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BACKGROUND: In Florida, tomatoes are harvested green (GR), which includes mature green (MG) and immature green (IG) fruits, and stored at low temperature (13 °C), resulting in poor flavour. Flavour improvement might be achieved if fruits were harvested with some colour (to eliminate IG fruits) and/or stored at higher temperature with the ripening inhibitor 1‐methylcyclopropene (1‐MCP). RESULTS: ‘Florida 47’ tomatoes were harvested at GR (MG + IG), breaker (BR), turning (TR) and pink (PK) stages, treated (+) or not (?) with 1‐MCP and stored at 13 and/or 18 °C. 1‐MCP treatment resulted in a gain of up to 6 days of shelf life depending on harvest maturity and storage temperature. Storage at 18 °C rather than 13 °C resulted in an increase in internal red colour, soluble solids (SS)/titratable acidity (TA) ratio and levels of many volatiles studied. The shelf life of BR (+) MCP fruits stored at 13 °C was similar to that of MG fruits. IG fruits exhibited lowest levels of SS, TA and ten volatiles compared with BR fruits. CONCLUSION: Harvesting tomatoes with colour (BR), thereby eliminating IG fruits, and treating with 1‐MCP resulted in better quality with adequate shelf life. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的 研究李果实采后品质变化及建立李果实采后货架期预测模型。方法 本试验设置了3种温度(4、15、25℃),并定期测定生理生化指标。采用零级动力学模型和一级动力学模型结合Arrhenius方程建立基于品质变化的李果实采后货架期预测模型,并验证模型的预测精确度。结果 低温明显延缓了果皮强度和果肉硬度的下降和果实失重率的上升,同时也延缓了花色苷含量的积累,对总酸含量影响不明显。根据果皮强度、果肉硬度和失重率变化建立货架期预测模型,通过验证发现基于失重率变化的货架期预测模型具有最好的精确度,相对误差值低于10%。结论 货架期预测模型的建立,可快速预测果实剩余货架期,为贮藏和货架提供技术指导。  相似文献   

Characterisation of spore formers associated with extended shelf life milk was performed by analysing the bacteriological quality of milk samples collected at various processing stages and during storage. Isolates were identified with MALDI‐TOF‐MS. Milk had spore counts <2 log10 cfu/mL and 4 log10 cfu/mL during processing and storage, respectively. Bacillus pumilus dominated the bacterial population. Bacterial species were inoculated into sterile milk for a shelf life study, and the population change was observed over 42 days at 7 °C. Although the extended shelf life milk process was effective in reducing bacterial counts and species diversity, the presence of Bacillus cereus shows a potential safety problem in extended shelf life milk.  相似文献   

低糖果脯水分活性对保质期影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低糖果脯的保质期缩短是制约其发展的重要因素之一。本研究探讨了水分、糖分、亲水性物质对低糖果脯水分活性(Aw)的影响,明确(Aw)同保质期的关系。结果表明,亲水性物质降低Aw至0.65时,保质期达10个月以上。   相似文献   

食品感官货架期确定的一般原则与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史波林  赵镭  支瑞聪 《食品科技》2012,(10):296-301
感官品质是描述和判断食品质量最直观的指标,将此品质作为货架寿命的评价指标而确定的货架期为感官货架期,则对应的感官评价方法是确定感官货架寿命的关键技术之一。由此,结合感官评价方法与货架期预测原理,提出了食品感官货架期确定的一般原则与方法,旨在指导构建我国不同类型食品感官品质的货架期确定指南,完善食品货架期检测标准,为我国食品质量与控制的保障提供标准化支撑。  相似文献   

该文以‘贵长’猕猴桃为试材,研究适宜后熟对其冷藏后货架品质的影响。结果表明,猕猴桃果实采收后于阴凉处散去田间热,然后转入(4±0.5)℃贮藏,冷藏后货架成熟时果实呼吸速率、乙烯释放速率显著增加,抗氧化物质含量低,超氧阴离子(O2-)和H2O2快速积累,活性氧代谢失衡,从而导致其在冷藏40 d后货架时全部腐烂。猕猴桃果实后熟至可溶性固形物9.5%时再转入(4±0.5)℃贮藏,可有效抑制其冷藏后货架时呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率,减少果实营养物质损耗,维持果实抗氧化物含量和活性氧代谢平衡,进而降低果实的腐烂率,延长冷藏期。然而,猕猴桃果实后熟至可溶性固形物含量14.5%再冷藏则加速猕猴桃果实腐烂。因此,适宜后熟通过抑制乙烯释放速率、提高抗氧化物酶活性、维持活性氧代谢平衡来维持其冷藏后货架品质,为猕猴桃贮藏保鲜技术开发奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

贮藏温度对鱿鱼品质变化的影响及其货架期分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨贮藏温度对鱿鱼品质变化及货架期的影响,研究了0、5、10、25℃贮藏条件下鱿鱼的色泽、pH、TVB-N、TMA、FA及TVC和感官分值的变化。结果表明,鱿鱼高品质期终点分别为357、180、118、19h,货架期终点分别为425、234、142、28h。贮藏过程中鱿鱼b*值、pH、TVB-N、TMA、TVC都有增加,FA随着贮藏时间呈先下降后上升的趋势。0、5、10、25℃贮藏的鱿鱼高品质期终点和货架期终点时的平均pH分别为(6.78±0.01)、(6.90±0.01),TVB-N分别为(24.47±1.74)、(31.99±0.93)mg/100g,TMA分别为(6.71±0.90)、(10.23±0.30)mg/100g,FA分别为(1.65±0.94)、(4.22±0.34)mg/kg,TVC分别为(6.28±0.69)、(7.69±0.33)lgCFU/g。因此,贮藏温度越高,鱿鱼越容易腐败,货架期也越短,反之则对鱿鱼品质有利,可延长其货架期。   相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Berry firmness is one of the most important characteristics for fresh market consumption. Blueberry firmness is also an important attribute because it is considered to be a measure of its freshness. Berries lose their firmness by loss of water and by changes in their structure. RESULTS: The postharvest life of two highbush blueberry cultivars (Bluecrop and Coville) was investigated. Several parameters related to blueberry quality were evaluated during the postharvest storage period. To assess berry texture characteristics (firmness, hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, springiness, resilience), a rapid non‐destructive penetrometer test by Durofel® and texture profile analysis (TPA) using a texture analyser were carried out. Low temperature inhibited the decrease of total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and increase of flesh pH value, thereby maintaining good taste quality. There was an increase in fruit firmness (Durofel index) and hardness and a decrease in chewiness and springiness during storage. CONCLUSION: There was a significant correlation among the TPA parameters and Durofel index. The Durofel index could therefore be used as a suitable indicator of fruit quality and storability, and low‐temperature storage is beneficial to maintain the taste quality of blueberry fruit after harvest. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

低剂量辐照对鲜食核桃不同冷藏期后货架品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以\  相似文献   

黑布朗李分别经PE、PVC和微孔膜包装后在0℃贮藏,以无包装为对照,研究不同材料包装对冷藏及货架期(25℃)黑布朗李果实品质的影响。结果表明,包装可以显著(p<0.05)降低果实失重率,对果实贮藏期品质具有良好的影响;PVC包装能显著地降低包装内O2体积分数(p<0.05),提高CO2体积分数,并能够有效地延缓货架期李果实硬度下降,维持较高的SSC;PE包装的李果实软化缓慢,与其他组果实相比转色指数最高。PE、PVC和微孔膜包装均能有效地抑制贮藏过程中李果实乙烯的释放速率。   相似文献   

为研究奇亚籽油储藏稳定性,以液压法制备的奇亚籽油为原料,探讨储藏温度、氧气和光照条件对奇亚籽油过氧化值、酸价、K232、K268和TBA的影响,并应用一级动力学模型结合Arrhenius方程建立过氧化值、酸价两个氧化指标随储藏温度、储藏时间变化的货架期预测模型,预测奇亚籽油货架期。结果表明:奇亚籽油的氧化稳定性受光照、氧气和温度的影响,在避光、密封、低温的储藏条件下能有效降低过氧化值、酸价等的增长速率,延长储藏时间;通过模型推算得出密封、避光条件下奇亚籽油在25℃条件下的货架期为94 d。  相似文献   

对以小麦胚芽、低值鱼为主原料,经挤压膨化工艺制备复合营养粉的贮藏稳定性进行了研究:选取50、60、70℃三个温度进行加速实验,测定了产品常温(25℃)下的水分活度,以加速贮藏过程中产品色差、酸价、过氧化值及微生物的变化为指标,结合产品感官评定,依据油脂一级化学动力学原理,对过氧化值变化进行回归分析,预测产品货架期。研究表明,产品在加速贮藏中色泽向土黄色转变,产品最终保藏水分为5%,其LnKa-1/T线性方程为:y=-0.52012x+13.169。  相似文献   

运用加速实验研究植物甾醇对压缩饼干货架寿命的影响。将植物甾醇添加到压缩饼干中,通过分析测试60、70℃和80℃下压缩饼干酸值的变化,利用Arrhenius方程建立储藏温度与酸值的反应关系,验证植物甾醇对压缩饼干货架寿命的影响。结果表明:25℃时,甾醇组的压缩饼干货架寿命为1 594.7 d,空白组压缩饼干货架寿命为1 337.8 d,货架寿命延长了19.2%。植物甾醇能够在一定程度上延长压缩饼干的货架寿命。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: ‘Pink Lady®’ (Malus × domestica Borkh.) apples were harvested at commercial maturity and stored at 1 °C under either air or controlled atmosphere (CA) conditions (2.5 kPa O2: 3 kPa CO2 and 1 kPa O2: 2 kPa CO2) for 15 or 28 weeks. Standard quality parameters, consumer acceptance and volatile compound emission were evaluated after cold storage plus shelf life period at 20 °C. RESULTS: A shelf life period of 17 days after long‐term storage in controlled atmosphere allowed the regeneration of the characteristic esters associated to the aroma of this variety. Sixty‐five per cent of consumers preferred apples with higher emissions of aroma‐active volatile compounds, despite the fact that these apples displayed lower values for standard quality attributes. The most accepted samples corresponded to fruit stored in air for 15 weeks regardless of post‐storage period, in air for 28 weeks plus 1 day at 20 °C, and in 2.5 kPa O2: 3 kPa CO2 for 15 weeks plus 7 days at 20 °C. CONCLUSIONS: Concentrations of specific aroma volatile compounds are suggested to be more important than total aroma emission for consumer acceptance of ‘Pink Lady®’ apples. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

目的 探究贮藏期间,不同温度下(4、15、25和37℃)即食中华管鞭虾肌肉品质变化情况,并构建即食中华管鞭虾的货架期模型。方法 以即食中华管鞭虾为研究对象,测定不同温度下虾仁肌肉中挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen, TVB-N)含量、菌落总数、硫代巴比妥酸(thiobarbituric acid, TBA)值、色差、pH、持水力和感官评分变化,以虾仁肌肉TVB-N构建货架期模型。结果 随着贮藏时间的延长,不同温度下贮藏的即食中华管鞭虾肌肉TVB-N含量、菌落总数、TBA值和b*值均呈上升趋势;肌肉pH呈先下降后上升趋势;肌肉L*值和感官评分呈下降趋势,且贮藏温度越高,即食中华管鞭虾虾仁肌肉品质劣化越快。此外,受贮藏温度影响,4和15℃贮藏的虾仁肌肉持水力呈先上升后下降的趋势,而25和37℃贮藏虾仁肌肉持水力呈下降趋势。采用Pearson相关系数分析,确定了TVB-N含量和菌落总数为虾仁肌肉品质变化的关键性因子,其变化特征符合一级动力学模型。Arrhenius方程结果显示,虾仁TVB-N值的拟合精度更高,用TVB-N值建立货架期模型结果更为准确。通过模型验证发现,以虾仁肌肉TVB-N含量建立的货架期模型能够较为准确的预测其货架期。结论 贮藏温度升高会加速即食中华管鞭虾品质的劣化。4~37℃贮藏时,以虾仁肌肉TVB-N含量建立的货架期模型可较为准确地预测其货架期。  相似文献   

Effects of chitosan coating and storage positions (small-end down, small-end up or horizontal) on internal quality and shelf life of eggs were evaluated during 5 weeks of storage at 25 °C. Compared with noncoated eggs, all chitosan-coated eggs, irrespective of storage positions, had significantly lesser weight loss, higher Haugh units and higher yolk index throughout the storage. Chitosan coating, irrespective of storage positions, extended the egg shelf life by at least 3 weeks at 25 °C compared with noncoated eggs. Noncoated and chitosan-coated eggs placed small-end down tentatively showed better quality than eggs placed small-end up after 3 and 4 weeks of storage. After 5 weeks of storage, storage positions did not significantly affect quality of noncoated and chitosan-coated eggs. There were no notable differences in total amino acid content of the albumen and fatty acid composition of the yolk between noncoated and chitosan-coated eggs after 5 weeks of storage.  相似文献   

赵芸 《中国酿造》2021,40(8):211
为更加有效地贮存奶酪酱产品,对其适宜添加的防腐剂(聚赖氨酸盐酸盐、蒸馏白醋、山梨酸钾、抑菌香精)进行筛选,将奶酪酱于不同温度(4 ℃、25 ℃和35 ℃)分别放置0、4周、10周进行加速破坏性试验(ASLT),研究其质构、菌落总数、感官品质变化规律,并对产品的货架期进行预测。结果表明,添加抑菌香精奶酪酱在贮存过程中细菌菌落总数最少(2.0×105 CFU/g),硬度、黏着性、弹性、黏聚性、回复性及咀嚼性等质构指标变化最小,感官评分最高,更有利于保持贮存期间奶酪酱的品质。添加0.5%抑菌香精,奶酪酱于4 ℃温度贮存,预测保质期能达到49周。该实验建立了一种预测奶酪酱货架期的方法,可为奶酪酱产品最佳贮存方式提供一定参考。  相似文献   

张久峰 《中国酿造》2014,(2):112-114
酒体在长时间的存放过程中,受温度和光线照射等因素的影响,会发生酸增酯减的现象,从而造成酒体的感官甚至酯类指标达不到国家标准的要求。通过对灌装入瓶的不同贮存时间(相当于货架期)成品酒样品和在模拟货架期环境中不同酒精度、不同酒体、不同盛酒容器等产品的指标变化的跟踪,进行白酒货架期的感官和呈味物质成分测定。探寻白酒在货架期内感官和理化指标变化规律,为白酒行业先期的酒体设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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