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For agents to fulfill their potential of being intelligent and adaptive, it is useful to model their interaction protocols as executable entities that can be referenced, inspected, composed, shared, and invoked between agents, all at runtime. We use the term first‐class protocol to refer to such protocols. Rather than having hard‐coded decision‐making mechanisms for choosing their next move, agents can inspect the protocol specification at runtime to do so, increasing their flexibility. In this article, we show that propositional dynamic logic (PDL) can be used to represent and reason about the outcomes of first‐class protocols. We define a proof system for PDL that permits reasoning about recursively defined protocols. The proof system is divided into two parts: one for reasoning about terminating protocols, and one for reasoning about nonterminating protocols. We prove that proofs about terminating protocols can be automated, while proofs about nonterminating protocols are unable to be automated in some cases. We prove that, for a restricted class of nonterminating protocols, proofs about them can be transformed to proofs about terminating protocols, making them automatable.  相似文献   

This paper describes an hierarchical deduction proof procedure. This procedure proves a theorem by searching for a proof acceptable to an hierarchical deduction structire; those derivations which are irrelevant to this proof are limited by means of a set of completeness-preserving refinements of the basic procedure, such as constraints on framed literals and on common tails, a proper reduction refinement, a global subsumption constraint, and a level subgoal reordering refinement, etc. In addition to this basic algorithm, we will present a partial set of support strategy and a semantically guided hierarchical deduction for the incorporation of semantics and human factors. The paper concludes with proofs concerning the completeness of the basic algorithm and the results of a computer implementation applied to some nontrivial problems.This work was supported in part by NSF grant MCS-8313499.  相似文献   

Verification of distributed algorithms can be naturally cast as verifying parameterized systems, the parameter being the number of processes. In general, a parameterized concurrent system represents an infinite family (of finite state systems) parameterized by a recursively defined type such as chains, trees. It is therefore natural to verify parameterized systems by inducting over this type. However, construction of such proofs require combination of model checking with deductive capability. In this paper, we develop a logic program transformation based proof methodology which achieves this combination. One of our transformations (unfolding) represents a single resolution step. Thus model checking can be achieved by repeated application of unfolding. Other transformations (such as folding) represent deductive reasoning and help recognize the induction hypothesis in an inductive proof. Moreover the unfolding and folding transformations can be arbitrarily interleaved in a proof, resulting in a tight integration of decision procedures (such as model checking) with deductive verification.Based on this technique, we have designed and implemented an invariant prover for parameterized systems. Our proof technique is geared to automate nested induction proofs which do not involve strengthening of induction hypothesis. The prover has been used to automatically verify invariant properties of parameterized cache coherence protocols, including broadcast protocols and protocols with global conditions. Furthermore, we have employed the prover for automatic verification of mutual exclusion in the Java Meta-Locking Algorithm. Meta-Locking is a distributed algorithm developed recently by designers in Sun Microsystems for ensuring secure access of Java objects by an arbitrary number of Java threads.  相似文献   

Formal proofs in mathematics and computer science are being studied because these objects can be verified by a very simple computer program. An important open problem is whether these formal proofs can be generated with an effort not much greater than writing a mathematical paper in, say, LATEX. Modern systems for proof development make the formalization of reasoning relatively easy. However, formalizing computations in such a manner that the results can be used in formal proofs is not immediate. In this paper we show how to obtain formal proofs of statements such as Prime(61) in the context of Peano arithmetic or (x+1)(x+1)=x 2+2x+1 in the context of rings. We hope that the method will help bridge the gap between the efficient systems of computer algebra and the reliable systems of proof development.  相似文献   

The partition refinement algorithm is the basis for most of the tools for checking bisimulation equivalences and for computing minimal realisations of CCS-like finite state processes. In this paper, we present a partition refinement algorithm for the π-calculus, a development of CCS where channel names can be communicated. It can be used to check bisimilarity and to compute minimal realisations of finite control processes—the π-calculus counterpart of CCS finite state processes. The algorithm is developed for strong open bisimulation and can be adapted to late and early bisimulations, as well as to weak bisimulations. To arrive at the algorithm, a few laws, proof techniques, and four characterizations of open bisimulation are proved.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology for developing and verifying a class of distributed systems in which the state space may be discrete or continuous. Our focus is on systems where changes are local in that a small number of components change state while the remainder of the system is unchanged. A proof methodology is developed that ensures global properties, such as invariants and convergence, by guaranteeing local properties within subsystems. This methodology is used to prove the correctness of concrete examples. We present a PVS library of theorems and proofs that can be used to reduce the work required to develop and verify programs in this class. A transformation of these libraries to Java is also outlined.  相似文献   

It is well-known that adding reflective reasoning can tremendously increase the power of a proof assistant. In order for this theoretical increase of power to become accessible to users in practice, the proof assistant needs to provide a great deal of infrastructure to support reflective reasoning. In this paper we explore the problem of creating a practical implementation of such a support layer.Our implementation takes a specification of a logical theory (which is identical to how it would be specified if we were simply going to reason within this logical theory, instead of reflecting it) and automatically generates the necessary definitions, lemmas, and proofs that are needed to enable the reflected meta-reasoning in the provided theory.One of the key features of our approach is that the structure of a logic is preserved when it is reflected. In particular, all variables, including meta-variables, are preserved in the reflected representation. This also allows the preservation of proof automation—there is a structure-preserving one-to-one map from proof steps in the original logic to proof step in the reflected logic.To enable reasoning about terms with sequent context variables, we develop a principle for context induction, called teleportation.This work is fully implemented in the MetaPRL theorem prover.  相似文献   

Wos has identified the problem of recomputing redundant information in the general setting of automated reasoning. We consider this problem in the setting of logic programming where we are given a formula and a goal and asked to find the instances of the goal that follow from the formula. We can use a proof procedure to find the result. The procedure exhibits redundancy when it finds two results such that one either duplicates or is more specific than the other. We introduce the foothold format, a refinement of linear resolution that admits fewer duplicate proofs than Loveland's popular MESON format. The duplicates arise when reasoning by cases. It leads to proof procedures that compute fewer duplicate substitutions. In some of our examples all duplication is eliminated. The foothold refinement depends on a simple condition that can be checked quickly, and can detect redundancy before the proof is completely generated. This is important from a practical point of view, since the earlier redundancy is detected, the more unnecessary work can be avoided. For some examples the speedup is exponential. We show that the elimination of redundancy also applies to SLI resolution, a procedure for processing disjunctive logic programs.  相似文献   

The correctness of an indenting program for Pascal is proved at an intermediate level of rigour. The specifications of the program are given in the companion paper.1 The program is approximately 330 lines long and consists of four modules: io, lex, stack and indent. We prove first that the individual procedures contained in these modules meet their specifications as given by the entry and exit assertions. A global proof of the main routine then establishes that the interaction between modules is such that the main routine meets the specification of the entire program. We argue that correctness proofs at the level of rigour used here serve very well to transfer one's understanding of a program to others. We believe proofs at this level should become commonplace before more formal proofs can take over to reduce traditional testing to an inconsequential place.  相似文献   

We describe a proof method that characterises a family of proofs corresponding to the synthesis of recursive functional programs. This method provides a significant degree of automation in the construction of recursive programs from specifications, together with correctness proofs. This method makes use of meta-variables to allow successive refinement of the identity of unknowns, and so allows the program and the proof to be developed hand in hand. We illustrate it with parts of a substantial example—the synthesis of a unification algorithm.  相似文献   

Stepwise refinement is a method for systematically transforming a high-level program into an efficiently executable one. A sequence of successively refined programs can also serve as a correctness proof, which makes different mechanisms in the program explicit. We present rules for refinement of multi-threaded shared-variable concurrent programs. We apply our rules to the problem of verifying linearizability of concurrent objects, that are accessed by an unbounded number of concurrent threads. Linearizability is an established correctness criterion for concurrent objects, which states that the effect of each method execution can be considered to occur atomically at some point in time between its invocation and response. We show how linearizability can be expressed in terms of our refinement relation, and present rules for establishing this refinement relation between programs by a sequence of local transformations of method bodies. Contributions include strengthenings of previous techniques for atomicity refinement, as well as an absorption rule, which is particularly suitable for reasoning about concurrent algorithms that implement atomic operations. We illustrate the application of the refinement rules by proving linearizability of Treiber’s concurrent stack algorithm and Michael and Scott’s concurrent queue algorithm.  相似文献   

An unpublished algorithm of Haldar and Vidyasankar implements an atomic variable of an arbitrary type T for one writer and one reader by means of 4 unsafe variables of type T, three two-valued safe variables, and one three-valued regular variable. We present this algorithm, and prove its correctness by means of a refinement towards a known specification of an atomic variable. The refinement is a composition of refinement functions and a forward simulation. The correctness proof requires many nontrivial invariants. In its construction, we relied on the proof assistant PVS for the administration of invariants and proofs and the preservation of consistency.  相似文献   

Smart premise selection is essential when using automated reasoning as a tool for large-theory formal proof development. This work develops learning-based premise selection in two ways. First, a fine-grained dependency analysis of existing high-level formal mathematical proofs is used to build a large knowledge base of proof dependencies, providing precise data for ATP-based re-verification and for training premise selection algorithms. Second, a new machine learning algorithm for premise selection based on kernel methods is proposed and implemented. To evaluate the impact of both techniques, a benchmark consisting of 2078 large-theory mathematical problems is constructed, extending the older MPTP Challenge benchmark. The combined effect of the techniques results in a 50 % improvement on the benchmark over the state-of-the-art Vampire/SInE system for automated reasoning in large theories.  相似文献   

Abstractions are important in specifying and proving properties of complex systems. To prove that a given automaton implements an abstract specification automaton, one must first find the correct abstraction relation between the states of the automata, and then show that this relation is preserved by all corresponding action sequences of the two automata. This paper describes tool support based on the PVS theorem prover that can help users accomplish the second task, in other words, in proving a candidate abstraction relation correct. This tool support relies on a clean and uniform technique for defining abstraction properties relating automata that uses library theories for defining abstraction relations and templates for specifying automata and abstraction theorems. The paper then describes how the templates and theories allow development of generic, high level PVS strategies that aid in the mechanization of abstraction proofs. These strategies first set up the standard subgoals for the abstraction proofs and then execute the standard initial proof steps for these subgoals, thus making the process of proving abstraction properties in PVS more automated. With suitable supplementary strategies to implement the “natural” proof steps needed to complete the proofs of any of the standard subgoals remaining to be proved, the abstraction proof strategies can form part of a set of mechanized proof steps that can be used interactively to translate high level proof sketches into PVS proofs. Using timed I/O automata examples taken from the literature, this paper illustrates use of the templates, theories, and strategies described to specify and prove two types of abstraction property: refinement and forward simulation.  相似文献   

The structured programming literature provides methods and a wealth of heuristic knowledge for guiding the construction of provably correct imperative programs. We investigate these methods and heuristics as a basis for mechanizing program synthesis. Our approach combines proof planning with conventional partial order planning. Proof planning is an automated theorem proving technique which uses high-level proof plans to guide the search for proofs. Proof plans are structured in terms of proof methods, which encapsulate heuristics for guiding proof search. We demonstrate that proof planning provides a local perspective on the synthesis task. In particular, we show that proof methods can be extended to represent heuristics for guiding program construction. Partial order planning complements proof planning by providing a global perspective on the synthesis task. This means that it allows us to reason about the order in which program fragments are composed. Our hybrid approach has been implemented in a semi-automatic system called Bertha. Bertha supports partial correctness and has been tested on a wide range of non-trivial programming examples.  相似文献   

Proofs about system specifications are difficult to conduct, particularly for large specifications. Using abstraction and refinement, we propose a proof technique that simplifies these proofs. We apply the technique to Circus (a combination of Z and CSP) specifications of different complexities. Interestingly, all the proofs are conducted in Z, even those concerning reactive behaviour.  相似文献   

We introduce a new method for checking satisfiability of conjunctive normal forms (CNFs). The method is based on the fact that if no clause of a CNF contains a satisfying assignment in its 1-neighborhood, then this CNF is unsatisfiable. (The 1-neighborhood of a clause is the set of all assignments satisfying only one literal of this clause.) The idea of 1-neighborhood exploration allows one to prove unsatisfiability without generating an empty clause. The reason for avoiding the generation of an empty clause is that we believe that no deterministic algorithm can efficiently reach a global goal (deducing an empty clause) using an inherently local operation (resolution). At the same time, when using 1-neighborhood exploration, a global goal is replaced with a set of local subgoals, which makes it possible to optimize steps of the proof. We introduce two proof systems formalizing 1-neighborhood exploration. An interesting open question is whether there exists a class of CNFs for which the introduced systems have proofs that are exponentially shorter than the ones that can be obtained by general resolution.  相似文献   

A new method, called Z-module reasoning, was formulated for proving and discovering theorems from ring theory. In a case study, the ZMR system designed to implement this method was used to prove the benchmark x 3 ring theorem from associative ring theory. The system proved the theorem quite efficiently. The system was then used to prove the x 4 ring theorem from associative ring theory. Again, a proof was produced easily. These proofs, together with the successes in proving other difficult theorems from ring theory suggest that the Z-module reasoning method is useful for solving a class of problems relying on equality reasoning. This paper illustrates the Z-module reasoning method, and analyzes the computer proof of the x 3 ring theorem.This reasearch was supported in part by the Applied Mathematical Sciences subprogram of the office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract W-31-109-Eng-38.  相似文献   

Linear Logic is gaining momentum in computer science because it offers a unified framework and a common vocabulary for studying and analyzing different aspects of programming and computation. We focus here on models where computation is identified with proof search in the sequent system of Linear Logic. A proof normalization procedure, called “focusing”, has been proposed to make the problem of proof search tractable. Correspondingly, there is a normalization procedure mapping formulae of Linear Logic into a syntactic fragment of that logic, calledLinLog, where the focusing normalization for proofs can be most conveniently expressed. In this paper, we propose to push this compilation/normalization process further, by applying abstract interpretation and partial evaluation techniques to (focused) proofs inLinLog. These techniques provide information concerning the evolution of the computational resources (formulae) during the execution (proof construction). The practical outcome that we expect from this theoretical effort is the definition of a general tool for statically analyzing and reasoning about the runtime behavior of programs in frameworks where computations can be accounted for in terms of proof search in Linear Logic.  相似文献   

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