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多孔介质对流干燥机理及其模型   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
张浙  杨世铭 《化工学报》1997,48(1):52-59
在对现有的多孔介质对流干燥传热、传质模型归类分析的基础上,从介质内部热湿迁移机制出发,建立了能较完善、较准确地描述多孔介质在恒速段及降速段热质传递规律的“三耦合-六场量”混合理论模型.同时针对干燥问题数值模拟中的移动边界问题,提出了一种迭代修正的思想,并发展了相应的数值计算方法.对砖的干燥模拟计算结果表明,本文的模型较其他模型具有更好的精确性.  相似文献   

非饱和含湿多孔介质微波冷冻干燥过程传热传质分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
王朝晖  施明恒 《化工学报》1996,47(2):131-136
基于升华冷凝模型,对非饱和含湿多孔介质微波冷冻干燥过程作了数值计算.结果表明,干燥过程中不饱和含冰区内的冰饱和度有较大变化.通过与不考虑升华冷凝区相比较,表明升华冷凝区的存在不可忽略.  相似文献   

Suna Polat 《Drying Technology》2013,31(6):1147-1176

In industrial drying applications, efficient transfer of heat and mass between a drying medium and the material being dried is very critical for the overall economics of the operation. Impinging jets are therefore widely used for their enhanced tmnsport characteristics, especially for drying of continuous sheets of materials such as paper and textiles. In such applications, a thin sheet of material, as wide as 6m in cross machine direction, speeds at velocities as high as 90 km/hr under high velocity jets emerging from a confining surface parallel to the material surface. Many variables and effects need to k considered for proper design of such impinging jet systems: nozzle geometry and size, nozzle configuration, location of exhaust pons, nozzle-to-surface separation, jet-to-jet separation, cross flow, jet exit velocity and surface motion. For permeable materials, additional enhancement of heat and mass transfer that occur when some of the impinging gas is removed through the material makes this option an atmctive one.

Here, we review the above effects and offer predictive correlations from literature which may be used in the design of high velocity impinging jet systems.  相似文献   

干燥过程热质传递的简化模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王朝晖  涂颉 《化工学报》1995,46(5):579-585
对多孔介质体积平均理论进行简化,得到简化的热质传递干燥模型,用一个理论式表达模型中有效扩散系数。对香蕉片千燥的研究表明,模型的预测值与实验结果相  相似文献   

Suna Polat 《Drying Technology》1993,11(6):1147-1176
In industrial drying applications, efficient transfer of heat and mass between a drying medium and the material being dried is very critical for the overall economics of the operation. Impinging jets are therefore widely used for their enhanced tmnsport characteristics, especially for drying of continuous sheets of materials such as paper and textiles. In such applications, a thin sheet of material, as wide as 6m in cross machine direction, speeds at velocities as high as 90 km/hr under high velocity jets emerging from a confining surface parallel to the material surface. Many variables and effects need to k considered for proper design of such impinging jet systems: nozzle geometry and size, nozzle configuration, location of exhaust pons, nozzle-to-surface separation, jet-to-jet separation, cross flow, jet exit velocity and surface motion. For permeable materials, additional enhancement of heat and mass transfer that occur when some of the impinging gas is removed through the material makes this option an atmctive one.

Here, we review the above effects and offer predictive correlations from literature which may be used in the design of high velocity impinging jet systems.  相似文献   

A numerical investigation was conducted to study two-dimensional heat and mass transfer during convective drying of a clay brick. The established numerical code has allowed us to determine the effect of heat and mass transfer coefficients variability on state variables and on the drying kinetic.  相似文献   


Continuous measurement and recording of the core temperature in wood samples during convective drying in an airstream reveals that the temperature difference between the airstream and the core of the wood reflects almost quantitatively the influence of the external conditions and the characteristic features of the drying wood material on the course of the drying velocity. Conclusions concerning the drying practice of timber kiln-drying which arise from the experimental findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Continuous measurement and recording of the core temperature in wood samples during convective drying in an airstream reveals that the temperature difference between the airstream and the core of the wood reflects almost quantitatively the influence of the external conditions and the characteristic features of the drying wood material on the course of the drying velocity. Conclusions concerning the drying practice of timber kiln-drying which arise from the experimental findings are discussed.  相似文献   


A mathematical model has been developed to study the drying of paper using a gas-fired IR dryer. The model accounts for various phenomena : water and vapour mass transfer, conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer. The phenomenological equations are solved with a finite difference scheme, including a modified upwind differencing scheme to account for water migration within the paper sheet. The simulation results illustrate the basic underlying phenomena involved in IR paper drying and can be instrumental to the engineer to make the detailed analyses of such a drying process. A sensitivity analysis has shown that the drying rate is most sensitive to parameters governing the IR beat transfer process whereas the paper sheet temperature is most sensitive to parameters governing the mass transfer process with the surroundings.  相似文献   

Enhanced steam condensation inside a horizontal rotating drum has been experimentally studied. Following both theoretical and practical considerations of the key factors related to the condensation, several enhancement devices have been designed, fabricated, and tested. The results show that the condensing heat transfer coefficient increases substantially.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to study the drying of paper using a gas-fired IR dryer. The model accounts for various phenomena : water and vapour mass transfer, conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer. The phenomenological equations are solved with a finite difference scheme, including a modified upwind differencing scheme to account for water migration within the paper sheet. The simulation results illustrate the basic underlying phenomena involved in IR paper drying and can be instrumental to the engineer to make the detailed analyses of such a drying process. A sensitivity analysis has shown that the drying rate is most sensitive to parameters governing the IR beat transfer process whereas the paper sheet temperature is most sensitive to parameters governing the mass transfer process with the surroundings.  相似文献   


In this work a sophisticated numerical model is presented that describes the drying of porous media. This model, which is known as TransPore, has evolved over the years through the direct inputs of both authors. Nowadays, TransPore can be used to analyse the drying of media that are of completely arbitrary shape and size, under a variety of drying conditions. The engine of the computational model uses a number of state-of-the-art numerical methods that ensure the simulation results describe the particular drying process accurately, whilst guaranteeing the most efficient and effective usage of computer resources. For example, the numerical discretisation method is based on a completely conservative hybrid finite element control volume technique that uses a finite element mesh for its background gradient interpolation. Furthermore, flux limiting is used to reduce numerical dispersion in the drying kinetics and the generated non-linear system is resolved using the full Newton method for the outer iteration coupled together with a preconditioned conjugate gradient technique for the inner iteration. A graphical interface has been linked to the model to enable online visualisation of the drying process. The mathematical model allows both homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media to be simulated. The resultant software is an extremely powerful and effective tool for investigating existing dryer designs and for proposing new and innovative drying schedules that provide optimal drying quality in minimal drying time.  相似文献   


In present communication, an attempt has been made to study the heat and mass transfer for crops namely wheat and gram. The removal of moisture from the crop was determined under simulated conditions and it was used to develop heat and mass transfer relation using linear as well as multiple regression analysis. The observations were recorded for relative humidity, temperature of crop and air and for moisture evaporated. Experimental error in terms of per cent uncertainty was calculated for recorded data which is in the range of 20 - 30 per cent for forced convection and natural cooling, respectively.  相似文献   

同时考虑传热和传质因素的降速干燥模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从传热和传质微分方程出发,采用积分近似法,求得了降速干燥速率的计算公式,从中可以很方便地讨论各因素对干燥过程的影响。  相似文献   

In this work a sophisticated numerical model is presented that describes the drying of porous media. This model, which is known as TransPore, has evolved over the years through the direct inputs of both authors. Nowadays, TransPore can be used to analyse the drying of media that are of completely arbitrary shape and size, under a variety of drying conditions. The engine of the computational model uses a number of state-of-the-art numerical methods that ensure the simulation results describe the particular drying process accurately, whilst guaranteeing the most efficient and effective usage of computer resources. For example, the numerical discretisation method is based on a completely conservative hybrid finite element control volume technique that uses a finite element mesh for its background gradient interpolation. Furthermore, flux limiting is used to reduce numerical dispersion in the drying kinetics and the generated non-linear system is resolved using the full Newton method for the outer iteration coupled together with a preconditioned conjugate gradient technique for the inner iteration. A graphical interface has been linked to the model to enable online visualisation of the drying process. The mathematical model allows both homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media to be simulated. The resultant software is an extremely powerful and effective tool for investigating existing dryer designs and for proposing new and innovative drying schedules that provide optimal drying quality in minimal drying time.  相似文献   

In present communication, an attempt has been made to study the heat and mass transfer for crops namely wheat and gram. The removal of moisture from the crop was determined under simulated conditions and it was used to develop heat and mass transfer relation using linear as well as multiple regression analysis. The observations were recorded for relative humidity, temperature of crop and air and for moisture evaporated. Experimental error in terms of per cent uncertainty was calculated for recorded data which is in the range of 20 - 30 per cent for forced convection and natural cooling, respectively.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been successfully developed to study the heat and mass transfer process during paper drying. This model takes into account the consective transfer of vapor and liquid apart from the known transport mechanisms of capillary flow of liquid, diffusion, vaporization-condensation, and heat conduction. The partial differential equations describing temperature, saturation and pressure change within the web during drying with associated boimdary conditions and initial conditions were solved using finite difference method. The model predictions show that during the drying process the web can be conveniently divided into three different zones, namely dry zone, wet zone and an intermediate zone. The movement of liquid and vapor in opposite directions in the intermediate zone is similar to the action of a heat pipe. Also, as drying proceeds the location of the intermediate zone and hence the heat pipe advances progressively through the thickness of the web.  相似文献   


A mathematical model has been successfully developed to study the heat and mass transfer process during paper drying. This model takes into account the consective transfer of vapor and liquid apart from the known transport mechanisms of capillary flow of liquid, diffusion, vaporization-condensation, and heat conduction. The partial differential equations describing temperature, saturation and pressure change within the web during drying with associated boimdary conditions and initial conditions were solved using finite difference method. The model predictions show that during the drying process the web can be conveniently divided into three different zones, namely dry zone, wet zone and an intermediate zone. The movement of liquid and vapor in opposite directions in the intermediate zone is similar to the action of a heat pipe. Also, as drying proceeds the location of the intermediate zone and hence the heat pipe advances progressively through the thickness of the web.  相似文献   

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