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针对维护大规模老化电力电缆网络这一关键挑战,通过详细描述电力电缆中的信号传输物理模型,提取反射信号和透射信号中的故障特征,研究基于时域反射法的电力电缆网络故障诊断方法,实现电缆网络故障的快速辨识与定位;以最小单元Y型电缆网络为研究对象并建立其物理模型,利用分布式检测时测点之间的反射信号及透射信号所反映出的信号传播路径和阻抗不匹配信息,开展多源信息融合的电缆网络故障诊断方法研究;在Matlab/Simulink软件环境中搭建Y型电缆网络的故障仿真模型,通过设计不同主干、分支线路故障的仿真实验,验证了方法的有效性和适用范围,测量得到的故障距离相对误差限定在1%内。  相似文献   

阐述了基于布里渊散射的分布式光纤传感技术测量光纤温度/应变的基本传感原理。介绍了基于光时域反射仪发展起来的几种传感技术,布里渊光时域反射(BOTDR)、布里渊光时域分析(BOTDA)、布里渊光频域分析(BOFDA)分布式光纤传感技术,特别对BOTDR的原理和典型系统方案进行了详细的介绍。最后,叙述了基于布里渊散射的分布式光纤传感技术当前的进展和趋势。  相似文献   

分布式光纤布里渊温度传感系统的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于布里渊光时域反射计(BOTDR)的传感原理,构建了分布式光纤布里渊温度传感测量系统,对4.25 km长度的光纤进行了温度传感试验。通过对试验结果的分析表明:该系统可以实现一定长度的光纤定点、定量的受热温度测量分析。对测量结果采用归一化方法处理,使测量结果更直观,分析快捷,精度更高。  相似文献   

基于频域反射的土壤水分探测传感器设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过详细介绍传输线的高频率响应原理及其推导方程,以此为基础设计了基于频域反射的土壤水分探测传感器.传感器采用合适长度的传输线以及参数匹配的谐振电路,利用驻波的原理,使用简单的比较电路确定信号频率与土壤介电常数的关系,再利用介电常数和土壤成分结构之间的关系计算土壤水分含量.设计了传感器结构模块及给出了部分的试验对比结果....  相似文献   

介绍了用于土壤参数测量的时域反射仪硬件系统的设计与实现方案,并研制出样机TDR-I。该样机使用DSP做主控板,利用阶跃恢复二极管(SRD)产生140ps上升沿的快沿发射脉冲,采用快慢斜波比较法获得等效采样步进精度为8.7ps的取样脉冲。经过实验数据获取验证,该系统测量效果良好。  相似文献   

便携式土壤水分测试系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤水分含量不仅对农作物生长有较大的影响,而且对越野车辆地面通过性也有重要的影响.设计了一种基于时域反射法的土壤含水量测试系统.通过直接数字频率合成器(DDS)产生电磁波测试其介电常数;然后利用介电常数-含水量经验模型得出土壤含水量.系统还配备了GPS接收系统,能记录每次测量的经纬度坐标,并且根据经纬度地名对照表在记录中存储相应的地名.系统通过扩展存储容量使测试记录数可达上万条,并且能通过串口把数据上传到计算机中进行进一步处理.该测试系统具有便携、快速、原位测量的特点,便于构建时空尺度的土壤含水量演变立体分布图,为车辆地面通过性判断提高依据.  相似文献   

Chaos correlation optical time domain reflectometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We propose a novel correlation optical time domain reflectometry (C-OTDR) of using broadband chaotic light. This reflectometry has the advantage over the conventional OTDR and the pseudorandom signal C-OTDR in range-independent spatial resolution. We employ a laser diode with feedback from a long fiber ring cavity as the source of chaotic probe light. Experimental and numerical studies show that the chaotic light has broad and flat spectrum, and excellent correlation properties. Using this broadband chaotic...  相似文献   

Radio frequency (RF) connectors play an important role in electronic and communication systems. Their reliability behavior directly affects the integrity of transmitted signals and degradation in the contact surface reduces reliability. In this work, a combination of experimental and theoretical analysis was used to investigate the effects of contact interface degradation in RF connectors using time domain reflectometry (TDR), and the TDR analysis technique had been employed to identify the faulty position. A series of experiments was conducted to measure the reflected voltages using a network analyzer for time domain analysis and the position of the degraded contact surface was identified. An equivalent circuit model was developed, and the failure mechanism analyzed. It was found that when the connector initially degrades, the inductive characteristics increase. As further degradation occurs, the inductive characteristic will decrease, and the resistance characteristics will become more significant. The simulation and experimental results show good consistency each other. The contact degradation process of RF connector and TDR variations under different degradation levels were performed from the perspective of the time domain.  相似文献   

提出将相干检测技术和偏振光时域反射技术POTDR(Polarization Optical Time Domain Reflectometry)相结合,利用相干检测技术的高探测灵敏度和偏振光时域反射技术中偏振态对外界环境敏感的特点,实现光纤分布式传感,测量微弱振动信号并实现定位功能.首先分别介绍了相干检测技术及其与POTDR相结合的相关原理,分析可行性,然后提出实验测试方案并搭建了测试系统.实验结果表明,基于相干检测技术的POTDR传感系统能成功地实现振动信号的探测和振动点的定位功能,这对于光纤分布式传感系统的进一步发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

An inverse scattering approach based on the field equivalence principle is developed for reconstructing the electrical parameters of a stratified medium using only electric field time‐domain data measured at two observation points in presence and absence of the medium. The magnetic field data at the observation points are calculated from the electric field data by solving two equivalent problems for the incident and scattered fields. By noting that the field of an equivalent problem for the total field in the interior region between two observation points is null in the exterior region, the functional of the electrical parameters is introduced. A genetic algorithm is applied for minimization of the functional to estimate the parameters. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2013.  相似文献   

分布式光纤传感技术对大型混凝固结构,如大坝与桥梁,进行裂缝监测意义重大,其分布式检测能力对具有强随机性的大坝裂缝监测效果更显著.一种新型分布式光纤传感器埋入混凝土并与预期裂缝相交一定斜角,当裂缝出现引起光纤局部微弯,并诱发瑞利散射光产生衰减,用光时域反射技术实现分布式检测.将该种传感器用于四川石棉冶勒大坝裂缝监测,结果表明:该光纤传感器不仅对裂缝宽度、位移具有高分辨率(0.02 mm)、大动态范围(4.8 mm),而且有较高的定位分辨率(0.2 m),为发展该类分布式光纤传感监测系统提供了较好的技术基础.  相似文献   

This article presents the studies of time‐domain inverse scattering for a metallic cylinder which based on the finite‐difference time‐domain (FDTD) method and the dynamic differential evolution (DDE). For this study, the FDTD is used for the analysis of the forward scattering part, while for the DDE is applied for the reconstruction of the two‐dimensional metallic cylinder. For the forward scattering, the FDTD method is used to calculate the scattered E fields. Based on the scattering fields, these inverse scattering problems are transformed into optimization problem. By comparing the simulated scattered fields and the calculated scattered fields, the shape and location of the metallic cylinder are reconstructed. Numerical results demonstrate that, even when the initial guess is far away from the exact one, good reconstruction can be obtained. In addition, the effects of Gaussian noise on the reconstruction results are investigated. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE , 2012.  相似文献   

Calibration of a TDR probe for low soil water content measurements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Time domain reflectometry (TDR) probes are increasingly used for field and laboratory estimation of soil water content. Usual calibration of TDR probes for the determination of soil water content uses two media: air for low and water for high values of dielectric permittivity, although the measured range of dielectric permittivity in soil is much smaller as compared to the range implied by the calibration media. The use of air for calibration of short TDR probes gives calibration errors due to overlapping incident and reflected pulses in the reflectogram, which result in their relative shift in time. This phenomenon, named the convolution effect, can be avoided by the application of selected calibration media. The presented approach minimizes of dielectric permittivity measurement errors by choosing the calibration media with dielectric permittivity values close to the limits of the measurement range and the possibility to use TDR probes of various lengths. The comparison of errors of TDR apparent dielectric permittivity measurement in three sandy soils, based on the probe calibrations in various media, is also presented.  相似文献   

针对海洋沉积物中天然气水合物饱和度评价需求,提出了基于分段涂层TDR探针的沉积物介电常数和电导率同步测量新方法。针对无涂层探针、全涂层探针以及分段涂层探针分别建立了模拟TDR测量响应的有限元数值模型,仿真研究了涂层参数对介电常数和电导率测量性能的影响规律,继而应用于含水合物多孔介质的测量并对误差进行了分析与校正。研究结果表明:探针涂层的厚度和介电常数直接影响采集电压信号的衰减程度,因此需根据被测介质的电学性质对其进行优化设计;在涂层厚度和介电常数已确定的条件下,通过改变涂层间隙长度可以调节探针所适用的电导率测量范围;当测量非均匀介质时,可以通过增加涂层间隙的个数来提高电导率测量的准确度;采用分段涂层探针测量含水合物多孔介质的介电常数和电导率时,需要对涂层引起的误差进行校正。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider discrete time systems with polytopic time varying uncertainty. We look for a class of parameter dependent Lyapunov functions which are quadratic on the system state and depend in a polytopic way on the uncertain parameter. We show that extending the new discrete time stability condition proposed by de Oliveira et al. (Systems Control Lett. 36 (1999) 135.) to the case of time varying uncertainty leads to a necessary and sufficient condition for the computation of such a Lyapunov function. This allows to check asymptotic stability of the system under study. The obtained linear matrix inequalities condition can also be used to cope with the control synthesis problem.  相似文献   

The zeros of the discrete-time system obtained when sampling a continuous time system are explored. Theorems for the limiting zeros for large and small sampling periods are given. Conditions which guarantee that the sampled system has stable zeros are also presented.  相似文献   

用扫频方法测量了缩比模型的低频宽带雷达散射截面,通过变换得到大尺寸导体目标的低频宽带RCS;并利用时域有限差分方法对全尺寸导体目标的雷达散射截面进行仿真计算,也得到了大尺寸的导体目标的低频宽带RCS;结果表明了这两种方法的一致性,为获得大尺寸导体目标的低频宽带散射特性提供了可以信赖的手段.  相似文献   

为了优化设计时域反射技术(TDR)中的探针结构,建立基于TDR响应的含水/水合物测量模型,利用有限元数值模拟方法建立了TDR测量过程数值仿真模型。分别以空气、不同浓度氯化钠溶液以及不同水合物含量的石英砂为被测介质验证了模型的正确性、研究了被测介质电导率和介电常数对反射波形的影响规律。通过改变被测介质的介电常数来模拟含水/水合物饱和度不同的石英砂,随着石英砂中水合物含量的增加,含水量逐渐降低,表观介电常数随之减小,电磁波传播速度随之以非线性形式增加;与理论值相比较,仿真计算所得到的传播速度最大误差处于5%以内。下一步需要在数值模型中的被测区域中填充各相异性材料来更加真实地模拟含水合物沉积物被测介质。  相似文献   

一类论域函数的全性与极大性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈仪香 《计算机学报》2001,24(7):680-684
该文研究L-论域上稳定函数的全性与极大性,由于全函数在计算机科学与技术中是不多见的,因此作者从降低函数全性的要求出发,转而要求函数是关于一类元素是全的,即将这类元素仍然映射成该类元素,另一方面,论域中元素间的序关系反映了元素包含信息多少的关系,因此包含尽可能多信息的元素,即极大元素是重要的一类元素,该文引入了极大类全函数,即将极大元映射成极大元的函数,重点研究极大类稳定全函数,同时关注稳定映射关于稳定序的极大性,即极大稳定函数,结果表明在一类的L-论域上,极大类稳定全函数与极大稳定函数是一致的。  相似文献   

本文研究了二维光子晶体的时域精细积分法,并对其精度、效率、以及稳定性进行分析.从麦克斯韦方程的微分形式出发,利用Yee元胞将空间微分算子近似为差分算子,结合边界条件及激励源的表达式得到一组关于时间的常微分方程.对时间进行精细划分,使用精细积分算法求解常微分方程组.结合通解与激励源的特解得到光子晶体两端的反射场及透射场分布,进而通过傅里叶变换求得二维光子晶体的传输特性.数值算例表明,本文方法具有准确、稳定、高效的特点.  相似文献   

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