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随着信息技术的普及和发展,对于提高计算机网络可靠性方法的研究成为人们目前关注的重点内容。在此基础之上,本文对计算机网络做出了简要概述,阐明了计算机网络可靠性原则,对实现计算机网络可靠性方法进行了相关研究。  相似文献   

借助对影响计算及信息系统可靠性原因的分析,从信息系统的结构特性出发,研究了易实施的可靠性方法,并提出了一些提升计算机信息系统可靠性措施.  相似文献   

应用负载平衡技术增强Web服务性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金洪波  郑纪蛟 《计算机工程》2000,26(10):186-184,187
该文简要分析了影响Web服务性能的因素,对浏览器/服务器结构中Web服务器负荷过载问题提出解决方法--采用负载平衡器,并给出了一个负载平衡算法。  相似文献   

提高单片机应用系统可靠性的软件技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
软件抗干扰技术是抑制电磁干扰的重要手段。首先分析了电磁干扰对单片机应用系统造成干扰的主要后果,然后分别介绍了提高单片机应用系统可靠性的各种软件抗干扰技术。  相似文献   

介绍了如何利用注册表进行系统的维护.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive rate-controlled scheduler for heterogeneous applications running on general purpose computers. Our scheduler can effectively support diverse application requirements. It employs uniform rate-based sharing. Application heterogeneity is satisfied by partitioning CPU capacity into service classes, each with a different criterion for admission control. As a result, we are able to provide at once guaranteed performance, flexible allocation of rates with excellent scalability and intermediate service classes offering tradeoffs between reserved rate utilization and the strength of guarantees. Our scheduler has been implemented in Solaris 2.5.1. It runs existing applications without modifications. We present experimental results showing the scalability, efficiency, guaranteed performance, and overload performance aspects of our scheduler. We demonstrate the importance of priority inheritance implemented in our scheduler for stable system performance.  相似文献   

电子政务期待加强信息资源建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从加强电子政务信息资源建设的重要性出发,剖析了当前信息资源建设的现状与问题,针对性的提出了加强信息资源建设的思路与对策。  相似文献   

We have developed a system enabling the National German Meteorological Office to generate pseudo-satellite images and video sequences based on their weather forecasting simulation data. With our system meteorologists can visualize the past and the current weather situation, evaluate their simulation results, and produce animated weather forecast videos broadcasted by several television stations. Realistic images are generated by interpolating the extremely coarse weather simulation data grid and enhancing the result using fractal clouds. It also enables the meteorologists to interactively change the forecast data in order to compensate the lack of accuracy or the known errors in their simulation models. Our system TRITON enables the visualization of complex weather simulations in a more natural way by presenting an intuitively understandable forecast.  相似文献   

在嵌入式网络视频编解码系统中,由于用户配置的错误,或者某个视频解码器的故障,如不能及时检出并得到正确的处理,不仅会造成所在通道的无效工作,也可能引起整个视频编解码系统性能的下降,甚至可能引起整个视频网络的瘫痪.为解决这一问题,基于网络通信检测原理,在嵌入式网络视频编解码器中,同时引入了UPnP检测机制和"心跳"检测机制,在用户配置错误和解码器出现故障时,都 能迅速实现故障告知,从而提高了视频网络编解码系统的可靠性.  相似文献   

近几年来,10 kV架空线路在供电时经常会发生一些故障,直接影响了居民的正常生活。虽然经过了大范围的修理建设,10 kV架空线路网络得到了很大的改善,但仍然存在许多问题,受各种因素的影响非常严重。10 kV架空线路供电的不可靠会导致输电过程中的电压不稳定,可见提高10 kV架空线路供电可靠性的重要性。下面就如何提高10 kV架空线路供电的可靠性进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Many formalisms for reasoning about knowing commit an agent to be logically omniscient. Logical omniscience is an unrealistic principle for us to use to build a real-world agent, since it commits the agent to knowing infinitely many things. A number of formalizations of knowledge have been developed that do not ascribe logical omniscience to agents. With few exceptions, these approaches are modifications of the possible-worlds semantics. In this paper we use a combination of several general techniques for building non-omniscient reasoners. First we provide for the explicit representation of notions such as problems, solutions, and problem solving activities, notions which are usually left implicit in the discussions of autonomous agents. A second technique is to take explicitly into account the notion of resource when we formalize reasoning principles. We use the notion of resource to describe interesting principles of reasoning that are used for ascribing knowledge to agents. For us, resources are abstract objects. We make extensive use of ordering and inaccessibility relations on resources, but we do not find it necessary to define a metric. Using principles about resources without using a metric is one of the strengths of our approach.We describe the architecture of a reasoner, built from a finite number of components, who solves a puzzle, involving reasoning about knowing, by explicitly using the notion of resource. Our approach allows the use of axioms about belief ordinarily used in problem solving – such as axiom K of modal logic – without being forced to attribute logical omniscience to any agent. In particular we address the issue of how we can use resource-unbounded (e.g., logically omniscient) reasoning to attribute knowledge to others without introducing contradictions. We do this by showing how omniscient reasoning can be introduced as a conservative extension over resource-bounded reasoning.  相似文献   

结合Kvar静止同步补偿器的研制.介绍一种STATCOM装置的拓扑结构及其基于DSP的双CPU冗余控制系统的软硬件设计,提出一种基于变结构神经网络模糊控制的内环控制和PI外环控制的双闭环控制结构,试验确定了逆变器的开关频率.试验模拟冲击负载下的单负荷-无穷大系统中STATCOM及其控制系统对系统无功功率的补偿效果.结果表明该装置能够维持负载母线电压的稳定性。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的日新月异,计算机控制和通讯技术也得到极大的发展。在我国,分散型控制系统(DCS)在电厂的应用已非常广泛,其中中、小型发电机组采用DCS的也很多见。DCS由于采用四C技术(Computer,Control,CRT和Communication),其性能已非常规仪表可比。作为一名电厂工作人员,在与同行交流中感触最深的是:很多DCS好是好,但维护起来并不容易,对人员素质要求较高,尤其要具备计算机方面的专业知识,而且熟悉周期长,所以对DCS的设计者而言,在考虑提高系统性能的同时,应着重考虑…  相似文献   

疫情信息的及时、准确反馈是保障传染病有效预防和控制的前提。只有将突发应急体系和现有医疗信息网络进行融合,完善医院内部信息系统才能更好的提高应对突发卫生事件的能力。该文主要阐述了在医院信息系统中使用触发器提高疫情上报效率的方法和体会。  相似文献   


We present the leading experiment that helps designing the Rhythm Network. The model diverges from typical time graphs and is not explicitly helpful for longitudinal studies. However, the objective is to design sequences of events, inserted into a graph depending on their place on a timeline. This experiment shows how the model can help engineering courses in an e-learning environment. Rhythm is fundamental in many contexts. It says a lot about the quality of teaching and learning. The feature might give important insight on how learners interact with knowledge.  相似文献   

利用移动代理提高网络管理性能的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前针对基于移动代理的网管系统的性能研究较少,且多局限于与传统的集中式网管系统的性能比较.本文致力于提高基于移动代理的网管系统的自身性能.首先分析了现有的基于移动代理的网管系统的性能通弊,然后针对这些缺陷分别给出了解决策略.仿真实验结果表明,将改进后的方案运用在原有的基于移动代理的网管系统后,在一定程度上提高了管理性能.  相似文献   

选择XINLINX公司的FPGA芯片,采用ISE9.1开发工具,介绍了单周期CPU编译程序与仿真功能.  相似文献   

Accounting for the CPU consumption of applications is crucial for software development to detect and remove performance bottlenecks (profiling) and to evaluate the performance of algorithms (benchmarking). Moreover, extensible middleware may exploit resource consumption information in order to detect a resource overuse of client components (detection of denial-of-service attacks) or to charge clients for the resource consumption of their deployed components. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a predominant target platform for application and middleware developers, but it currently lacks standard mechanisms for resource management.In this paper we present a tool, the Java Resource Accounting Framework, Second Edition (J-RAF2), which enables precise CPU management on standard Java runtime environments. J-RAF2 employs a platform-independent CPU consumption metric, the number of executed JVM bytecode instructions. We explain the advantages of this approach to CPU management and present five case studies that show the benefits in different settings.  相似文献   

本文通过对输出电感DCR电流信号采样、运算,采用Droop法调节计算机处理器负载电压。经测试证明该方法满足1毫欧负载线斜率的设计要求。  相似文献   

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