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Topological segmentation in three-dimensional vector fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a new method for topological segmentation in steady three-dimensional vector fields. Depending on desired properties, the algorithm replaces the original vector field by a derived segmented data set, which is utilized to produce separating surfaces in the vector field. We define the concept of a segmented data set, develop methods that produce the segmented data by sampling the vector field with streamlines, and describe algorithms that generate the separating surfaces. This method is applied to generate local separatrices in the field, defined by a movable boundary region placed in the field. The resulting partitions can be visualized using standard techniques for a visualization of a vector field at a higher level of abstraction.  相似文献   

Minimal surfaces based object segmentation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A geometric approach for 3D object segmentation and representation is presented. The segmentation is obtained by deformable surfaces moving towards the objects to be detected in the 3D image. The model is based on curvature motion and the computation of surfaces with minimal areas, better known as minimal surfaces. The space where the surfaces are computed is induced from the 3D image (volumetric data) in which the objects are to be detected. The model links between classical deformable surfaces obtained via energy minimization, and intrinsic ones derived from curvature based flows. The new approach is stable, robust, and automatically handles changes in the surface topology during the deformation  相似文献   

The objective of Isogeometric Segmentation is to generate a decomposition of a solid, given in boundary representation, into a collection of a relatively small number of base solids, which can easily be subdivided into topological hexahedra. This can be achieved by repeatedly splitting the solid. In each splitting step, one chooses a cutting loop, which is a cycle of curves around the boundary of the solid, and constructs a cutting surface that splits the solid into two simpler ones. When only hexahedra or pre-defined base solids are left this process terminates.The construction of the cutting surface must ensure that two essential properties are fulfilled: the boundary curves of the surface interpolate the previously constructed cutting loop and the surface neither intersects itself nor the boundary of the solid. A novel method for generating the cutting surface is presented in this paper. The method combines two steps: First we generate an implicit guiding surface, which is subsequently approximated by a trimmed spline surface in the second step.  相似文献   

The geometric segmentation of a discrete geometric model obtained by the scanning of real objects is affected by various problems that make the segmentation difficult to perform without uncertainties. Certain factors, such as point location noise (coming from the acquisition process) and the coarse representation of continuous surfaces due to triangular approximations, introduce ambiguity into the recognition process of the geometric shape. To overcome these problems, a new method for geometric point identification and surface segmentation is proposed.The point classification is based on a fuzzy parameterization using three shape indexes: the smoothness indicator, shape index and flatness index. A total of 11 fuzzy domain intervals have been identified and comprise sharp edges, defective zones and 10 different types of regular points. For each point of the discrete surface, the related membership functions are dynamically evaluated to be adapted to consider, point by point, those properties of the geometric model that affects uncertainty in point type attribution.The methodology has been verified in many test cases designed to represent critical conditions for any method in geometric recognition and has been compared with one of the most robust methods described in the related literature.  相似文献   

Hypertextures are a useful modelling tool in that they can add three-dimensional detail to the surface of otherwise smooth objects. Hypertextures can be rendered as implicit surfaces, resulting in objects with a complex but well defined boundary. However, representing a hypertexture as an implicit surface often results in many small parts being detached from the main surface, turning an object into a disconnected set. Depending on the context, this can detract from the realism in a scene, where one usually does not expect a solid object to have clouds of smaller objects floating around it. We present a topology correction technique, integrated in a ray casting algorithm for hypertextured implicit surfaces, that detects and removes all the surface components that have become disconnected from the main surface. Our method works with implicit surfaces that are C2 continuous and uses Morse theory to find the critical points of the surface. The method follows the separatrix lines joining the critical points to isolate disconnected components.  相似文献   

This paper describes the possible enhancements to the classical interface between users and spatial data. In particular, methods to analyse and simulate discrete surfaces will be shown. Surface analysis is described mainly in the context of shape characterisation and topographic feature extraction. Simulation of surface models is proposed using constrained triangulation, which is able to keep in the geometric model the possible morphological constraints imposed by the user. Analysis and simulation are seen as fundamental tools for spatial data handling to provide the basis for advanced management of spatial data in Geographical Information Systems.  相似文献   

Segmentation is a process of partitioning the data in a triangular model to extract the feature regions for use in surface reconstruction. Quadratic surfaces are among the common entities in typical CAD models and should be reconstructed accurately. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for segmenting quadratic features from triangular meshes. The proposed process is primarily composed of two steps. In the first step, a region growing is developed to search for a small area near a seed point to determine the feature type, which can either be a plane, a spherical surface, a cylindrical surface or a conical surface. In the second step, a re-growing procedure is employed to search for the points of the same feature type. Moreover, an automatic algorithm is proposed to extract all planar regions for complex triangular models. The feasibility and limitations of the proposed method are demonstrated by real range data with various quadratic surfaces.  相似文献   

Smooth closed surfaces with discrete triangular interpolants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Discrete interpolants which involve cross boundary derivatives in an attempt to form C1 surfaces have the following major problem: Requiring C1 joins between patches makes sense only if the patch domains are adjacent in the domain space. This makes it impossible to form C1 closed surfaces, or indeed any surface which contains more connections than can be achieved in the domain.

This paper develops a method of forming smooth closed (or otherwise complexly connected) surfaces from a discrete triangular interpolant by relaxing the C1 property of an interpolant to ‘Visually C1”.

The only constraint on the scheme is that the data to be interpolated define a unique tangent plane at each vertex where several triangles meet. Then each patch can be calculated independently of its neighbors, using only data defined at its vertices, and the domain for each triangular patch can be chosen without regarding the connectivity of the patch with others. This last feature could be of great interest to a designer of a surface since one can choose the domain of each patch to be an equilateral triangle, and give it no further thought.  相似文献   

Binary-defined 3D objects are common in volume graphics and medical imaging as a result of voxelization algorithms, segmentation methods, and binary operations such as clipping. Traditionally, renderings of binary objects suffer from severe image quality problems, especially when one tries to zoom-in and render the binary data from up close. We present a new rendering technique for discrete binary surfaces. The technique is based on distance-based normal estimation, an accelerated ray casting, and a tricubic interpolator. We demonstrate the quality achieved by our method and report on its interactive rendering speed.  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of various discrete Hodge star operators for discrete exterior calculus (DEC) using circumcentric and barycentric dual meshes. The performance is evaluated through the DEC solution of Darcy and incompressible Navier–Stokes flows over surfaces. While the circumcentric Hodge operators may be favorable due to their diagonal structure, the barycentric (geometric) and the Galerkin Hodge operators have the advantage of admitting arbitrary simplicial meshes. Numerical experiments reveal that the barycentric and the Galerkin Hodge operators retain the numerical convergence order attained through the circumcentric (diagonal) Hodge operators. Furthermore, when the barycentric or the Galerkin Hodge operators are employed, a super-convergence behavior is observed for the incompressible flow solution over unstructured simplicial surface meshes generated by successive subdivision of coarser meshes. Insofar as the computational cost is concerned, the Darcy flow solutions exhibit a moderate increase in the solution time when using the barycentric or the Galerkin Hodge operators due to a modest decrease in the linear system sparsity. On the other hand, for the incompressible flow simulations, both the solution time and the linear system sparsity do not change for either the circumcentric or the barycentric and the Galerkin Hodge operators.  相似文献   

The Topological Active Volumes is an active model focused on 3D segmentation tasks. It is based on the 2D Topological Active Nets model and provides information about the surfaces and the inside of the detected objects in the scene. This paper proposes new optimization approaches based on Genetic Algorithms that improve the results of the 3D segmentations and overcome some drawbacks of the model related to parameter tuning or noise conditions. The hybridization of the genetic algorithm with a greedy local search allows the treatment of topological changes in the model, with the possibility of an automatic subdivision of the Topological Active Volume. This combination integrates the advantages of the global and local search procedures in the segmentation process.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a generic methodology for segmentation and reconstruction of volumetric datasets based on a deformable model, the topological active volumes (TAV). This model, based on a polyhedral mesh, integrates features of region-based and boundary-based segmentation methods in order to fit the contours of the objects and model its inner topology. Moreover, it implements automatic procedures, the so-called topological changes, that alter the mesh structure and allow the segmentation of complex features such as pronounced curvatures or holes, as well as the detection of several objects in the scene. This work presents the TAV model and the segmentation methodology and explains how the changes in the TAV structure can improve the adjustment process. In particular, it is focused on the increase of the mesh density in complex image areas in order to improve the adjustment to object surfaces. The suitability of the mesh structure and the segmentation methodology is analyzed and the accuracy of the proposed model is proved with both synthetic and real images.  相似文献   

针对离散曲率估计对噪声敏感且特征值计算量大的特点提出了基于区域离散曲率的三维网格分水岭分割算法。寻找三维模型显著特征点;对三维模型进行预分割,确定分割带;在分割带区域上计算离散曲度极值点,利用测地距离和曲度极值点对三维模型进行分水岭分割。算法在分割前无需进行网格去噪,实验结果证明,对主体分支明显的模型具有较高的分割边缘准确度和较快的分割速度。  相似文献   

Accurate curvature estimation in discrete surfaces is an important problem with numerous applications. Curvature is an indicator of ridges and can be used in applications such as shape analysis and recognition, object segmentation, adaptive smoothing, anisotropic fairing of irregular meshes, and anisotropic texture mapping. In this paper, a new framework is proposed for accurate curvature estimation in discrete surfaces. The proposed framework is based on a local directional curve sampling of the surface where the sampling frequency can be controlled. This local model has a large number of degrees of freedoms compared with known techniques and, so, can better represent the local geometry. The proposed framework is quantitatively evaluated and compared with common techniques for surface curvature estimation. In order to perform an unbiased evaluation in which smoothing effects are factored out, we use a set of randomly generated Bezier surface patches for which the curvature values can be analytically computed. It is demonstrated that, through the establishment of sampling conditions, the error in estimations obtained by the proposed framework is smaller and that the proposed framework is less sensitive to low sampling density, sampling irregularities, and sampling noise.  相似文献   

We construct and analyze multigrid methods for discretized self-adjoint elliptic problems on triangular surfaces in ${\mathbb{R}^3}$ . The methods involve the same weights for restriction and prolongation as in the case of planar triangulations and therefore are easy to implement. We prove logarithmic bounds of the convergence rates with constants solely depending on the ellipticity, the smoothers and on the regularity of the triangles forming the triangular surface. Our theoretical results are illustrated by numerical computations.  相似文献   

对标准站立测量姿态下的人体表面点云数据的拓扑特征检测与自动分割进行了研究,提出基于全景深度图像表示的人体点云表面拓扑特征检测和自动分割新方法。首先把人体表面的点云数据转换为圆柱极坐标形式,获得人体扫描表面的全景深度图像表示,根据全景深度图像中的层次信息自动检测人体表面的拓扑特征,并根据拓扑特征把人体分割成5个功能结构。实验证明这种方法改进了人体表面点云数据的拓扑特征检测和自动分割的效率和精度。  相似文献   

针对隐式曲面上多相图像分割的问题,基于曲面的隐式表达、隐式曲面上的内蕴梯度等概念,将用于平面图像分割的Potts模型推广.首先对于隐式封闭曲面和隐式开放曲面,分别给出Potts模型的推广形式.然后对于传统梯度降方法计算效率低的问题,为曲面上的Potts模型设计了Split Bregman算法和对偶方法,并在对偶方法的基础上提出了一种改进的快速算法.多个数值实验结果表明,所提出的曲面上的Potts模型能有效地分割闭/开曲面上的分段常值图像,并且新的改进对偶方法在计算效率方面优于其他两种方法.  相似文献   

Despite the ability of current GPU processors to treat heavy parallel computation tasks, its use for solving medical image segmentation problems is still not fully exploited and remains challenging. A lot of difficulties may arise related to, for example, the different image modalities, noise and artifacts of source images, or the shape and appearance variability of the structures to segment. Motivated by practical problems of image segmentation in the medical field, we present in this paper a GPU framework based on explicit discrete deformable models, implemented over the NVidia CUDA architecture, aimed for the segmentation of volumetric images. The framework supports the segmentation in parallel of different volumetric structures as well as interaction during the segmentation process and real-time visualization of the intermediate results. Promising results in terms of accuracy and speed on a real segmentation experiment have demonstrated the usability of the system.  相似文献   

In this paper, a class of Random Field model, defined on a multiresolution array is used in the segmentation of gray level and textured images. The novel feature of one form of the model is that it is able to segment images containing unknown numbers of regions, where there may be significant variation of properties within each region. The estimation algorithms used are stochastic, but because of the multiresolution representation, are fast computationally, requiring only a few iterations per pixel to converge to accurate results, with error rates of 1-2 percent across a range of image structures and textures. The addition of a simple boundary process gives accurate results even at low resolutions, and consequently at very low computational cost.  相似文献   

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