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Short-term and long-term retention of experimentally presented words were compared in a sample of 33 healthy normal volunteers by the [15O]H2O method with positron emission tomography (PET). The design included three conditions. For the long-term condition, subjects thoroughly studied 18 words 1 week before the PET study. For the short-term condition, subjects were shown another set of 18 words 60 sec before imaging, with instructions to remember them. For the baseline condition, subtracted from the two memory conditions, subjects read a third set of words that they had not previously seen in the experiment. Similar regions were activated in both short-term and long-term conditions: large right frontal areas, biparietal areas, and the left cerebellum. In addition, the short-term condition also activated a relatively large region in the left prefrontal region. These complex distributed circuits appear to represent the neural substrates for aspects of memory such as encoding, retrieval, and storage. They indicate that circuitry involved in episodic memory has much larger cortical and cerebellar components than has been emphasized in earlier lesion studies.  相似文献   

Semantic and syntactic aspects of sentence comprehension were investigated for 3 patients (aged 61, 65, and 72 yrs) who showed different patterns of performance on short-term memory tasks. On a sentence anomaly judgment task assessing the retention of semantic information, only patient A. B. showed a detrimental effect on comprehension with increases in the number of words to be held in an unintegrated fashion. On judgments of grammatical acceptability, only patient M. W. demonstrated a detrimental effect of increasing the number of words intervening between the words signaling that a sentence was ungrammatical. The results suggest that semantic and syntactic components must be postulated in addition to the phonological and articulatory components of A. D. Baddeley's (1986, 1990) working memory model. Although the phonological, semantic, and syntactic components may be differentially affected by brain damage, the components interact and support each other in normal comprehension. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Schizophrenia affects prefrontal and temporal-limbic networks. These regions were examined by contrasting regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) during executive (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [WCST]), and declarative memory tasks (Paired Associate Recognition Test [PART]). The tasks, and a resting baseline, were administered to 15 patients with schizophrenia and 15 healthy controls during 10 min positron emission tomography 1?O-water measures of rCBE Patients were worse on both tasks. Controls activated inferior frontal, occipitotemporal, and temporal pole regions for both tasks. Similar results were obtained for controls matched to level of patient performance. Patients showed no activation of hypothesized regions during the WCST and activated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during the PART. On the PART, occipitotemporal activation correlated with better performance for controls only. Better WCST performance correlated with CBF increase in prefrontal regions for controls and in the parahippocampal gyrus for patients. Results suggest that schizophrenia may involve a breakdown in the integration of a frontotemporal network that is responsive to executive and declarative memory demands in healthy individuals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured with H? 1?O positron emission tomography in 8 healthy women before and after fear conditioning (i.e., paired shocks) and unpaired shocks to videotape cues. Conditioning was supported by enhanced peripheral nervous system recordings and subjective ratings. Fear conditioning increased rCBF in the central gray of the midbrain; bilaterally in the hypothalamus, the thalamus, and the left striatum; and in the right and left anterior cingulate and right prefrontal cortices. Regional CBF was attenuated bilaterally in the right and left prefrontal, temporal (including the amygdala), parietal, and occipital cortices, and in the left orbitofrontal cortex. When compared with unpaired shock presentations, fear conditioning resulted in elevated rCBF in the left cerebellum. Hence, in the present paradigm, only neural activity in the left cerebellum solely reflected processes associated with true Pavlovian conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Delayed alternation tasks are frequently used as probes of frontal lobe functioning. To clarify the neural substrates of delayed alternation performance in humans, the authors measured regional cerebral blood flow with H?1?O positron emission tomography in healthy subjects as they performed delayed spatial and object alternation. Consistent with the monkey lesion literature, increased dorsolateral prefrontal activity emerged during delayed spatial alternation but not delayed object alternation, whereas orbitofrontal activations emerged in both alternation tasks. The possible cognitive processes contributing to the orbitofrontal and dorsolateral prefrontal involvement in delayed alternation are discussed. Additional activations localized to several nonfrontal. regions suggest caution in interpreting alternation deficits in patients as strictly reflecting frontal lobe impairment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine current practice patterns of obtaining informed consent for infertility treatment by reproductive endocrinologists and to assess changes in response to reports of an association between ovulation induction and ovarian cancer. METHODS: Board-certified reproductive endocrinologists (n = 575) were surveyed by mail regarding how they informed patients and obtained consent for infertility treatments and how their practices had been influenced by studies suggesting a link between ovulation induction and ovarian cancer. Data were analyzed using chi2 and logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The return rate was 62.1% (357 of 575 surveys). Most respondents (92%) used discussions with physicians to inform their patients of risks and benefits of all infertility treatments. Additional means, such as audiovisual aids, were used significantly more often for assisted reproductive technologies (including intracytoplasmic sperm injection and use of donated eggs) than for less invasive therapies (31-43% versus 4-11%, P < .001). Most physicians (46-66%) used verbal consent alone for hysterosalpingogram, intrauterine insemination, and ovulation induction. Formal written consent was used significantly more often for the various assisted reproductive technologies than for hysterosalpingogram, intrauterine insemination, or ovulation induction (94-95% versus 26-44%). Although most physicians (70%) did not believe that ovulation induction increases the risk of ovarian cancer, 83% addressed this risk when obtaining consent and 47% reported changing their practices since an association was reported. Common changes included limiting length of treatment and addressing ovarian cancer risk. CONCLUSION: Current practice patterns of obtaining informed consent for various infertility treatments by board-certified reproductive endocrinologists show, as expected, that informed consent is more rigorous for assisted reproductive technologies. Although most surveyed did not believe that ovulation induction increases risk of ovarian cancer, the majority of physicians addressed that risk when obtaining consent and nearly half changed their practices on the basis of a possible association.  相似文献   

The healthcare burden, to the affected individual, their family and to society, caused by the schizophrenias provides a strong moral appeal for non-discriminatory allocation of resources for both research and service provision. Nevertheless, the anticipated advances in clinical research findings are likely to lead to a new healthcare situation where a number of values and moral appeals are likely to be in conflict. The sources of these conflicts are explored with respect to the nature and origin of the schizophrenias, the challenges of pre-clinical and possible prenatal diagnosis. It is argued that the ethical problems associated with discovery of early markers for the development of schizophrenia should be anticipated and appropriate guidelines developed in advance of their realisation. Experience of other screening programmes strongly cautions against the introduction of such markers before the benefits and safety aspects have been clearly defined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diagnostic classes (derived from CATEGO) can be correlated with regional brain metabolism in patients with major psychiatric disorders. METHOD: Seventeen patients with schizophrenia, 15 with mania, 10 with depression and 10 healthy Volunteers were examined with positron emission tomography (PET) and 18F-labelled fluorodeoxyglucose, as a marker for glucose metabolism. The number of possible comparisons of regions of interest was reduced by principal-components analysis, and differences in factor scores were determined between diagnostic groups. RESULTS: Four independent factors, representing distributed brain systems, emerged: an anterior-posterior (1), a left-right temporal (2), a temporofrontal (3), and a mediofrontal (4) system, of which (1), (2) and (3) were abnormal in schizophrenia, (1) and (2) in mania, and (1) in depression. CONCLUSIONS: Abnormal patterns of metabolism could be detected, in decreasing order, in schizophrenia, mania and depression. Some of these abnormalities are likely to be due to medication, but others will be associated with structural or functional abnormalities of the frontolimbic system in the diagnostic groups.  相似文献   

Examined whether electrodermal nonresponder and responder subgroups of schizophrenic patients differ in regional brain metabolism assessed by positron emission tomography during a continuous performance test. In comparison to both 6 normal controls and 3 responder schizophrenics, the 3 nonresponder schizophrenics showed about a 20% reduction in metabolic rate across the entire brain. Nonresponder schizophrenics tended to have lower absolute metabolic rates than responders in lateral and medial frontal, thalamic, and hippocampal areas. Nonresponders also had significantly lower relative metabolic rates in medial frontal and hippocampal areas as well as the right amygdala. These data suggest that electrodermal subgroups of schizophrenics differ in both regionally specific brain metabolic processes thought to be involved in electrodermal activity and in generalized brain metabolism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Diagnostic investigations commenced on the 28th of June 1994 in Hungary's and Central Europe's first PET Centre at the University Medical School of Debrecen. The Centre is equipped with a GE 4096 Plus whole body PET scanner. A metabolic tracer, 18F-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG), was used in the investigations. During the first 15 months 249 PET investigations were made in the Centre of which 242 were diagnostic and 7 normal subjects served as control for the patient studies with brain scans. The number of oncological indications (intra- and extracranial tumours, Hodgkin's lymphomas) was n = 105 (43.4% of the 242 diagnostic examinations), neurological investigations (without intracranial tumours) formed the dominant group (n = 117; 48.3%), whereas the number of cardiological indications was 20 (8.3%). The oncological studies included those of intracranial tumours (n = 76; 31.4%); thyroid tumours (n = 9; 3.7%); Hodgkin's lymphomas (n = 7; 2.9%) and other extracranial tumours (n = 13; 5.4%). The distribution of different neurological and psychiatric investigations was as follows: localization of focal epileptogen zone (n = 60; 24.8%); differential diagnosis of dementias (n = 30; 12.4%); exploration of cerebrovascular diseases (n = 10; 4.1%); and other neurological diseases (n = 17; 7.0%). The main objective of the cardiological PET investigations was the exploration of viable myocardium. The present paper overviews both the procedures (including administrative issues, as well) and the results of the first 249 FDG-PET investigations.  相似文献   

Subjects participated in perceptual and imagery tasks while their brains were scanned using positron emission tomography. In the perceptual conditions, subjects judged whether names were appropriate for pictures. In one condition, the objects were pictured from canonical perspectives and could be recognized at first glance; in the other, the objects were pictured from noncanonical perspectives and were not immediately recognizable. In this second condition, we assume that top-down processing is used to evaluate the names. In the imagery conditions, subjects saw a grid with a single X mark; a lowercase letter was presented before the grid. In the baseline condition, they simply responded when they saw the stimulus, whereas in the imagery condition they visualized the corresponding block letter in the grid and decided whether it would have covered the X if it were physically present. Fourteen areas were activated in common by both tasks, only 1 of which may not be involved in visual processing (the precentral gyrus); in addition, 2 were activated in perception but not imagery, and 5 were activated in imagery but not perception. Thus, two-thirds of the activated areas were activated in common.  相似文献   

An auditory hallucination shares with imaginal hearing the property of being self-generated and with real hearing the experience of the stimulus being an external one. To investigate where in the brain an auditory event is "tagged" as originating from the external world, we used positron emission tomography to identify neural sites activated by both real hearing and hallucinations but not by imaginal hearing. Regional cerebral blood flow was measured during hearing, imagining, and hallucinating in eight healthy, highly hypnotizable male subjects prescreened for their ability to hallucinate under hypnosis (hallucinators). Control subjects were six highly hypnotizable male volunteers who lacked the ability to hallucinate under hypnosis (nonhallucinators). A region in the right anterior cingulate (Brodmann area 32) was activated in the group of hallucinators when they heard an auditory stimulus and when they hallucinated hearing it but not when they merely imagined hearing it. The same experimental conditions did not yield this activation in the group of nonhallucinators. Inappropriate activation of the right anterior cingulate may lead self-generated thoughts to be experienced as external, producing spontaneous auditory hallucinations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The alteration of regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) during and after hyperventilation was measured using positron emission tomography (PET) to determine the circulatory response induced by daily respiratory changes in the cerebral area under chronic hemodynamic stress. METHODS: Three normal volunteers and 12 patients with an obstruction of major cerebral arteries underwent PET measurements of the CBF after an injection of H2(15)O: (1) in the resting condition, (2) during hyperventilation (HV scan), (3) 1 to 3 minutes after hyperventilation (post-HV scan), (4) during the inhalation of 5% CO2, and (5) after an injection of acetazolamide. Eleven patients also underwent a 15O gas study to measure CBF, oxygen extraction fraction (OEF), and cerebral blood volume (CBV). RESULTS: (1) In 9 patients, the CBF value in the post-HV scan was lower than that in the HV scan in 1 or more regions in the area of the obstructed arteries, although the PaCO2 level during the post-HV scan was higher than that during the HV scan in all patients. All control regions in the patients and in the normal volunteers showed an elevated CBF in the post-HV scan compared with the HV scan. (2) The negative post-HV response (posthyperventilatory steal) was prominent in 4 patients with moyamoya vessels and in another 5 patients with atherosclerotic disease who had PET evidence of hemodynamic stress (elevated CBV or OEF). (3) The regional pre- to post-HV change in CBF was significantly correlated with the CBF responses to acetazolamide and CO2. CONCLUSIONS: Vasodilatation after the termination of hyperventilation in the normal areas induces a steal response in the cerebral area suffering from hemodynamic stress and may cause profound hypoperfusion in everyday situations. This phenomenon may be important to our understanding of the clinical symptoms and the natural course of chronic cerebral occlusive disease bearing hemodynamic stress.  相似文献   

We used H2 15O positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate the effect of ethyl alcohol on regional cerebral blood flow in 6 patients with alcohol-responsive essential tremor and 6 age-matched control subjects. The patients were scanned while at rest and during involuntary postural tremor of the extended right arm. Normal control subjects were scanned at rest and during passive wrist oscillation of the right arm at tremor frequency. Regional cerebral blood flow associated with these conditions was measured before and after oral administration of 2 to 3 units of alcohol. The mean blood alcohol level was 35.3 +/- 20.0 mg/dl in the patient group and caused marked suppression of tremor; it was 33.9 +/- 12.9 mg/dl in the control group. Similar to previous PET studies on essential tremor patients, tremor compared with rest was associated with bilateral cerebellar activation including the cerebellar vermis. This pattern of activation differed from passive wrist oscillation where ipsilateral cerebellar activation was observed. Ethanol ingestion led to bilateral decreases of cerebellar blood flow in both tremor patients and normal subjects, and this was associated with suppression of tremor in the patients. Alcohol-associated increases of regional cerebral blood flow were observed in the inferior olivary nuclei in the patients but not in the control subjects. We conclude that alcohol-induced suppression of essential tremor is mediated via a reduction of cerebellar synaptic overactivity resulting in increased afferent input to the inferior olivary nuclei.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the progress of positron emission tomography (PET) as a tool for understanding the psychobiology of mood disorders, particularly major depression and bipolar disorder. METHOD: Review of the literature on functional imaging of mood disorders. RESULTS: Functional imaging techniques have been used in psychiatric research as a noninvasive method to study the behaviour and function of the brain. Techniques used so far have involved the manipulation of emotion in healthy volunteers, the evaluation of depressed (unipolar and bipolar as well as secondary depression), manic, and normal subjects under resting and various activation conditions, such as cognitive activation, acute pharmacological challenge, and chronic thymoleptic treatments. As a result, functional imaging studies tend to support abnormalities in specific frontal and limbic regions. CONCLUSION: Different PET methods demonstrate consistent abnormalities in the prefrontal, cingulate, and amygdala regions. These findings are in agreement with past animal and clinical anatomical correlates of mood and emotions.  相似文献   

Patients with coronary artery disease or heart failure have been shown to be insulin resistant. Whether in these patients heart muscle participates in the insulin resistance, and whether reduced blood flow is a mechanism for such resistance is not known. We measured heart and skeletal muscle blood flow and glucose uptake during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia (insulin clamp) in 15 male patients with angiographically proven coronary artery disease and chronic regional wall motion abnormalities. Six age- and weight-matched healthy subjects served as controls. Regional glucose uptake was measured by positron emission tomography using [18F]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG), blood flow was measured by the H2(15)O method. Myocardial glucose utilization was measured in regions with normal perfusion and wall motion as assessed by radionuclide ventriculography. Whole-body glucose uptake was 37+/-4 micromol x min(-1) x kg(-1) in controls and 14+/-2 mciromol x min(-1) x kg(-1) in patients (P = 0.001). Myocardial blood flow (1.09+/-0.06 vs. 0.97+/-0.04 ml x min(-1) x g(-1), controls vs. patients) and skeletal muscle (arm) blood flow (0.046+/-0.012 vs. 0.043+/-0.006 ml x min(-1) x g(-1)) were similar in the two groups (P = NS for both). In contrast, in patients both myocardial (0.38+/-0.03 vs. 0.70+/-0.03 micromol x min(-1) x g(-1), P = 0.0005) and muscle glucose uptake (0.026+/-0.004 vs. 0.056+/-0.006 micromol x min(-1) x g(-1), P = 0.005) were markedly reduced in comparison with controls. In the whole dataset, a direct relationship existed between insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in heart and skeletal muscle. Patients with a history of myocardial infarction and a low ejection fraction are insulin resistant. This insulin resistance affects both the myocardium and skeletal muscle and is independent of blood flow.  相似文献   

The authors report an effort to advance animal models that mimic the cognitive decline of Alzheimer's disease. Rats were trained and repeatedly tested in a spatial delayed matching-to-position paradigm in the water maze, with the location of the submerged platform changing between, but not within, days. After Trial 1 (random search) and intertrial intervals of 30 s or 1 hr, memory was tested in Trial 2. Young rats quickly acquired this task and were repeatedly tested after different intervals over 7 months, with a slight increase in performance toward the end of testing, but no difference in latencies between delays. Oral long-term treatment of 1 group with 0.1 % aluminum caused no delay-dependent working memory deficit. This testing protocol may enable between- and within-subject long-term assessment of spatial working memory before and after drug treatment and may prove useful in animal models of progressive cognitive decline. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study characterized the rat colonic secretory response to 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and determined alterations in this response following stress. 5-HT stimulated rat colonic short-circuit current in a concentration-dependent fashion (pD2 = 5.19). This response was subject to desensitization and was mimicked by the indolealkylamines with a rank order potency of 5-HT approximately alpha-methyl-5-HT > 5-carboxytryptamine approximately 5-methoxytryptamine. 2-Methyl-5-HT was a partial agonist. The colonic response to 5-HT was unaltered by methysergide (10 microM), ritanserin (0.1 microM), ondansetron (1 microM) or clozapine (10 microM), but was antagonized by the 5-HT4 receptor antagonists SB204070 (pD'2 = 9.32), GR113808 (pKb = 8.56), DAU6285 (pKb = 6.07) and SDZ205557 (pKb = 6.80). The response of colonic epithelial and oesophageal tunica muscularis mucosae to 5-HT is therefore mediated by a similar 5-HT4 receptor. Following wrap restraint stress, the colonic response to 5-HT became bimodal. Half of the preparations were hyper-responsive, while the rest were hypo-responsive to 5-HT. This 5-HT4 receptor may therefore be involved in stress related changes in fluid transport.  相似文献   

Reviews the relationship between neuropsychological approaches to human memory and the working memory theory introduced by A. D. Baddeley and G. J. Hitch (1974). It is argued that neuropsychological perspectives have made a number of different contributions to the development of the theory. On occasion, they have provided unique natural experiments that cannot be simulated in the laboratory and that represent a significant input to theoretical refinement. They also yield a rich source of information on a central tenet of working memory theory, which is that the components of working memory support everyday complex cognitive activities. Neuropsychological studies have played an important role in identifying the contributions of the phonological loop to the acquisition and processing of language and of the visuospatial sketchpad to learning to recognize new faces. More generally, neuropsychological investigations have substantially reinforced developments of theory based on work from the experimental laboratory, and they provide convincing evidence for the robustness and generality of the theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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