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Maraging steels containing 18 % nickel are based on a low-carbon iron-nickel-cobalt-molybdenum system. These steels demonstrate a remarkable combination of high strength and high toughness. To investigate the effect of overaging and resulting austenite reversion on the fatigue behavior of C250 maraging steel, specimens in the solution annealed state were overaged at 510 °C for various intervals, resulting in volume fractions of reverted austenite ranging from 2.6 % to 11.4 %. The staircase method was used to calculate the fatigue limit. S−N curves were generated by testing a minimum of four stress levels and at least three samples at each stress level. Basquin's equation was used to fit the experimental stress-life data, and the Basquin exponent and fatigue strength coefficient were calculated. The presence of 2.6 % reverted austenite in the microstructure improved the fatigue limit and fatigue ratio, without significantly reducing tensile strength. The results can be interpreted in terms of reverted austenite having a crack blunting effect on the propagating cracks. A small amount of reverted austenite in the range of 2 %–3 % vol has a beneficial effect on the fatigue life. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(6):687-691
AbstractThermal residual stresses are very detrimental to the mechanical resistance of metal–ceramic joints and thin metallic foils acting as stress relieving interlayers have been used to reduce their effect. The present work presents finite element method simulations of the residual stress field in Al2O3–AISI 304 steel joints using interlayers. Different interlayer materials (Ti, Ni, Mo, and Cu) were considered, either separately or in combination. Calculations show that among the different interlayer materials considered, Cu and Ti/Cu are most effective in reducing the thermal stresses and that this role is determined mainly by the ductility of the interlayer material. The calculated results were validated by shear tests performed on real joints obtained by diffusion bonding and it was concluded that residual stresses control the mechanical resistance of the joints. 相似文献
The influence of the pressurized water reactor (PWR) water environment on fatigue life and fatigue crack growth rate was discussed. The fatigue lives of Type 316 stainless steel in the PWR water environment were investigated using cylindrical hollow specimens. The acceleration in the crack growth due to the environment was quantified by investigating spacing of striations and crack growth tests using compact tension specimens. The growth rates obtained could be represented by the strain intensity factor. It was shown that the fatigue lives estimated by crack growth prediction agreed with those obtained by the tests. Then, it was concluded that the reduction in the fatigue life due to the PWR water environment was brought about not by enhancement of crack initiation but by the acceleration of the crack growth. 相似文献
H.D. Gopalakrishna H.N. Narasimha Murthy M. Krishna M.S. Vinod A.V. Suresh 《Engineering Failure Analysis》2010,17(2):361-368
This paper presents the experimental results of fatigue life enhancement and the residual stresses around the cold expanded holes in Al 2024, a widely used aerospace alloy. Two techniques for cold expansion of holes, namely split-sleeve with taper pin technique and split-sleeve with ball technique were considered for comparison, as the former involves surface contact and the latter has line contact during expansion. The techniques were compared based on the fatigue life enhancement in the expanded holes, the induced and the residual stresses due to expansion. The holes were expanded by 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, and 6% using INSTRON machine in both the techniques. While both the techniques resulted in improvement in fatigue life of the expanded holes, the taper pin technique yielded 200% higher fatigue life improvement than that obtained by ball technique. The induced residual stresses were measured by mounting strain gages of 0.2 mm gage length. These are drawn as a function of induced strain. In both the techniques residual stresses increased with increase in percentage of expansion until 5% and then decreased for 6% expansion. The increase in fatigue life at 5% expansion was 1.88 times and 5.3 times higher than that of the non-expanded holes for ball and tapered method, respectively. The corresponding improvement in taper method was greater than the non-expanded holes. While, it was observed that the residual stresses decreased with respect to the distance from the hole in both the techniques, the ball technique resulted in lower residual stresses than that of taper pin technique. 相似文献
In this study, AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel, most commonly used in its class and economical AISI 1020 steel couple with low carbon content, were connected using different operation parameters through friction welding. Tension test and rotary bending fatigue test were applied to the welded connections, and the impact of the welding parameters on fatigue strength was examined. It was discovered that when the welding parameters used in connecting AISI 2205 and AISI 1020 steel couple through friction welding were selected correctly, fatigue strength of the connection would increase compared to the main material, and incompliant parameters decreased fatigue strength. 相似文献
This study analyses the influence of fatigue loading on the residual tensile properties of AISI 1045 steel. The fatigue tests were carried out under stress-controlled tensile loadings at a stress ratio equal to 0. The maximum applied stresses were within the range from 550 MPa to 790 MPa. An analysis of ratcheting strain and plastic strain amplitude evolution due to fatigue loading was performed on the experimental data. In the next stage of this study, the initial fatigue loadings were introduced. Two maximum stresses, 550 MPa and 750 MPa, and three cycle lengths, 25%, 50% and 75% of the total number of cycles required to fracture the material at a given stress, were used. The pre-fatigued specimens were subjected to tensile testing at strain rates from 10−4 to 100 s−1. A large number of fatigue cycles, equal to 75% of the fatigue life, induces material softening as well as a drop in elongation and a reduction of area. Pre-fatigue at maximum stress equal to 550 MPa results in the increase of the elastic limit and offset yield point as well. Both parameters reach almost constant value after number of cycles equal to 25 % of the fatigue life. The further increase in the number of cycles does not affect elastic limit and offset yield point in a clearly visible way. The increase of maximum stress of the initial fatigue loadings up to 750 MPa induces similar but stronger effect i.e. increase and stabilization of elastic limit and offset yield point values, however decrease of both parameters value is observed at large number of pre-fatigue cycles corresponding to 75% of the fatigue life. 相似文献
Fujio Abe Toshio Ohba Hideko Miyazaki Yoshiaki Toda Masaaki Tabuchi 《Materials at High Temperatures》2019,36(4):314-324
The effect of tungsten–molybdenum (W–Mo) balance on creep life has been investigated for five heats of martensitic 9Cr steel with 1.5 % Mo equivalent (= 1/2W + Mo) at 600, 650 and 700°C. The combination of W and Mo concentrations in the present steel is 3W–0Mo, 2.8W–0.1Mo, 2.4W–0.3Mo, 1.8W–0.6Mo and 0W–1.5Mo. The time to rupture tr exhibits a monotonous increase with increasing the W–Mo balance parameter 1/2W/(1/2W + Mo), namely, with increasing W concentration and concomitantly with decreasing Mo. The increase in tr with increasing 1/2W/(1/2W + Mo) becomes less significant at long times. The precipitation of Fe2(W,Mo) Laves phase takes place preferentially at prior austenite grain boundaries during creep, which enhances the grain boundary (GB) precipitation hardening. The amount of Laves phase increases with increasing 1/2W/(1/2W + Mo). The coarsening of Laves phase takes place at long times during creep, which reduces the GB precipitation hardening. 相似文献
Near-threshold fatigue crack growth behavior in 25Cr2NiMo1V steel with different microstructures was investigated by utilizing
the load-shedding technique at ambient temperature. Crack surface morphology was observed by SEM with special emphases on
the incidence of intergranular fracture and the influence on crack growth rates. Results show that the maximum intergranularity
occurs at the ΔK corresponding to the cyclic plastic zone size being equivalent to the prior austenitic grain size. Two types
of crack growth mode were observed in the near-threshold regime, i.e., the crystallographic mode of crack growth and the striation
mode of crack advance. The incidence of faceted fracture was mainly rationalized by comparing the cyclic plastic zone size
with the grain size. It is concluded that, in the crystallographic mode, lower crack growth rates in samples with higher heat
treatment temperatures are caused by a greater degree of roughness-induced crack closure (RICC), faceted fracture induced
crack closure (FFICC), and oxide-induced crack closure (OICC). The faceted fracture shows negligible influence on crack growth
rates when cracks grow in a striation controlled mode. 相似文献
The effect of austenite deformation and cooling rates on continuous cooling transformation microstructures for a Mn–Cr gear steel were investigated using a Gleeble 1500 thermomechanical test system. The experimental results show that the deformation of austenite promotes the formation of proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite, leading to the increase of critical cooling rate of proeutectoid ferrite plus pearlite microstructure. The deformation enhances the stability of austenite against bainite transformation, which results in an increase in amount of martensite/austenite (M/A) constituent with deformation at some cooling rates studied. Moreover, cooling rate also affects amount of M/A constituent. With decrease of cooling rate, amount of M/A constituent increases at first, but decreases subsequently till disappears eventually. 相似文献
AISI type 316 L(N) austenitic stainless steel is major construction material in the prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR) because of its good high temperature strength, toughness, creep and low cycle fatigue properties and compatibility with liquid sodium. Sliding wear experiments were carried out at various temperatures up to 550 °C at constant load (20 N) and sliding speed (0.8 m/s) using a pin-on-disc test rig as per the ASTM standard G99-05. Analysis of the test results presented that, the wear increased considerably with the temperature. For the characterization of worn surface topography, comprehensive profilometry study was performed using Talysurf CLI 1000 surface profilometer and Ra (arithmetic mean deviation) and Sa (arithmetic mean deviation of surface) parameters values were evaluated. The roughness parameters were correlated with the amount wear data obtained from the experiments at various testing temperatures. As the temperature increases during the sliding wear, the material loss is presented with more undulations resulting in higher surface roughness values. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(6):637-651
AbstractShot peening is a well known process applied to components in order to improve their fatigue resistance. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in including the effects of the shot peening process in life assessment models since this would allow a reduction in conservatism compared to those in current application. The present paper seeks to review firstly the effects of the shot peening process (surface roughening, strain hardening and compressive residual stresses) and how the magnitude of these effects can be determined both experimentally and numerically. The reasons for the beneficial effect of shot peening on fatigue resistance are reviewed; this includes consideration of how different operating conditions can affect the magnitude of the benefit. The second part of the review details the life assessment approaches which have been developed to date incorporating these effects and seeks to identify the areas in which further development is still required before the models can be applied in structural integrity assessments. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(9):921-925
AbstractThe effect of precipitate free zones (PFZs) on the low cycle fatigue (LCF) life of an Al–4·70 wt-%Zn-2·80 wt-%Mg alloy at room temprature was investigated. The alloy used in the present study was uniquely prepared to have different widths of PFZ, whlle keeping the distribution and size of predominant precipitates in the matrix or on grain boundaries almost constant. As the width of the PFZ increased from 0·073 to 0·3 μm,the LCF life was observed to increase to some extent. However, the tensile properties such as yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation remained approximately unchanged. Studies using transmission electron mlcroscopy show that the extent of planar slip decreases with increasing PFZ width throughout cyclic deformation. Thls result suggests that the increase in LCF life is probably due to relaxation of the local stress in the soft PFZ regions.MST/2093 相似文献
The effect of grain refining elements such as copper, titanium and aluminum on transverse tensile strength, ductility, impact toughness, microhardness and austenite content of AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel welds through Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) process in as-welded condition was studied. Taguchi method was used to optimize the weight percentage of copper, titanium and aluminum for maximizing the mechanical properties and austenite content in the weld region of ferritic stainless steel welds. Based on Taguchi orthogonal array the regression equations were developed for predicting the mechanical properties of ferritic stainless steel welds within the range of grain refining elements. The observed mechanical properties and austenite content have been correlated with microstructure and fracture features. 相似文献
Multiaxial fatigue tests were conducted on Sn–3.5Ag solder specimens under axial/torsional loading at room temperature. It was found that the ratcheting strain increased while the fatigue life decreased with the increase of axial stress and shear strain amplitude. A power relationship of ratcheting strain rate versus fatigue life was observed. Equivalent strain approach and critical plane approaches were evaluated with fatigue life data obtained in the tests. Since those approaches excluded the consideration of the ratcheting strain and mean stress, the methods for fatigue life prediction were improper for multiaxial fatigue with ratcheting strain. Coffin model, considered the effect of ratcheting on fatigue life depending on the ratio of ratcheting strain to material ductility, brought the fatigue life predictions on non-conservative side if the ratcheting deformation was large. For this reason, a model with the maximum shear strain range and axial ratcheting strain rate was proposed as a new damage parameter. The new model could not only describe the fatigue life in torsion test, but also predicted torsional fatigue life of the lead-free solder with axial ratcheting. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(2):151-159
AbstractThe effect of the finish rolling temperature (FRT) on recrystallisation behaviour in hot bands of an electrical steel containing 1·3%Si was investigated. Four sequential passes of hot rolling were carried out on the 1·3%Si electrical steel, with finish rolling temperatures ranging from 980 to 700°C, followed by isothermal annealing at 720°C. The experimental results showed that when Ar 1 <FRT <Ar 3, fine equiaxed subgrains formed at the boundaries between deformed and non-deformed grains in a necklacelike arrangement, and strain induced boundary migration (SIBM) was the main mechanism corresponding to the formation of recrystallisation nuclei for steels finish rolled below Ar 1. However, the study also demonstrated that when FRT <(Ar 1100 K), a second nucleation mechanism, i.e. subgrain growth, became active in recrystallisation, this resulted in an increase of nucleus density. Steels in which SIBM was the dominant mechanism of recrystallisation possessed the largest grain size, and strongest textures with major component {100}〈110〉. 相似文献
《Materials at High Temperatures》2013,30(5):492-501
AbstractEvaluation of creep–fatigue failure is essential in design and fitness evaluation of high-temperature components in power generation plants. Cyclic deformation may alter the creep properties of the material and taking cyclic effects into account may improve the accuracy of creep–fatigue failure life prediction. To evaluate such a possibility, creep tests were conducted on 316FR and modified 9Cr–1Mo steel specimens subjected to prior cyclic loading; their creep deformation and rupture behaviours were compared with those of as-received materials. It was found that creep rupture life and elongation generally decreased following cyclic loading in both materials. In particular, the rupture elongation of 316FR in long-term creep conditions drastically decreases as a result of being cyclically deformed at a large strain range. Use of creep rupture properties after cyclic deformation, instead of those of as-received material, in strain-based and energy-based life estimation approaches brought about a clear improvement of creep–fatigue life prediction. 相似文献
W. Wu M.-L. Zhu X. Liu F.-Z. Xuan 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2017,40(1):45-54
Axially push–pull fatigue tests of a low-strength Cr–Ni–Mo–V steel welded joint were conducted up to very high cycle fatigue regime at room temperature and 370 °C. The S–N curve at room temperature shows a duplex shape, while the S–N curve at 370 °C is continuously decreasing with lower fatigue strength. The welds at 370 °C undergoes dynamic strain ageing and has an enhanced load–defects interaction, leading to equal distribution of failures among different parts of the welds. The Z parameter model, with micro-defect location incorporated, having sound physical representation, is life-controlling of the welds at high temperature. 相似文献
Conclusions The use of heat treatment for relieving residual welding or assembling stresses in structures made of the pseudo--alloys of titanium, used in the corrosive medium, can, in a number of cases (at high static and low-cycle loads), lead to catastrophic failures.The controlling factors of appearance of corrosion cracking are: composition of the alloy — high content of Al, Zr, Sn and other elements; cooling rate after heating; presence of an oxide film on the surface of the structure.Translated from Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, No. 3, pp. 94–98, May–June, 1992. 相似文献
H. Deng H. Kang Y. Guo Y. Guo X. He H. Yu 《Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik》2023,54(5):592-608
The constant/variable amplitude loading fatigue test with interior inclusion-fine granular area-fisheye induced failure under R=0 were carried out on carburized Cr−Ni steel. The results showed that the fatigue life under variable amplitude loading is longer than that under constant amplitude loading in very-high-cycle fatigue regime under same maximum stress level, and the surface morphology of fine granular area under variable amplitude loading is coarser than that under constant amplitude loading under same order of magnitude of fatigue life. Simultaneously, it can be determined that the formation micro-mechanism of fine granular area is caused by the continuous deboning due to stress concentration around interior micro-defects. Furthermore, the life prediction model based on double nonlinear fatigue damage, which considers the coupling effect of local equivalent stress (surface residual stress and local stress concentration effect), loading sequence, failure mechanism and nonlinear characteristics of fatigue damage under constant/variable amplitude loading is established, and predicted life has good accuracy within the factor-of-three lines. 相似文献
《Materials at High Temperatures》2013,30(3):103-109
AbstractFitting data to classical creep rupture models can result in unrealistically high extrapolated long-term strength. As a consequence, the standard strength values for new steel grades have frequently needed downward correction after obtaining more long-term test data. The reasons for non-conservative extrapolation include the influence of short-term data, which are easiest to produce but tend to pivot upwards the extrapolated values of creep rupture strength. Improvement in extrapolation could be expected by reducing this effect through model rigidity correction and censoring of very short-term data, but it may not be immediately clear how to justify the correction of particular models or censoring.Analogously to the instability parameter in the minimum commitment model for creep rupture, a rigidity parameter correction (RPC) is introduced to assess the pivoting effect of creep rupture models for the purpose of reducing potential to non-conservativeness in extrapolation. The RPC approach can be used with any creep rupture model for comparing the model rigidity and the potential benefit from censoring short-term data. The correction itself will never introduce non-conservatism, regardless of the model. The RPC approach is demonstrated by analyzing an ECCC data set for cross-welded 9%Cr steel (E911). 相似文献