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为改善集成电路测试仪对器件编程和建库的效率,根据可视化和易于用户编程的要求提出了一种方案,并用填写器件功能表的方式成功予以实现。本文叙述了方案的选择确定,研究了对各种不同的数字器件运用功能表的编程方法,说明了器件编程效益的明显提高及程序在可移植性和标准化方面的进展,并进而探讨了可编程逻辑器件的编程自动化及模拟器件的可视化编程问题。  相似文献   

耿爽 《微处理机》2014,(2):13-14,18
介绍了一种基于反熔丝结构的FPGA电路结构及特点,阐述了该电路的功能、直流参数、交流参数的测试方法,并着重研究了该电路功能测试的测试要点及编程技巧。  相似文献   

在先进工艺节点下,鳍式场效应晶体管(FinFET)工艺相对于平面技术提供了在功耗、性能与面积上的优势。但相对地,FinFET也会引起局部晶体管电流密度的骤增的问题,这也意味着信号线和电源地网络的金属电迁移可靠性会受到更大的冲击。随着FinFET的热分布对互联金属线的温度影响上升,电迁移失效概率上升的次级效应也由之产生。如今,热效应的影响已经成为了广大设计公司不得不考虑的因素之一,在生产商的引导之下,Cadence Voltus提供了针对热效应带来影响的精准、强大并且灵活的解决方案。基于此点对高平均翻转率的芯片进行热效应影响的检查与分析,并且对电源的结构规划和设计的物理实现进行改进。  相似文献   

电子封装技术的快速发展对封装工艺及焊接可靠性提出了更加严格的要求。然而锡须以及工作服役状态中的电迁移是影响焊接可靠性的重要因素。本文综述了锡须以及电迁移的研究现状。分别讨论了锡须的生长机理、生长驱动力以及如何抑制。针对电迁移,探讨了电迁移的形成机理、不良影响以及弱化电迁移的办法。并对晶须以及电迁移的研究做了初步展望。  相似文献   

针对高聚物体系中小分子的迁移现象,采用数字图像处理技术,提出了一套基于钠光和斐索等厚原理的光学干涉法迁移现象测试方案.本文重点介绍了图像处理的各个步骤和方法,用K-L变换对细化条纹进行条纹间距的计算.通过条纹间距的变化得出丙酮和乙醇两种溶剂迁移过程中高聚合物折射率的变化规律.  相似文献   

应用DFA方法对电子器件噪声信号进行分析,研究结果发现电迁移噪声信号存在着复杂的关联性,导致DFA谱线在不同尺度下关联指数会发生变化且存在着转折点。在器件的电迁移信号分析中,可以发现随着老化时间的增长,相同样品的信号的关联特性也在变化,这种变化为判定器件的状态提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

基于头皮电位的脑电(EEG)的研究是一种无创的脑科学研究方法之一,引起了众多学者的关注.本文提出了基于MATLAB与VC 混合编程的脑电定位仿真计算.利用了MATLAB强大的遗传算法工具箱和VC 界面编程容易和代码执行效率高的优点,进行了癫痫棘波脑电定位的实验,实验结果表明,采用混合编程的仿真计算极大的提高了编程效率,减少了运行时间.  相似文献   

本文从虚拟机相关理论出发,对虚拟机动态迁移技术进行了简单介绍。  相似文献   

在线分类是脑机接口应用中的一个重要研究方向,传统的在线学习算法需要大量样本来适应脑电信号变化,这增加了计算和内存成本。为此,本文提出一种基于样本迁移的在线脑电分类方法。首先利用源域数据训练离线分类器,然后将目标域数据逐个放入进行在线欧式空间预对齐以减小个体差异性,进而提取CSP特征,最后采用加权组合的在线迁移学习分类器进行标签预测。在 BCI 竞赛 Ⅳ 数据集Ⅰ和Ⅱa的跨受试者在线模拟实验中,与4种最先进的算法相比,本文方法表现最好,在线平均分类准确率最高达到了86.02%和75.74%,表明了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical investigation of the probabilistic approach in estimating the reliability of wire bonding, and develops a reliability-based design optimization Methodology (RBDO) for microelectronic device structures. The objective of the RBDO method is to design structures which should be both economical and reliable where the solution reduces the structural weight in uncritical regions. It does not only provide an improved design, but also a higher level of confidence in the design. The Finite element simulation model intends to analyze the sequence of the failure events in power microelectronic devices. This numerical model is used to estimate the probability of failure of power module regarding the wire bonding connection. However, due to time-consuming of the multiphysics finite element simulation, a response surface method is used to approximate the response output of the limit state, in this way the reliability analysis is performed directly to the response surface by using the First and the Second Order Reliability Methods FORM/SORM. Subsequently the reliability analysis is integrated in the optimization process to improve the performance and reliability of structural design of wire bonding. The sequential RBDO algorithm is used to solve this problem and to find the best structural designs which realize the best compromise between cost and safety.  相似文献   

为适应工业生产中钢带检测的需求,提出一种结构简单、检测方便的非对称钢丝间隙传感器.用ANSYS仿真该传感器模型,研究交变磁场中钢丝周围的磁力线分布,给出传感器探头移动过程中获得瞬态电流信号幅值的变化,分析不同钢丝间隙对电流幅值曲线中峰值间隙的影响.实验表明:该传感器具有较高的灵敏度,能很好地满足要求,具有广泛的应用前景,同时为传感器的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

随着电子设备小型化的发展,连接器、线束等配套器件也朝小型化方向发展。对其线束的检测也显得更加棘手,但线束的智能检测已成为必然。文章较详细地介绍了智能线束检测仪的设计。  相似文献   

介绍了嵌入式电气火灾监控系统的开发硬件环境以及Linux操作系统构建监控系统的软件环境的的设计思想,对硬件的设计和操作系统内核的移植做了详细的说明。  相似文献   

从OpenGL渲染流程的角度出发,按照OpenGL程序的执行顺序划分为三个层次:CPU层,几何子系统,光栅化子系统.在分析出每层中的瓶颈之后,结合OpenGL提供的API函数的功能特性、实现方式和硬件支持及其程序实现的图形效果等方面综合考虑,针对每层所涉及的操作,总结了优化各层瓶颈的方法.  相似文献   

The design of fluid devices, such as flow machines, mixers, separators, and valves, with the aim to improve performance is of high interest. One way to achieve it is by designing them through the topology optimization method. However, there is a specific large class of fluid flow problems called 2D swirl flow problems which presents an axisymmetric flow with (or without) flow rotation around the axisymmetric axis. Some devices which allow such simplification are hydrocyclones, some pumps and turbines, fluid separators, etc. Once solving a topology optimization problem for this class of problems using a 3D domain results in a quite high computational cost, the development and use of 2D swirl models is of high interest. Thus, the main objective of this work is to propose a topology optimization formulation for 2D swirl flow fluid problem to design these kinds of fluid devices. The objective is to minimize the relative energy dissipation considering the viscous and porous effects. The 2D swirl laminar fluid flow modelling is solved by using the finite element method. A traditional material model is adopted by considering nodal design variables. An interior point optimization (IPOPT) algorithm is applied to solve the optimization problem. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the application of this model for various 2D swirl flow cases.  相似文献   

MEMS射流角速率传感器的工作原理是当有外加角速度时,腔内射流发生偏转,此时腔内产生的不对称温度分布通过微悬空铂丝输出一个差分电压信号。由于器件中的气流在工作平面上作循环运动,这样器件的性能强烈依赖于悬空热敏检测丝的对称性和平整度。考察了不同退火条件对SiC支撑层内应力的影响,结果发现在450℃退火半小时的条件下产生低的张应力SiC,既满足了平整性要求又能很好地保护其下的玻璃衬底。还研究了不同厚度的SiC层在纯HF溶液中腐蚀1h对玻璃的保护和金属层的"起皮"现象,得出1μm厚的SiC能有效地防止玻璃表面被腐蚀,而延长反溅射的时间可避免金属层"起皮"现象发生。  相似文献   

In this paper, boundary control problems are considered for a distributed heating system. The dynamical model of the heating system under consideration is given by a parabolic partial differential equation. In the first stage, the implementation of the Fourier method is discussed for the problem of heat convection and conduction. In the second stage, two alternative solutions to the design of tracking controllers are discussed. On the one hand, an optimal control problem is solved based on the method of integrodifferential relations. On the other hand, this procedure is used to verify the quality of a flatness-based control strategy. The results obtained by the integrodifferential approach are compared with finite-node Fourier approximations. After derivation of suitable, general-purpose solution procedures for the design of open-loop as well as closed-loop boundary control strategies, experimental results are presented. These results highlight the applicability of these procedures in a real-world experiment. For the experimental validation, a test setup at the University of Rostock has been used.  相似文献   

目前随着SNS网站迅速壮大,开放平台已经成为业界公认的趋势,但是在构建开放平台的实践中,仍然没有一个统一的标准作为参考,本文将深入研究开放平台整个的构建流程,分析基于关系的平台的组成以及平台内部之间的关系以及平台通信原理,平台中的认证授权采用OAuth认证授权,最后对整个平台功能和结构进行抽象,构建了一个基于SNS的安全开放平台模型.  相似文献   

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - Shared autonomous electric vehicles (SAEVs) are a promising car-sharing service expected to be implemented in the near future. However, existing...  相似文献   

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