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静止同步补偿器与传统静止无功补偿器的比较与分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
冯煜珵  陈陈 《华东电力》2005,33(9):16-19
随着灵活交流输变电(FACTS)技术的不断发展,出现了很多新型的FACTS装置。比如基于全控型电力电子器件(如GTO晶闸管与IGBT等)的STATCOM就是其中之一,它与传统的补偿器SVC相比在技术上有着很多的优势。介绍FACTS装置中的STATCOM与SVC,并对它们在电压支撑、动态仿真、控制方法、谐波和经济性等方面进行综合分析与比较。  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based on stator voltage orientation (SVO) in the positive and negative synchronous reference frames under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. The oscillations of the DFIG electromagnetic torque and the stator active and reactive powers are fully described during grid voltage unbalance. A new rotor current controller implemented in the positive synchronous reference frame is proposed. The controller consists of a proportional integral (PI) regulator and a harmonic resonant (R) compensator tuned at twice the grid frequency. Thus, the positive and negative sequence components of DFIG rotor currents are directly regulated by the PI + R controller without the need of involving positive and negative sequence decomposition, which indeed improves the dynamic performance of DFIG-based wind power generation system during small steady-state and relatively larger transient network unbalances. The theoretical analysis and the feasibility of the proposed unbalanced control scheme are validated by simulation studies on a 1.5-MW wind-turbine driven DFIG system. Compared with conventional single PI current control design, the proposed control scheme results in significant elimination of either DFIG power or torque oscillation under unbalanced grid voltage conditions.  相似文献   

多重化结构的STATCOM装置采用分相控制后,除产生正常的正序电压外,还能产生要求的负序电压以抵抗系统负序对装置的破坏性影响,提高装置在系统不对称情况下生存和工作能力。针对三单相四重化结构的±20MvarSTATCOM装置,提出一种基于全相位δ变化的分相不对称控制方法,并给出详细的控制算法;同时对采用该控制后,STATCOM装置在谐波产生以及负序补偿能力等方面问题进行分析和研究。通过与其它控制方法的仿真结果比较,验证了所提方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对配电网中传统全补偿消弧装置接地残流实时补偿能力差且在故障恢复后长期处于谐振状态而不能及时退出的问题,提出基于PWM可控变换器的接地残流全补偿控制方法.对全补偿消弧装置的消弧原理进行了详细分析,并利用主动频率注入法实现对地电容的精确检测.从理论上推导了零序电压与接地残流分量的关系,提出单相接地残流全补偿的实时控制方法...  相似文献   

针对电网电压不平衡工况下的链式STATCOM的运行特性与控制策略问题,通过对比研究三角形与星形两种链式STATCOM的补偿特性,提出一种基于等效电纳变换法的星形链式STATCOM的零序电压计算方法,并在两相静止坐标系下完成不平衡电流跟踪控制。仿真与实验结果表明,在电网不平衡时,所提出方法不但能使星形链式STATCOM正常运行,而且能够补偿无功负载,减轻电网电流不平衡度,最终扩展了星形链式STATCOM的运行范围。  相似文献   

不平衡电压下虚拟同步发电机功率控制策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对电网电压不平衡下虚拟同步发电机输出功率的分析,提出了基于静止坐标系的功率控制策略,在不需要锁相环的情况下,利用负序电压控制分别对有功、无功功率振荡或三相电流不平衡进行抑制,既保证了虚拟同步发电机电压控制的电压源性质和惯性特性,又能够使分布式电源根据不同需求输出恒定的有功、无功功率或三相平衡电流。利用PSCAD/EMTDC软件仿真及基于RTDS的实时数字物理闭环实验,验证了所提控制策略的有效性,并对各控制策略的特性进行了量化分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis and a novel control scheme for a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind energy generation under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. The control objectives are: (i) to limit the rotor currents, (ii) to suppress ripples in the torque and (iii) to suppress the dc-link voltage fluctuation through converter controls. Negative sequence compensation techniques by one of the converters, namely, the rotor side converter (RSC) or the grid side converter (GSC) in a DFIG are discussed and their limitations are presented. A coordinated control scheme with a concise structure compared to the conventional dual sequence control structure is proposed in this paper. The RSC is controlled to suppress ripples in the torque and the rotor currents while the GSC is controlled to suppress ripples in the dc-link voltage by considering the rotor power effect. The major contributions of the paper include: (i) the presentation of the limitation of negative sequence compensation using one converter; (ii) development of a concise coordination control scheme which is free of low pass filters and uses a reduced number of reference frame transformation. Matlab/Simulink tests for a 2MW DFIG demonstrate the effectiveness of the control scheme.  相似文献   

虚拟同步发电机(Virtual Synchronous Generator, VSG)技术通过模拟同步发电机运行机理,在理想电网条件下能够使分布式电源友好接入电网。然而,在不平衡电网电压下,则会出现输出功率振荡、电流不平衡等问题。为克服这些问题,提出了一种基于静止坐标系下虚拟同步发电机功率-电流协调控制策略。该控制策略根据瞬时功率理论计算负序电流参考值,建立了恒定有功、无功及电流平衡3个控制目标的统一解析表达式,实现功率-电流的协调控制,提高了系统运行性能。最后仿真结果验证了所提控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

在电网三相电压不对称时,采用不对称控制策略能够保证静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)安全,实现良好的电压控制效果。针对较为复杂的单回并补双回线路,分析了线路短路后距离保护动作条件,证实采用不对称控制策略的STATCOM可能引起故障相保护拒动及非故障相保护误动。计及STATCOM注入电流,改进了故障测距算法。将故障距离值与线路正序阻抗配合,修正距离保护测量阻抗值。仿真结果验证了所提算法能够保证距离保护正确动作,避免接入STATCOM后重新整定距离保护。  相似文献   

The stability of a voltage source converters (VSC) system based on phase-locked loop (PLL) is very important issue during asymmetric grid faults. This paper establishes a transient synchronous stability model of a dual-sequence PLL-based VSC system during low voltage ride-through by referring to the equivalent rotor swing equation of synchronous generators. Based on the model, the synchronization characteristics of the VSC system under asymmetric grid faults are described, and the interaction mechanisms, as well as the transient instability phenomena of positive and negative sequence PLL during asymmetric faults are explained. Using the equal area criterion, the infuences of sequence control switching action, detection delay, and interaction between the positive and negative sequence PLL on the transient synchronous stability of the VSC system are analyzed, respectively. In addition, a transient stability assessment criterion based on the critical fault clearance angle and time and an enhancement control strategy based on the improved positive and negative sequence PLL are proposed. Finally, the analytical results are validated through simulation and experiments.  相似文献   

针对电网不平衡的情况下三相电压型PWM整流器易产生交流电流和直流电压谐波的问题,提出采用两组PWM整流器并联形式的解决方案. 一组作为主整流器,用以产生正序电流,另一组作为辅助整流器,用以产生负序电流,同时保证主、辅整流器输出到直流侧的瞬时功率之和不含交流分量.推导正、负序电流与电网正、负序电压及直流功率的关系,并设计出控制系统.建立基于Matlab的三相电压型PWM整流器的仿真平台对三相电压型PWM整流器在电网电压不平衡时不同负载工况的条件下进行充分仿真研究.仿真结果表明,本文所提出的方法能够将三相电压型PWM整流器的谐波抑制到电网平衡条件下的水平.  相似文献   

针对直驱永磁风力发电机组(D-PMSG)在不对称电网故障下,负序分量对直流母线电压会产生2倍频振荡的问题,提出利用单相电压延迟60°来构造三相对称电压,消除负序分量对直流母线电压的影响,对D-PMSG在不对称故障下电压跌落的控制策略展开了研究。网侧逆变器外环采用电压环稳定直流电压,控制变换器发出的有功功率,内环采用电流前馈控制,使电压矢量在dq轴间解耦,由外环控制得出的电流参考值来控制逆变器的电流,同时结合能量泄放回路解决D-PMSG在电网发生不对称故障下直流侧的功率拥堵。另外,对网侧动态电压恢复器DVR采用改进的最小能量法控制策略,为系统提供最大无功功率支持,有利于网侧电压恢复,从而保证系统的稳定运行。以河西电网的实时数据进行仿真,结果证明了所提控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new asymmetrical model of synchronous generators for power system transient stability simulations. The symmetrical component method has been used traditionally in the analysis of unbalanced faults in power systems. This is mainly because the synchronous generators, which play an important role in the power system, can be easily treated by the method. However, when analyzing a system that has elements with asymmetrical impedance, it may not be easy to use the symmetrical component method. In such cases, the simulations can be easily executed by using the phase coordinate method. However, there are few papers that derive a phase coordinate model of synchronous machines. This paper analyzes synchronous generators under asymmetrical conditions in detail by using the symmetrical component method, then derives a model of synchronous generators for the phase coordinate method. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn 119(2): 46–59, 1997  相似文献   

在电网电压不平衡条件下,以网侧各相单位功率因数为补偿控制目标,提出了基于虚拟导纳的静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)无源控制方法,可保证输电线路有功损耗最小。在dq同步旋转坐标系下,建立了不平衡条件下STATCOM的数学模型,构造出相互独立的正负序双电流环系统,以便于控制系统设计。基于无源性理论,利用能量成形和阻尼注入方法,分别对正负序电流环设计了控制器。给出了STATCOM直流侧电压与虚拟导纳的数学关系式,阐明了虚拟导纳电流控制的合理性和可行性,并设计了直流电压外环比例积分控制器。仿真实验结果表明,所提控制策略可实现电网电压不平衡条件下STATCOM对无功负荷的快速补偿,同时可保证网侧各相均实现单位功率因数控制。  相似文献   

A new inter-cluster DC capacitor voltage balancing scheme for a delta connected modular multilevel cascaded converter (MMCC)-based static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is presented. A detailed power flow analysis of applying negative sequence current (NSC) and zero-sequence current (ZSC) injection methods in addressing the issue of inter-cluster DC voltage imbalance under unbalance grid voltage is carried out. A control scheme is proposed which integrates both inter-cluster methods using a quantification factor QF. This is used to achieve the sharing of the inter-cluster active power between the NSC and ZSC injection methods. An accurate method of determining the quantification factor is also presented. The proposed method offers better sub-module DC capacitor voltage balancing and prevents converter overcurrent. The influence of unbalanced grid voltage on the delta connected MMCC-based STATCOM rating using this integrated cluster balancing technique is investigated. The control scheme is verified with a 5?kV 1.2MVA MMCC-STATCOM using 3-level bridge sub-modules, and the results show the advantages of the proposed method over other inter-cluster methods.  相似文献   

电网故障下直驱风电系统网侧变流器控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在直驱风力发电系统控制中,网侧变流器采用电网电压定向矢量控制策略,因此快速而准确地检测电网基波电压的大小和相位在网侧变流器同步化设计中是很关键的。介绍基于对称分量法的同步坐标系锁相方法和双同步坐标系解耦锁相方法;研究在不平衡电网电压下变流器中使用的2种不同电流控制器的性能,这2种控制器是基于正参考坐标系和负序分量前馈控制(VCCF)的电流控制器和基于正负序参考坐标系(DVCC)的双电流控制器。仿真和实验结果表明:在电网电压出现不平衡时,精确地检测电网电压基波的正、负序分量并且使用正负序旋转坐标系下双电流控制策略,在网侧变流器控制中起到了一个很关键的作用。  相似文献   

励磁系统是同步发电机的重要配套装备,良好的励磁系统对改善电力系统运行有着重要的意义。根据同步发电机静止励磁装置的运行状况及其特点,详细分析了该装置在运行过程中可能出现的故障、判别方法,以及所采取的相应处理措施。  相似文献   

基于滑模变结构的控制算法只需在 坐标系下完成控制目标无需进行复杂的d-q坐标系变化,且实现了恒频控制。当电网电压不平衡时,通过设置三个控制目标来对系统进行控制,即消除负序电流、消除有功功率波动、消除无功功率波动。为了提高控制精度,通过采用T/4延时法只提取正序电流分量和负序电压分量,无需提取负序电流分量,针对设置的三个控制目标进行不同的功率项补偿,进而达到控制目标的要求。理论推导和仿真实验结果证明了该控制策略的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

The paper presents a novel static VAR compensator SVC control scheme. The new SVC control strategy is validated on a single machine infinite bus power system with a dynamic nonlinear load.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the operation of a distribution static compensator (D-StatCom) under unbalanced conditions when the compensator exchanges also negative-sequence currents with the network. Unbalanced conditions, for example, occur when the D-StatCom is used for the compensation of unbalanced loads or in the case of an unbalanced network voltage. A new control algorithm based on the D-StatCom mathematical model for unbalanced conditions is presented. The algorithm enables effective operation of D-StatCom with independent control of the positive- and negative-sequence currents. Furthermore, the problem of low-frequency harmonics generation is solved with an appropriate modulation of the switching function enabling the use of a relatively small capacitor on the dc side. The developed control algorithm is tested by means of digital simulation.  相似文献   

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