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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays were developed to detect virulent Rhodococcus equi in transtracheal aspirate samples from sick foals showing respiratory signs. An oligonucleotide primer pair from the sequence of the virulence-associated 15- to 17-kDa antigen gene of the virulence plasmid in virulent R. equi was used to amplify a 564 bp region by PCR, and the result was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization. No positive reaction was seen in DNA from 13 different microorganisms typically found in the respiratory tract. In tracheal aspirates seeded with virulent R. equi, a visible band could detect 10 to 10(2) bacteria per PCR assay (10(3) to 10(4)/ml of the aspirate). Virulent R. equi was demonstrated in 31 of 42 transtracheal aspirates by culture and colony blot analysis, whereas a positive PCR result was observed in only 12 of the 31 culture positive samples. To prevent false-negative results, two methods were developed: a nested PCR and a PCR in combination with enrichment cultures of aspirates in the selective medium to increase the number of bacteria to 10(4)/ml or more. All of the PCR-negative and culture-positive samples were positive by the two methods. These results indicated that PCR-based assays provide a specific and sensitive means to detect virulent R. equi in tracheal aspirates of foals, and they are more rapid than the routine culture procedures for the diagnosis of R. equi pneumonia in foals.  相似文献   

The modulation of the luteinizing hormone (LH) induction of cholesterol side chain cleavage (CSCC) enzyme in immature rat Leydig cells was studied using rat Sertoli cell-conditioned medium (SCCM), which stimulates short-term endogenous steroid production. Luteinizing hormone increased the CSCC enzyme activity 10-fold in cells cultured for 7 days in the absence of hormones. This enzyme induction was abolished almost completely in the presence of SCCM. The inhibition was dose dependent (half-maximal effect at 5 mg protein/l) and paralleled by a decrease in the amount of cytochrome P-450scc (P-450scc) enzyme. There were no indications for loss of cell viability. The inhibitory action of SCCM could be localized at the level of adenylate cyclase activation and at steps beyond cyclic adenosine monophosphate production. The inhibition was not specific for Sertoli cell products because conditioned media from different cell lines and media from isolated rat hepatocytes displayed similar effects. Trypsin treatment of SCCM destroyed the activity whereas the bioactivity could resist heating for 5 min at 100 degrees C. Generally occurring (growth) factors, such as epidermal growth factor or tumor necrosis factor alpha, may have contributed to the observed inhibitory effects of SCCM. These inhibitory effects of Sertoli cell products in vitro are in contrast to stimulatory effects of Sertoli cells on Leydig cell steroidogenesis in vivo after FSH administration.  相似文献   

Recent studies from our and other laboratories have shown that Leydig cells, the testicular cells responsible for testosterone production; become steroidogenically hypofunctional with age. Herein we review some of what we now know about the mechanisms by which this occurs, and some among the many remaining uncertainties in our understanding of Leydig cell aging. To help shed light on how Leydig cells age, we also briefly discuss the regulation of Leydig cell differentiation during puberty and of Leydig cell function in adult animals.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the role of thyroid hormones in testis development, the influence of tri-iodothyronine on protein metabolism of immature pig Sertoli cells has been investigated. Sertoli cells were isolated enzymatically from 2- to 3-week-old piglet testes and cultured in the presence or absence of tri-iodothyronine. Protein labelling was evaluated in Sertoli cell monolayers incubated in medium containing a tracer dose of [3H]leucine. The results demonstrate that thyroid hormone can directly stimulate the process of protein synthesis in immature porcine Sertoli cells, without significantly affecting the protein degradation rate; moreover thyroid hormone exposure results in a significant decrease of intracellular ATP level. The evidence that tri-iodothyronine can increase Sertoli cell protein synthesis, supplies additional evidence about the fundamental role of thyroid hormone in the regulation of growth and differentiation of the mammalian testis through a direct action on the Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Liver and kidney samples obtained from 76 autopsies were analyzed for cadmium and zinc content. The patients had died of various internal diseases. None of them had any known occupational exposure to cadmium. A record was made of age, sex, place of residence, diagnosis, and smoking habits of each patient. The results showed no significant correlation between cadmium accumulation and hypertension or cardiovascular disease. There was, however, a significantly higher kidney cadmium level in smokers than in nonsmokers.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells cultured on basement membrane substrates differentiate morphologically into polarized cells and exhibit an enhanced responsiveness to FSH. The signal transduction mechanisms by which the extracellular matrix induces changes in the morphology and function of Sertoli cells are not known. Since calcium has been implicated in mediating changes in cytoskeletal assembly and organization, we investigated to see if basement membrane can modulate cytosolic free calcium concentrations during the process of adhesion and spreading of Sertoli cells. A direct quantification of the intracellular free cytosolic calcium concentration [Ca2+]i in freshly isolated immature rat Sertoli cells plated on laminin was performed by digital imaging microscopy using the fluorescent probe Fura-2 AM. [Ca2+]i levels rose by 1.5-2-fold within 1 h after plating on laminin, suggesting that calcium may be involved in adhesion and spreading of the cells on basement membrane. Furthermore, the possibility that matrix influences [Ca2+]i levels upon stimulation with FSH was examined by adding FSH directly to the cells spreading on laminin. A dramatic decrease in [Ca2+]i was observed compared to the level in untreated cells. Similarly, a significant decrease in [Ca2+]i in response to FSH was observed in cells already spread on laminin or Matrigel. Addition of dibutyryl cAMP did not significantly alter the basal calcium levels. Long-term exposure of Sertoli cells cultured on either laminin or Matrigel to FSH was studied by incubating the cells with 45CaCl2 in the presence or absence of FSH for 24 h. FSH induced a decrease or no change in 45Ca concentration in cells cultured on basement membrane. Addition of dibutyryl cAMP, instead of FSH, did not alter the basal 45Ca concentrations. In cells cultured on the peptides derived from laminin (RGD and SIKVAV), FSH increased the uptake of 45Ca significantly, whereas on YIGSR, also a laminin-derived peptide, it did not have any effect. Thus, basement membrane induces an early increase in [Ca2+]i in cultured Sertoli cells during spreading, and FSH appears to significantly decrease [Ca2+]i levels.  相似文献   

Preovulatory follicles were explanted on the day before ovulation from immature rats given a single injection of Pregnant Mare's Serum gonadotropin (PMS) 2 days earlier. The follicles were incubated for 4 h in modified Krebs bicarbonate buffer containing glucose and albumin in absence or presence of ovine luteinizing hormone (NIH-LH-S18; 0.1-10 mug/ml). The accumulation of progresterone, androstenedione and 17beta-estradiol in the medium was determined by radioimmunoassay. As in indicator of LH exposure the meiotic stage of the follicle-enclosed oocyte was determined at recovery by interference contrast microscopy. The first group of follicles were explanted in the morning, before the endogenous gonadotrophin surge. In hormone-free medium the oocytes remained in the dictyate stage, whereas addition of LH induced oocyte maturation. These follicles, when incubated in hormone-free medium, secreted predominantly androstenedione and estradiol and only low amounts of progesterone. In the presence of LH the secretion of all steroids was enhanced. The second group of follicles were explanted in the evening, 2-4 h after the endogenous gonadotrophin surge. After incubation in hormone-free medium the follicle-enclosed oocytes had matured. The steroid secretion by the follicles was different from that of the first group. In hormone-free medium they secreted predominantly progesterone and low amounts of androstenedione and estradiol. Addition of LH to the medium caused further enhancement of progesterone secretion, but had no effect on androstenedione and estradiol secretion. The third group of follicles were explanted in the evening from rats in which the preovulatory gonadotrophin surge had been prevented by Nembutal treatment. Oocyte maturation and steroid secretion did not differ from that found for the first group of follicles explanted in the morning. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that LH, after a transitory stimulation, inhibits androgen and estrogen secretion and stimulates progesterone secretion by the preovulatory ovarian follicle.  相似文献   

Sixty patients with a sudden onset of motor disability were assessed for illness behavior and depression. In 30 of the patients, etiology was attributed to a definite structural lesion. The remaining 30 patients were diagnosed as having conversion disorder. The Illness Behaviour Questionnaire (IBQ) and the Hamilton Rating Depression Scale (HRDS) were used as instruments for assessment. The mean HRDS score was significantly higher in the conversion group, indicating a higher degree of affective disease in these patients. According to the results of the IBQ, the patients with conversion disorder showed a higher degree of irritability, disease conviction, and phobic preoccupation, and also, to a greater extent, rejected psychological explanations for their symptoms. Denial was high in both patient groups, coexisting with affective symptoms in the conversion patients but not in the neurological patients. Although valuable information could be extracted from the IBQ, it was not found to be a reliable instrument for distinguishing between psychogenic and organic causes of motor disability.  相似文献   

The development of testicular tumor has been frequently observed in some laboratory rat strains. In the present study, we have further characterized the testicular tumor that spontaneously develops in the F344 rat (F344/Jcl). Tumor cells first appeared in the interstitium and developed into multifocal nodular lesions. In the later stage, the whole testes were occupied by tumor cells that consisted of three different types of cells in morphological appearance: large clear type, small eosinophilic type and intermediate type. To determine the character of these cells, we examined the expression of marker genes for Sertoli cells (e.g., transferrin) and Leydig cells (e.g., 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (3 beta-HSD 1)). Transferrin and 3 beta-HSD 1 mRNAs were found in all 8 tumor samples analyzed by northern blotting. By in situ hybridization, we observed a substantial amount of 3 beta-HSD 1 mRNA and little or no transferrin mRNA in the large clear cells. In contrast, the small eosinophilic cells showed little or no 3 beta-HSD 1 mRNA and a large amount of transferrin mRNA, suggesting that the tumor was a mixture of at least two types of cells. Other Sertoli cell marker genes, such as cyclic protein 2 and sulfated glycoprotein 2, were expressed in all 8 tumors analyzed, and testin and steel factor (SLF), the c-kit receptor ligand, were also expressed in some of the tumors (testin, 75%; SLF, 25%), while other Leydig cell markers, LH receptor and c-kit, were expressed in 87% and 80% of the tumors, respectively. These results indicate that the spontaneous testicular tumor of F344 rat is of interstitium origin, showing phenotypical bifurcation possibly via transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

Strong overexpression of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in transgenic mice leads to incomplete fetal virilization and decreased serum testosterone in the adult. Conversely, AMH-deficient mice exhibit Leydig cell hyperplasia. To probe the mechanism of action of AMH on Leydig cell steroidogenesis, we have studied the expression of mRNA for steroidogenic proteins in vivo and in vitro and performed a morphometric analysis of testicular tissue in mice overexpressing the hormone. We show that overexpression of AMH in male transgenic mice blocks the differentiation of Leydig cell precursors. Expression of steroidogenic protein mRNAs, mainly cytochrome P450 17 alpha-hydroxylase/C17-20 lyase (P450c17), is decreased in transgenic mice overexpressing AMH and in AMH-treated purified Leydig cells. In contrast, transgenic mice in whom the AMH locus has been disrupted show increase expression of P450c17. In vitro, but not in vivo, AMH also decreases the expression of the luteinizing hormone receptor. The effect of AMH is explained by the presence of its receptor on Leydig cells. Our results provide insight into the action of AMH as a negative modulator of Leydig cell differentiation and function.  相似文献   

Diethylstilbestrol (DES) was administered neonatally (Days 2-12; 10 microg on alternate days) to rats, and developmental changes in Sertoli cell function were evaluated at 18, 25, and 35 days of age and compared to those observed in rats administered a GnRH antagonist (GnRHa; Days 2 and 5; 10 mg/kg) or a vehicle (controls). DES and GnRHa treatments resulted in similar reductions in both Sertoli cell numbers (40% for DES, 48% for GnRHa) and suppression of testicular growth at 18 and 25 days, though by 35 days the suppression was more pronounced (p < 0.001) in DES-treated animals. Plasma FSH levels were suppressed markedly at 18 and 25 days, but not at 35 days, in GnRHa-treated rats, whereas in DES-treated rats the FSH levels were suppressed significantly only at 35 days. Both treatments suppressed plasma levels of inhibin B, though this was more pronounced (p < 0.05) in DES- than in GnRHa-treated rats. In controls, Sertoli cell immunoexpression of inhibin alpha, sulfated glycoprotein-1 (SGP-1), and androgen receptor (AR) increased in intensity and changed to an adult, stage-dependent pattern by 25 days. In GnRHa-treated rats these changes were reduced in intensity but were similar to those in controls at 35 days. In DES-treated rats, the increase in intensity and stage-dependent pattern of immunoexpression of inhibin alpha, SGP-1, and AR were virtually absent at 25 days but were present by 35 days. Germ cell volume per Sertoli cell was reduced in GnRHa- and DES-treated rats compared with controls at 18 and 25 days but was significantly greater (p < 0. 001) in DES- than in GnRHa-treated rats at 35 days. The proportion of apoptotic to viable germ cells was increased (p < 0.01) in GnRHa- and DES-treated rats compared with controls at 18 and 25 days; but at 35 days, values in GnRHa-treated rats had declined to control values whereas those for DES-treated rats remained 10-fold elevated (p < 0.001). In adulthood, testis weight and daily sperm production were reduced by 43% and 44%, respectively, in GnRHa-treated rats, but spermatogenesis was grossly normal. Comparable changes were observed in approximately 25% of DES-treated rats, but the majority exhibited > 60% reduction in testis weight with many Sertoli cell-only tubules and very low daily sperm production. Taken together, these data are interpreted as providing evidence for direct modulation of Sertoli cell (maturational) development by DES.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether antenatal administration of thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH), to promote lung maturation, alters blood flow through the fetal middle cerebral, umbilical artery, or ductus arteriosus and through the maternal uterine arteries. METHODS: The effect of transplacentally administered TRH on the fetal circulation was prospectively evaluated in 30 patients between 24 and 34 weeks' gestation. TRH (400 micrograms) was given to the mother intravenously either as a bolus or an infusion. Fetal effects were determined by measuring the maximum velocity and pulsatility index (PI) in middle cerebral artery, ductus arteriosus, uterine artery and umbilical artery Doppler waveforms. Measurements were made immediately before, and 10 and 60 minutes after maternal TRH administration. RESULTS: Intravenous injection of TRH had no significant effect on PI in the uterine, umbilical, or middle cerebral artery and the ductus arteriosus within 60 minutes of administration in either group. CONCLUSION: The antenatal use of TRH in conjunction with steroids for fetal lung maturity does not affect utero-placental or fetal haemodynamic variables, as measured by Doppler. These findings, therefore, do not support the suggestion that antenatal intravenous administration of TRH either as bolus or infusion may have immediate adverse vascular effects in the fetus.  相似文献   

Studies performed in our laboratory indicate that the adrenal deprivation during gestation can greatly influence the fetal catecholamines development in several cerebral areas. The present study was undertaken to determine whether the administration of metyrapone to pregnant rats affects the content of monoamines in fetal brain at term. To test wether the content of monoamines in fetal brain is regulated, at least in part, by endogenous glucocorticoids, pregnant rats were injected for 5 days prior to delivery with metyrapone, an adrenal 11-beta-steroid hidroxylase inhibitor which crosses the placenta and blocks endogenous glucocorticoid synthesis, or saline. On day 21 of gestation, delivery of all animals was accomplished by cesarean section. The encephalons were extracted and immediately dissected in metencephalon, mesencephalon, diencephalon and telencephalon. Monoamine determination was carried out using HPLC-ED. The results obtained indicate that the metyrapone treatment increases both DA and 5-HT and their metabolites in the brain studied areas.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that fish oil-enriched diets attenuate the progression of several types of human and experimental renal, intestinal and cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), may be one of the active biological component. We previously reported that dietary DHA suppressed the progression of hypertension in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). The purpose of this study is to clarify the in vitro effect of DHA on cultured smooth muscle cell functions such as cell growth, hypertrophy, NO release, and intracellular Ca2+ metabolism, which are involved in the regulatory mechanisms of vascular tone. Addition of DHA to the culture medium of aortic smooth muscle cells isolated from SHRSP and normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) had no significant effects on cell growth or on cell hypertrophy induced by angiotensin II as measured by flow cytometry. DHA had no stimulatory effect on interleukin-1beta (10 ng/ml)-induced nitric oxide release from smooth muscle cells of SHRSP, but rather slightly inhibited it. However, the treatment of smooth muscle cells with DHA (30 microM) for 2 days significantly suppressed the increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration induced by angiotensin II, but not by thapsigargin. This was due to the suppression of Ca2+ influx, as determined by Mn2+ influx experiment. These results indicate that DHA specifically suppresses Ca2+ mobilization into smooth muscle cells. This may be one of the mechanisms by which dietary DHA prevents the development of hypertension in SHRSP.  相似文献   

The effect of the thyroid hormone on the rate of brain protein synthesis in rats was studied. Experiments were conducted on three groups of rats given 6-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU, a thyroid inhibitor) without a triiodothyronine (T3) treatment, those treated with PTU + T3, and those treated with neither PTU nor T3 (control). The fractional rates of protein synthesis in the brain, liver, and kidney of rats given PTU + T3 were significantly greater than those in rats given PTU alone. In the brain and kidney, the RNA activity [g of protein synthesized/(g of RNA.d)] were significantly correlated with the fractional rates of protein synthesis. In the liver and kidney, the RNA concentration (mg of RNA/g of protein) was related to the fractional rate of protein synthesis. These results suggest that the thyroid hormone treatment would be likely to increase the rate of protein synthesis in the brain of rats, and that the RNA activity is, at least partly, related to the fractional rate of brain protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Single-cell assays of cell migration, while yielding dynamic measurements of cell position and morphology, are predominantly limited by the time required for data collection and analysis. Computer-aided fluorescence time-lapse videomicroscopy (CAFTiV) was developed in order to facilitate the tracking and rapid examination of large numbers of motile cells. The system combines time-lapse videomicroscopy with epifluorescence capability, which allows full automation of image capture, sorting, and analysis due to the low background in the fluorescence images. Utilizing the CAFTiV system, data analysis time was reduced from over 125 h to less than 1 labor minute. In addition, fluorescence imaging permits cell tracking in small-volume chambers (<100 microL), which is useful should the addition of expensive reagents be required. It is anticipated that the ability to characterize both biochemical and biophysical properties responsible for cell movement will be enhanced by this methodology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In a preliminary pilot study of 30 treatments in 26 patients with osteonecrosis of the jaws and chronic disabling facial pain, our specific aim was to determine whether, to what degree, and how safely therapy of hypofibrinolysis and thrombophilia would ameliorate the chronic pain associated with osteonecrosis of the mandible and maxilla. STUDY DESIGN: Thrombophilia was treated with Coumadin (DuPont) in 10 patients; hypofibrinolysis was treated with Winstrol (Sanofi-Winthrop) in 20 patients, including 4 who had mixed thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis and had previously been treated with Coumadin. The initial treatment period was targeted to be 4 months. Each patient was asked to keep a daily written pain-relief numeric rating score and side-effects diary and to provide a summary pain-relief numeric rating score and side effects compilation for the total treatment period. RESULTS: There were 4 men and 22 women in the study group; their mean age was 49 +/- 11 years. The mean onset of their osteonecrosis pain was at age 45 +/- 12 years, and the mean duration of their facial pain prior to therapy was 4.5 +/- 4.2 years. Ten patients had one or more thrombophilic traits (there were two patients with protein C deficiency, five with resistance to activated protein C and/or the mutant Factor V Leiden gene, and four with high anticardiolipin antibodies). The 10 patients who were thrombophilic were treated with Coumadin (the international normalized ratio was targeted to 2.5-3.0) for 22 +/- 9 weeks. By self-reported pain-relief numeric rating scores, 6 of the 10 patients with thrombophilia (60%) had > or = 40% pain relief, 2 (20%) had no change, and 2 (20%) had increased pain (30% and 80% worse). Nine of the 10 patients with thrombophilia (90%) had no Coumadin-related side effects; 1 patient (10%) stopped Coumadin therapy (after 28 weeks) because of nosebleeds. Winstrol (6 mg per day) was used for 16 +/- 9 weeks in 20 patients with hypofibrinolysis, some of whom had one or more hypofibrinolytic traits (10 had high levels of plasminogen activator/inhibitor activity, usually accompanied by low stimulated tissue plasminogen activator activity; 13 had high Lp[a] lipoprotein). Of these 20 patients with hypofibrinolysis, 9 patients (45%) had > or = 40% pain relief, 3 patients (15%) had 20% to 30% relief, 5 patients (25%) had no improvement, and 3 patients (15%) had increased pain (30% worse, 60% worse, and 70% worse). Six of the 20 patients with hypofibrinolysis (30%) had no Winstrol-related side effects, while 14 (70%) had side effects that could be attributed to Winstrol, including weight gain, peripheral edema, increased facial and body hair, and acne--all of which were reversed within 6 weeks of stopping Winstrol therapy. CONCLUSIONS: We postulate that thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis lead to impaired venous circulation and venous hypertension of the mandible/maxilla with subsequent development of osteonecrosis and chronic facial pain. In many patients, facial pain can be ameliorated by treating the pathogenetic coagulation defects with Coumadin or Winstrol. Large, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover studies will be required in the future to validate these preliminary results and to determine whether pain relief with Coumadin or Winstrol justifies the risks and side effects associated with these medications, especially for long-term use, in osteonecrosis of the jaws.  相似文献   

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