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The intensity of parasitaemia, degree of anaemia, live body weight gains and blood biochemical changes were measured in two groups of Scottish Blackface sheep infected experimentally with Trypanosoma congolense and allowed either a high (9.9 MJ metabolisable energy (ME) day-1) or a low (6.1 MJ ME day-1) energy intake. It was observed that infected animals on the low energy intake had a longer mean prepatent period, but following patency they developed more severe anaemia and greater growth retardation than those on the high energy intake. Both infected groups exhibited significant reductions in serum total lipids, phospholipids, plasma cholesterol and albumin. However, these changes were more severe in the animals on the low energy intake than in those on the high energy intake. It was concluded that adequate energy nutrition enhances the ability of infected animals to withstand the adverse effects of infection, by promoting body weight gains and moderating the severity of the pathophysiological changes associated with ovine trypanosomosis.  相似文献   

We used cDNA amplification for identification of genomic expressed sequences (CAIGES) to identify genes in the glycerol kinase region of the human X chromosome. During these investigations we identified the sequence for a ferritin light chain (FTL) pseudogene in this portion of Xp21. A human liver cDNA library was amplified by vector primers, labeled, and hybridized to Southern blots of EcoRI-digested human genomic DNA from cosmids isolated from yeast artificial chromosomes in the glycerol kinase region of Xp21. A 3.1-kb restriction fragment hybridized with the cDNA library, was subcloned and sequenced, and a 440-bp intronless sequence was found with strong similarity to the FTL coding sequence. Therefore, the FTL pseudogene that had been mapped previously to Xp22.3-21.2 was localized specifically to the glycerol kinase region. The CAIGES method permits rapid screening of genomic material and will identify genomic sequences with similarities to genes expressed in the cDNA library used to probe the cloned genomic DNA, including pseudogenes.  相似文献   

Twenty-five goats were randomly allocated to five groups of five animals each and infected with Trypanosoma congolense IL 3274 via the bites of infected Glossina morsitans centralis. At intervals of 1, 4, 8, 12 or 19 days following infection, each group of five animals was treated intramuscularly with diminazene aceturate at a dose of 7.0 mg kg-1 body weight (b.w.). While treatment on Day 1 eliminated infections in all five goats, treatment on Day 19 did not cure any of the animals; in groups treated 4, 8 or 12 days following infection, two of five goats in each group were cured. Since the alteration in apparent resistance of T. congolense IL 3274 between Day 1 and Day 19 could have been due to alteration in expression of drug resistance by trypanosomes as the population expanded, the experiment was repeated using trypanosomes that reappeared in the animals that had been treated with diminazene aceturate on Day 19. On Day 36, when all five animals were parasitaemic, five groups of teneral G. m. centralis, each containing 160 flies, were fed on one occasion on each of the five goats (one group of testse flies per goat). Thereafter, each group of tsetse flies was maintained on clean rabbits. When infective, five flies from each group were allowed to feed on two naive goats each (i.e. two goats per group of tsetse flies). One animal in each pair was treated 24 h after infection with diminazene aceturate at a dose of 7.0 mg kg-1 b.w., the other was treated on Day 19, when parasitaemic, with the same drug dosage. As before, treatment 24 h following infection eliminated infections in all animals, but when treatment was delayed until Day 19, trypanosomes in all animals were refractory to treatment. Thus, although tsetse flies were infected with trypanosomes that had arisen in infected goats following treatment with diminazene aceturate at a dose of 7.0 mg kg-1 b.w., when the same flies were allowed to feed on clean goats, the resultant infections were sensitive to treatment with the same drug dosage when administered 24 h following infection. These data therefore indicate that there is a significant alteration in diminazene sensitivity of IL 3274 between Day 1 and Day 19 and that this is associated with an alteration in the resistance phenotype of the trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Two adherence phenomena in Trypanosoma congolense as a possible cause of trypanosome aggregation in the capillaries of certain organs are described: 1. Adherence of trypanosomes to blood cells of nonimmune mice, 2. dovetailing of trypanosome membranes into one another and into the vessel wall.  相似文献   

Over a period of 208 days a quinapyramine-resistant population was derived in vivo from a quinapyramine-susceptible clone of Trypanosoma congolense: IL 1180. While the dose of quinapyramine sulfate required to cure 50% of mice infected with the parental clone was 0.23 mg/kg of body weight, the 50% curative dose for the resistant derivative, IL 1180/Stabilate 12, was greater than 9.6 mg/kg. This approximately 40-fold increase in resistance to quinapyramine was shown to be associated with an 8-fold increase in resistance to isometamidium, a 28-fold increase in resistance to homidium, and a 5.5-fold increase in resistance to diminazene. Cross-resistance to homidium and diminazene was also demonstrated in goats. Two clones derived from the drug-resistant derivative underwent cyclical development in Glossina morsitans centralis, producing mature infection rates of 39.6 and 23.9%. Thus, induction of resistance to quinapyramine in T. congolense IL 1180 was associated with cross-resistance to isometamidium, homidium, and diminazene and did not compromise the population's ability to undergo full cyclical development in tsetse flies.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas' disease. The major protease, cruzain, is a target for the development of new chemotherapy. We report the first successful treatment of an animal model of Chagas' disease with inhibitors designed to inactivate cruzain. Treatment with fluoromethyl ketone-derivatized pseudopeptides rescued mice from lethal infection. The optimal pseudopeptide scaffold was phenylalanine-homophenylalanine. To achieve cure of infection, this pseudopeptide scaffold was incorporated in a less toxic vinyl sulfone derivative. N-methyl piperazine-Phe-homoPhe-vinyl sulfone phenyl also rescued mice from a lethal infection. Six of the treated mice survived over nine months, three without further treatment. Three mice that had entered the chronic stage of infection were retreated with a 20-d regimen. At the conclusion of the experiments, five of the six mice had repeated negative hemacultures, indicative of parasitological cure. Studies of the effect of inhibitors on the intracellular amastigote form suggest that the life cycle is interrupted because of inhibitor arrest of normal autoproteolytic cruzain processing at the level of the Golgi complex. Parasites recovered from the hearts of treated mice showed the same abnormalities as those treated in vitro. No abnormalities were noted in the Golgi complex of host cells. This study provides proof of concept that cysteine protease inhibitors can be given at therapeutic doses to animals to selectively arrest a parasitic infection.  相似文献   

Sensitivity and specificity of the FAO/IAEA antigen-ELISA kits for diagnosis of bovine trypanosomosis were investigated using sera from experimental cattle infected by tsetse challenge with cloned populations of Trypanosoma congolense (three populations) or T. vivax (one population). The kits are based on monoclonal antibodies that recognise internal antigens of tsetse-transmitted trypanosomes. Ten cattle were infected with each trypanosome population for at least 60 days, and in combination with uninfected cohorts (n = 16) were used in a double-blind study design. Sensitivity and specificity of the tests depended on the choice of positive-negative thresholds expressed as percent positivity with respect to the median OD of four replicates of the strong positive reference serum provided with the kit. In general, while overall specificities were high, sensitivities of the antigen-ELISAs were poor. For example, at a cut-off of 5% positivity, the sensitivities of the antigen-ELISAs were 11% for samples (n = 1162) from T. congolense infected cattle (n = 30), and 24% for samples (n = 283) from T. vivax infected cattle (n = 10). The corresponding specificity values were 95% and 79%, respectively. At a cut-off of 2.5% positivity sensitivity for T. congolense was 25%, and for T. vivax 35%; corresponding specificity values were 85% and 63% respectively. There were no values of the positive-negative threshold at which both sensitivity and specificity were satisfactory. Restricting the analyses to samples taken more than 2 weeks after tsetse challenge did little to improve sensitivity estimates. Trypanosome species specificities of the antigen-ELISAs were also poor. Sensitivity and species specificity of the antigen-ELISA for Trypanosoma brucei infections were not investigated. In contrast to the antigen-ELISA, the sensitivity of the buffy-coat technique when applied to the same experimental animals was fairly high at 67% for T. congolense infections and 60% for T. vivax infections. For samples taken more than 2 weeks after tsetse challenge, high sensitivity estimates of 96% for T. congolense and 76% for T. vivax infections were obtained.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma congolense bloodstream forms were propagated in vitro axenically in a simplified cultivation medium at 34 degrees C. Viability of a drug-sensitive and a drug-resistant clone were examined for 10 days following exposure to 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 micrograms ml-1 of diminazene aceturate and 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 ng ml-1 of isometamidium chloride for various time intervals. Drug-sensitive T. congolense were irreversibly damaged after incubation with 10 micrograms ml-1 or 1 microgram ml-1 diminazene aceturate for 30 min or 2 h, respectively, while drug-resistant trypanosomes were not affected. Exposure to 10 ng ml-1 isometamidium chloride eliminated drug-sensitive trypanosomes after 24 h and drug-resistant trypanosomes after 96 h. The data obtained on in vitro time-dose responses of T. congolense were related to pharmacokinetic data of diminazene and isometamidium in cattle plasma.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the effects of O2 diffusion limitation resulting from hypoxic interventions on O2 uptake (V.O2) in unloaded (that is, near-zero initial force) and loaded skeletal muscle in a high-frequency stimulation. We measured V.O2, muscle venous PO2 (PvO2) and initial force in gastrocnemius-plantaris muscle in situ of anesthetized dogs: (1) during hypoxic hypoxia at 1 Hz tetanic stimulation, and (2) during hypoxia induced by the perfusion with high O2-affinity erythrocytes (having a low value of PO2 at 50% saturation of hemoglobin (P50)) at 4 Hz twitch stimulation. Averaged unloaded V.O2 during normoxia was 10.2 ml.min-1.100 g-1 at averaged blood flow of 74 ml.min-1.100 g-1 (n = 6). Hypoxic hypoxia of a decreased O2 delivery (arterial O2 concentration x flow) significantly decreased both unloaded and loaded V.O2 with a decrease in PvO2 (p<0.05). The unloaded V.O2 was reduced to 8.5 ml.min-1.100 g-1. Low P50-hypoxia decreased V.O2 at high and low initial force conditions with a decrease in PvO2 (p<0.05) at the same O2 delivery. If these decreases in V.O2 correspond with a decrease in V.O2 at zero initial force (unloaded V.O2), the unloaded V.O2 value is calculated to be 7.57 ml.min-1.100 g-1 from V. O2-initial force data. Despite the different conditions of O2 delivery, the unloaded V.O2 decreased by both hypoxia showed similar values. Thus the decreased unloaded V.O2 does not seem to be derived from only the limited O2 delivery. Some other factors such as the limitation of O2 diffusion may contribute to the decreased V.O2.  相似文献   

We analysed the production of nitric oxide (NO) intermediates by cells from BALB/c mice infected with either virulent (Tulahuén or RA) or avirulent (CA-1) strains of Trypanosoma cruzi. Peritoneal or spleen cells from mice infected with T. cruzi released NO when incubated without further stimuli. Cells from mice during the acute stage of infection accumulated higher levels of inducible NO synthase mRNA and produced both, before and after lypopolysaccharide stimulation, higher amounts of NO than cells from mice chronically infected with T. cruzi. NO synthesis showed similar kinetics in connection with all three strains of T. cruzi, but cells from mice inbred with the Tulahuén or RA strains released higher levels of IFN-gamma, an activator of the NO pathways, than cells from mice infected with the CA-1 strain. In vivo administration of L-Ng-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), a competitive inhibitor of NO synthase, increased the susceptibility of mice to T. cruzi. We conclude that infection with T. cruzi induces NO production, and suggest that NO plays a role in the resistance against the parasite.  相似文献   

We infected highly susceptible BALB/c and relatively resistant C57BL/6 mice with cloned Trypanosoma congolense and followed the effects of these infections on the circulating parasite numbers, mouse mortality and cytokine expression. C57BL/6 mice controlled their parasitaemia and survived for up to 163 +/- 12 days, while BALB/c mice could not control their parasitaemia and succumbed to the infection within 8.4 +/- 0.5 days. Susceptible BALB/c mice had dramatically higher plasma levels of IL-10 than the resistant C57BL/6 mice from day 7 forward. This was preceded by an earlier and higher level induction of splenic IL-10 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in the infected BALB/c mice. There was a strong negative correlation between the splenocyte proliferative responses to Concanavalin-A (Con-A) and their production of IL-10 in these infected BALB/c mice. Co-treatment of the Con-A-stimulated spleen cell cultures with monoclonal anti-IL-10 antibodies, but not isotype-matched control antibodies, could completely reverse this suppression of the splenocyte proliferative response. Finally, in three experiments, anti-IL-10 antibody treatment in vivo reduced the peak circulating parasitaemia of infected BALB/c mice by 43% and increased their median survival periods by 38% relative to isotype-matched control antibody-treated mice.  相似文献   

The interactions between T. congolense infection and nutritional supplements on onset of puberty and age at first lambing were observed in 24 young Djallonké ewes. As experimental design, a randomised complete block design was used with four treatment combinations, of which two were kept on a restricted diet (L), the remainder on an unrestricted diet (H) and half of each nutritional group being infected with T. congolense (LI and HI), the remainder serving as controls (LC and HC). Infection with T. congolense took place at an average age of 6 months and 15 days. Mortality due to trypanosome infection was zero and clinical symptoms were not obvious. Intensity of parasitaemia and packed cell volume (PCV) drop following trypanosome infection were similar in both infected groups (HI and LI). High dietary supplementation resulted temporarily in a better haematopoietic response following trypanosome infection, measured as a macrocytic anaemia. Dry matter intake (DMI) was significantly depressed in the HI group immediately following infection. Trypanosome infection had a negative effect on live weight gain during the chronic phase, with the difference being most obvious in the HI group (interaction diet x infection; p< or =0.05). Whereas trypanosome infection had no significant effect, high supplementary feeding significantly reduced the age at first cycling. Age at first lambing was similarly reduced by the diet. Trypanosome infection tended (p< or =0.09) to delay age at first lambing with a mean difference of 31.5+/-22.4 days between infected and controls. Interactions between diet and infection for age at first cycling/lambing were not significant, indicating these effects were just additive. Neither birth weights nor growth rates of offspring born to the experimental animals were significantly affected by previous trypanosome infection, nor by the diet of the dam. In contrast, lamb mortality up to 3 months of age was significantly increased by infection of the dam and most losses arose in group LI. In conclusion, the effects of trypanosome infection on puberty and age at first lambing were indirectly mediated through depression of growth rates. Nutritional supplementation enabled a better erythropoietic response to T. congolense infection and better offspring survival rates but resulted in more depressed weight gains. The results however clearly indicated the delaying effect of insufficient feeding on onset of puberty and reproductive performance in young Djallonké sheep.  相似文献   

Melarsoprol gel applied topically (0.1 mL for at least 2 d) can cure late-stage Trypanosoma brucei brucei and T. b. rhodesiense infections in mice. The best regimen was 3 applications at approximately 0, 6, and 24 h. The melarsoprol gel retained its activity at room temperature for at least 63 d. There was only minimal skin irritation and no sign of toxicity.  相似文献   

1. Six groups of 45-day-old, 23.0 +/- 1.7 g, female Balb/c mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 63, 252, 440, 630, 2520 or 6300 I.U. of vitamin D for 6 days. A seventh group was inoculated with saline. Each group consisted of 30 animals. 2. All animals inoculated with the doses of 2520 and 6300 and 70% of mice which received 630 I.U. of vitamin D died 21 days after the first administration of the vitamin. The LD50 was 630 I.U. 3. The survivors were divided into two groups inoculated intraperitoneally with 5000 trypomastigotes of either Y or CL strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. 4. Based on the survival index on day 73 after infection, Vitamin D gave statistically significant protection (P < 0.01) for mice inoculated with doses of 63 or 430 I.U. of Y or CL strains, respectively. 5. On histopathological examination, inflammatory reaction and cellular and tissue parasitism were less intense in animals which received higher doses of vitamin D. 6. It is concluded that an overload of vitamin D had a protective effect against CL and Y strains of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Balb/c mice.  相似文献   

Infection with African trypanosomes causes the diseases sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in cattle in sub-Saharan Africa. Suppression of cellular immune responses is a feature of trypanosomiasis in bovine, human, and murine hosts. Some aspects of immunosuppression in the murine model are mediated by nitric oxide (NO) produced by gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-activated macrophages. We have investigated whether a similar mechanism is responsible for T-cell unresponsiveness in bovine trypanosomiasis. Bovine monocytes and macrophages from uninfected cattle and activated in vitro with IFN-gamma produced NO; however, this response was down-regulated in infected cattle. Similarly, the expression of inducible NO synthase messenger RNA was depressed in macrophages of infected cattle. Proliferation of mononuclear cells of trypanosome-infected cattle cultured with mitogen or trypanosome antigens was unchanged by the addition of an NO synthase inhibitor. Lymphocytes of infected cattle secreted interleukins with T-cell growth factor activity after in vitro activation with mitogens but not after activation with trypanosome antigens. Although lymph node cells secreted IFN-gamma after in vitro activation, ex vivo expression of mRNA was depressed. In contrast, the level of expression of interleukin 10 mRNA was higher during infection. We conclude that NO is not involved in the loss of T-cell proliferative function associated with trypanosomiasis in cattle and that, in contrast to the mouse model, the capacity of monocytes and macrophages to produce NO is actually down-regulated in infected cattle.  相似文献   

This report presents an experimental study of the life cycle of Trypanosoma congolense (ZRE/G 143/90) in relation to the vectorial competence of Glossina morsitans (Mall). The rate of engorgement at the time of an infectious meal and the mortality before day 15 of the life cycle were not significantly different between male and female flies. The mesocyclic forms of trypanosomes were regularly observed in the proventriculus, crop duct, oesophagus, cibarium and proboscis, except in the crop. On day 12 of the cycle, epimastigote forms were predominant in the proboscis. On day 13 of metacyclogenesis, four out of six rats (67%) used for feeding the flies were positive for trypanosomes upon buffy coat examination. These results demonstrate the short incubation period of trypanosomes in the vertebrate host and precociousness of the vectorial competence of some individuals of G m morsitans (Mall). Among the three cyclic stages, only the procyclic forms in the intestine showed a significant difference between the sexes, the male flies being more infected than the females. Metacyclogenesis undergoes three cleavages leading to the successive and permanent establishment of the procyclic, mesocyclic and metacyclic forms in the midgut, proventriculus and proboscis respectively.  相似文献   

To study the genetic parameters of resistance to Trypanosoma congolense infection, highly susceptible BALB/c and relatively resistant C57BL/6 mice were crossed to produce reciprocal F1 and F2 offspring. Mice were infected with T. congolense and monitored for parasitemia within the first 2 wk and also for their survival periods. BALB/c mice showed unrestrained parasite growth to the time of death (median survival period, msp = 12.0 days), whereas in C57BL/6 mice, parasitemia reached an initial peak on day 6 and was followed by a rapid apparent clearance of the parasites in an average period of 3 days. Their msp was 163.0 days. The F1 mice cleared the parasites, following the first peak of parasitemia, in an average period of 4 days and had an msp of 69.5 days. Thus, the F1 offspring displayed an intermediate phenotype between susceptible and resistant parents in terms of parasite clearance and survival period. Resistance in F2 mice, as measured by survival times, was inherited as a polygenic trait. Among F2 mice, there was an inverse correlation between the time taken to clear the initial wave of parasitemia and the survival period, r = -0.58; P < 0.05. Thus, the pattern of control of the parasites following the first peak of parasitemia appears to be a good predictive factor for the survival period of mice infected with T. congolense.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigated the incidence of well-directed violent behavior and suicide attempts in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, with special attention to postictal psychosis. METHODS: We compared 57 episodes of postictal psychosis with 62 episodes of acute interictal (or alternative) psychosis and with 134 complex partial seizures. All patients were matched for age and for age at onset of seizures. RESULTS: The incidence of well-directed violent behavior against human beings was significantly higher (23%) during postictal psychotic episodes than during acute interictal episodes (5%) and postictal confusion (1%). Suicide attempts were also more frequent during postictal psychosis (7%) than during either acute interictal psychosis (2%) or postictal confusion (0%). CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that well-directed violent and self-destructive behavior was not a feature of epileptic psychosis in general but a specific hallmark of postictal psychosis.  相似文献   

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