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本刊讯8月8日,由中国中材国际工程股份有限公司总承包建设的沙特阿拉伯延布水泥公司日产10000吨熟料水泥生产线正式点火投入试运行。中材集团党委书记于世良、中材国际董事长王伟、中材国际(南京)党委书记赵惠锋出席点火仪式。业主、咨询公司、项目部分现场员工  相似文献   

2004年11月20日中材国际与沙特阿拉伯王国SPCC公司签订了建设AL MAJARDAH水泥生产线工程总承包合同。根据合同,中材国际以交钥匙的方式为SPCC公司在沙特ABHA建设一条日产5000吨水泥生产线,合同的范围包括从原料破碎到水泥包装装运整个全过程,合同总价值约20亿元。  相似文献   

读罢中国建材杂志社秦春雨随中国国际签约代表团赴沙特采访见闻《沙特七日行》(《中国建材》杂志2006年第一期),得知中国与沙特签订5.8亿美元水泥建设工程项目合同,用秦春雨的话说:“这一夜久久不能睡去,披衣捉笔,”草就这篇读后感,也算是一个“老水泥”的心声吧。一感自豪。我  相似文献   

12月份,中国中材国际工程股份有限公司以及所属的中材建设有限公司、中国建材装备有限公司、苏州中材建设有限公司共签署了2.5115亿美元海外合同,再次彰显了中材国际的水泥技术装备与工程服务业的国际地位和业主认可度。  相似文献   

虞建华 《中国建材》2007,(12):24-27
中国中材集团总经理、中国中材股份有限公司董事长谭仲明,不仅是一位新闻人物,而且是一位无法谢幕的新闻人物。自2001年初他受命出任这家央企的当家人之后,集团发展中重大新闻迭出,伴随着集团一连串重大事件的是,连续7年经营规模年均递增40%以上,利润递增60%以上,等于7年再造了20个新集团。谭仲明荣膺全国劳动模范,并分别在人民大会堂和沙特阿拉伯王国两次受到胡锦涛主席亲切接见。  相似文献   

2005年12月14日的沙特阿拉伯达曼市,秋高气爽,凉风习习。这是一个让人心情愉快又极不普通的日子。世界水泥工程建设史上最大的单笔金额5.8亿美金(约合50亿人民币)的建设合同就要在此签订,这是引起世界水泥界高度关注的事情。  相似文献   

本刊讯近日,中国中材国际工程股份有限公司天津公司与甘肃祁连山水泥集团股份有限公司签署了古浪日产4500吨新型干法水泥生产线工程和漳县日产4500吨新型干法水泥生产线工程项目总承包合同。古浪、漳县两条日产4500吨总承包项目是继祁连山公司酒钢宏达日产4500吨项目之后,中材国际天津公司以总  相似文献   

中非集团“中材国际”组建10个月来,签约工程总承包金额累计达20亿元以上,主营业务收入增幅30%以上。  相似文献   

本刊讯10月17日,中国中材国际工程股份有限公司天津公司与新疆茂润能源投资有限公司签订了伊犁塔斯水泥有限公司5000t/d熟料水泥生产线技改工程的总承包合同,合同额为3.92亿元。该项目是从石灰石进厂至水泥成品出厂的一条完整的5000t/d熟料水泥生产线,由中材国际天津公司承担生产线的设计、设备采购、安装及生产调试等。据了解,该合同最初为设计合同,因为对中材国  相似文献   

正亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议第四次峰会5月20日在上海召开,期间,中国国家主席习近平与俄罗斯总统普京见证俄罗斯最大的水泥生产商——欧洲水泥集团与中材国际、中国建材工程等多家中国企业签订一系列总包合同。签约仪式上,中国建材国际工程集团有限公司董事长、总裁彭寿与欧洲水泥集团董事长Filaret Galchev代表双方签署俄罗斯马尔佐夫2×5000t/d熟料水泥生产线及乌里扬诺夫斯克6200t/d熟料水泥生产线工程总承包合同;中材国际天津公司总经理徐培涛与Filaret Galchev代表双方签署米哈伊洛夫日产10000吨水泥生产线项目  相似文献   

This article falls into four broad sections.
  1. A background to the physical, political, social and cultural attributes of Saudi Arabia.
  2. Problems encountered by designers, such as communications, contractors, plant and construction materials, irrigation water.
  3. An attempt to establish some design principles, particularly pertinent to working in an arid Islamic environment.
  4. Concludes with some recent projects carried out in the Kingdom, which follow some of these principles.

Risks are present in every task we perform regardless of whether it is simple and straightforward or highly complex. Trenching excavations for public utilities involve difficult and dangerous conditions which can lead to injury and/or additional expense. The objectives of this paper are to explain the different types of potential risk that face contractors in carrying out trenching work in Saudi Arabia and to present the safety perception of contractors working in trenching excavation in Saudi Arabia. Data are gathered by surveying contractors involved with public utilities projects in Saudi Arabia. Finally, the paper discusses the safety measures that should be applied in trenching works.  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯巴勒斯坦人民救助委员会近期表示,委员会将资助630万美元,用于在西岸城市希伯伦修建100所住房。  相似文献   

Between 1970 and 1985 the public expenditure on three development plans in Saudi Arabia amounted to 1940 billion Saudi Riyals. This paper addresses the professional relationship between the public owners and the local architectural and engineering practices which has been measured in the form of overall satisfaction under a five-point scale ranging from excellent to poor, a second aspect identified satisfaction related to the design service and finally, a measure of satisfaction was gained from owners' response to their professional relationship with the practices.  相似文献   

石材是全世界各民族都十分钟爱的一种装修材料.它不受民族、文化、宗教、信仰、风俗的影响,有其广泛的应用面.只不过一些民族在颜色的使用上有所忌讳罢了.  相似文献   

文化差异对国际营销的重要性目前众多中国企业都面临着全球化的挑战,许多企业在开拓国际市场的征途中已经付出了惨重的代价。与国内营销不同,海外市场的开拓往往面临着人口环境、自然环境、经济环境、技术环境、政治法律环境及社会文化环境的改变。而在这6个因素中,社会文化的差异是影响国际营销最为复杂的因素,文化对国际营销的影响贯穿整个营销过程,包括定价、分销、促销、产品乃至包装,成功跨越  相似文献   

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has initiated a program to install air quality network stations throughout the country in order to measure concentration of the ambient air pollutants. The site selection of these stations is an important objective to be accomplished and must be done based on scientific and rational work. To accomplish this objective, a modified version of atmospheric transport and dispersion model, known as air resources laboratories - atmospheric transport and dispersion (ARLATAD) model, is used to evaluate long range transport and diffusion of air pollutants from major pollution causing sources such as refineries, open-air burning of associated gases of oil fields and major industries.Hourly meteorological data for a period of three years (from 1977 to 1979) on wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and temperature from 20 synoptic stations in Saudi Arabia is processed and used as model input. In addition to these, meteorological data from three upper air stations is also processed in order to determine base and top of critical inversion heights.Various pollution causing sources are identified within the study area. Air trajectories are drawn with sources as the origins of the trajectories and the dispersion characteristics is studied with distance and time. Based on long term meteorological records, the adversely affected zones are statistically identified for potential station sites.  相似文献   

Domestic water supply is an essential but challenging public service, especially in countries with rapid population growth and limited freshwater resources. Wastewater recycling has now become a sustainable source of domestic water supply worldwide. In Saudi Arabia, the energy-intensive desalination process meets over 60% of municipal water demand, rising by about 6% within the last two decades. The government has set an ambitious target of complete recycling of treated wastewater in major cities by 2040. Based on a questionnaire survey of 625 households, this study investigates household willingness to reuse treated greywater (TG) for non-drinking domestic applications and the factors that influence their attitudes toward wastewater recycling. The findings indicate more acceptability (agree or strongly agree) of reusing TG for laundering (males: 36.9%, females: 31.7%) than bathing (males: 11.6%, females: 12.1%). Chi-Square analyses show that residential location, age, and education significantly influence household attitudes to reuse TG, but gender and nationality do not. There is more prospect of agreeing to reuse TG for laundering than bathing across all ages groups, residential locations, nationalities, and genders. Educational attainment is the only significant predictor of the likelihood of using TG for bathing and laundering with an odds ratio of 1.26 and 1.04, respectively. Age and gender are significant predictors of the odds of reusing TG for laundering only. Behavioral change campaigns are key to scaling up wastewater recycling to reduce reliance on expensive seawater desalination and dwindling freshwater resources.  相似文献   

It was found that value engineering was in limited use since it has been introduced in 1981. The main reason for the lack of adoption being unfamiliarity with the concept among public sector organizations, as well as local architectural/engineering firms in the Kingdom.  相似文献   

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