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Clostridioides difficile is a spore-forming enteric pathogen causing life-threatening diarrhoea and colitis. Microbial disruption caused by antibiotics has been linked with susceptibility to, and transmission and relapse of, C. difficile infection. Therefore, there is an urgent need for novel therapeutics that are effective in preventing C. difficile growth, spore germination, and outgrowth. In recent years bacteriophage-derived endolysins and their derivatives show promise as a novel class of antibacterial agents. In this study, we recombinantly expressed and characterized a cell wall hydrolase (CWH) lysin from C. difficile phage, phiMMP01. The full-length CWH displayed lytic activity against selected C. difficile strains. However, removing the N-terminal cell wall binding domain, creating CWH351—656, resulted in increased and/or an expanded lytic spectrum of activity. C. difficile specificity was retained versus commensal clostridia and other bacterial species. As expected, the putative cell wall binding domain, CWH1—350, was completely inactive. We also observe the effect of CWH351—656 on preventing C. difficile spore outgrowth. Our results suggest that CWH351—656 has therapeutic potential as an antimicrobial agent against C. difficile infection.  相似文献   

Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile), is a major cause of nosocomial diarrhea and colitis. C. difficile flagellin FliC contributes toxins to gut inflammation by interacting with the immune Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) to activate nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways. Flagella of intracellular pathogens can activate the NLR family CARD domain-containing protein 4 (NLRC4) inflammasome pathway. In this study, we assessed whether flagellin of the extracellular bacterium C. difficile internalizes into epithelial cells and activates the NLRC4 inflammasome. Confocal microscopy showed internalization of recombinant green fluorescent protein (GFP)-FliC into intestinal Caco-2/TC7 cell line. Full-length GFP-FliC activates NLRC4 in Caco-2/TC7 cells in contrast to truncated GFP-FliC lacking the C-terminal region recognized by the inflammasome. FliC induced cleavage of pro-caspase-1 into two subunits, p20 and p10 as well as gasdermin D (GSDMD), suggesting the caspase-1 and NLRC4 inflammasome activation. In addition, colocalization of GFP-FliC and pro-caspase-1 was observed, indicating the FliC-dependent NLRC4 inflammasome activation. Overexpression of the inflammasome-related interleukin (interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-18, and IL-33) encoding genes as well as increasing of the IL-18 synthesis was detected after cell stimulation. Inhibition of I-kappa-B kinase alpha (IKK-α) decreased the FliC-dependent inflammasome interleukin gene expression suggesting a role of the NF-κB pathway in regulating inflammasome. Altogether, these results suggest that FliC internalizes into the Caco-2/TC7 cells and activates the intracellular NLRC4 inflammasome thus contributing to the inflammatory process of C. difficile infection.  相似文献   

Rising incidences and mortalities have drawn attention to Clostridioides difficile infections (CDIs) in recent years. The main virulence factors of this bacterium are the exotoxins TcdA and TcdB, which glucosylate Rho-GTPases and thereby inhibit Rho/actin-mediated processes in cells. This results in cell rounding, gut barrier disruption and characteristic clinical symptoms. So far, treatment of CDIs is limited and mainly restricted to some antibiotics, often leading to a vicious circle of antibiotic-induced disease recurrence. Here, we demonstrate the protective effect of the human antimicrobial peptide α-defensin-6 against TcdA, TcdB and the combination of both toxins in vitro and in vivo and unravel the underlying molecular mechanism. The defensin prevented toxin-mediated glucosylation of Rho-GTPases in cells and protected human cells, model epithelial barriers as well as zebrafish embryos from toxic effects. In vitro analyses revealed direct binding to TcdB in an SPR approach and the rapid formation of TcdB/α-defensin-6 complexes, as analyzed with fluorescent TcdB by time-lapse microscopy. In conclusion, the results imply that α-defensin-6 rapidly sequesters the toxin into complexes, which prevents its cytotoxic activity. These findings extend the understanding of how human peptides neutralize bacterial protein toxins and might be a starting point for the development of novel therapeutic options against CDIs.  相似文献   

Aptamers are single-stranded, short DNA or RNA oligonucleotides that can specifically bind to various target molecules. To diagnose the infected cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in time, numerous conventional methods are applied for viral detection via the amplification and quantification of DNA or antibodies specific to antigens on the virus. Herein, we generated a large number of mutated aptamer sequences, derived from a known sequence of receptor-binding domain (RBD)-1C aptamer, specific to the RBD of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S protein). Structural similarity, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics (MD) were utilized to screen aptamers and characterize the detailed interactions between the selected aptamers and the S protein. We identified two mutated aptamers, namely, RBD-1CM1 and RBD-1CM2, which presented better docking results against the S protein compared with the RBD-1C aptamer. Through the MD simulation, we further confirmed that the RBD-1CM1 aptamer can form the most stable complex with the S protein based on the number of hydrogen bonds formed between the two biomolecules. Based on the experimental data of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), the RBD-1CM1 aptamer could produce larger signals in mass change and exhibit an improved binding affinity to the S protein. Therefore, the RBD-1CM1 aptamer, which was selected from 1431 mutants, was the best potential candidate for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. The RBD-1CM1 aptamer can be an alternative biological element for the development of SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing.  相似文献   

The nacreous layer of molluscan shells consists of a highly organised, layered structure comprising calcium carbonate aragonite crystals, each surrounded by an organic matrix. In the Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata, the Pif protein from the nacreous layer functions in aragonite binding, and plays a key role in nacre formation. Here, we investigated whether the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis also has a protein with similar functions in the nacreous layer. By using a calcium carbonate-binding assay, we identified the novel protein blue mussel shell protein (BMSP) 100 that can bind calcium carbonate crystals of both aragonite and calcite. When the entire sequence of a cDNA encoding BMSP 100 was determined, it was found that BMSP is a preproprotein consisting of a signal peptide and two proteins, BMSP 120 and BMSP 100. BMSP 120 contains four von Willebrand factor A (VWA) domains and one chitin-binding domain, thus suggesting that it has a role in maintaining structure within the matrix. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that BMSP 100 is present throughout the nacreous layer with dense localisation in the myostracum. Posttranslational modification analysis indicated that BMSP 100 is phosphorylated and glycosylated. These results suggest that there is a common molecular mechanism between P. fucata and M. galloprovincialis that underlies the nacreous layer formation.  相似文献   

Binding of peptide hormones to G protein-coupled receptors is believed to be mediated through formation of contacts of the ligands with residues of the extracellular loops of family 1 GPCRs. Here we have investigated whether additional binding sites exist within the N-terminal domain, as studied in the form of binding of peptides from the neuropeptide Y (NPY) family to the N terminus of the Y4 receptor (N-Y4). The N-terminal domain of the Y4 receptor has been expressed in isotopically enriched form and studied by solution NMR spectroscopy. The peptide is unstructured in solution, whereas a micelle-associated helical segment is formed in the presence of dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) or sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS). As measured by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy, N-Y4 binds with approximately 50 microM affinity to the pancreatic polypeptide (PP), a high-affinity ligand to the Y4 receptor, whereas binding to neuropeptide Y (NPY) and peptide YY (PYY) is much weaker. Residues critical for binding in PP and in N-Y4 have been identified by site-directed mutagenesis. The data indicate that electrostatic interactions dominate and that this interaction is mediated by acidic ligand and basic receptor residues. Residues of N-Y4 are likely to contribute to the binding of PP, and in addition might possibly also help to transfer the hormone from the membrane-bound state into the receptor binding pocket.  相似文献   

A meso‐diaminopimelate dehydrogenase (DAPDH) from Clostridium tetani E88 (CtDAPDH) was found to have low activity toward the D ‐amino acids other than its native substrate. Site‐directed mutagenesis similar to that carried out on the residues mutated by Vedha‐Peters et al. resulted in a mutant enzyme with highly improved catalytic ability for the synthesis of D ‐amino acids. The crystal structures of the CtDAPDH mutant in apo form and in complex with meso‐diaminopimelate (meso‐DAP), D ‐leucine (D ‐leu), and 4‐methyl‐2‐oxopentanoic acid (MOPA) were solved. meso‐DAP was found in an area outside the catalytic cavity; this suggested a possible two‐step substrate‐binding mechanism for meso‐DAP. D ‐leu and MOPA each bound both to Leu154 and to Gly155 in the open form of CtDAPDH, and structural analysis revealed the molecular basis for the expanded substrate specificity of the mutant meso‐diaminopimelate dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

X‐ray crystallography and solution NMR of detergent‐reconstituted OmpA (outer membrane protein A from E. coli) had shown that this protein forms an eight‐stranded transmembrane β‐barrel, but only limited information was obtained for the extracellular loops. In NMR studies of OmpA in two different detergent micelles, “NMR‐invisible” amino acid residues in‐between the extracellular loops and the β‐barrel prevented complete structural characterization. Here, we show that this NMR‐invisible ring around the β‐barrel of OmpA is also present in lipid bilayer nanodiscs and in mixed micelles with a third detergent, thus suggesting that the implicated rate processes have a functional role rather than representing an artifact of the protein reconstitution. In addition to sequence‐specific NMR assignments for OmpA in the nanodiscs, the present results are based on a protocol of micro‐coil TROSY‐ and CRINEPT‐type NMR diffusion measurements for studying the hydrodynamic properties and the foldedness of [2H,15N]‐labeled membrane proteins in nanodiscs. This protocol can be applied under conditions closely similar to those used for NMR structure determinations or crystallization trials.  相似文献   

Signal recognition particle (SRP) is an RNA and protein complex that exists in all domains of life. It consists of one protein and one noncoding RNA in some bacteria. It is more complex in eukaryotes and consists of six proteins and one noncoding RNA in mammals. In the eukaryotic cytoplasm, SRP co-translationally targets proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum and prevents misfolding and aggregation of the secretory proteins in the cytoplasm. It was demonstrated recently that SRP also possesses an earlier unknown function, the protection of mRNAs of secretory proteins from degradation. In this review, we analyze the progress in studies of SRPs from different organisms, SRP biogenesis, its structure, and function in protein targeting and mRNA protection.  相似文献   

ShK is a 35‐residue peptide that binds with high affinity to human voltage‐gated potassium channels through a conserved K‐Y dyad. Here we have employed NMR measurements of backbone‐amide 15N spin‐relaxation rates to investigate motions of the ShK backbone. Although ShK is rigid on the ps to ns timescale, increased linewidths observed for 11 backbone‐amide 15N resonances identify chemical or conformational exchange contributions to the spin relaxation. Relaxation dispersion profiles indicate that exchange between major and minor conformers occurs on the sub‐millisecond timescale. Affected residues are mostly clustered around the central helix‐kink‐helix structure and the critical K22–Y23 motif. We suggest that the less structured minor conformer increases the exposure of Y23, known to contribute to binding affinity and selectivity, thereby facilitating its interaction with potassium channels. These findings have potential implications for the design of new channel blockers based on ShK.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are regulatory RNA elements that undergo functionally important allosteric conformational switching upon binding of specific ligands. The here investigated guanidine-II riboswitch binds the small cation, guanidinium, and forms a kissing loop-loop interaction between its P1 and P2 hairpins. We investigated the structural changes to support previous studies regarding the binding mechanism. Using NMR spectroscopy, we confirmed the structure as observed in crystal structures and we characterized the kissing loop interaction upon addition of Mg2+ and ligand for the riboswitch aptamer from Escherichia coli. We further investigated closely related mutant constructs providing further insight into functional differences between the two (different) hairpins P1 and P2. Formation of intermolecular interactions were probed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and NMR DOSY data. All data are consistent and show the formation of oligomeric states of the riboswitch induced by Mg2+ and ligand binding.  相似文献   

Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency causes pulmonary disease due to decreased levels of circulating AAT and consequently unbalanced protease activity in the lungs. Deposition of specific AAT variants, such as the common Z AAT, within hepatocytes may also result in liver disease. These deposits are comprised of ordered polymers of AAT formed by an inter-molecular domain swap. The discovery and characterization of rare variants of AAT and other serpins have historically played a crucial role in the dissection of the structural mechanisms leading to AAT polymer formation. Here, we report a severely deficient shutter region variant, Bologna AAT (N186Y), which was identified in five unrelated subjects with different geographical origins. We characterized the new variant by expression in cellular models in comparison with known polymerogenic AAT variants. Bologna AAT showed secretion deficiency and intracellular accumulation as detergent-insoluble polymers. Extracellular polymers were detected in both the culture media of cells expressing Bologna AAT and in the plasma of a patient homozygous for this variant. Structural modelling revealed that the mutation disrupts the hydrogen bonding network in the AAT shutter region. These data support a crucial coordinating role for asparagine 186 and the importance of this network in promoting formation of the native structure.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance has become a major public health concern around the world. This is exacerbated by the non-discovery of novel drugs, the development of resistance mechanisms in most of the clinical isolates of bacteria, as well as recurring infections, hindering disease treatment efficacy. In vitro data has shown that antibiotic combinations can be effective when microorganisms are resistant to individual drugs. Recently, advances in the direction of combination therapy for the treatment of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections have embraced antibiotic combinations and the use of nanoparticles conjugated with antibiotics. Nanoparticles (NPs) can penetrate the cellular membrane of disease-causing organisms and obstruct essential molecular pathways, showing unique antibacterial mechanisms. Combined with the optimal drugs, NPs have established synergy and may assist in regulating the general threat of emergent bacterial resistance. This review comprises a general overview of antibiotic combinations strategies for the treatment of microbial infections. The potential of antibiotic combinations with NPs as new entrants in the antimicrobial therapy domain is discussed.  相似文献   

Glycoside phosphorylases (GPs) carry out a reversible phosphorolysis of carbohydrates into oligosaccharide acceptors and the corresponding sugar 1-phosphates. The reversibility of the reaction enables the use of GPs as biocatalysts for carbohydrate synthesis. Glycosyl hydrolase family 94 (GH94), which only comprises GPs, is one of the most studied GP families that have been used as biocatalysts for carbohydrate synthesis, in academic research and in industrial production. Understanding the mechanism of GH94 enzymes is a crucial step towards enzyme engineering to improve and expand the applications of these enzymes in synthesis. In this work with a GH94 laminaribiose phosphorylase from Paenibacillus sp. YM-1 (PsLBP), we have demonstrated an enzymatic synthesis of disaccharide 1 (β-d -mannopyranosyl-(1→3)-d -glucopyranose) by using a natural acceptor glucose and noncognate donor substrate α-mannose 1-phosphate (Man1P). To investigate how the enzyme recognises different sugar 1-phosphates, the X-ray crystal structures of PsLBP in complex with Glc1P and Man1P have been solved, providing the first molecular detail of the recognition of a noncognate donor substrate by GPs, which revealed the importance of hydrogen bonding between the active site residues and hydroxy groups at C2, C4, and C6 of sugar 1-phosphates. Furthermore, we used saturation transfer difference NMR spectroscopy to support crystallographic studies on the sugar 1-phosphates, as well as to provide further insights into the PsLBP recognition of the acceptors and disaccharide products.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is a chronic infection caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, manifested in progressive cardiomyopathy and/or gastrointestinal dysfunction. Therapeutic options to prevent or treat Chagas disease are limited. CYP51, the enzyme key to the biosynthesis of eukaryotic membrane sterols, is a validated drug target in both fungi and T. cruzi. Sulfonamide derivatives of 4‐aminopyridyl‐based inhibitors of T. cruzi CYP51 (TcCYP51), including the sub‐nanomolar compound 3 , have molecular structures distinct from other validated CYP51 inhibitors. They augment the biologically relevant chemical space of molecules targeting TcCYP51. In a 2.08 Å X‐ray structure, TcCYP51 is in a conformation that has been influenced by compound 3 and is distinct from the previously characterized ground‐state conformation of CYP51 drug–target complexes. That the binding site was modulated in response to an incoming inhibitor for the first time characterizes TcCYP51 as a flexible target rather than a rigid template.  相似文献   

Goat cheese is an important element of the Mediterranean diet, appreciated for its health-promoting features and unique taste. A pivotal role in the development of these characteristics is attributed to the microbiota and its continuous remodeling over space and time. Nevertheless, no thorough study of the cheese-associated microbiota using two metaomics approaches has previously been conducted. Here, we employed 16S rRNA gene sequencing and metaproteomics to explore the microbiota of a typical raw goat milk cheese at various ripening timepoints and depths of the cheese wheel. The 16S rRNA gene-sequencing and metaproteomics results described a stable microbiota ecology across the selected ripening timepoints, providing evidence for the microbiologically driven fermentation of goat milk products. The important features of the microbiota harbored on the surface and in the core of the cheese mass were highlighted in both compositional and functional terms. We observed the rind microbiota struggling to maintain the biosafety of the cheese through competition mechanisms and/or by preventing the colonization of the cheese by pathobionts of animal or environmental origin. The core microbiota was focused on other biochemical processes, supporting its role in the development of both the health benefits and the pleasant gustatory nuances of goat cheese.  相似文献   

Vascular calcification (VC) is a risk factor for cardiovascular events and mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Several components influence the occurrence of VC, among which inflammation. A novel uremic toxin, lanthionine, was shown to increase intracellular calcium in endothelial cells and may have a role in VC. A group of CKD patients was selected and divided into patients with a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of <45 mL/min/1.73 m2 and ≥45 mL/min/1.73 m2. Total Calcium Score (TCS), based on the Agatston score, was assessed as circulating lanthionine and a panel of different cytokines. A hemodialysis patient group was also considered. Lanthionine was elevated in CKD patients, and levels increased significantly in hemodialysis patients with respect to the two CKD groups; in addition, lanthionine increased along with the increase in TCS, starting from one up to three. Interleukin IL-6, IL-8, and Eotaxin were significantly increased in patients with GFR < 45 mL/min/1.73 m2 with respect to those with GFR ≥ 45 mL/min/1.73 m2. IL-1b, IL-7, IL-8, IL-12, Eotaxin, and VEGF increased in calcified patients with respect to the non-calcified. IL-8 and Eotaxin were elevated both in the low GFR group and in the calcified group. We propose that lanthionine, but also IL-8 and Eotaxin, in particular, are a key feature of VC of CKD, with possible marker significance.  相似文献   

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