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The aim of this study was to investigate the level of acrylamide from coffee, potato chips and French fries in Romanian food. According to the European Food Safety Authority, coffee beans, potato chips and French fries have the highest levels of acrylamide. For this survey, 50 samples of coffee beans, 50 samples of potato chips and 25 samples of French fries were purchased from different producers from the Romanian market. Acrylamide levels have been quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) method, using water as mobile phase. Health risk assessment was achieved by computing the average daily intake, hazard quotient, cumulative risk, carcinogenic risk and cancer risk. For coffee, potato chips and French fries, acrylamide was not shown to pose a health risk in Romanian food.  相似文献   

Contamination of grain with 1,2-dehydropyrrolizidine ester alkaloids (dehydroPAs) and their N-oxides is responsible for large incidents of acute and subacute food poisoning, with high morbidity and mortality, in Africa and in central and south Asia. Herbal medicines and teas containing dehydroPAs have also caused fatalities in both developed and developing countries. There is now increasing recognition that some staple and widely consumed foods are sometimes contaminated by dehydroPAs and their N-oxides at levels that, while insufficient to cause acute poisoning, greatly exceed maximum tolerable daily intakes and/or maximum levels determined by a number of independent risk assessment authorities. This suggests that there may have been cases of disease in the past not recognised as resulting from dietary exposure to dehydroPAs. A review of the literature shows that there are a number of reports of liver disease where either exposure to dehydroPAs was suspected but no source was identified or a dehydroPA-aetiology was not considered but the symptoms and pathology suggests their involvement. DehydroPAs also cause progressive, chronic diseases such as cancer and pulmonary arterial hypertension but proof of their involvement in human cases of these chronic diseases, including sources of exposure to dehydroPAs, has generally been lacking. Growing recognition of hazardous levels of dehydroPAs in a range of common foods suggests that physicians and clinicians need to be alert to the possibility that these contaminants may, in some cases, be a possible cause of chronic diseases such as cirrhosis, pulmonary hypertension and cancer in humans.  相似文献   

Contamination of grain with 1,2-dehydropyrrolizidine ester alkaloids (dehydroPAs) and their N-oxides is responsible for large incidents of acute and subacute food poisoning, with high morbidity and mortality, in Africa and in central and south Asia. Herbal medicines and teas containing dehydroPAs have also caused fatalities in both developed and developing countries. There is now increasing recognition that some staple and widely consumed foods are sometimes contaminated by dehydroPAs and their N-oxides at levels that, while insufficient to cause acute poisoning, greatly exceed maximum tolerable daily intakes and/or maximum levels determined by a number of independent risk assessment authorities. This suggests that there may have been cases of disease in the past not recognised as resulting from dietary exposure to dehydroPAs. A review of the literature shows that there are a number of reports of liver disease where either exposure to dehydroPAs was suspected but no source was identified or a dehydroPA-aetiology was not considered but the symptoms and pathology suggests their involvement. DehydroPAs also cause progressive, chronic diseases such as cancer and pulmonary arterial hypertension but proof of their involvement in human cases of these chronic diseases, including sources of exposure to dehydroPAs, has generally been lacking. Growing recognition of hazardous levels of dehydroPAs in a range of common foods suggests that physicians and clinicians need to be alert to the possibility that these contaminants may, in some cases, be a possible cause of chronic diseases such as cirrhosis, pulmonary hypertension and cancer in humans.  相似文献   

重金属作为受关注的污染物,其毒性具有刺激性、靶器官毒性和致癌性等特点。食品中的重金属是进入人体的主要途径之一。因此,使用精确的方法评估食品对人体的健康风险具有重要意义。重金属的人体生物可利用性可以较为贴近人体重金属暴露的实际情况,通过模拟体外生物可利用性实验模型是现有获取重金属人体生物可利用性数据的通用方法。利用生物可利用性数据评估人体重金属暴露的健康风险相比直接利用食品重金属含量更为准确。本文综述了食品的人体生物可利用性实验方法及现行的重金属健康风险评估方法,分析对比了各种方法的优点和局限性,为科研人员确定不同污染物在食品中的生物可利用性提供思路和方向,以加强食品安全评估和人体重金属暴露评估的准确性。  相似文献   

This communication deals with the use of meta-analysis as a valuable tool for the synthesis of food safety research, and in quantitative risk assessment modelling. A common methodology for the conduction of meta-analysis (i.e., systematic review and data extraction, parameterisation of effect size, estimation of overall effect size, assessment of heterogeneity, and presentation of results) is explained by reviewing two meta-analyses derived from separate sets of primary studies of Salmonella in pork. Integrating different primary studies, the first meta-analysis elucidated for the first time a relationship between the proportion of Salmonella-carrier slaughter pigs entering the slaughter lines and the resulting proportion of contaminated carcasses at the point of evisceration; finding that the individual studies on their own could not reveal. On the other hand, the second application showed that meta-analysis can be used to estimate the overall effect of a critical process stage (chilling) on the incidence of the pathogen under study. The derivation of a relationship between variables and a probabilistic distribution is illustrations of the valuable quantitative information synthesised by the meta-analytical tools, which can be incorporated in risk assessment modelling. Strengths and weaknesses of meta-analysis within the context of food safety are also discussed.  相似文献   

目的 分析我国食品中食品添加剂的联合使用情况并评估常用食品添加剂组合的摄入水平及其累积健康风险.方法 根据全球新产品数据库中我国食品中添加剂的联合使用情况、GB 2760-2014《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》中食品添加剂最大使用量以及2015-2019年食品安全风险监测数据,结合2012年总膳食研究消费量调查...  相似文献   

食品安全风险评估中的不确定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全风险评估的整个过程始终伴随着不确定性,其来源大致可分为两类,即结果外推和数据局限性。不确定系数是处理这些不确定性的常用方法,相关组织或机构均推荐了用于制定健康指导值的默认不确定系数,但基准剂量法和化学物特异性调整系数法等方法可更好地处理风险评估中的不确定性。  相似文献   

Microbiological risk assessment: a new approach to food safety control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The food industry is continually looking to be innovative in the development and production of food. New techniques are also being employed to distribute the food, and even the way the consumer treats the food before consumption has changed dramatically over recent years, for example, with the development of microwavable meals. These changes can lead to differences in the pathogens encountered and the general level of immunity in the population. This in turn puts increased emphasis on food producers to know and understand more about the pathogens likely to occur in the products they are making and their origin. To help food manufacturers tackle this consistently, Microbiological Risk Assessment (MRA) is being applied as a systematic tool to allow effective decisions to be made to reduce the impact of pathogens on health.  相似文献   

食品中化学物累积风险评估方法及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品中存在的各种污染物、农药和添加剂等化学物可能会通过多种机制的联合作用对人体形成累积暴露,但传统的风险评估方法多以单一化学物暴露为基础。近年来,化学物累积暴露形成的健康风险受到越来越多的重视,一些累积风险评估方法,如类别每日可耐受摄入量(TDI)、危害指数(HI)、相对效能因子(RPF)、生理毒代动力学(PBTK)模型等也逐渐发展起来。本文对这些方法的特点及其应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Probabilistic and deterministic estimates of the acute and chronic exposure of the Danish populations to dithiocarbamate residues were performed. The Monte Carlo Risk Assessment programme (MCRA 4.0) was used for the probabilistic risk assessment. Food consumption data were obtained from the nationwide dietary survey conducted in 2000--02. Residue data for 5721 samples from the monitoring programme conducted in the period 1998--2003 were used for dithiocarbamates, which had been determined as carbon disulphide. Contributions from 26 commodities were included in the calculations. Using the probabilistic approach, the daily acute intakes at the 99.9% percentile for adults and children were 11.2 and 28.2 microg kg(-1) body weight day(-1), representing 5.6% and 14.1% of the ARfD for maneb, respectively. When comparing the point estimate approach with the probabilistic approach, the outcome of the point estimate calculations was generally higher or comparable with the outcome of the probabilistic approach at the 99.9 percentile (consumers only). The chronic exposures for adults and children were 0.35 and 0.76 microg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) at the 99.9 percentile, representing 0.7% and 1.5%, respectively, of the acceptable daily intake for mancozeb and maneb at 50 microg kg(-1) body weight.  相似文献   

Microbiological risk assessments generally focus on estimating adverse human health risks from exposures to human pathogenic microbes. The assessment of potential human health risks posed by pathogens that have acquired resistance to antimicrobial drugs is a new application of risk assessment that is closely related to microbiological risk assessment. Antimicrobial resistance risk assessment is a risk analyticalprocess that focuses on resistance determinants as hazardous agents that might lead to drug-resistant microbial infections in humans exposed to bacteria carrying the determinants. Antimicrobial-resistant infections could occur directly from actively inavading or opportunistic pathogens or indirectly from the transfer of resistance genes to other bacteria. Here, we discuss risk assessment models that might be employed to estimate risks from drug-resistant bacteria in the animal food pathway and the types of models and data that may be used for microbiological risk assessments or antimicrobial resistance risk assessments.  相似文献   

Acrolein is an α,β-unsaturated aldehyde formed by thermal treatment of animal and vegetable fats, carbohydrates and amino acids. In addition it is generated endogenously. As an electrophile, acrolein forms adducts with gluthathione and other cellular components and is therefore cytotoxic. Mutagenicity was shown in some in vitro tests. Acrolein forms different DNA adducts in vivo, but mutagenic and cancerogenous effects have not been demonstrated for oral exposure. In subchronic oral studies, local lesions were detected in the stomach of rats. Systemic effects have not been reported from basic studies. A WHO working group established a tolerable oral acrolein intake of 7.5?μg/kg body weight/day. Acrolein exposure via food cannot be assessed due to analytical difficulties and the lack of reliable content measurements. Human biomonitoring of an acrolein urinary metabolite allows rough estimates of acrolein exposure in the range of a few μg/kg body weight/day. High exposure could be ten times higher after the consumption of certain foods. Although the estimation of the dietary acrolein exposure is associated with uncertainties, it is concluded that a health risk seems to be unlikely.  相似文献   

Probabilistic and deterministic estimates of the acute and chronic exposure of the Danish populations to dithiocarbamate residues were performed. The Monte Carlo Risk Assessment programme (MCRA 4.0) was used for the probabilistic risk assessment. Food consumption data were obtained from the nationwide dietary survey conducted in 2000--02. Residue data for 5721 samples from the monitoring programme conducted in the period 1998--2003 were used for dithiocarbamates, which had been determined as carbon disulphide. Contributions from 26 commodities were included in the calculations. Using the probabilistic approach, the daily acute intakes at the 99.9% percentile for adults and children were 11.2 and 28.2 microg kg(-1) body weight day(-1), representing 5.6% and 14.1% of the ARfD for maneb, respectively. When comparing the point estimate approach with the probabilistic approach, the outcome of the point estimate calculations was generally higher or comparable with the outcome of the probabilistic approach at the 99.9 percentile (consumers only). The chronic exposures for adults and children were 0.35 and 0.76 microg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) at the 99.9 percentile, representing 0.7% and 1.5%, respectively, of the acceptable daily intake for mancozeb and maneb at 50 microg kg(-1) body weight.  相似文献   


There is a vast amount of information about the nutritional and medicinal properties of honey as a result of its numerous benefits. However, honeys have been found to be contaminated with hepatotoxic and carcinogenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) on account of bees foraging on PA-containing plants. This study deals with the analysis of PAs in tropical honeys emanating from different agro-ecological zones of Ghana in order to assess its potential health risk. PAs of 48 honey samples were analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). The results show that a total of 85% of the honeys from various agro-ecological zones were PA positive including all honeys from supermarkets. The highest concentration of PAs was 2639 μg kg?1, while the average PA concentration of the samples was 283 μg kg?1. The study also found Chromolaena odorata pollens in majority of the honeys, thus indicating the plant as major source of PA contamination of honeys in the tropical regions.  相似文献   

食物过敏已成为各国日益关注的食品安全问题,同时,随着各国在过敏原立法逐步加强,过敏原问题对保健食品企业,尤其是出口企业的影响越来越严重。食物过敏原的管理和控制问题急需解决,保健食品生产企业应重视并加强生产过程中的过敏原风险管理,在保护消费者的同时,也能保障企业法规的合理性和经济利益。多数保健食品企业的特点是产品种类多,涉及的过敏原物料多,故过敏原风险控制的难度较大。本文从建立过敏原数据库、过敏原控制体系、具体各加工环节的过敏原控制、产品过敏原标识、追溯和召回体系等各方面阐述了保健食品企业过敏原风险管理的方法和要求,对其他保健食品企业建立过敏原风险控制体系,应对出口需求具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) as a product of the Maillard reaction is found in many foods. Estimated intakes range between 4 and 30 mg per person and day, while an intake of up to 350 mg can result from, e.g., beverages made from dried plums. In vitro genotoxicity was positive when the metabolic preconditions for the formation of the reactive metabolite 5-sulphoxymethylfurfural were met. However, so far in vivo genotoxicity was negative. Results obtained in short-term model studies for 5-HMF on the induction of neoplastic changes in the intestinal tract were negative or cannot be reliably interpreted as "carcinogenic". In the only long-term carcinogenicity study in rats and mice no tumours or their precursory stages were induced by 5-HMF aside from liver adenomas in female mice, the relevance of which must be viewed as doubtful. Hence, no relevance for humans concerning carcinogenic and genotoxic effects can be derived. The remaining toxic potential is rather low. Various animal experiments reveal that no adverse effect levels are in the range of 80-100 mg/kg body weight and day. Safety margins are generally sufficient. However, 5-HMF exposure resulting from caramel colours used as food additives should be further evaluated.  相似文献   

The present review reports on the mathematical methods and statistical techniques available for human health risk assessment from exposure to food contaminants. A framework is established for the usage of these methods instead of traditional toxicological techniques. Regarding to each method applicability, strengths, limitations and weaknesses are described.  相似文献   

即食食品中单增李斯特菌的半定量风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展某市即食食品中单增李斯特菌的半定量风险评估,参照微生物风险评估程序,对单增李斯特菌开展了危害识别、危害特征描述、暴露评估和风险特征描述。通过剂量反应关系推测易感人群和非易感人群由于摄入即食食品导致单增李斯特菌病的每年发病概率分别为3.71×10-7和3.39×10-9。基于2008~2011年监测各类生食蔬菜、生食水产品、菜肴(沙拉)等即食食品942组数据,构建了即食食品中单增李斯特菌的风险矩阵,由风险可能性和风险损失度计算得到易感人群通过摄入即食食品感染单增李斯特菌的风险等级属于五级风险等级中较小的一级,表明当地居民通过摄入即食食品感染单增李斯特菌病的风险较小。本文可为构建完整单增李斯特菌风险评估体系提供理论参考。  相似文献   

目的 针对《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》(GB 2760—2014)中具有每日允许摄入量(ADI)值和最大使用量的着色剂,开展理论风险评估,了解其使用的安全性和人体健康风险。方法 首先使用丹麦预算法计算着色剂的理论每日最大摄入量。对于预算法评估发现摄入量超过ADI的着色剂,进一步利用我国2012年总膳食研究的食物消费量数据和GB 2760—2014中着色剂的最大使用量,采用简单分布评估法开展理论风险评估。结果 本研究共筛选出21种具有数值型ADI和最大使用限量的着色剂。预算法评估发现其中有15种每日摄入量高于ADI。对这15种着色剂进一步开展简单分布评估,显示我国一般人群的每日平均摄入量均低于ADI,但有2种着色剂的高食物量消费人群(P95)摄入量超过其ADI;消费人群的每日平均摄入量也均低于ADI,但有8种着色剂的P95摄入量超过其ADI。结论 我国批准使用的大部分着色剂在我国人群中的摄入量较低,风险处于可接受水平,但仍有少部分着色剂的高食物量消费人群的每日理论摄入量超过ADI,需要进一步摸清这些着色剂在食品中的实际含量后开展更精确的风险评估,从而确定其对我国人群的健康风险水...  相似文献   

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