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彩色栅格地图矢量化方法研究 *   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用分区梯度模糊检测方法可以解决梯度边缘检测和模糊边缘检测方法在滤除背景时缺失前景要素的现象。利用提出的最优分量分色法 ,可以成功分离提取出前景要素 ;而在对提取出的线性要素进行细化时 ,提出了一种基于梯度特性的细化方法 ,得到的要素能很好地体现线性信息 ;采用现有的数学形态学方法对得到的细化要素进行后处理 ,最后得到了能够清晰表示要素特征的地图前景要素像素。  相似文献   

栅格地图矢量化关键技术研究与实现   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
在GIS中,采用扫描仪录入地图数据的难点为地图各要素的分割、细化和矢量化等问题。该文对相关技术进行了分析比较,并用数学形态学相关理论方法实现了对扫描图像中具有同一线型但不同线宽的线状要素的分类提取、细化和矢量化。  相似文献   

基于彩色地图的交互式矢量化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了直接基于彩色地图的交互式矢量化方法。这种方法通过样本学习、色彩距离度量、模糊选点等特点,较好地解决了如等高线一类的细线型要素的矢量化要求,达到了半自动的程度,具有较大的实际意义。  相似文献   

基于彩色栅格地图噪声特征的道路提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究从彩色栅格交通地图中提取完整的道路网络集合的方法。在地图规范化的基础上,基于彩色栅格地图上的噪声特征,处理欠识别和误识别的道路点集集合,并以实例说明应用该方法提取道路的过程和效果。  相似文献   

彩色扫描地图中线目标的矢量化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地图要素的矢量化是从扫描地图中获取地理信息的重要问题之一.通过分析彩色扫描地图的颜色特征,提出了一种线目标半自动矢量化的方法.该方法通过在用户选择的线目标上加一个滑动窗,采用颜色空间转换、K-均值聚类和区域生长相结合的方法对窗口内的当前线目标进行自适应分割;再通过不断地沿前进方向移动窗口和对窗口内的线目标进行分割、细化及序贯跟踪,来完成线目标的矢量化.实验结果表明,文中方法快速、准确、适应性强,对于低对比度、低信噪比的彩色扫描地图尤为有效.  相似文献   

路网电子地图对城市交通管理领域有重要的作用,但是地图服务机构提供的接口功能有限,商用地图一般价格高昂;而一些基于GPS数据的地图生成算法非常复杂、速度慢,在一些实际应用中受到限制,如区域地图即时更新、道路临时管制、应急路线规划等.为此提出一种直观、可扩展、操作灵活的城市道路地图构建方式.通过奥赛罗坐标化的方式,对单位栅格的表示方式进行重新设计,在改善栅格地图的拓扑表达能力、弥补栅格地图存储空间较大和处理时运算资源需求较多等弊端的同时,实现了地图的快速构建.文章以公共交通服务评估和路网韧性评价为例,展示了这一方法的应用潜力.  相似文献   

邓伟  康青  赵刚  唐远林 《计算机工程》2003,29(10):100-101
为了实现矢量化地图上根据用户指定点截断道路,文章提出针对该问题的两种算法并分别进行了复杂性分析。算法已在一实际的物流保障GIS系统中实现且运行良好。  相似文献   

地图中道路的自动识别与重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文针对地图中具有一定宽度的道路的识别,提出一种双边信息判断方法,它有跟踪准确、有效地填补间隙、正确穿越交叉点和桥梁,且不需要对地图作去噪声和细化等预处理,因而具有识别速度快的优点。采用该方法,对1∶50,000实际地图进行处理,获得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于彩色地图的交互式矢量化方法。该方法综合利用了颜色距离、线宽等特征,采取了模糊选点、跟踪方向自适应调节和跟踪模式自由切换等策略,克服了当前矢量化几种常用方法的不足,实现了彩色扫描地图的快速交互式矢量化。在实际应用中取得了比较满意的效果。  相似文献   

彩色栅格交通地图图像中道路识别与提取   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在地图图像数学模型的基础上,根据地图中各类对象的颜色特征对地图图像进行规范化处理;在分析地图图像中噪声特征的基础上,利用噪声的自身特征和数学形态学的基本疗法来消除地图图像中的噪声,以达到识别与提取完整的道路网络的目的.该方法对道路欠识别进行了处理,并以实例来验证其对道路网络识别与提取的过程及其效果.  相似文献   

对于小型船务公司,为了节省成本,只想取得本公司业务内的航道电子地图。本文采用内河航道图的矢量化方法采集数据,生成内河航道电子地图。该方法采用区域平均滤波和航道曲线插值拟合等算法,按照"点、线、面"3个图层采集数据,实现了区域航道电子地图。试验结果表明,所开发的内河航道电子地图软件,操作方便,界面清楚,精度良好,运算效率高,并具有较好的可维护性,完全适用于小型船务公司的应用要求。  相似文献   

首先采用模板匹配、特征抽取等方法提取城市和道路的标识,这些标识对后面的道路的提取有着重要的作用;然后根据道路的等级,在颜色基础上利用道路的特征分层提取道路图层;最后对道路进行细化,依据城市与道路,各种道路间的关系以及道路的特征建立一系列的判据,检查道路的合理性,并产生相应的策略对道路进行反馈处理,实现道路的全自动提取.实验结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Automatic and Accurate Extraction of Road Intersections from Raster Maps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since maps are widely available for many areas around the globe, they provide a valuable resource to help understand other geospatial sources such as to identify roads or to annotate buildings in imagery. To utilize the maps for understanding other geospatial sources, one of the most valuable types of information we need from the map is the road network, because the roads are common features used across different geospatial data sets. Specifically, the set of road intersections of the map provides key information about the road network, which includes the location of the road junctions, the number of roads that meet at the intersections (i.e., connectivity), and the orientations of these roads. The set of road intersections helps to identify roads on imagery by serving as initial seed templates to locate road pixels. Moreover, a conflation system can use the road intersections as reference features (i.e., control point set) to align the map with other geospatial sources, such as aerial imagery or vector data. In this paper, we present a framework for automatically and accurately extracting road intersections from raster maps. Identifying the road intersections is difficult because raster maps typically contain much information such as roads, symbols, characters, or even contour lines. We combine a variety of image processing and graphics recognition methods to automatically separate roads from the raster map and then extract the road intersections. The extracted information includes a set of road intersection positions, the road connectivity, and road orientations. For the problem of road intersection extraction, our approach achieves over 95% precision (correctness) with over 75% recall (completeness) on average on a set of 70 raster maps from a variety of sources.
Ching-Chien ChenEmail:

Yao-Yi Chiang   is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Southern California (USC). He received his B.S. in Information Management from National Taiwan University in 2000 and then his M.S. degree in Computer Science from the USC in December 2004. His research interests are on the automatic fusion of geographical data. He has worked extensively on the problem of automatically utilize raster maps for understanding other geospatial sources and has wrote and co-authored several papers on automatically fusing map and imagery as well as automatic map processing. Prior to his doctoral study at USC, Yao-Yi worked as a Research Scientist for Information Sciences Institute and Geosemble Technologies. Craig A. Knoblock   is a Senior Project Leader at the Information Sciences Institute and a Research Professor in Computer Science at the USC. He is also the Chief Scientist for Geosemble Technologies, which is a USC spinoff company that is commercializing work on geospatial integration. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon. His current research interests include information integration, automated planning, machine learning, and constraint reasoning and the application of these techniques to geospatial data integration. He is a Fellow of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence. Cyrus Shahabi   is currently an Associate Professor and the Director of the Information Laboratory (InfoLAB) at the Computer Science Department and also a Research Area Director at the NSF’s Integrated Media Systems Center at the USC. He received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in 1989 and then his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the USC in May 1993 and August 1996, respectively. He has two books and more than hundred articles, book chapters, and conference papers in the areas of databases, geographic information system (GIS) and multimedia. Dr. Shahabi’s current research interests include Geospatial and Multidimensional Data Analysis, Peer-to-Peer Systems and Streaming Architectures. He is currently an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and on the editorial board of ACM Computers in Entertainment magazine. He is also a member of the steering committees of IEEE NetDB and the general co-chair of ACM GIS 2007. He serves on many conference program committees such as VLDB 2008, ACM SIGKDD 2006 to 2008, IEEE ICDE 2006 and 2008, SSTD 2005 and ACM SIGMOD 2004. Dr. Shahabi is the recipient of the 2002 National Science Foundation CAREER Award and 2003 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers. In 2001, he also received an award from the Okawa Foundations. Ching-Chien Chen   is the Director of Research and Development at Geosemble Technologies. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the USC for a dissertation that presented novel approaches to automatically align road vector data, street maps and orthoimagery. His research interests are on the fusion of geographical data, such as imagery, vector data and raster maps with open source data. His current research activities include the automatic conflation of geospatial data, automatic processing of raster maps and design of GML-enabled and GIS-related web services. Dr. Chen has a number of publications on the topic of automatic conflation of geospatial data sources.   相似文献   

工程图纸矢量化软件的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程图纸矢量化是把扫描所得到的光栅图像加以处理、分析、识别,并最终转换成矢量图形格式的过程。矢量化研究是图纸复用、自动理解等应用的基础,是目前CAD领域的一个研究热点。文中介绍了所开发的工程图纸矢量化软件的设计思想和实现技术,包括图像处理和图形自动识别算法,以及为了进一步提高矢量化的准确率而采用的光栅图像编辑和矢量图形编辑等人机交互方法。实验结果证明了以上诸多方法的有效性,软件基本上达到了实用水平。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Raster to Vector Conversion (RVC) for Engineering Drawings(ED), also known as vectorization, is a procedure to find the vector form of graphic primitives – straight line, circle and arc segments – from the raster engineering drawing. It is an automated process of analyzing and recognizing graphic primitives in the raster engineering drawing, converting them into vector form. A lot of instances need to accomplish the raster to vector recognition and conversion, for example,…  相似文献   

在GIS应用中经常需要对电子地图尤其是电子道路进行更新。本文提出一种直线拟合算法,对车辆采集的坐标信息进行分析过滤,使用MapX组件技术实现电子道路的更新功能。在实际应用中,该算法具有高效率和低成本的特点,与实际道路的误差基本趋于零。  相似文献   

从符号库的算法入手 ,提出了一套通用炮兵地图符号的划分方案、结构设计及相应的实现方法  相似文献   

一种彩色图像区域分割及轮廓矢量化新算法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提出了一种逆时针追踪轮廓线的彩色图像区域分割算法,其思想是按逆时针顺序追踪轮廓线,在追踪过程中避免了像素点的重复判断,采用回溯搜索解决崎点问题,从而保证了追踪过程的连续性和正性性,在此基础上,运用递归方法分割出图像的所有不同色彩区域,直接提取出具有一定色极特征的区域,具有较高的实用性,也是此算法的优点之一,本文亦从直线像素点排列的特点出发,提出了一种轮廓点列快速矢量化算法,极大地减沲轮廓需存储的像素点个数,节省了内存空间,并为进一步算是如形状匹配,编码等提供了基础,实施测试的结果表明,该算法效果较好,达到了预测的要求。  相似文献   

海涛  鲍远律 《微机发展》2007,17(10):137-140
地图图像规范化算法是使地图图像同类型对象的某种属性具有相同的表现形式的一种方法或过程,它是地理信息识别的一个重要步骤。根据彩色栅格城市交通地图图像中各类地理要素的特征,提出一种基于区域特征和连接成分的地图图像规范化算法。首先对地图图像中的区域特征进行分析,并建立区域识别测度,实现了区域颜色规范化;再通过对非区域对象的连接成分进行分析,并建立道路识别测度,在区域颜色规范化的基础上,实现了道路颜色规范化。实验结果表明,对于彩色城市交通地图图像,该算法取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

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