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正食品安全质量问题一直是社会人士所关注的重点焦点话题,食品质量的安全需要食品检测实验室的正规安全科学的监测,为食品的质量提供保障,因此,食品检测实验室直接关系到食品安全健康。但是,现如今食品检测实验室机构在食品安全检测与管理上还是有一些问题产生,这就没办法保证食品在市场上流通的安全性。食品检测实验室对于食品的检测  相似文献   

食品质量安全与人们健康息息相关,是消费者特别关注的社会话题。食品企业的质量安全管理人员、政府食品质量监督管理部门,都要发挥职能,做好食品安全的管理,保障食品质量安全,避免食品安全事故的发生,为人们提供健康安全的食品。文章分析了质量管理在食品安全中的重要性,并提供了一些提高食品安全的管理措施,对于提高食品安全性有着重要作用。  相似文献   

近一两年,在人们越发关注饮食安全营养的同时,无公害食品、绿色食品及有机食品这一系列代表高端消费品牌,引领饮食新风尚的“特殊食品”,被越来越多的消费者接受和认可.但同时,市场上曝露出的相关质量问题让越来越多的消费者感到恐慌和无助.为此,今年年初,国家出台了新的政策和规定,来规范健全绿色食品及有机食品市场,保障这些产品的质量实至名归.当然,不仅仅是针对无公害食品、绿色食品及有机食品这些特殊食品,对于日常大众消费的各种食品,我们也希望能给大家带来健康与营养,让食品安全这一理想不再成为奢望.  相似文献   

食品标准体系是以系统科学及标准化原理为指导,对食品的生产环节、加工环节、流通环节及消费环节进行风险分析,即食品"从农田至餐桌"整体过程中的每个影响食品安全及质量相关要素进行分析及控制的整体化安全评价标准,根据相关要素之间的关联性,构成一个系统化、科学化且合理可行的有机食品安全整体体系。在实际的食品安全监管中,严格按照食品安全标准体系的要求对食品安全进行科学有效的监控,促进我国食品安全整体水平的提升。  相似文献   

有机食品质量与安全研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了国内外有机食品与常规食品的质量比较研究结果,包括果蔬产品、粮油产品、畜产品等,同时讨论了有机食品与人类健康的关系,展望了国内有机食品发展和研究的前景。  相似文献   

正随着农药化肥的广泛使用,人们开始注重自身健康,尤其是食品安全问题。相比于国外先进食品监管模式,我国在食品安全监管上面还面临着系统安全性、科学性、可行性和标准性上的问题。本文主要通过分析国外食品监管模式,来找到提高我国食品监管质量的方法。食品安全问题是一个全球性的话题,而食品安全监管的力度将直接决定食品的质量和安全。虽然食品安全  相似文献   

随着全球经济的发展和环保意识的增强,健康成为了有史以来最热门的话题,而生活的质量和食品的品质也理所当然成为被人们苛刻要求的对象。在这种大环境的驱动下,贴有各种健康食品标志的产品在商场陆续上架,其中的有机食品作为一类源于自然、富营养、高品质的环保型安全食品,日益受到消费者的亲睐,怎样才能获得有机食品标志呢?本期我们就来讲讲有机食品认证的知识。  相似文献   

频发的食品安全问题,一次次考验着老百姓的餐桌和公众对食品安全的信心,有机食品的大量涌现使人们看到了安全的曙光。也因此,近日在中国国际展览中心举办的第十一届北京(国际)有机食品和绿色食品博览会受到了首都市民的青睐。十一月的北京,寒意渐浓,但国际展览中心却热火朝天。展会上,标有"安全、健康、营养"的食品琳琅满目,  相似文献   

正民以食为天,食品安全一直是人们最为关心话题,特别是经济发展水平提高后,人们对食品的安全质量提出更高的要求。但近几年屡屡曝出的食品安全事件,给人们的生活质量造成了严重的威胁,分析造成食品安全问题的原因并提出并落实可行的解决措施成为当务之急。  相似文献   

上海市民食品安全认识水平的调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解上海市民对食品安全的认识水平。方法 对上海市区的 10 0名市民进行问卷调查。结果 安全放心是被调查者选择购买食品场所时首先考虑的因素 ;仅有 15 %的人在发生质量问题时会主动索赔 ,近半数的人在购买食品或就餐后没有索要发票的习惯 ;对小型餐饮店和临时摊点食品卫生状况的评价较低 ;对食品安全相关的法律法规的知晓率为 6 5 %~ 74 % ,对绿色食品、无公害食品和有机食品的知晓率依次降低 (分别为 85 %、5 9%和 2 6 % ) ;电视和报纸是获得食品安全信息的主要渠道。结论 上海市民的总体食品安全意识较高 ,但在具体的消费过程中 ,自我保护的意识还比较薄弱 ;对有机食品和转基因食品等知之甚少 ,有必要通过电视、报纸等媒体加强相关知识的普及。  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to provide a critical overview of the current knowledge of the differences between organic and conventional production regarding food safety. In general, it would appear that microbiological safety and contaminants from environmental and natural sources are greatly influenced by other factors rather than totally independent of the production system per se. Claims that organic food is safer than conventional food have not yet been supported by definitive scientific research and, therefore, it can be concluded that the premium price of organic food may only be justifiable by factors other than food safety.  相似文献   

粮油食品中呕吐毒素危害及风险分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文分析呕吐毒素性质,在自然界和粮油食品中存在情况,及对人类和动物危害,并进行风险评估,同时提出预防呕吐毒素危害建议。  相似文献   

Given the significant increase in consumer interest in organic food products, there is a need to determine to what extent there is a scientific basis for claims made for organic produce. Studies comparing foods derived from organic and conventional growing systems were assessed for three key areas: nutritional value, sensory quality, and food safety. It is evident from this assessment that there are few well-controlled studies that are capable of making a valid comparison. With the possible exception of nitrate content, there is no strong evidence that organic and conventional foods differ in concentrations of various nutrients. Considerations of the impact of organic growing systems on nutrient bioavailability and nonnutrient components have received little attention and are important directions for future research. While there are reports indicating that organic and conventional fruits and vegetables may differ on a variety of sensory qualities, the findings are inconsistent. In future studies, the possibility that typical organic distribution or harvesting systems may deliver products differing in freshness or maturity should be evaluated. There is no evidence that organic foods may be more susceptible to microbiological contamination than conventional foods. While it is likely that organically grown foods are lower in pesticide residues, there has been very little documentation of residue levels.  相似文献   

对近年来国内外有关有机食品质量安全及营养品质的研究进行综述,初步得出如下结论:从安全角度说,绝大多数有机食品不含有任何化学农药残留;有机蔬菜中硝酸盐含量比常规蔬菜含量少;有机谷物中真菌毒素含量与常规谷物无显著差异。从营养角度来说,有机植物产品中含有更多的干物质、矿物质(如铁、镁)和抗氧化物质(如多酚类物质和水杨酸等);有机动物产品中含有更多的多不饱和脂肪酸。而关于有机食品中是否含有更多碳水化合物、蛋白质和维生素含量的有关数据不足。  相似文献   

While much has been published on the advantages of organic agriculture, less has addressed its potentials and challenges to fight undernourishment in developing countries. This article aims at reviewing the main potentials and challenges of this approach when dealing with “undernourishment” as a multifaceted concept in developing countries. Accordingly, 2 main issues of the concept which are “food security” and “food safety” are discussed in the context of both developed and developing countries to understand their different food policies’ priorities. Next, the main potentials, challenges and tradeoffs of the organic approach are analyzed to understand whether the approach is capable to provide a secure or a safe food-production system which can meet the food policy priorities in developing countries. With respect to food security, the article concludes that conventional and biotechnological approaches still produce higher yields than organic agriculture. However, considering the many advantages of organic agriculture, it can in a long run, be more conducive than now to meet food security. Thus, conventional approaches to feed the hungers in developing countries. Accordingly, the article emphasizes on the importance of providing farmers in developing countries with the possibility of implementing different approaches. Therefore, policy makers should be aware of a realistic and gradual transition from the other approaches to the organic that should be projected only in “long run,” and after conducting a series of risk assessment studies on the bases of both “crop-case” and “region-case.”  相似文献   

Consumer concern over the quality and safety of conventional food has intensified in recent years, and primarily drives the increasing demand for organically grown food, which is perceived as healthier and safer. Relevant scientific evidence, however, is scarce, while anecdotal reports abound. Although there is an urgent need for information related to health benefits and/or hazards of food products of both origins, generalized conclusions remain tentative in the absence of adequate comparative data. Organic fruits and vegetables can be expected to contain fewer agrochemical residues than conventionally grown alternatives; yet, the significance of this difference is questionable, inasmuch as actual levels of contamination in both types of food are generally well below acceptable limits. Also, some leafy, root, and tuber organic vegetables appear to have lower nitrate content compared with conventional ones, but whether or not dietary nitrate indeed constitutes a threat to human health is a matter of debate. On the other hand, no differences can be identified for environmental contaminants (e.g. cadmium and other heavy metals), which are likely to be present in food from both origins. With respect to other food hazards, such as endogenous plant toxins, biological pesticides and pathogenic microorganisms, available evidence is extremely limited preventing generalized statements. Also, results for mycotoxin contamination in cereal crops are variable and inconclusive; hence, no clear picture emerges. It is difficult, therefore, to weigh the risks, but what should be made clear is that 'organic' does not automatically equal 'safe.' Additional studies in this area of research are warranted. At our present state of knowledge, other factors rather than safety aspects seem to speak in favor of organic food.  相似文献   

国际婴幼儿食品研究新动态   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
高松柏 《中国乳品工业》2007,35(4):36-39,58
介绍了国际婴幼儿食品近期研究新动态。探讨了接近母乳的婴儿配方、预防婴幼儿肥胖、增强免疫力、减少过敏、提高认知力与视锐敏度等专利和技术。强调发展有机婴幼儿食品、保证婴幼儿食品安全的重要性。展望了我国婴幼儿产业的扩展和益生菌应用于婴幼儿食品的研究。  相似文献   

魔芋食品的开发利用与研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
概述了魔芋食品的开发利用现状和国内外最新研究进展,分析了魔芋食品的开发前景,并指出了魔芋食品开发与研究的重点。  相似文献   

高金申  孙孟  郑丽 《食品工程》2013,(4):1-3,25
近几年来,中国食品安全问题频发,引发人们的思考。与此同时,穆斯林的食品安全同样也面临着严峻的挑战。主要研究了伊斯兰教的饮食文化,并针对大学生群体对伊斯兰教饮食文化的了解以及清真食品的安全问题进行调查。在统计分析的基础上,详细讨论了穆斯林学生群体对于上述问题的看法,并以此为基础,分析了中国清真食品行业当前的安全问题。  相似文献   

食品安全化学计量是保障食品安全领域的所有化学测量单位统一和量值准确可靠的活动。统一的、资源充分的食品安全计量溯源体系是食品安全测量结果可靠与可比的基础。至2018年6月,国际计量组织主导食品计量关键比对82项,中国计量科学研究院代表中国参加了9项食品有机分析和69项食品中无机元素分析国际比对,均取得等效。截至2018年6月,我国食品相关一级标准物质145种,二级标准物质452种,其中食品基体标准物质占四分之一。在国际计量局的关键比对数据库(Key Comparison Database,KCDB)中,食品领域核心测量能力(core measurement capabilities,CMCs)共计622项,我国共获得食品领域核心测量能力139项位居各国总数第一。本文综述了1998年以来,国内外食品安全化学计量技术发展历程,测量技术及核心测量能力,主要包括有机分析和无机分析2个领域。目前我国食品安全标准物质和核心测量能力仍处于起步阶段,还不能完全覆盖食品安全检测领域,加快食品安全计量发展仍是广大食品安全计量工作者的目标和任务。  相似文献   

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