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This paper describes a new reliability study in SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) by which the electromagnetic field aggression effects can be identified. Base current deviation mechanism with current gain degradation is studied for the first time. Reverse Gummel plots and capacitance characterizations indicate that the electromagnetic field stress induces traps not only at the emitter–base spacer’s oxide, but also at the collector–base spacer’s oxide. These traps induce generation/recombination centers, and leads to excess non-ideal base currents. Two-dimensional physical simulations have been used to analyse the impact of this degradation mechanism on the device behavior. As a consequence of introducing surface recombination centers at emitter–base and collector–base spacer’s oxide, a non-ideal base current rises up in agreement with the experimental data extracted. As the density of interface traps increases, the charge contributed by these interface states causes a broadening in the base current response and the capacitances deviation. 相似文献
This paper deals with the study of electromagnetic compatibility prediction of integrated circuits in order to improve their reliability. The study takes place in the context of embedded electronic circuit where the proximity of the analog and digital parts increases. The case of microcontroller is considered and more particularly the susceptibility of the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) device. The use of the new immunity approach (ICIM-CI model) is proposed to achieve the susceptibility modelling of the ADC. The model is built step by step (functional and coupling path models). Then, it is possible to estimate the effect of disturbances on the sensitive nodes. Finally the aim of EMC circuit compliance is enhanced. 相似文献
In this paper, the solder fatigue model created by Werner Engelmaier is modified so that it takes better into account the different stress levels the solder material experiences. This is accomplished by replacing the fatigue ductility constant by a correction term that is temperature- excursion- range-dependent. In order to obtain the correction term, the effect of the temperature cycling profile on lifetime is studied. The correction term obtained is package type specific. More compliant plastic packages with a small coefficient of expansion mismatch with the organic printed wiring board are handled separately, and stiff ceramic packages assembled on an organic board – resulting in a large CTE mismatch – are considered as another entity. Correction terms for both lead-free and tin–lead solder materials are given. This is necessary as the creep characteristics of the solders are different. Comparing solder material specific correction terms makes it possible to determine which solder material performs best in a certain environment and a given assembly type. In the case of ceramic packages, the transition where a eutectic tin–lead solder becomes superior to a SnAgCu solder is expected to take place when temperature excursions are smaller than ca. 70 °C. This indicates that although in a highly accelerated stress test, lead-free solders may be inferior compared to tin–lead solders, in the real field environment, the situation may be reversed. 相似文献
The reliability of SiGe:C HBT devices fabricated using the Freescale’s 0.35-μm RF-BICMOS process was evaluated using both conventional and step stress methodologies. This device technology was assessed to determine its capability for various power amplifier applications (e.g., WLAN, Bluetooth, and cellular phone), which are more demanding than conventional circuit designs. The step stress method was developed to allow a rapid evaluation of product reliability, as well as, a quick method to monitor product reliability. For all tests the collector current IC and collector voltage VC were kept constant throughout the test, and the current gain β ( IC/ IB) was continuously monitored. The nominal bias condition was VC = 3.5-V and JC = 50-kA/cm 2 (or 0.5-mA/μm 2). The “failure criterion” for all reliability evaluations was −10% degradation in β from the initial value at the start of each stress test or interval. The median time to failure (MTTF) at a junction temperature ( TJCN) of 150 °C for the conventional stress test was 1.86E6-h, and the thermal activation energy was 1.33-eV. In contrast for the temperature step stress tests the combined results gave an MTTF at TJCN = 150 °C of 5.2E6-h and a thermal activation energy of 1.44-eV. Considering the differences in the two test methods, these results are quite close to one another. The intrinsic reliability of this device at the nominal bias condition and TJCN = 150 °C is more than adequate for a 5-year system life. 相似文献
计算机键盘在正常工作时会伴随产生电磁骚扰噪声,未授权人员若窃取这些电磁噪声经分析处理便可还原键盘的按键信息.经测试发现键盘的电磁辐射主要来自键盘内的印制电路板(Printed Circuit Board,PCB)及接口电缆互连结构,在连接处产生共模电压源并激励PCB板和接口电缆构成的共模回路向外发射电磁波.通过建立理论模型,分析了键盘产生伴随电磁辐射的机理,并基于该模型对PCB板-电缆互连结构进行了定量计算及电磁全波仿真.用实验的方法在近场截获了键盘的按键信息.实验结果表明:计算机键盘伴随产生的电磁骚扰噪声中含有按键信息并可在近场被截获. 相似文献
基于双电磁矢量传感器(EVSs),提出一种新的近场源频率、波达方向(DOA)、距离和极化参数联合估计方法.该方法首先计算近场源的频率以及其在两个电磁矢量传感器处的二维DOA和极化参数,然后利用几何方法或搜索方法,得到近场源的距离估计.该方法仅需要两个电磁矢量传感器,节约了阵列孔径,适合于阵列孔径有限的场合.估计过程中仅需一次互相关以及特征分解等简单的运算,且各参数自动配对,节省了运算量.实验结果验证了该方法的有效性. 相似文献
利用MARC软件,通过模拟实验分析了潮湿扩散及湿热应力对叠层封装器件可靠性的影响,对30℃,RH 60%,192 h条件下预置吸潮到后面的无铅回流焊解吸潮过程进行了有限元仿真;对85℃,RH 85%,168 h条件下元件内不同界面的潮湿扩散进行分析,得出潮湿扩散对界面的影响规律。使用一种湿热耦合方法计算湿热合成应力并与单纯热应力进行了对比。结果表明:最大湿热应力和热应力一样总是出现在顶部芯片与隔离片相交的区域,其数值是单纯热应力数值的1.3~1.5倍。 相似文献
采用0.35μmSiGeBiCMOS工艺设计了一个1∶2分接器,核心电路单元采用经过改进的电路结构实现。由于传统的发射极耦合逻辑结构(ECL)电路的工作速度不能达到要求,对此加以了改进,在发射极耦合逻辑结构中增加一级射极跟随器,形成发射极-发射极耦合逻辑(E2CL)结构,从而提高电路的工作速度。测试结果显示,所设计分接器的工作速度可以达到40Gb/s。整个电路采用单电源5V供电,功耗为510mW。 相似文献
A susceptibility characterisation test for integrated circuits using a miniature magnetic near-field probe is described. The method is efficient up to a frequency of 6 GHz and maps immunity to radiated fields 相似文献
In this paper the behaviour of a complex system having two classes of components has been investigated. The configuration of the system is such that in one class the components are connected in series and in the other class in stand-by redundancy. Further, it has been assumed that repair of the failed components of both the classes is carried under the head of line repair discipline. The Laplace transforms of various state probabilities have been obtained. Asymptotic behaviour of such a system has also been examined. In the end a particular case has been derived. 相似文献
Negative-bias temperature instability (NBTI) on high- k metal-gate SiGe p-channel MOSFETs has been examined. SiGe p-MOSFETs shows reduced interface states and enhanced NBTI reliability compared to their Si p-channel control devices as evidenced by experimental data. Impact of NBTI reliability on digital and RF circuits has been also examined using extracted fresh and stressed BSIM4 model parameters in circuit simulation. High- k metal-gate SiGe pMOSFETs demonstrate less inverter pull-up delay, smaller noise figure of a cascode low-noise amplifier, and larger output power and power-added efficiency than their Si counterparts when subject to NBTI stress. 相似文献
建立了SiGe HBT热电反馈模型,对基区Ge组分矩形分布、三角形分布和梯形分布的SiGe HBT的热特性进行研究。结果表明,在Ge总量一定的前提下,Ge组分为三角形和梯形分布结构的SiGe HBT峰值温度较低、温差较小,温度分布的均匀性优于Ge组分矩形分布结构的SiGeHBT,具有更好的热特性。对不同Ge组分分布下器件增益与温度的依赖关系进行研究,发现当基区Ge组分为三角形和梯形分布时,随着温度升高,器件增益始终低于Ge组分矩形分布的器件,且增益变化较小,提高了器件的热学和电学稳定性,扩大了器件的应用范围。 相似文献
Flexible electronic devices under repetitive use inevitably entail damage accumulation that can cause failures in the components and interconnects. The main aim of this study involves proposing test procedures and corresponding testers that can be used to systematically evaluate the bending reliability of flexible electronic devices. In contrast to conventional bending test techniques based on a collapsing radius method, in the present study, the flexible devices were wrapped onto a roller to ensure a constant strain. An example of a near-field communication tag for smart phones was examined to verify the proposed test methods and testers. The results indicated that the critical curvature for cyclic failure was significantly lower than the static critical curvature. Curvature-life diagrams as evaluated by the proposed test method revealed that bending radius and alignment methods significantly affected the reliability of the tags. Thus, the curvature-life diagrams can be used to design a roller radius based on a predefined product life. 相似文献
The approach for IC's radiation hardness estimation and fault prediction is presented in this paper. It is based on the implementation of low-energy laboratory simulation sources (laser, X-ray, etc.). The possibility of radiation simulator application is based on similarity of physical processes in semiconductor structures causing IC upsets and failures under the radiation environment and under simulation sources. The analysis of adequacy is performed for total dose effects, single event effects, displacement effects and transient radiation effects. The application of imitators permits to change the expensive and low-productive radiation test installations with much more effective simulation sources, based on the dominant effects equivalence. The designed simulation test methods are proved to be an effective tool to different IC radiation hardness estimation and fault prediction in radiation environment. 相似文献
The camless valvetrain is considered to be a promising solution to improve the engine performance. Most of the camless valvetrains suffer the problem of high impacts at valve seating, which restricts its mass production. This paper focuses on the valve seating performance of an electromagnetic valvetrain (EMVT) with moving coil linear actuator. The EMVT has inherent advantages to achieve low valve seating velocity. The seating performance of EMVT is evaluated by two indicators: seating velocity and holding force. To limit the seating velocity, the valve is controlled to track a desired trajectory based on inverse system method at seating process. The holding force is also properly controlled base on PID current control to ensure the cylinder sealed. The valve seating performance is validated on an experimental setup. The results show that excellent valve seating performance has been achieved. 相似文献
Some of the spin-on interlayer dielectrics (ILD) with dielectric constant k below 2.3, targeted for the 65 nm node and below, are available with their spin-on hard masks (SoHM) to reduce the total effective capacitance and to provide high selectivity to their respective ILDs during integration. In this work, FF-02, JSR’s SoHM is characterised. Its thermal stability, chemical compatibility to stripping solutions and resistance to moisture are investigated. Methods to seal the surface of FF-02 to chemicals are explored. Electrical properties including the dielectric constant, leakage current and breakdown fields are evaluated in planar capacitors and in single damascene structures. 相似文献
In the ultra-thin relaxed SiGe virtual substrates, a strained-Si channel p-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (p-MOSFET) is presented. Built on strained-Si/240nm relaxed-Si0.8 Ge0.2/ 100nm Low Temperature Si (LT-Si)/10nm S i buffer was grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), in which LT-Si layer is used to release stress of the SiGe layer and made it relaxed. Measurement indicates that the strained-Si p-MOSFET's (L=4.2μm) transconductance and the hole mobility are enhanced 30% and 50% respectively, compared with that of conventional bulk-Si. The maximum hole mobility for strained-Si device is 140cm^2/Vs. The device performance is comparable to devices achieved on several μm thick composition graded buffers and relaxed-SiGe layer virtual substrates. 相似文献