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Many researchers have studied sex differences in job attribute preferences. The authors meta-analyzed 242 samples collected from 321,672 men and boys and 316,842 women and girls in the United States between 1970 and 1998. Findings indicated significant (p  相似文献   

Components of recollective experience were investigated in 4 experiments in which participants studied either similarities or differences among faces (relational vs. distinctive processing). Subsequently, when recognizing a face, participants indicated whether their decision was based on explicit recollection (remembering) or assessment of familiarity (knowing). Type of encoding interacted with judgments of recollective experience, so that the incidence of "remember" responses was higher following distinctive encoding than following relational encoding, whereas the opposite pattern of results was obtained for "know" responses. Furthermore, recognition of appearance-changed faces was based on feelings of familiarity, rather than on explicit recollection. The results support the dual-component notion of recognition but are inconsistent with the idea that dissociations between remembering and knowing merely reflect differences in conceptual and perceptual processing.  相似文献   

Forty-three rescuers responding to a bus crash that killed 12 children and 4 adults and injured many more answered questionnaires at 1 and 13 months following the crash. This study compared the responses of the voluntary and professional helpers, using the Impact of Event Scale (IES) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). For all helpers taken together, the decline in IES-intrusion and IES-total scores was significant from 1 to 13 months. The voluntary helpers reported significantly more intrusion and avoidance on the IES at 1 month than professional helpers, and for avoidance the voluntary helpers still evidenced a significantly higher score than professional helpers at 13 months. The GHQ scores at 13 months reflected that the long-term negative impact of the event was low.  相似文献   

Explores 2 traditions of gender difference research and theory. One tradition emphasizes similarities between the sexes, whereas the other emphasizes differences. Reasons for the tension between these 2 traditions are explored. The author argues that rather than choose 1 of these 2 views, it is better to use the tension created to explore the dialectic between similarity and difference. To illustrate the usefulness of this tension, the controversy around gender and moral reasoning is explored. After examining empirical and political concerns about linking an ethic of care to gender, the author explores the interaction of care and justice with gender similarities and differences in developing moral theory. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationship between microstructure and hole expansion was investigated for three industrial mill-processed steels with similar yield strength (about 525 MPa) and total elongation (about 25 pct). The nominal steel composition was (in mass pct) 0.1C, 1.4Mn, 0.1Si, 0.02Al, 0.04Nb, and 0.02Ti; any variations in composition or processing history were unintentional. The microstructures of all steels consisted of about 80 pct of proeutectoid ferrite and 20 pct of a carbon-enriched, high-hardness, low-temperature transformation product (LTTP). Despite these similarities, the hole-expansion values for the steels were 44, 74, and 115 pct. Detailed microstructural characterization revealed significant differences in the LTTPs of the three steels, as well as several important differences in the proeutectoid ferrite grains. Previously reported negative effects of large quantities of martensite, microstructural banding, and a high hardness ratio (LTTP/ferrite) were validated. Different hardness ratios correlated with differences in (1) dislocation substructures of proeutectoid ferrite grains, (2) grain-size distribution, and (3) the fine structure of bainitelike/pearlitelike regions. Superior hole-expansion performance (or edge formability) was associated with a microstructure consisting of 78 pct of uniformly fine-grained proeutectoid ferrite and 22 pct of a bainitelike microconstituent, a minimum amount of microstructural banding, and a low hardness ratio. Tensile-bar fracture surfaces of a material with this microstructure showed the largest amount of microplasticity. At the time the work was carried out R.D.K. Misra was at LTV Steel, Technology Center.  相似文献   

The relationship between microstructure and hole expansion was investigated for three industrial mill-processed steels with similar yield strength (about 525 MPa) and total elongation (about 25 pct). The nominal steel composition was (in mass pct) 0.1C, 1.4Mn, 0.1Si, 0.02Al, 0.04Nb, and 0.02Ti; any variations in composition or processing history were unintentional. The microstructures of all steels consisted of about 80 pct of proeutectoid ferrite and 20 pct of a carbon-enriched, high-hardness, low-temperature transformation product (LTTP). Despite these similarities, the hole-expansion values for the steels were 44, 74, and 115 pct. Detailed microstructural characterization revealed significant differences in the LTTPs of the three steels, as well as several important differences in the proeutectoid ferrite grains. Previously reported negative effects of large quantities of martensite, microstructural banding, and a high hardness ratio (LTTP/ferrite) were validated. Different hardness ratios correlated with differences in (1) dislocation substructures of proeutectoid ferrite grains (2) grain-size distribution, and (3) the fine structure of bainitelike/pearlitelike regions. Superior hole-expansion performance (or edge formability) was associated with a microstructure consisting of 78 pct of uniformly fine-grained proeutectoid ferrite and 22 pct of a bainitelike microconstituent, a minimum amount of microstructural banding, and a low hardness ratio. Tensile-bar fracture surfaces of a material with this microstructure showed the largest amount of microplasticity. At the time the work was carried out R.D.K. Misra was at LTV Steel, Technology Center.  相似文献   

The American Psychiatric Association's last version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV; APA, 1994) identifies within pervasive developmental disorders five subgroups: (a) autistic disorder; (b) Rett's disorder; (c) childhood disintegrative disorder; (d) Asperger's disorder's and (e) pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified. However, the diagnosis of the different sub-groups is difficult to establish, particularly between autistic disorder and Asperger's disorder. This article exposes the diagnostic criteria of autism and Asperger's syndrome in order to illustrate the similarities and differences between the two disorders.  相似文献   

Argues that the well-documented sex difference in depression may be due to a sex difference in susceptibility, in precipitating factors, or in both. Data from a large mental health survey (2,515 White over-18 residents of 2 cities) were used to study precipitating factors. It was found that women were exposed more often to more of the factors that relate to depression; with a few exceptions, the factors related to depression similarly for men and women. Matching on these factors did not eliminate the sex difference in depression. This suggests that there may be a sex difference in susceptibility. Current theories of depression are incorporated into a sequential model of how learned factors might contribute both to susceptibility and to the sex difference. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The site-specific recombinases FLP and Cre are useful for genomic engineering in many living systems. Manipulation of their enzymatic properties offers a means to improve their applicability in different host organisms. We chose to manipulate the thermolability of FLP recombinase. A lacZ-based recombination assay in Escherichia coli was used for selection in a protein evolution strategy that relied on error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling. Improved FLP recombinases were identified through cycles of increasing stringency imposed by both raising temperature and reducing protein expression, combined with repetitive cycles of screening at the same stringency to enrich for clones with improved fitness. An eighth generation clone (termed FLPe) showed improved properties in E. coli, in vitro, in human 293- and mouse ES-cells.  相似文献   

For this study of the organization of cognitive abilities and gender differences in young children advanced in mathematical reasoning, parents identified 778 preschoolers and kindergartners. After screening with 2 arithmetic subtests of standard intelligence tests, 310 high scorers (55% boys) were given 15 additional measures. Mean performance of these high scorers on all standardized measures was 1 to 2 standard deviations above the mean of the norming samples. Boys scored higher on 8 of 11 quantitative measures, 0 of 3 verbal measures, and l of 3 spatial measures, including quantitative and spatial working memory span. Three factors (quantitative, verbal, and spatial) were modeled using confirmatory factor analysis; patterns of relationships were similar for older and younger groups and for girls and boys. Spatial and quantitative factors were highly correlated; the verbal factor correlated weakly with the others but showed a stronger relationship with the spatial factor for boys than girls. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although gender differences are fairly consistent when people report their general confidence, much less is known about such differences when individuals assess the degree of confidence they have in their ability to answer any particular test question. The objective of this research was to investigate gender differences in item-specific confidence judgments. Data were collected from 3 psychology courses containing 70 men and 181 women. After answering each item on course exams, students indicated their confidence that their answer to that item was correct. Results showed that gender differences in confidence are dependent on the context (whether items were correct or wrong) and on the domain being tested. Moreover, although both men and women were overconfident, undergraduate men were especially overconfident when incorrect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recombinant pea cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) has been characterized by resonance Raman (RR) and electronic absorption spectroscopies. The ferric and ferrous forms together with the complexes with fluoride and imidazole have been studied and compared with the corresponding spectra of cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP). Ferric APX at neutral pH is a mixture of 6- and 5-coordinate high-spin and 6-c low-spin hemes, the latter two species being dominant. The results suggest that the low-spin form derives from a water/hydroxo ligand bound to the heme iron and not from a strong internal ligand as observed in CCP at alkaline pH. Two Fe-Im stretching modes are identified, as in CCP, but the RR frequencies confirm a weaker His163-Asp208 hydrogen bond than in CCP, as suggested on the basis of the X-ray structure [Patterson, W. R., and Poulos, T. L. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 4331-4341]. The data show that CCP and APX have markedly different orientations of the vinyl substituents on the heme chromophore resulting from different steric constraints exerted by the protein matrix.  相似文献   

Macrophagal function of the liver and spleen was studied using 99mTc dynamic scintigraphy in 31 patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) and 11 patients with hepatic cirrhosis (HC). Total accumulation of the radionuclide in the above patients took place with more active participation of the spleen and less active--of the liver. Macrophagal function of the spleen and the liver was activated in CLL patients, whereas hepatic cirrhosis was accompanied by enhanced splenic function and diminished capacity of the liver for phagocytosis. Mechanisms of such phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

As a context for exploring the evolution of his work in the diversity arena, the author briefly describes community and academic milieus that have shaped his personal development and also his professional approach to diversity. He also shares some of the challenges he has encountered going about his consulting endeavors and managing client-consultant relationships. The author reviews what his responses to these challenges have been, and how the milieus that influenced his development have informed his strategies for managing client-consultant interactions. He concludes by recommending that consultants view relationship challenges with their clients as diversity issues and advocates that consultants practice "what they preach" about diversity to address these challenges--that is, that they should apply their diversity models to these difficulties. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used multiple regression methods to investigate the diagnostic policies for hyperactivity (hyperkinesis) used by 16 experienced clincial psychologists. Individual analyses were made on each S's set of diagnoses of children who had been described in terms of 19 cues, including reports of home and school behavior, clinical observation, and test results. Linear models accounted for a reasonably large amount of the diagnostic variance. Although Ss' diagnoses were all intercorrelated, there were substantial individual differences among them in terms of both the cues used and the number diagnosed hyperactive. Results cast doubt on the presumption of professional consensus on the behavioral symptoms of a hyperactivity syndrome and suggest that the diagnostician may be an important source of the observed symptom heterogeneity of hyperactive children. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether several life events or concerns were differentially related to depressive symptoms across 3 adult age groups (young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults). They examined the relationships of 2 measures of depressive symptoms to work status and satisfaction, relationship status and satisfaction, loneliness, recent losses, parenting strain, and caregiving. Some differences between age groups in these relationships were found. Yet, most results suggested that, although the frequency with which people experience specific life events or concerns varies across the adult life span, the relationships between these events or concerns and depressive symptoms are similar across age groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Younger (M age?=?20.4 years) and older (M age?=?70.7 years) adults participated in 3 visual half-field experiments. These were designed to examine specific aspects of hemispheric asymmetry: (a) hemispheric dominance for phonetic–linguistic processing (as measured by identification of nonword trigrams), (b) hemispheric differences in trigram processing strategy, (c) characteristic perceptual biases thought to reflect hemispheric arousal asymmetries, and (d) hemispheric dominance for processing emotions shown on faces. Patterns of left–right asymmetries were comparable for older and younger participants, and intercorrelations among the various measures of asymmetry were similar for both groups. In view of the present results, it seems unlikely that changes in hemispheric asymmetry contribute significantly to age-related changes in cognitive functioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules serve as peptide receptors. These peptides are derived from processed cellular or extra-cellular antigens. The MHC gene complex encodes two major classes of molecules, MHC class I and class II, whose function is to present peptides to CD8+ (cytotoxic) and CD4+ (helper) T cells, respectively. The genes encoding both classes of MHC molecules seem to originate from a common ancestral gene. One of the hallmarks of the MHC is its extensive polymorphism which displays locus and allele-specific characteristics among the various MHC class I and class II genes. Because of its central role in immunosurveillance and in various disease states, the MHC is one of the best studied genetic systems. This review addresses several aspects of MHC class I and class II gene regulation in human and in particular, the contribution to the constitutive and cytokine-induced expression of MHC class I and II genes of MHC class-specific regulatory elements and regulatory elements which apparently are shared by the promoters of MHC class I and class II genes.  相似文献   

Constructivism is the Piagetian notion that learning leads the child to develop new types of representations. For example, on the Piagetian view, a child is born without knowing that objects persist in time even when they are occluded; through a process of learning, the child comes to know that objects persist in time. The trouble with this view has always been the lack of a concrete, computational account of how a learning mechanism could lead to such a change. Recently, however, in a book entitled Rethinking Innateness. Elman et al. (Elman, J.L., Bates, E., Johnson, M.H., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Parisi, D., Plunkett, K., 1996. Rethinking Innateness: A Connectionist Perspective on Development. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press) have claimed that connectionist models might provide an account of the development of new kinds of representations that would not depend on the existence of innate representations. I show that the models described in Rethinking Innateness depend on innately assumed representations and that they do not offer a genuine alternative to nativism. Moreover, I present simulation results which show that these models are incapable of deriving genuine abstract representations that are not presupposed. I then give a formal account of why the models fail to generalize in the ways that humans do. Thus, connectionism, at least in its current form, does not provide any support for constructivism. I conclude by sketching a possible alternative.  相似文献   

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