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Modeling of the spatial distribution of nitrogen transport and attenuation from various inland sources and along different hydrological pathways to coastal waters is needed for relevant decisions on effective allocation of measures for coastal nitrogen load abatement. We identify, classify, and quantify uncertainties associated with main discrepancies between spatial process representations in different catchment-scale nitrogen transport-attenuation models. The results show important model differences, indicating scientific disagreement on the realistic spatial process understanding, representation, and quantification in nitrogen transport-attenuation modeling. By further developing solutions for economic optimization of spatially differentiated nitrogen source abatement in coastal catchments, we find this disagreement to considerably affect the economic efficiency of coastal nitrogen load reduction. It may also lead to stakeholder mistrust and conflict and needs to be recognized and handled in environmental policy.  相似文献   

Microplastics have become ubiquitous in the marine environment. Microplastics have been detected in many coastal environments and species, including commercial seafood. This triggers concern about potential economic impacts and the risks of dietary exposure, especially for coastal communities. However, data regarding the levels of microplastics in coastal seafood and their toxicological effects are still limited. Accordingly, the dietary risk is still poorly explored. This review summarizes and discusses recent scientific findings on (i) the presence of microplastics in coastal waters, (ii) the occurrence of microplastics in coastal seafood and the likelihood of trophic transfer, and (iii) the effects of microplastics on coastal fish and shellfish species. Human toxicity data are also reviewed, but the risks for human health are difficult to determine due to limited data. Based on available worldwide data, the estimation of microplastics intake through seafood consumption shows a huge variation. Additionally, a lack of standardized analytical methods complicates the comparison of results between studies and therefore seriously affects the reliability of risk assessments. It is concluded that more exposure and toxicity data are needed properly to assess human health risks of microplastics in coastal seafood, and the lack of data currently impede the derivation of a risk-based food safety standard. The pros and cons of an interim solution, i.e. setting a provisional action level, are being discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The use of antibiotics in aquaculture may cause development of antibiotic resistance among pathogens infecting cultured animals and humans. However, this is a recent issue and has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Furthermore, there is limited knowledge about the environmental effects of antibiotic use in aquaculture. It is well known that antibiotics are commonly used in shrimp farming to prevent or treat disease outbreaks, but there is little published documentation on details of usage patterns. This study, conducted in 2000, shows that a large proportion of shrimp farmers along the Thai coast used antibiotics in their farms. Of the seventy‐six farmers interviewed, 74% used antibiotics in shrimp pond management. Most farmers used them prophylactically, some on a daily basis, and at least thirteen different antibiotics were used. Many farmers were not well informed about efficient and safe application practices. A more restrictive use of antibiotics could have positive effects for the individual farmer and, simultaneously, decrease impacts on regional human medicine and adjacent coastal ecosystems. It is likely that dissemination of information could contribute to a decreased use of antibiotics, without decreasing the level of shrimp production.  相似文献   

We simulate and analyze long-term dynamics of coastal nitrogen (N) loading and the inland source changes and processes that may have determined its development over the past 60-year period and may govern its possible future responses to various N source management scenarios. With regard to processes, the results show that average basin-scale N delivery fractions to the coast may not be representative of the coastal impacts of either diffuse or point inland sources. The effects of inland source changes may be greatly redistributed in space-time and delayed by slow N transport and mass transfer processes in the subsurface water system of coastal catchments. Extrapolation of current N transport-attenuation conditions for quantification of future abatement effects may therefore be misleading if the extrapolation models do not realistically represent delayed long-term influences of slow subsurface processes. With regard to policy, the results show that and why national Swedish and international Baltic Sea region policies for coastal N load abatement may be difficult or impossible to achieve by inland source abatement only. Large mitigation of both point and diffuse sources may be necessary to achieve targeted coastal N load reductions fast and maintain them also in the long term.  相似文献   

Perchlorate is a widespread environmental contaminant having both anthropogenic and natural sources. Stable isotope ratios of O and Cl in a given sample of perchlorate may be used to distinguish its source(s). Isotopic ratios may also be useful for identifying the extent of biodegradation of perchlorate, which is critical for assessing natural attenuation of this contaminant in groundwater. For this approach to be useful, however, the kinetic isotopic fractionations of O and Cl during perchlorate biodegradation must first be determined as a function of environmental variables such as temperature and bacterial species. A laboratory study was performed in which the O and Cl isotope ratios of perchlorate were monitored as a function of degradation by two separate bacterial strains (Azospira suillum JPLRND and Dechlorospirillum sp. FBR2) at both 10 degrees C and 22 degrees C with acetate as the electron donor. Perchlorate was completely reduced by both strains within 280 h at 22 degrees C and 615 h at 10 degrees C. Measured values of isotopic fractionation factors were epsilon(18)O = -36.6 to -29.0% per hundred and epsilon(37)Cl = -14.5 to -11.5% per hundred, and these showed no apparent systematic variation with either temperature or bacterial strain. An experiment using (18)O-enriched water (delta(18)O = +198% per hundred) gave results indistinguishable from those observed in the isotopically normal water (delta(18)O = -8.1% per hundred) used in the other experiments, indicating negligible isotope exchange between perchlorate and water during biodegradation. The fractionation factor ratio epsilon(18)O/epsilon(37)Cl was nearly invariant in all experiments at 2.50 +/- 0.04. These data indicate that isotope ratio analysis will be useful for documenting perchlorate biodegradation in soils and groundwater. The establishment of a microbial fractionation factor ratio (epsilon(18)O/ epsilon(37)Cl) also has significant implications for forensic studies.  相似文献   

Coarse aerosols (particle diameter (D(p)) > 2 μm) produced in coastal surf zones carry chemical and microbial content to shore, forming a connection between oceanic, atmospheric, and terrestrial systems that is potentially relevant to coastal ecology and human health. In this context, the effects of tidal height, wind speed, and fog on coastal coarse aerosols and microbial content were quantified on the southern coast of Maine, USA. Aerosols at this site displayed clear marine influence and had high concentrations of ecologically relevant nutrients. Coarse aerosol concentrations significantly increased with tidal height (i.e., decreasing distance from waterline), onshore wind speed, and fog presence. As onshore wind speeds rose above 3 m s(-1), the mean half-deposition distance of coarse aerosols increased to an observed maximum of 47.6 ± 10.9 m from the water's edge at wind speeds from 5.5-8 m s(-1). Tidal height and fog presence did not significantly influence total microbial aerosol concentrations but did have a significant effect on culturable microbial aerosol fallout. At low wind speeds, culturable microbial aerosols falling out near-shore decreased by half at a distance of only 1.7 ± 0.4 m from the water's edge, indicating that these microbes may be associated with large coarse aerosols with rapid settling rates.  相似文献   

A time-varying, multispecies, modular, three-dimensional transport model (MT3DMS) was developed to simulate groundwater transport of nitrogen from increasing sources on land to the shore of Nauset Marsh, a coastal embayment of the Cape Cod National Seashore. Simulated time-dependent nitrogen loads at the coast can be used to correlate with current observed coastal eutrophic effects, to predict current and ultimate effects of development, and to predict loads resulting from source remediation. A time-varying nitrogen load, corrected for subsurface loss, was applied to the land subsurface in the transport model based on five land-use coverages documenting increasing development from 1951 to 1999. Simulated nitrogen loads to Nauset Marsh increased from 230 kg/yr before 1930 to 4390 kg/yr in 2001 to 7130 kg/yr in 2100, assuming future nitrogen sources constant at the 1999 land-use rate. The simulated nitrogen load per area of embayment was 5 times greater for Salt Pond, a eutrophic landward extension of Nauset Marsh, than for other Nauset Marsh areas. Sensitivity analysis indicated that load results were little affected by changes in vertical discretization and annual recharge but much affected by the nitrogen loss rate assumed for a kettle lake downgradient from a landfill.  相似文献   

Experimental approaches were developed which permit the measurement of carbon isotope effects during partitioning of organic compounds between water and humic substances. Fractionation factors alpha(sorption) = K(OC)12C/K(OC)13C for carbon isotopomers of benzene (1.00044 +/- 0.00015) and toluene (1.00060 +/- 0.00010) were determined from a 10-step batch experiment. Similar fractionation factors were estimated for benzene (1.00017), 2,4-dimethylphenol (1.00035), and o-xylene (< or = 1.00092) from chromatographic experiments. The latter method is based on chromatographic amplification of the fractionation effect (deltadelta13C) in an HPLC column with humic acid (HA) as the stationary phase. Possible implications of the sorption-based isotope fractionation for assessment of natural attenuation processes in contaminated aquifers are discussed. Depending on the aquifer properties (organic carbon content, heterogeneity) together with the plume source, length, and status (stationary or expanding), scenarios may be constructed where sorption-based isotope fractionation competes significantly with that caused by chemical or microbial degradation processes.  相似文献   

The reactive aldehyde acrolein is a ubiquitous environmental pollutant and is also generated endogenously. It is a strong electrophile and reacts rapidly with nucleophiles including thiolates. This review focuses on the effects of acrolein on thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) and thioredoxin (Trx), which are major regulators of intracellular protein thiol redox balance. Acrolein causes irreversible effects on TrxR and Trx, which are consistent with the formation of covalent adducts to selenocysteine and cysteine residues that are key to their activity. TrxR and Trx are more sensitive than some other redox-sensitive proteins, and their prolonged inhibition could disrupt a number of redox-sensitive functions in cells. Among these effects are the oxidation of peroxiredoxins and the activation of apoptosis signal regulating kinase (ASK1). ASK1 promotes MAP kinase activation, and p38 activation contributes to apoptosis and a number of other acrolein-induced stress responses. Overall, the disruption of the TrxR/Trx system by acrolein could be significant early and prolonged events that affect many aspects of redox-sensitive signaling and oxidant stress.  相似文献   

Fruit effects on carbon (C) balance between reproductive and vegetative growth, and between shoots and roots, were studied under low versus high nitrogen (N) availability before and after veraison. Fruiting vines were compared with non-fruiting vines, and N was supplied at either a low or high rate, and either continuously or as a split application before and after veraison. In non-fruiting grapevines, leaf growth was greatly affected by N supply, but root growth was little affected. Low N supply before veraison favoured berry development, whereas after veraison enlarging fruits were disadvantaged by low N supply. Fruit growth was highly competitive with root growth, particularly before veraison, when N supply was low. Whole plant C and N accumulation rates were lower in fruiting plants. Berry amino acid content was influenced by all combinations of N treatments. Overall, fruit development was favoured by ensuring a low N supply rate before veraison, but this occurred at the expense of root growth as well as C and N uptake by the grapevines. After veraison, fruit can express a high sink strength if N is made available, probably because photosynthetic activity increases. These results provide new insights into how N may be managed in order to control grapevine C partitioning, to encourage berry development, and to sustain overall C and N uptake by grapevines.  相似文献   

Nitrogen losses in drainage water from coastal forest plantations can constrain the long term sustainability of the system and could negatively affect adjacent nutrient sensitive coastal waters. Based on long-term (21 years) field measurements of hydrology and water quality, we investigated the temporal variations and controlling factors of nitrate and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) export from an artificially drained coastal forest over various time scales (interannual, seasonal, and storm events). According to results of stepwise multiple linear regression analyses, the observed large interannual variations of nitrate flux and concentration from the drained forest were significantly (p < 0.004) controlled by annual mean water table depth, and annual drainage or precipitation. Annual precipitation and drainage were found to be dominant factors controlling variations of annual DON fluxes. Temporal trends of annual mean DON concentration could not be explained explicitly by climate or hydrologic factors. No significant difference was observed between nitrogen (both nitrate and DON) export during growing and nongrowing seasons. Nitrate exhibited distinguished export patterns during six selected storm events. Peak nitrate concentrations during storm events were significantly (p < 0.003) related to 30-day antecedent precipitation index and the minimum water table depth during individual events. The temporal variations of DON export within storm events did not follow a clear trend and its peak concentration during the storm events was found to be significantly (p < 0.006) controlled by the short-term drying and rewetting cycles.  相似文献   

Sources, compositions, and historical records of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment cores collected from the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea were analyzed to investigate the influence of anthropogenic activities. The occurrence of PAHs was mainly derived from various combustion sources, especially the combustion of biomass and domestic coal. Uniform composition of sedimentary PAHs (52-62% of phenanthrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, and benzo[g,h,i]perylene) suggested air-borne mixtures intractable to degradation. The concentrations of the sum of 15 PAHs (16 priority pollutants designed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency minus naphthalene; designed as Σ(15)PAH) in Yellow Sea sediment cores were generally higher than those in the South China Sea. The profiles of Σ(15)PAH concentrations recorded in the sediment cores closely followed historical socioeconomic development in China. In general, Σ(15)PAH concentrations started to increase from the background pollution level posed by agricultural economy at the turn of 20th century. In addition, a Σ(15)PAH concentration reduction was observed during the Chinese Civil War (1946-1949) and Great Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), suggesting them as setbacks for economic development in Chinese history. Increasing PAH emissions as a result of increasing coal combustion associated with the rapid urbanization and industrialization since the implementation of the Reform and Open Policy (since 1978) accounted for the fast growth of Σ(15)PAH concentrations in sediment cores. The decline of Σ(15)PAH concentrations from subsurface maximum until sampling time was inconsistent with current-day economic development in China, and may possibly suggest emission reductions due to decreasing proportional use of domestic coal and increasing consumption of cleaner energies (natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas).  相似文献   

The National Research Council has issued the first comprehensive assessment of when natural attenuation works.  相似文献   

通过电子显微镜和反转录 PCR方法研究了烟草在遮光处理(分别为 100%, 85%, 70%和 55%的自然光照强度)下烟叶移栽后 78天、85天、105天及 120天(采收当天)四个时期淀粉的积累和淀粉、糖、氮代谢途径关键基因表达量的变化。结果表明,移栽后 105天烟叶生理成熟期之前淀粉含量受光照影响最大,随着光的衰减含量逐渐降低。葡萄糖转化及蔗糖的合成途径中有 4个关键基因表达量随光强减少逐渐降低,且随着烟草的成熟也呈下降趋势。淀粉合成酶基因 GBSSI在叶片扩展期表达较弱,在叶片成熟期大量表达,随着光照强度的减弱表达量稍有减小。氮代谢途径关键基因 Nir、GS等同工酶基因的表达存在一定的互补性,总体基因表达趋势为随光强的减弱表达量逐渐增加,表明在弱光下烟叶氮代谢滞后。   相似文献   

Environmental impacts due to engineered nanomaterials arise both from releases of the nanomaterials themselves as well as from their synthesis. In this work, we employ the USEtox model to quantify and compare aquatic ecotoxicity impacts over the life cycle of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). USEtox is an integrated multimedia fate, transport, and toxicity model covering large classes of organic and inorganic substances. This work evaluates the impacts of non-CNT emissions from three methods of synthesis (arc ablation, CVD, and HiPco), and compares these to the modeled ecotoxicity of CNTs released to the environment. Parameters for evaluating CNT ecotoxicity are bounded by a highly conservative "worst case" scenario and a "realistic" scenario that draws from existing literature on CNT fate, transport, and ecotoxicity. The results indicate that the ecotoxicity impacts of nanomaterial production processes are roughly equivalent to the ecotoxicity of CNT releases under the unrealistic worst case scenario, while exceeding the results of the realistic scenario by 3 orders of magnitude. Ecotoxicity from production processes is dominated by emissions of metals from electricity generation. Uncertainty exists for both production and release stages, and is modeled using a combination of Monte Carlo simulation and scenario analysis. The results of this analysis underscore the contributions of existing work on CNT fate and transport, as well as the importance of life cycle considerations in allocating time and resources toward research on mitigating the impacts of novel materials.  相似文献   

The effect of acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) oxidation on Fe-S cycling and water quality in coastal flood plain drains from acid-sulfate soil landscapes was examined using natural sediments and synthetic iron monosulfide. Oxidation of AVS occurred rapidly (half-time < or = 1 h) and produced elemental sulfur (S8(0)(s)) and iron oxyhydroxide (FeOOH(s)). The initial rapid AVS oxidation process occurred without significant acidification or changes to the aqueous-phase composition. Severe acidification (pH < 4) occurred only once S8(0)(s) began to oxidize to SO4 (within 2-3 days of the initial AVS oxidation). Our results demonstrate, for the first time with natural sediments, a significant pH-buffered (near-neutral) AVS oxidation step with the trigger to acidification being the oxidation of S8(0)(s). Acidification resulted in the pH-dependent release of large amounts of Al, Mn, Ni, and Zn even though the sediment metal content was low.  相似文献   

Disposal of treated wastewater for more than 60 years onto infiltration beds on Cape Cod, Massachusetts produced a groundwater contaminant plume greater than 6 km long in a surficial sand and gravel aquifer. In December 1995 the wastewater disposal ceased. A long-term, continuous study was conducted to characterize the post-cessation attenuation of the plume from the source to 0.6 km downgradient. Concentrations and total pools of mobile constituents, such as boron and nitrate, steadily decreased within 1-4 years along the transect. Dissolved organic carbon loads also decreased, but to a lesser extent, particularly downgradient of the infiltration beds. After 4 years, concentrations and pools of carbon and nitrogen in groundwater were relatively constant with time and distance, but substantially elevated above background. The contaminant plume core remained anoxic for the entire 10-year study period; temporal patterns of integrated oxygen deficit decreased slowly at all sites. In 2004, substantial amounts of total dissolved carbon (7 mol C m(-2)) and fixed (dissolved plus sorbed) inorganic nitrogen (0.5 mol N m(-2)) were still present in a 28-m vertical interval at the disposal site. Sorbed constituents have contributed substantially to the dissolved carbon and nitrogen pools and are responsible for the long-term persistence of the contaminant plume. Natural aquifer restoration at the discharge location will take at least several decades, even though groundwater flow rates and the potential for contaminant flushing are relatively high.  相似文献   

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