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《Computers & Mathematics with Applications》2003,45(4-5):823-834
In this paper, we consider a numerical technique which enables us to verify the existence of solutions for some simple obstacle problems. Using the finite element approximation and constructive error estimates, we construct, on a computer, a set of solutions which satisfies the hypothesis of the Schauder fixed-point theorem for a compact map on a certain Sobolev space. We describe the numerical verification algorithm for solving a two-dimensional obstacle problems and report some numerical results. 相似文献
Application of the non-uniform coverage method to the multicriteria optimization problems was considered, and the concept of the ?-Pareto set was formulated and studied. An algorithm to construct a ?-Pareto set with a guaranteed accuracy ? was described. Efficient implementation of this approach was described, and the results of experiments were presented. 相似文献
The method of approximation in the norm is used to design a linear predictor for the output of a complex linear system at a given future time. It is shown that the computed output is an optimal linear transformation of some variables denoted the "most important" states of the system. The proposed method allows to obtain the system output prediction as a signal belonging to a guaranteed uncertainty tube. 相似文献
对具有对数量化和马尔可夫链数据包丢失的网络化Lipschitz非线性系统的非脆弱保性能控制问题进行研究。将网络化控制系统描述为马尔可夫跳变系统,根据Lyapunov稳定性理论,以线性矩阵不等式形式给出网络化Lipschitz非线性系统具有加性和乘性摄动的非脆弱保性能控制器存在的充分条件,控制器增益矩阵可通过解一组线性矩阵不等式求出。数值算例验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
E. Creusé Y. Le Menach S. Nicaise F. Piriou R. Tittarelli 《Computers & Mathematics with Applications》2019,77(6):1549-1562
In this paper a guaranteed equilibrated error estimator is developed for the 3D harmonic magnetodynamic problem of Maxwell’s system. This system is recasted in the classical potential formulation and solved by the Finite Element method. The error estimator is built starting from the numerical solution by a local flux reconstruction technique. Its equivalence with the error in the energy norm is established. A comparison of this estimator with an equilibrated error estimator already developed through a complementary problem points out the advantages and drawbacks of these two estimators. In particular, an analytical benchmark test illustrates the obtained theoretical results and a physical benchmark test shows the efficiency of these two estimators. 相似文献
The problem of reliable guaranteed cost sampling control is investigated for nonlinear time-delay systems in this paper. Sufficient conditions for the existence of state feedback controller are derived in terms of linear matrix inequities (LMIs), which guarantee asymptotic stability with the provided performance index for the normal and possible actuator faults cases. The related optimization problem is also offered to minimize the guaranteed cost performance bound. Illustrative examples are given to show the validity of the present control scheme. 相似文献
Jiong-Sang Yee Guang-Hong Yang Jian Liang Wang 《International journal of systems science》2013,44(7):845-853
This paper studies the problem of non-fragile guaranteed cost control (GCC) state-feedback design for discrete-time uncertain linear systems. The systems are assumed to have norm-bounded system uncertainties in both the state and the input matrices. The state-feedback gains are assumed to have norm-bounded controller uncertainties which can be either additive or multiplicative. The non-fragile GCC state-feedback designs, which are related to solutions of some matrix inequalities, guarantee the cost of the system to be within a certain bound for all these admissible uncertainties. Our proposed design approach of separating the controller uncertainty from the system uncertainty gives a less conservative solution. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design methods and the design benefits. 相似文献
We consider two-criteria control or filtering problems for linear systems, where one criterion is the level of suppression for Gaussian white noise with unknown covariance, and another is the level of suppression for a deterministic signal of bounded power. We define a new criterion, the level of suppression for stochastic and deterministic disturbances that act jointly in the general case on different inputs. This criterion is characterized in terms of solutions of Riccati equations or linear matrix inequalities. We establish that for the choice of optimal controller or filter with respect to this criterion relative losses with respect to each of the original criteria compared to Pareto optimal solutions do not exceed the value \(1 - {{\sqrt 2 } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\sqrt 2 } 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}\). We extend these results to dual control and filtering problems for systems with one input and two outputs, generalize them to the case of N criteria with loss estimate \(1 - {{\sqrt N } \mathord{\left/{\vphantom {{\sqrt N } N}} \right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} N}\), and also apply them for systems with external and initial disturbances. We show a numerical example. 相似文献
We consider linear control systems under uncertainties. For such systems we solve the problem of constructing worst‐case feedback control policies that are allowed to be corrected at m fixed intermediate time moments. We propose two types of the approximative control policies. All of them guarantee that for all admissible uncertainties the terminal system state lies in a prescribed neighborhood of a given state x* at a given final moment, and the value of the cost function does not exceed a given estimate. It is shown that computation of the estimate for each policy is equivalent to solving a corresponding convex mathematical programming (MP) problem with m decision variables. Based on the solution of the MP problem, we derive simple explicit rules (which can be easily implemented on‐line) for constructing the corresponding control policy in the original control problem. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper introduces a new technique for the analysis of time-optimal systems having multidimensional inputs. The method provides a cellular decomposition of the controllable set for small response times for a new generic class of systems called "minimally controllable systems." The decomposition permits a complete study of the time-optimal flow near the origin and forms the basis for the synthesis of closed-loop optimal control. The method, while generally applicable, is restricted here to the simplest, nontrivial case of third-order systems with two-dimensional controls. 相似文献
Bing Chen Xiaoping Liu 《Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on》2005,13(2):238-249
This paper focuses on the problem of guaranteed cost control for Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with time-varying delayed state. A linear quadratic cost function is considered as a performance index of the closed-loop fuzzy system. Then, the guaranteed cost control of the closed-loop fuzzy system is discussed, and the sufficient conditions are provided for the construction of a guaranteed cost controller via state feedback and observer-based output feedback. When these conditions, which are given in terms of the feasibility of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), are satisfied, the designed state feedback controller and observer-based controller gain matrices can be obtained via a convex optimization problem. Two illustrative examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approaches proposed in this paper. 相似文献
Xinping Guan Jing Wu Chengnian Long Peng Shi 《International journal of systems science》2013,44(4):283-292
Robust stochastic stabilization and guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain discrete-time linear system with Markovian jumping parameters are discussed. Two classes of controller gain perturbations, additive and multiplicative, are considered. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the above problems are derived, which are in terms of positive-definite solutions of a set of coupled linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Furthermore, resilient guaranteed cost controllers are designed. Finally, numerical examples are presented to illustrate the solvability and effectiveness of the results. 相似文献
With consideration that the controller parameters may vary from the designed value when the controller is realized, based on Lyapunov stability theory, a design method of nonfragile guaranteed cost control for a class of Delta operator-formulated uncertain time-delay systems is studied. A sufficient condition for the existence of the nonfragile guaranteed cost controller is given. A numeric example is then given to illustrate the effectiveness and the feasibility of the designed method. The results show that even if the parameters of the designed controller are of variations, the closed-loop system is still asymptotically stable and the super value of the cost function can also be obtained, while the closed-loop system will be unstable if the variations of the controller parameters are not considered when the controller is designed. The nonfragile guaranteed cost controller derived from the traditional shift operator method may cause the closed-loop system to be unstable, while the nonfragile guaranteed cost controller based on Delta operator method can avoid the unstable problem of the closed-loop system. 相似文献
1Introduction In recent years the receding horizon control(RHC)ormodel predictive control(MPC)has received muchattention[1].At each sampling time,model predictivecontrol(MPC)yields an optimal control sequence byonline solving a finite horizon open_loop optimizationproblem.Onlythefirst control actionis appliedtothe plantandthe process is repeated at the next samplingtime.The closed_loop stability of model predictive control hasbeenthe focus of research for a long time.In the90’s,through in… 相似文献
For the model predictive c ontroller,terminal state satisfying a certain inequality can guarantee the stability but it is somewhat conservative.In this paper,we give a more r elaxed stability condition by considering the effect of the initial state.Based on that we propose an algorithm to guarantee that the closed loop s ystem is asymptotically stable.Finally,the conclusions are verifie d by a simulation. 相似文献
研究了一类具有状态时滞的不确定非线性系统的非脆弱保成本控制问题。通过利用Lyapunov稳定性理论和线性矩阵不等式方法,设计非脆弱保成本控制律,使得闭环系统渐近稳定,并且系统的性能指标不超过某个确定的上界。通过求解一个具有线性矩阵不等式约束的凸优化问题来设计最优非脆弱保成本控制器,以使得闭环不确定系统的性能指标最小化。仿真结果验证了该控制算法的有效性。 相似文献