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Time-varying filter banks and wavelets are studied and a design procedure is presented. In the resulting analysis-synthesis structures, the analysis filters and the corresponding synthesis filters, the number of bands, and the decimation rates can be changed with time. Such structures can be considered as time-frequency overlapping block transforms. From this viewpoint, the tiling of the time-frequency plane and the corresponding basis functions are changed in time. The time-varying discrete wavelet transforms can be considered a special case of time-varying overlapping block transforms and are studied in detail. The formulation is based on the time domain formulation of time-varying analysis-synthesis structures. The design procedure can be used to design time-varying perfectly invertible transformations with a finite number of distinct analysis structures. For adaptive filter bank application, a least squares design method is also studied  相似文献   

Vector-valued wavelets and vector filter banks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this paper, we introduce vector-valued multiresolution analysis and vector-valued wavelets for vector-valued signal spaces. We construct vector-valued wavelets by using paraunitary vector filter bank theory. In particular, we construct vector-valued Meyer wavelets that are band-limited. We classify and construct vector-valued wavelets with sampling property. As an application of vector-valued wavelets, multiwavelets can be constructed from vector-valued wavelets. We show that certain linear combinations of known scalar-valued wavelets may yield multiwavelets. We then present discrete vector wavelet transforms for discrete-time vector-valued (or blocked) signals, which can be thought of as a family of unitary vector transforms  相似文献   

New filter banks and more regular wavelets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the most interesting features of a wavelet is its Sobolev regularity. In this paper, we construct new wavelets that are more regular than the Daubechies wavelets for a given support width. We tabulate the coefficients of the new filters to make them easily accessible. We show that these filters outperform the Daubechies filters in the L2 approximation of the ideal filter. An application for speech analysis, synthesis, and compression is provided  相似文献   

On orthonormal wavelets and paraunitary filter banks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The known result that a binary-tree-structured filter bank with the same paraunitary polyphase matrix on all levels generates an orthonormal basis is generalized to binary trees having different paraunitary matrices on each level. A converse result that every orthonormal wavelet basis can be generated by a tree-structured filter bank having paraunitary polyphase matrices is then proved. The concept of orthonormal bases is extended to generalized (nonbinary) tree structures, and it is seen that a close relationship exists between orthonormality and paraunitariness. It is proved that a generalized tree structure with paraunitary polyphase matrices produces an orthonormal basis. Since not all phases can be generated by tree-structured filter banks, it is proved that if an orthonormal basis can be generated using a tree structure, it can be generated specifically by a paraunitary tree  相似文献   

In this paper, by combining the ideas of the recursive wavelets with second-generation wavelets, a family of recursive biorthogonal interpolating wavelets (RBIWs) is developed. The RBIWs have simple shape parameter vectors on each level, which allows a multichannel decomposition algorithm and provides, a flexible structure for designing signal-adapted interpolating filter banks. In the single-level case, an efficient approach to design an optimum two-channel biorthogonal interpolating filter bank is proposed, which maximizes the coding gain under the traditional quantization noise assumption. Furthermore, in the multilevel case, using level-wise optimization of the shape parameter vectors, signal-adapted tree-structured recursive biorthogonal interpolating filter banks (RBIFBs) are designed, which are efficient in computation and can remarkedly improve the coding gain. Finally, numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2-D) compactly supported, orthogonal wavelets and filter banks having linear phase are presented. Two cases are discussed: wavelets with two-fold symmetry (centrosymmetric) and wavelets with four-fold symmetry that are symmetric (or anti-symmetric) about the vertical and horizontal axes. We show that imposing the requirement of linear phase in the case of order-factorable wavelets imposes a simple constraint on each of its polynomial order-1 factors. We thus obtain a simple and complete method of constructing orthogonal order-factorable wavelets with linear phase. This method is exemplified by design in the case of four-band separable sampling. An interesting result that is similar to the one well-known in the one-dimensional (1-D) case is obtained: orthogonal order-factorable wavelets cannot be both continuous and have four-fold symmetry  相似文献   

We propose a new family of nonredundant geometrical image transforms that are based on wavelets and directional filter banks. We convert the wavelet basis functions in the finest scales to a flexible and rich set of directional basis elements by employing directional filter banks, where we form a nonredundant transform family, which exhibits both directional and nondirectional basis functions. We demonstrate the potential of the proposed transforms using nonlinear approximation. In addition, we employ the proposed family in two key image processing applications, image coding and denoising, and show its efficiency for these applications.  相似文献   

Previous wavelet research has primarily focused on real-valued wavelet bases. However, complex wavelet bases offer a number of potential advantageous properties. For example, it has been suggested that the complex Daubechies wavelet can be made symmetric. However, these papers always imply that if the complex basis has a symmetry property, then it must exhibit linear phase as well. In this paper, we prove that a linear-phase complex orthogonal wavelet does not exist. We study the implications of symmetry and linear phase for both complex and real-valued orthogonal wavelet bases. As a byproduct, we propose a method to obtain a complex orthogonal wavelet basis having the symmetry property and approximately linear phase. The numerical analysis of the phase response of various complex and real Daubechies wavelets is given. Both real and complex-symmetric orthogonal wavelet can only have symmetric amplitude spectra. It is often desired to have asymmetric amplitude spectra for processing general complex signals. Therefore, we propose a method to design general complex orthogonal perfect reconstruct filter banks (PRFBs) by a parameterization scheme. Design examples are given. It is shown that the amplitude spectra of the general complex conjugate quadrature filters (CQFs) can be asymmetric with respect the zero frequency. This method can be used to choose optimal complex orthogonal wavelet basis for processing complex signals such as in radar and sonar  相似文献   

This paper deals with two types of sampling systems, namely, the interpolation and approximation sampling systems. Closed-form expressions are derived for the frequency responses of the filters used in these systems that are matched to the input process in the mean squared sense. Closed-form expressions are also derived for the mean squared error between the input and the reconstructed processes for these matched sampling systems. Using these expressions, it is shown that the Meyer scaling function and wavelet or functions derived from these arise naturally in the context of subsampled bandlimited processes. To implement these systems, the perfect reconstruction circular convolution (PRCC) filter bank is proposed as a framework for the frequency-sampled implementation of these systems. Examples of matched interpolation and approximation sampling systems are provided, and their performance is compared with some standard interpolators to demonstrate their efficacy  相似文献   

针对认知无线电系统,设计了一种基于滤波器组的多滤波器联合能量频谱感知算法.分析了算法的基本原理,给出了算法的流程,并以信噪比为参数说明了算法的优越性.仿真验证算法的检测概率与漏失概率,并对经典滤波器组的能量频谱感知算法的检测概率与漏失概率进行了比较,结果表明:本算法性能优于经典滤波器组能量频谱感知算法的性能.  相似文献   

ECG beat detection using filter banks   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The authors have designed a multirate digital signal processing algorithm to detect heartbeats in the electrocardiogram (ECG). The algorithm incorporates a filter bank (FB) which decomposes the ECG into subbands with uniform frequency bandwidths. The FB-based algorithm enables independent time and frequency analysis to be performed on a signal. Features computed from a set of the subbands and a heuristic detection strategy are used to fuse decisions from multiple one-channel beat detection algorithms. The overall beat detection algorithm has a sensitivity of 99.59% and a positive predictivity of 99.56% against the MIT/BIH database. Furthermore this is a real-time algorithm since its beat detection latency is minimal. The FB-based beat detection algorithm also inherently lends itself to a computationally efficient structure since the detection logic operates at the subband rate. The FB-based structure is potentially useful for performing multiple ECG processing tasks using one set of preprocessing filters  相似文献   

Nonparametric waveform estimation using filter banks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a nonparametric method for estimating waveforms of event-related signals embedded in additive noise. The signals have transient character with varying shapes and arrival times. The estimation method is based on a series expansion of the signal by a set of basis functions. Using a template that contains a priori information, two sets of basis functions are designed by means of one uniform and one nonuniform bandpass filter bank. Then, signal-dependent basis functions are obtained. When no a priori information about the signal is available, signal-independent basis functions are constituted by the impulse responses of the subfilters. Delayed copies are created for each basis function with which time jitter in arrival time of the signal can be handled. The method gives a robust estimate of the waveform of transient signals having unknown waveforms and arrival times since no model assumptions are needed. One application is discussed through examples and compared with the estimate, which is obtained by the Karhunen-Loeve expansion  相似文献   

New expressions are developed for the perfect reconstruction of the boundary regions of a finite-length signal after subband processing. The time-invariant filter bank is required to be uniform and paraunitary, using FIR filters regardless of phase or symmetry. They accommodate a linear boundary extension in the analysis section, and avoid periodic extensions or storage of extended subband signals. The reconstruction methods are based on the formulation of linear systems that are built as a function of the filters  相似文献   

The lacunarity provides a useful parameter for describing the distribution of gap sizes in discrete self-similar (fractal) superlattices and is used in addition to the similarity dimension to describe fractals. We show here that lacunarity, as well as the similarity dimension, can be remotely estimated from the wavelet analysis of superlattices impulse response. As a matter of fact, the skeleton - the set of wavelet-transform modulus-maxima - of the reflected signal overlaps two hierarchical structures in the time-scale domain: such that one allows the direct remote extraction of the similarity dimension, while the other may provide an accurate estimation of the lacunarity of the interrogated superlattice. Criteria for the choice of the mother wavelet are established for impulse response corrupted by additive Gaussian white noise.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a design method of optimal biorthogonal FIR filter banks that minimize the time-averaged mean squared error (TAMSE) when the high-frequency subband signal is dropped. To study filter banks from a statistical point of view, cyclostationary spectral analysis is used since the output of the filter bank for a wide-sense stationary input is cyclostationary. First, the cyclic spectral density of the output signal is derived, and an expression for the TAMSE is presented. Then, optimal filter banks are given by minimizing the TAMSE with respect to the coefficients of the filters under the biorthogonality condition. By imposing the additional constraints on the coefficients, the optimal biorthogonal linear phase filter bank can be obtained  相似文献   

A filter bank design based on orthonormal wavelets and equipped with a multiscale Wiener filter is proposed in this paper for signal restoration of 1/f family of fractal signals which are distorted by the transmission channel and corrupted by external noise. First, the fractal signal transmission process is transformed via the analysis filter bank into multiscale convolution subsystems in time-scale domain based on orthonormal wavelets. Some nonstationary properties, e.g., self-similarity, long-term dependency of fractal signals are attenuated in each subband by wavelet multiresolution decomposition so that the Wiener filter bank can be applied to estimate the multiscale input signals. Then the estimated multiscale input signals are synthesized to obtain the estimated input signal. Some simulation examples are given for testing the performance of the proposed algorithm. With this multiscale analysis/synthesis design via the technique of the wavelet filter bank, the multiscale Wiener filter can be applied to treat the signal restoration problem for nonstationary 1/f fractal signals  相似文献   

A band-limited signal can be recovered from its periodic nonuniformly spaced samples provided the average sampling rate is at least the Nyquist rate. A multirate filter bank structure is used to both model this nonuniform sampling (through the analysis bank) and reconstruct a uniformly sampled sequence (through the synthesis bank). Several techniques for modeling the nonuniform sampling are presented for various cases of sampling. Conditions on the filter bank structure are used to accurately reconstruct uniform samples of the input signal at the Nyquist rate. Several examples and simulation results are presented, with emphasis on forms of nonuniform sampling that may be useful in mixed-signal integrated circuits.  相似文献   

We examine the use of efficient shift-and-add multiplier structures and multiplier blocks to reduce computational complexity in filter banks. This is more efficient than treating each bank filter separately. We also examine the Farrow (see Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits Syst. (ISCAS), p. 2641-2645) structure, which is used in interpolators. Applying multiplier blocks makes this structure cheaper than the more recognized Lagrange interpolator  相似文献   

The problem of reconstructing a part of the spectrum is reduced to designing the filter bank to satisfy a set of conditions. For the case considered here, these conditions cannot be satisfied simultaneously, so perfect reconstruction is not possible. The necessary and sufficient conditions on the filters so that the resulting filter bank cancels most alias components are found. Such filter banks are called partial alias cancellation filter banks. The product of the polyphase transfer matrices of these filter banks must be a block pseudocirculant matrix. An algorithm design procedure is discussed, and examples are given to demonstrate the theory  相似文献   

Subband coding of images using asymmetrical filter banks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We address the problem of the choice of subband filters in the context of image coding. The ringing effects that occur in subband-based compression schemes are the major unpleasant distortions. A new set of two-band filter banks suitable for image coding applications is presented. The basic properties of these filters are linear phase, perfect reconstruction, asymmetric length, and maximum regularity. The better overall performances compared to the classical QMF subband filters are explained. The asymmetry of the filter lengths results in a better compaction of the energy, especially in the highpass subbands. Moreover, the quantization error is reduced due to the short lowpass synthesis filter. The undesirable ringing effect is considerably reduced due to the good step response of the synthesis lowpass filter. The proposed design takes into account the statistics of natural images and the effect of quantization errors in the reconstructed images, which explains the better coding performance.  相似文献   

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