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Given the increased globalization and popularization of computer applications, translating a system's human interface into the local language has become a major consideration for software vendors and distributors. In this paper, we suggest a theoretical framework for the study of user interface translation. The framework includes recognizing vendors' and users' costs of, and benefits from, software translation. An experiment was conducted, based on this framework, to test user performance and preferences regarding interface translations. The experiment manipulated the translation of two interface components: documentation language and manipulation language. The results indicate that users are sensitive to different combinations of interface translation in a way that is commensurate with the instruction-following process (Terwilliger and Polson 1997). Users performed best when a fully translated interface was used and worst when only the manipulation language was translated. Users' preferences were in line with their performance, indicating that a cost benefit approach can serve as a promising starting point to the study of interface translation.  相似文献   

Simulated Annealing has been a very successful general algorithm for the solution of large, complex combinatorial optimization problems. Since its introduction, several applications in different fields of engineering, such as integrated circuit placement, optimal encoding, resource allocation, logic synthesis, have been developed. In parallel, theoretical studies have been focusing on the reasons for the excellent behavior of the algorithm. This paper reviews most of the important results on the theory of Simulated Annealing, placing them in a unified framework. New results are reported as well.  相似文献   

The weighted incremental norm approach was originally introduced as a natural framework for extending well‐known H linear control concepts into the nonlinear context. In this paper, we investigate the numerous links between this new approach and the classical gain‐scheduling technique. Although based on heuristic rules, gain‐scheduled control is probably the most widespread nonlinear technique. In this paper, we point out that the control objectives of the gain‐scheduled controller design can be expressed as the weighted incremental norm minimization of a nonlinear operator. The result interest is twofold: it first provides a rigorous mathematical formulation of the gain‐scheduling problem. Furthermore, existing gain‐scheduling techniques can be interpreted as approximate solutions to the weighted incremental norm minimization of a nonlinear operator. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The problem of classifier combination is considered in the context of the two main fusion scenarios: fusion of opinions based on identical and on distinct representations. We develop a theoretical framework for classifier combination for these two scenarios. For multiple experts using distinct representations we argue that many existing schemes such as the product rule, sum rule, min rule, max rule, majority voting, and weighted combination, can be considered as special cases of compound classification. We then consider the effect of classifier combination in the case of multiple experts using a shared representation where the aim of fusion is to obtain a better estimate of the appropriatea posteriori class probabilities. We also show that the two theoretical frameworks can be used for devising fusion strategies when the individual experts use features some of which are shared and the remaining ones distinct. We show that in both cases (distinct and shared representations), the expert fusion involves the computation of a linear or nonlinear function of thea posteriori class probabilities estimated by the individual experts. Classifier combination can therefore be viewed as a multistage classification process whereby thea posteriori class probabilities generated by the individual classifiers are considered as features for a second stage classification scheme. Most importantly, when the linear or nonlinear combination functions are obtained by training, the distinctions between the two scenarios fade away, and one can view classifier fusion in a unified way.  相似文献   

Simulated Annealing has been a very successful general algorithm for the solution of large, complex combinatorial optimization problems. Since its introduction, several applications in different fields of engineering, such as integrated circuit placement, optimal encoding, resource allocation, logic synthesis, have been developed. In parallel, theoretical studies have been focusing on the reasons for the excellent behavior of the algorithm. This paper reviews most of the important results on the theory of Simulated Annealing, placing them in a unified framework. New results are reported as well.This research was sponsored by SRC and DARPA monitored by SNWSC under contract numbers N00039-87-C-012 and N00039-88-C-0292.  相似文献   


This article presents a theoretical framework useful for understanding the functionality of Hypertext systems in terms of their ability to satisfy cognitive requirements for expressing concepts and their relationships. This theoretical framework is derived from a re‐interpretation of Guilford's theory of the Structure of Intellect.  相似文献   

Whilst several examples of segment based approaches to language identification (LID) have been published, they have been typically conducted using only a small number of languages, or varying feature sets, thus making it difficult to determine how the segment length influences the accuracy of LID systems. In this study, phone-triplets are used as crude approximates for a syllable-length sub-word segmental unit. The proposed pseudo-syllabic length framework is subsequently used for both qualitative and quantitative examination of the contributions made by acoustic, phonotactic and prosodic information sources, and trialled in accordance with the NIST 1996 LID protocol. Firstly, a series of experimental comparisons are conducted which examine the utility of using segmental units for modelling short term acoustic features. These include comparisons between language specific Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), language specific GMMs for each segmental unit, and finally language specific hidden Markov models (HMM) for each segment, undertaken in an attempt to better model the temporal evolution of acoustic features. In a second tier of experiments, the contribution of both broad and fine class phonotactic information, when considered over an extended time frame, is contrasted with an implementation of the currently popular parallel phone recognition language modelling (PPRLM) technique. Results indicate that this information can be used to complement existing PPRLM systems to obtain improved performance. The pseudo-syllabic framework is also used to model prosodic dynamics and compared to an implemented version of a recently published system, achieving comparable levels of performance.  相似文献   

使用自然语言对数据库进行操作,有利于数据库技术的进一步推广应用。本文首先对语音识别的主要技术隐马尔可夫模型进行了综述,对数据库操作的词法和语义进行了研究,分析给出了基本的操作语句框架。  相似文献   

Two of the more difficult and time-consuming problems facing the foreign language teacher is the preparation and administration of quizzes and examinations. Since testing is an integral part of teaching, the problem of designing and implementing accurate, valid examinations is a crucial one. Computers are known for their speed, accuracy and repeatability. The use of the computer solves several problems inherent in test preparation. One can, given a well designed program, relegate the tasks of item selection and the producing of duplicating masters to the computer. Of course, the test items must be entered on the machine originally and proof-read, but once the procedure is done, the computer becomes an ideal storage medium: editing the items is quickly and easily performed. And, since all test items are stored in one place, it is possible to improve the test quality (both by increasing the quality of the test items themselves and by reducing the number of typographical errors) through repeated use with students and the subsequent modification of the computers “item bank” based on the students' performance on the tests.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a conceptual model of an interaction system for future human-computer interaction. It is suggested that an integrated system is the most promising solution for diverse users and tasks. A ' hybrid interaction system' is considered, which tries to efficiently direct manipulation, menu selection, and natural language. The mechanism of the natural language interface module is described in more detail. Finally, the allocation of functionalities for generalized tasks on the conceptual model is considered from the taxonomic approach.  相似文献   


This paper describes the development of a conceptual model of an interaction system for future human-computer interaction. It is suggested that an integrated system is the most promising solution for diverse users and tasks. A ‘ hybrid interaction system’ is considered, which tries to efficiently direct manipulation, menu selection, and natural language. The mechanism of the natural language interface module is described in more detail. Finally, the allocation of functionalities for generalized tasks on the conceptual model is considered from the taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

Much research has been devoted to the early adoption and the continued and habituated use of information systems (IS). Nevertheless, less is known about quitting the use of IS by individuals, especially in habituated hedonic settings, that is, IS discontinuance. This study focuses on this phenomenon, and argues that in hedonic IS use contexts (1) IS continuance and discontinuance can be considered simultaneously yet independently by current users, and that (2) IS continuance and discontinuance drivers can have differential effects on the respective behavioral intentions. Specifically, social cognitive theory is used to point to key unique drivers of website discontinuance intentions: guilt feelings regarding the use of the website and website-specific discontinuance self-efficacy, which counterbalance the effects of continuance drivers: habit and satisfaction. The distinctiveness of continuance and discontinuance intentions and their respective nomological networks, as well as the proposed research model, were then empirically validated in a study of 510 Facebook users. The findings indicate that satisfaction reduces discontinuance intentions directly and indirectly through habit formation. However, habit can also facilitate the development of ‘addiction’ to the use of the website, which produces guilt feelings and reduces one’s self-efficacy to quit using the website. These factors, in turn, drive discontinuance intentions and possibly the quitting of the use of the website.  相似文献   

A multiscale system identification methodology is presented and discussed, that extends, in a systematic way, the classical board of single-scale system identification tools to a multiscale context. The proposed approach is built upon a wavelet-based multiscale decomposition in a receding horizon sliding window that always includes the last measured values, in order to make it adequate for on-line use. Several examples are presented that illustrate different features of the multiscale modeling framework, such as its improved ability to perform prediction in output variables having most of its energy concentrated at intermediate or coarser time scales when compared to input variables, and its intrinsic smoothing capability.  相似文献   

Product catalogues constitute a valuable source of information for engineers engaged in design activities. Unfortunately, these catalogues provide only limited support to engineers in the earlier, conceptual stages of design. This research proposes the intelligent design catalogue consisting of a virtual design environment linked to catalogues of standard components. Engineers develop their design concepts within the virtual environment and refer to the catalogues as these concepts are refined. The selected components are assembled within the design environment. The intelligent design catalogue provides search aids as well as assessment tools. The theoretical framework draws on several engineering areas. Manufacturing demonstrates how process plans can be developed in a virtual environment independently of the machines on the shop floor just as products can be conceptually designed independently of the standard components available. The standard components themselves can be grouped borrowing from classification schemes of group technology. Object-oriented programming (OOP) provides an environment for the development of the software that runs the intelligent design catalogue. As the objects of OOP parallel standard components, OOP also serves as a design paradigm after which the catalogue can be modelled. Design theory suggests frameworks for developing a (semi-) hierarchical structure for cataloguing parts.  相似文献   

Mike W.  Matthew C.   《Neurocomputing》2008,71(7-9):1462-1476
Multiple neural network systems have become popular techniques for tackling complex tasks, often giving improved performance compared to single network systems. For example, modular systems can provide improvements in generalisation through task decomposition, whereas multiple classifier and regressor systems typically improve generalisation through the ensemble combination of redundant networks. Whilst there has been significant focus on understanding the theoretical properties of some of these multi-net systems, particularly ensemble systems, there has been little theoretical work on understanding the properties of the generic combination of networks, important in developing more complex systems, perhaps even those a step closer to their biological counterparts. In this article, we provide a formal framework in which the generic combination of neural networks can be described, and in which the properties of the system can be rigorously analysed. We achieve this by describing multi-net systems in terms of partially ordered sets and state transition systems. By way of example, we explore an abstract version of learning applied to a generic multi-net system that can combine an arbitrary number of networks in sequence and in parallel. By using the framework we show with a constructive proof that, under specific conditions, if it is possible to train the generic system, then training can be achieved by the abstract technique described.  相似文献   

Rubin  Eran  Rubin  Amir 《Electronic Markets》2021,31(3):717-735
Electronic Markets - In financial markets, investment options are relatively fixed but may occasionally change as new securities (tickers) are introduced to the markets. Theory on exploratory...  相似文献   

Many commercial software packages are available for industrial applications. However, small and medium size enterprises, SME, normally lack the in-house qualified personnel to benefit from such packages. As natural languages are the best means of communication, a natural language interface can therefore be a good means to grant the SME an easy access to the sophisticated computerized software packages, thus alleviating the problem of the lack of qualified personnel and reducing the cost of employees' learning curve. At present, no such interfaces exist.

This paper presents the design of a human-machine interface, ProcessTalk, that would accept natural language commands in a text form, then would invoke and execute the appropriate functional/procedural commands required by the desired commercial software package the same way as qualified analysts and engineers would operate. It also exposes its benefits and some of its industrial applications.  相似文献   

We describe a spoken dialogue interface with a mobile robot, which a human can direct to specific locations, ask for information about its status, and supply information about its environment. The robot uses an internal map for navigation, and communicates its current orientation and accessible locations to the dialogue system. In this article, we focus on linguistic and inferential aspects of the human–robot communication process. This work was conducted at ICCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK This work was presented in part at the 11th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 23–25, 2006  相似文献   

A framework for empirical evaluation of conceptual modeling techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a framework for the empirical evaluation of conceptual modeling techniques used in requirements engineering. The framework is based on the notion that modeling techniques should be compared via their underlying grammars. The framework identifies two types of dimensions in empirical comparisons—affecting and affected dimensions. The affecting dimensions provide guidance for task definition, independent variables and controls, while the affected dimensions define the possible mediating variables and dependent variables. In particular, the framework addresses the dependence between the modeling task—model creation and model interpretation—and the performance measures of the modeling grammar. The utility of the framework is demonstrated by using it to categorize existing work on evaluating modeling techniques. The paper also discusses theoretical foundations that can guide hypothesis generation and measurement of variables. Finally, the paper addresses possible levels for categorical variables and ways to measure interval variables, especially the grammar performance measures.  相似文献   

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