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OBJECTIVES: Firstly, to determine if attendance for second round mammography screening in those sent a tailored letter (that is, making reference to their screening history) is increased compared with those sent a standard letter; secondly, to investigate the acceptability of tailored letters. SETTING: North West Glasgow Breast Screening Centre. METHODS: A randomised controlled trial. RESULTS: Overall attendance was unrelated to whether the women were sent a tailored or standard letter; 60% of those sent the standard letter attended (922/1531) compared with 62% of those sent the tailored letter (956/1552) (chi 2 = 0.61, P = 0.4) (difference 2%; 95% confidence interval -2% to 5%). There were no significant differences in percentage attendance within each of the study subgroups: women who attended previously and received an all clear result, women who attended previously and received a false positive result, women who were invited previously and failed to attend, and women who were previously too young to be invited for screening. However, there was a statistically significant difference in percentage attendance between these four groups, independent of letter type (chi 2 = 510, P < 0.00001). Although women found the letters acceptable and understandable, they did not seem to pay close attention to the content. CONCLUSIONS: Tailoring invitation letters does not have a significant effect on uptake rates for breast screening and does not justify the additional workload required.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To analyze the results of round 1 of the population-based Valencia Breast Cancer Screening Program. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this program, 78,224 (72.98%) of the 107,178 women invited (aged 45-65 years) underwent screening. Complementary views were obtained in 5,771 women (7.38%). Among the total population studied, 3,502 (4.48%) underwent short-term mammographic follow-up studies; 3,898 (4.98%) underwent additional studies and treatment at hospitals. Five hundred eighty-seven women (0.75%) underwent biopsy. RESULTS: Cancer was detected in 334 patients (4.27 cancers per 1,000 women [3.24 per 1,000 women aged 45-49 years, 6.30 per 1,000 women aged 60-65 years]; six patients with lobular carcinoma in situ excluded). The estimated sensitivity was 89%; specificity, 99%. The positive predictive value of mammography was 8.56%; of mammography with additional examinations, 26.82%; and of biopsy, 56.89%. Forty-one patients (12.28%) had ductal carcinoma in situ; 284 (85.03%) had infiltrating carcinoma. In 73 (25.70%) of the 284 patients, infiltrating carcinomas were smaller than 1 cm. Two hundred twenty-five patients (76.27%) had no lymph node involvement. One hundred seventy-nine (61.09%) had stage 0 or 1 cancer. CONCLUSION: Results are consistent with other published results; differences are due to methods and patient population characteristics.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic status is the most significant factor influencing the decreased survival associated with breast cancer in minority groups in the United States. Barriers to the use of early detection programs by low-income women often result in the detection of breast cancer at stages too advanced to assure optimum outcomes. In an effort to increase accessibility of breast cancer screening among such individuals, the Early Detection Program (EDP) was initiated in 1987. The program provided breast cancer screening to women 40 years of age and older who attended eight primary healthcare centers located in low-income neighborhoods throughout Dade County, Florida. From its inception in October 1987 through December 1993, 23,866 medically underserved women had mammography examinations, with more than 17,000 of these women undergoing baseline mammograms. Since the program's inception, 126 cancers were diagnosed in 123 women. A dramatic shift from later to earlier stage breast cancers was observed. These results warrant a greater inclusion of medically underserved and lower socioeconomic status women in screening programs for the early detection of breast cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Breast cancer screening programs represent an important increase in the number of patients to be evaluated and a higher proportion of subclinical lesions detected in reference hospitals. The authors' experience related to an early detection program initiated in Navarra, Spain (PDPCM) is herein presented. METHODS: The diagnoses made in 319 women referred from the PDPCM to the authors' hospital for mammographic suspicion of malignancy were reviewed. Directed surgical biopsy was carried out in 89 women (27.9%) without previous cytologic study. Fine needle aspiration punction and cytology (FNAP-cytology) were performed as the first diagnostic test in 216 lesions (67.7%) 53 of which were palpable and 163 nonpalpable. Aggressive techniques were not indicated in 14 cases (4.4%). RESULTS: A total of 136 carcinomas (42.6%) were diagnosed and benign lesions were find at biopsy in 112 (35.1%) women. The fifty-seven lesions (17.9%) which did not show malignancy on FNAP-cytology were not biopsied given the insufficient degree of suspicion. Only one false negative has appeared in this group from 27 to 48 months after the first consultation. The global diagnostic reliability was of 99.68%. CONCLUSIONS: Directed surgical biopsy is the most reliable technique for the diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions in early stages and is always necessary when there is medium or high radiologic suspicion of malignancy. Fine needle aspiration puncture is a very useful technique to confirm malignancy and to avoid unnecessary biopsies in low suspicion lesions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the breast cancer stages and detection methods in screened women who receive hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with those in screened women who do not receive HRT to determine whether HRT affects the stage or mammographic detection of malignancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred fifteen cases of breast cancer in women (age range, 55-65 years) in whom at least one screening mammogram had been obtained at least 24 months before diagnosis and in whom the history regarding HRT could be determined were reviewed retrospectively. Statistical analysis was performed with CHI-2 analysis and the Fischer exact test. RESULTS: The cancer stages in the 58 women who received HRT were stage 0 in 15 (26%), stage I in 28 (48%), stage II in 13 (22%), and stage III in two (3%) women. The stages in the 57 women who did not receive HRT were stage 0 in 19 (33%), stage I in 24 (42%), stage II in 11 (19%), stage III in two (4%), and stage IV in one (2%) woman. Cancers in 38 (67%) of the women who did not receive HRT and in 38 (66%) of those who did receive HRT were detected with mammography alone; false-negative mammograms were obtained in five (9%) women in the non-HRT group and in four (7%) women in the HRT group (P = .89). CONCLUSION: Among screened women who developed breast cancer, there were no significant differences in cancer stages or in the number of mammographically detected cancers or false-negative mammograms between the HRT group and the non-HRT group.  相似文献   

Breast cancer concerns were measured among 353 women, ages 40–75, from North Dakota. One year later, participants were recontacted and asked about their screening behavior during the previous year. Greater concern about breast cancer, even the highest level of concern, was related to a higher likelihood that women performed breast self-examination, had a mammography screening, and had a clinical breast examination. These data do not support the idea that worry inhibits action; instead, they suggest that nonpathological worry motivates self-protective behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

宝钢高炉高煤比低燃料比生产实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐万仁  吴淑华  曹进 《炼铁》2003,22(2):8-11
为了实现高效、低成本生产,宝钢以高煤比操作为核心,从稳定炉况,优化生产操作,降低燃料消耗,减少休风率和降低高炉长寿维护成本等多方面进行了探索,取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

Women from families with multiple breast and/or ovarian cancers may be at increased risk to develop breast/ovarian cancer themselves. Due to personal experience with family members having these diseases they are anxious and ask for specific prophylactic measurements or treatment. The detection of two susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, has given insight into the genetic background of part of the familial breast/ovarian cancer syndromes. This has led to an increased demand in genetic counselling, testing, and early cancer detection programmes. Prospective data from early cancer detection programmes in this high risk population are yet not available. Based on data from epidemiological risk studies, breast and ovarian screening programmes and follow up data from breast cancer trials recommendations for an early cancer detection programme have been summarized. At the present these recommendations are tested in a prospective trial.  相似文献   

The Special Surveillance Breast Program (SSBP) is a long-term, comprehensive, multidisciplinary program for women determined to be at high risk for the development of breast cancer. Because the women who attend this program are otherwise healthy but concerned about their risk for breast cancer, current and relevant information is required to address their concerns regarding the possibility of developing breast cancer. The purpose of this article is to describe the risk factors that indicate eligibility for the program, the structure of the program, and the results of an assessment that identified the needs of this special population.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the issues prompting a recent NIH Consensus Conference on mammography screening for women in their forties. To date, eight randomized controlled trials of breast cancer screening have been conducted, and a reduction in breast cancer mortality has emerged after 10 to 15 years of follow-up among women offered screening in their forties. No effect appears for at least eight years, and the reason for the delay, compared to that seen in women aged 50-69, is not clear. Two possibilities include cancer-stage shift due to screening in younger women and the aging of women into their fifties during the course of screening. Possible adverse effects of screening include radiation risk, although this is low, false-negative and false-positive screening tests, and overdiagnosis due to detection of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). In order to make appropriate decisions regarding mammography, women need age-related information about both the benefits and potential risks of screening.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We prospectively evaluate and compare the sensitivity and specificity of urine cytology, BTA stat, NMP22, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP), telomerase, chemiluminescent hemoglobin and hemoglobin dipstick to detect bladder cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Single voided specimens were obtained from 57 patients with bladder cancer, and 139 without evidence of bladder malignancy on cystoscopy or a negative biopsy of indeterminate lesions. A cytology report was available for 125 patients and interpreted independently. BTA stat, NMP22 and FDP were analyzed according to manufacturer specifications. The telomerase assay was performed on cells collected from urine by centrifugation in preparation for polymerase chain reaction based amplification using the telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay. The chemiluminescent screening assay for hemoglobin in urine uses the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin on hydrogen peroxide and subsequent oxidation of 7-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1,2-dicarbonic acid hydrazide to generate chemiluminescence emission. Hemoglobin dipstick was interpreted as positive if the hemoglobin content in the urine was trace or greater. RESULTS: Overall sensitivity with urine cytology, BTA stat, NMP22, FDP, telomerase, chemiluminescent hemoglobin and the hemoglobin dipstick was 44, 74, 53, 52, 70, 67 and 47%, respectively. Specificity with cytology, telomerase and FDP was high (95, 99 and 91%, respectively) but BTA stat, NMP22 (optimized), chemiluminescent hemoglobin (optimized) and the hemoglobin dipstick demonstrated lower specificity of 73, 60, 63 and 84%, respectively. Stepwise logistic regression analysis revealed that for all tumors, and within each tumor grade and stage telomerase had the strongest association with bladder cancer among all tests (69% overall concordance). Telomerase was also positive in 91% of the patients (10 of 11) with carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary telomerase had the highest combination of sensitivity and specificity (70 and 99%, respectively) for bladder cancer screening in these patients. It was the strongest predictor with superior accuracy in patients with grade 1 and noninvasive tumors (pTa), and extremely useful in patients with carcinoma in situ. Telomerase appears to be promising and outperformed cytology, BTA stat, NMP22, FDP, chemiluminescent hemoglobin and hemoglobin dipstick in the prediction of bladder cancer.  相似文献   

Together, the results of 3 studies examining heart rate reactivity (HRR) in male batterers do not provide strong support for the I M. Gottman et al (see record 2001-11319-004) batterer typology. All research groups found similar proportions of severely violent male batterers who show heart rate increases or decreases during a marital conflict discussion, but there was inconsistent validation of this taxonomy on variables of interest. This difference was also found among less violent and nonviolent men. The authors believe HRR may be useful for differentiating batterers on the dimension of anger-hostility but are less optimistic that HRR will reliably identify psychopathic or antisocial batterers. The authors do not agree that low levels of marital interaction conflict led to their failure to replicate. Reanalysis of data from I C. Meehan, A. Holtzworth-Munroe, and K. Herron (2001) suggests baseline artifacts may be an important determinant of HRR differences. Methodological changes may improve the reliability of HRR assessment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mutations in some exons of the RET proto-oncogene were recently observed in Hirschsprung patients. Using DNA polymorphisms and single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis for the whole coding sequence of the RET proto-oncogene, 82 unrelated Hirschsprung patients were screened systematically. A total of 4 complete deletions of RET and 12 point mutations were identified, each present in no more than one patient and distributed along the whole gene. De novo mutations could be documented in 4 patients. Southern blot and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis carried out in a restricted number of patients did not reveal any deletion of RET. The low efficiency in detecting mutations of RET in Hirschsprung patients (20%) may originate mainly from genetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Applies recent developments in cognitive-social theory to health-protective behavior, articulating a Cognitive-Social Health Information Processing (C-SHIP) model. This model of the genesis and maintenance of health-protective behavior focuses on the individual's encodings and construals, expectancies, affects, goals and values, self-regulatory competencies, and their interactions with each other and the health-relevant information in the course of cognitive-affective processing. In processing health information, individuals are assumed to differ in both the accessibility of these mental representations and the organization of relationships among them. In this article, the model is applied to analyze and integrate the often-confusing findings on breast self-examination in cancer screening. Implications are considered for assessments and interventions to enhance adherence to complex, long-term, health-protective regimens, tailored to the needs and characteristics of the individual. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess needs for breast cancer screening education by comparing medical students' training and knowledge of breast cancer screening upon their entry to and exit from medical school. METHOD: Seventy-seven medical students at one medical school completed questionnaires as first-year students (in 1992) and again as fourth-year students (in 1996) that assessed their breast cancer screening knowledge. The fourth-year questionnaire included additional questions about the students' clinical training in breast cancer screening skills and their perceptions of needs for further training. RESULTS: Although the students performed significantly better on the knowledge-based questions in their fourth year than they did in their first year, considerable room for improvement remained. The students reported learning the most from surgery rotations and more from standardized patients than from faculty. Women medical students performed significantly more clinical breast examinations than did men students. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the medical students reported needing additional training in clinical breast examination. More curricular time devoted to education about breast cancer screening is needed.  相似文献   

In an attempt to clarify the biological nature of a human endogenous retrovirus (HERV), HERV-R, which is a single-copy type of HERVs and is conserved as a full-length viral sequence, the expression of HERV-R mRNA in normal autopsied systemic organs was examined by Northern blot analysis. The expression showed different levels among individuals, with the adrenal glands expressing the highest level of HERV-R among all organs tested, except for the placenta. In various adrenal tumors, HERV-R was expressed at high levels in all cortical adenomas but less so in pheochromocytomas. In situ hybridization revealed the expression of HERV-R to be localized in all layers of the adrenal cortex, but not in the medulla. This high-level expression of HERV-R in the adrenal cortex may possibly relate to differentiation and/or steroid production by adrenocortical cells.  相似文献   

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