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研究了一种位置灵敏热中子探测器的设计方案.该方案基于热中子与硼-10的核反应10B(n,α)7Li,采用固体硼-10作为靶物质,探测出射粒子α和产物粒子7Li获得中子的位置信息.利用MC-NP软件模拟了α粒子在靶内的分布,从而求出该探测器的靶厚,物理效率以及位置分辨能力.  相似文献   

一维电阻阳极位置灵敏探测器的研制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐克尊  陈向军 《核技术》1994,17(9):517-520
叙述了一维电阻阳极位置灵敏探测器的原理、构成以及相应的电子学获取系统,测量了探测器的各种特性和参数。  相似文献   

介绍了一个基于Windows操作系统的数据采集软件,该软件用于使用重心法确定的位置信息的位置灵敏探测器,具有方便的人机交互界面,使用专用驱动程序采集数据。  相似文献   

A Si (1 0 0) sample covered with a thin Ho layer was measured with a three-dimensional medium-energy ion scattering spectrometer. The spectrometer is an extended version of a time-of-flight spectrometer for medium-energy ion scattering, equipped with a large position-sensitive detector. The device is used for composition depth profiling and crystal structure determination. The intensity distribution of detected particles was visualized to present medium-energy scattering phenomena. Circular shapes were observed in images created with part of the data containing particles scattered from the surfaces of the sample layers. Images show leading edges of “clouds” of arriving scattered particles were detected using the flat surface of the detector, integrated over 2 ns intervals. The center positions of shapes produced by particles scattered on Ho and Si atoms are different. This is explained by the different kinematic-factor dependences on scattering angle of particles scattered on Si and Ho atoms. The depth resolution of the time-of-flight spectra acquired with the full solid acceptance angle of the detector is limited by the kinematic spread. Using position information of detected particles from the detector, corrections for the kinematic spread and variations of flight path lengths were applied to spectra, increasing the depth resolution.  相似文献   

在利用飞行时间法测量中子位置和能量的大面积位置灵敏中子谱仪的研制过程中,提出了利用“绝对时间差”刻度的方法来测量各个电子学的相对时间,系统研究了对光电倍增管时间分辨影响的因素,其中包括光源的种类、光源的发光时间等,并得到使光电倍增管的时间分辨达到最佳60ps的实验条件。  相似文献   

A Compton camera prototype has been developed using a pixelated CZT detector with 4-by-4 pixels.Signals of the detector are read out by a VASTAT ASIC that is controlled by a self-developed DAQ board. The DAQ software is developed using LabVIEW, and the offline Compton imaging codes are written in C++. The prototype has been successfully calibrated, and its capabilities for source detection, spectroscopy, and Compton imaging have been demonstrated using a Cs-137 source.The angular resolution of the 662 keV line is 36° FWHM for the simple back-projection method and 9.6° FWHM for the MLEM reconstruction method. The system is ready to be extended to 11-by-11 pixels in the future, and a better imaging quality can be expected due to the better relative position resolution.  相似文献   

电子能量损失符合谱仪的一维位置灵敏探测器的读出系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了用于电子能量损失符合谱仪的一维位置灵敏探测器的读出系统。一维位置灵敏探测器可以大大提高谱仪的探测效率。其读出系统包括电荷灵敏前置放大器、主放大器、位置信号采集板和接口电路。使用自己设计的信号源对系统进行了测试,取得了较好结果。  相似文献   

A foil–microchannel plate(MCP) detector,which uses electrostatic lenses and possesses both good position and timing resolutions, has been designed and simulated for beam diagnostics and mass measurements at the next-generation heavy-ion-beam facility HIAF in China. Characterized by low energy loss and good performances of timing and position measurements, it would be located at focal planes in fragment separator HFRS for position monitoring, beam turning, Bρ measurement, and trajectory reconstruction. Moreover, it will benefit the building-up of a magnetic-rigidity–energy-loss–time-offlight(Bρ-△E-TOF) method at HFRS for high-precision in-flight particle identification of radioactive isotope beams on an event-by-event basis. Most importantly, the detector can be utilized for in-ring TOF and position measurements,beam-line TOF measurements at two achromatic foci, and position measurements at a dispersive focus of HFRS, thus making it possible to use two complementary mass measurement methods [isochronous mass spectrometry at the storage ring SRing and magnetic-rigidity–time-of-flight(Bρ-TOF) at the beam-line HFRS] in one single experimental run.  相似文献   

Position-sensitive silicon detectors with discrete position output signal levels, which have been developed for heavy ion reaction studies at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory are discussed. The detectors, both 300- and 5000-μm thick, for use in ΔE-E telescopes, use a series of high and low conductivity strips on the detector p+ contact to produce a position signal with 15 discrete levels. Since the position of the signals from the strips is known, the detectors are self-calibrating against position nonlinearities. Some aspects of the fabrication of both the 300- and 5000-μm detectors are discussed, along with their operating characteristics. Illustrative experimental results of 139La-induced reactions on 40Ca targets are presented  相似文献   

描述了一种双维位置灵敏CsI(Tl)探测器的结构及其读出系统,用中能次级束研究其能损与光输出关系。使用Bρ+(ΔE-TOF)方法鉴别次级束,刻度了CsI(Tl)探测器位置信号的线性,并用其光输出与入射粒子的A、Z关系刻度其能量。结果表明,CsI(Tl)探测器输出信号的ADC读出与QDC读出(即其光输出)有很好的线性关系。  相似文献   

描述了一种双维位置灵敏CsI(T1)探测器的结构及其读出系统,用中能次级束研究其能损与光输出关系.使用Bp+(△E-TOF)方法鉴别次级束,刻度了CsI(T1)探测器位置信号的线性,并用其光输出与入射粒子的A、Z关系刻度其能量.结果表明,CsI(T1)探测器输出信号的ADC读出与QDC读出(即其光输出)有很好的线性关系.  相似文献   

用快中子位置灵敏谱仪和伴随粒子飞行时间技术测量了14.7MeV中子在Fe样品上的小角度弹性散射微分截面,给出了3.76°—7.98°角区的测量结果,与所发表的实验数据相比较,在误差范围以内一致,从而证明利用长液闪快中子位置灵敏谱仪这一新技术测量小角散射是可靠的。  相似文献   

A new signal readout method for position-sensitive multi-output detectors,such as those in high-energy spectroscopy measurement and nuclear imaging,was developed by combining the charge division circuit,summing circuit and charge-to-time conversion(QTC) circuit.The 64 outputs of a Hamamatsu H8500 position-sensitive photomultiplier tube were processed,and three digital pulses were generated.The widths of digital pulses were determined using the time-to-digital converter in an field programmable gate array.The energy and position information of incident y-rays is estimated based on the proportionality between the width of digital pulses and input charge created by y-photons.A prototype was built using discrete components and tested,and the energy and position resolutions were improved compared with that obtained with standard ADCs.This method greatly simplifies the front-end electronics and the digital interface.It enables a compact electronics system and an easy integration into an ASIC.  相似文献   

We have studied the radiation hardness of the submicron NMOS fabricated by electron-beam lithography. E-beam lithography is known to create neutral traps in the gate oxides of MOS devices. These traps may make the devices more sensitive to radiation. We have developed an e-beam NMOS process, and have investigated the electrical characteristics of these devices before and after various radiation doses. We found that, for radiation doses below 10 Krad, the threshold shifts of the MOSFETs are not significant (<100mv). Also, there is no channel-length dependence on radiation hardness with devices made by the present process.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new method for position-sensitive measurement of beta surface contamination. With a position-sensitive detector of enlarged sensitive detection area, accurate information of the contamination distribution can be obtained. The positionsensitive detection is based on a large-area plastic scintillator and the wavelength shifting(WLS) fibers and adopts the ‘‘light center of gravity' method. Optical transmission of the detector is simulated with a preliminary detector model, and feasibility of the detector design and measurement method is evaluated using an experiment system.The simulation and experiment results at different beta-ray incident points on the scintillator surface show that there is a polynomial relationship between the average amplitude ratio of the output pulses from the two parallel WLS fibers in the same fiber layer and the relative distance from the incident point to the WLS fiber.  相似文献   

The in-air high-resolution PIXE system composed of a flat analyzing crystal and a position-sensitive proportional counter was applied to measure line shifts of Si K and P K X-rays from various samples induced by an external proton beam. Line shifts that reflect chemical environments of atoms in target samples were determined with the precision of 0.1 eV. The utility of the method for chemical state analysis of minor elements down to the order of 0.1% was demonstrated.  相似文献   

中子计数器探测效率的校准   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
设计制作了一个 BF3长硼中子计数器 ,采用伴随粒子法标定了其中子探测效率 ,约为 3.17×10 -4 ( 1± 18% )。利用这个中子探测器测量了中子管脉冲中子产额 ( 10 7/ pulse)  相似文献   

研制了一种电荷分配式单丝阳极位置灵敏正比计数器.它的效率由近似公式所估价.在感兴趣的4~6.5keV能区内相应效率从65%~25%间变化;它的位置分辨率用宽度50μm(x)的^55FeX射线束测定,可达到0.55mm。并介绍了由这PSPC构成的位置灵敏谱仪两个应用事例。  相似文献   

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