be used along with software for Gibbs energy minimization to calculate all thermodynamic properties and any type of phase diagram section. The modified quasichemical model was used for the liquid slag phase and sublattice models, based upon the compound energy formalism, were used for the spinel, pyroxene, and monoxide solid solutions. The use of physically reasonable models means that the models can be used to predict thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria in composition and temperature regions where data are not available.  相似文献   

Glasses with different Bi2O3 contents (37-42 mol%) have been prepared by conventional melt quench technique. The IR and Raman studies indicate that these glasses are made up of [BiO6], [BiO3], [BO3] and [BO4] basic structural units. The vibrations of [BiO3] and [BO3] become stronger as the content of Bi2O3 increases, which makes glass structure loosened. Viscosity of the glasses was measured by using a Rheotronic III paralleled plate rheometry, which shows that the viscosity of glass samples decreased when the content of Bi2O3 increased at the same temperature (400-460 °C). The temperature range which suits for glasses sealing was calculated by using the approximation of Arrhenian behaviour. The wetting performance of Bi2O3-ZnO-B2O3 glasses was described by using high-temperature microscope, which also proves that the structure of investigated Bi2O3-ZnO-B2O3 glasses become loosened due to the increasing of the content of Bi2O3.  相似文献   

以机械球磨法制备具有可逆吸放氢性能的NaAlH4-Tm2O3储氢材料体系。利用相同制备方法进一步研究两种不同孔道材料(大孔Al2O3与介孔SiO2)对NaAlH4-Tm2O3体系储氢性能的影响,测试样品的循环吸放氢性能,并对样品吸放氢前后的结构进行表征。结果表明:大孔Al2O3材料的添加并不能明显改善NaAlH4-Tm2O3体系的放氢速率和放氢量,而介孔SiO2的加入使NaAlH4-Tm2O3体系在150℃条件下5 h内的首次放氢量(质量分数)达到4.61%,高于NaAlH4-Tm2O3体系的4.27%,增加了约8.0%。此外,添加介孔SiO2的NaAlH4-Tm2O3体系放氢速率也有所提高。  相似文献   

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