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The use of contour hedgerows is widely advocated to sustain crop production and reduce soil loss on steeplands in the Three Gorges Area of China. However, little is known about the effects of soil management on soil fertility within these systems, or about the spatial gradients in soil nutrients that may develop in terraces formed behind the vegetative barriers. Therefore, we carried out a study on the effects of various long-term soil management practices on soil fertility and spatial variation of fertility between hedgerows. At a site in the Three Gorges Area, China, we applied five treatments to a contour hedgerow system: control (no fertilizer and manure); chemical fertilizer (CF); chemical fertilizer and mulch (CF + MU); pig manure (PM); and mulch, pig manure, and chemical fertilizer (CF + PM + MU). Soil samples were collected from the topsoil horizon (0–20 cm) of the selected five treatments in 2006 after 11 crop cycles, and physical and chemical properties were analyzed. The results showed that chemical fertilizer clearly improves nutrient status of the topsoil, while pig manure also increased the amount of soil organic matter. This increase in organic matter was associated with an increase in soil aggregate stability, a reduction in bulk density, and reduced penetration resistance of the soil. Mulch with pig manure and chemical fertilizer was the best management practice for improving soil quality and crop yields in the Three Gorges Area. Further, mulch and pig manure addition also decreased the magnitude of the spatial variation, but did not offset the soil fertility gradients because tillage resulted in significant movement of soil. More favorable soil properties were found at the lower positions within each alley, regardless of the management practice applied.  相似文献   

Identification of a sustainable integrated soil fertility management option in the tropics will not only salvage the degraded soils but also enhances the attainment of the goal of food security. This study was conducted in 2004 and 2005 on a degraded tropical Alfisol in south western Nigeria to evaluate the effect of legume residue, poultry manure and inorganic fertilizers on maize yield, nutrient uptake and soil properties. The treatments consisted of two rates of poultry manure (0 and 5 t ha−1), three rates of N fertilizer (0, 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 applied as urea), three rates of P fertilizer (0, 30 and 60 kg P ha−1 applied as single super phosphate) and two soybean treatments (with or without incorporation of legume residue) in various combinations as a factorial experiment in Randomized Complete Block design with three replicates. Results showed that poultry manure alone led to significant increase in maize yield (60%) and soil organic matter (45%). In contrast, legume residue incorporation gave significantly lower increase in yield (7%) and soil organic matter (11%). However, the combined application of poultry manure and legume incorporation led to 72% increase in maize yield as opposed to 63 and 10% increase recorded when manure alone or legume alone were incorporated, respectively. Optimal maize yield was achieved when manure application was integrated with P fertilizer application. The interaction of P fertilizer and legume incorporation indicated that soil phosphorus and maize P concentration were significantly increased with the application of the P fertilizer and legume incorporation. Hence, the application of P fertilizer alone is most likely to be economical compared with its integration with legume incorporation.  相似文献   

Proper management of manure nitrogen (N) requires the ability to match the rate and extent of manure N availability with crop needs. This includes recognizing the potential importance of N contributions from residual manure N that accumulates with repeated applications. Nitrogen availability relative to barley needs was assessed in plots with 13–16 years continuous histories of contrasting manure-based (solid-bedded beef) and fertilizer-based soil treatments in the Maine Potato Ecosystem Project. Soil and barley samples were collected every 7–14 days during 2003–2005, and once in 2006. Barley dry matter and N content were equivalent between the two systems. In the manure-based system, temporal patterns of N availability were more synchronous with early season crop needs than in the fertilizer-based system, but continued mineralization after harvest was also observed. In 2004–2006, samples were collected from subplots where manure/fertilizer was withheld to estimate the proportion of available N originating from current versus previous manure applications. Apparent N recovery of current years’ applications of manure organic N was 8–11% and less than predicted by a standard decay series model for beef manure (25%), highlighting the need to adjust manure N credits for crops with shorter growing seasons and lower N uptake capacities than corn. The relative contribution of residual manure N to total manure N uptake was greater than predicted from the decay series model, providing support for a residual N effect from repeated manure applications that is not accounted for in standard manure recommendations.  相似文献   

Due to increased population pressure and limited availability of fertile land, farmers on desert fringes increasingly rely on marginal land for agricultural production, which they have learned to rehabilitate with different technologies for soils and water conservation. One such method is the indigenous zai technique used in the Sahel. It combines water harvesting and targeted application of organic amendments by the use of small pits dug into the hardened soil. To study the resource use efficiency of this technique, experiments were conducted 1999–2000, on-station at ICRISAT in Niger, and on-farm at two locations on degraded lands. On-station, the effect of application rate of millet straw and cattle manure on millet dry matter production was studied. On-farm, the effects of organic amendment type (millet straw and cattle manure, at the rate of 300 g per plant) and water harvesting (with and without water harvesting) on millet grain yield, dry matter production, and water use were studied. First, the comparison of zai vs. flat planting, both unamended, resulted in a 3- to 4-fold (in one case, even 19-fold) increase in grain yield on-farm in both years, which points to the yield effects of improved water harvesting in the zai alone. Zai improved the water use efficiency by a factor of about 2. The yields increased further with the application of organic amendments. Manure resulted in 2–68 times better grain yields than no amendment and 2–7 times better grain yields than millet straw (higher on the more degraded soils). Millet dry matter produced per unit of manure N or K was higher than that of millet straw, a tendency that was similar for all rates of application. Zai improved nutrient uptake in the range of 43–64% for N, 50–87% for P and 58–66% for K. Zai increased grain yield produced per unit N (8 vs. 5 kg kg−1) and K (10 vs. 6 kg kg−1) compared to flat; so is the effect of cattle manure compared to millet straw (9 vs. 4 kg kg−1, and 14 vs. 3 kg kg−1), respectively, Therefore zai shows a good potential for increasing agronomic efficiency and nutrient use efficiency. Increasing the rate of cattle manure application from 1 to 3 t ha−1 increased the yield by 115% TDM, but increasing the manure application rate further from 3 to 5 t ha−1 only gave an additional 12% yield increase, which shows that optimum application rates are around 3t ha−1.  相似文献   

Mulching with vegetative materials is a highly beneficial and widely-investigated agro-technique in rainfed areas but the adoption of this practice has been constrained due to non-availability of mulch biomass locally. Live mulching with fast-growing annual green manure legumes like sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea) or prunings of Leucaena leucocephala grown as hedge rows can be done for moisture conservation as well as nutrient cycling in the maize–wheat cropping system, which is predominantly followed in the high rainfall sub-mountainous region of north-western India. A field experiment was conducted at Selakui, Dehradun during 2000–2004 to study the effect of legume mulching, viz. in situ grown sunnhemp and Leucaena prunings, along with varying N levels, viz. 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha−1 (to maize), and 0, 40 and 80 kg N ha−1 (to wheat) on productivity, soil moisture conservation and soil physico-chemical properties. Intercropped sunnhemp added 0.75–1.45 t dry matter and 21.6–41.3 kg N ha−1 at 30–35 days, while Leucaena twigs added 1.89–4.15 t dry matter and 75.2–161.3 kg N ha−1 at 60–65 days of maize growth. Live mulching with sunnhemp or Leucaena biomass improved soil moisture content at maize harvest (+1.15–1.57%) and crop productivity by 6.8–8.8% over no mulching. Combined use of both the mulching materials was more effective in improving the soil moisture content (+2.08–2.29%) and grain yield (15.1%) over their single application. Response of maize to N fertilizer application was significant up to 90 kg N ha−1, and it was relatively more pronounced under the mulching treatments. Residual effect of mulching on wheat showed an increase in yield of 10.2% with sunnhemp or Leucaena, and 27.9% with sunnhemp + Leucaena. There was an improvement in organic C and total N status of soil, and a decrease in bulk density associated with an increase in infiltration rate due to mulching at the end of 4 cropping cycles. It was concluded that legume mulching is a highly beneficial practice for enhanced moisture and nutrient conservation, leading to increased productivity and soil health of maize–wheat cropping system under Doon valley conditions of north-western India.  相似文献   

Legume–maize rotation and maize nitrogen (N)-response trials were carried out simultaneously from 1998 to 2004 in two distinct agro-ecological environments of West Africa: the humid derived savannah (Ibadan) and the drier northern Guinea savannah (Zaria). In the N-response trial, maize was grown annually receiving urea N at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N ha−1. In Ibadan, maize production increased with N fertilization, but mean annual grain yield declined over the course of the trial. In Zaria, no response to N treatments was observed initially, and an increase in the phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) fertilizer application rate was required to increase yield across treatments and obtain a response to N applications, stressing the importance of non-N fertilizers in the savannah. In the rotation trial, a 2-year natural fallow–maize rotation was compared with maize rotated with different legume types: green manure, forage, dual-purpose, and grain legumes. The cultivation of some legume types resulted in a greater annual maize production relative to the fallow–maize combination and corresponding treatments in the N-response trial, while there was no gain in maize yield with other legume types. Large differences in the residual effects from legumes and fallow were also observed between sites, indicting a need for site-specific land management recommendations. In Ibadan, cultivation of maize after the forage legume (Stylosanthes guianensis) achieved the highest yield. The natural fallow–maize rotation had improved soil characteristics (Bray-I P, exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium) at the end of the trial relative to legume–maize rotations, and natural fallow resulted in higher maize yields than the green manure legume (Pueraria phaseoloides). In Zaria, maize following dual-purpose soybean achieved the highest mean yield. At both sites, variation in aboveground N and P dynamics of the legume and fallow vegetation could only partly explain the different residual effects on maize.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) cycles are closely linked in organic farming systems. Use of residues for biogas digestion may reduce N-losses and lead to higher farmland productivity. However, digestion is connected to large losses of organic C. It is the purpose of this paper (1) to compare farming systems based on liquid slurry and solid farmyard manure regarding the N, C and organic dry matter (ODM) inputs and flows, (2) to analyse the effect of digestion on soil N, C and ODM inputs and flows within the cropping system, (3) to assess the effects of organic manure management on biological N2 fixation (BNF), and (4) to assess the effect of biogas digestion on the sustainability of the cropping systems in terms of N and C budgets. The BNF by clover/grass-leys was the most important single N input, followed by the BNF supplied by legume cover cropping. Growth of crops in organic farming systems is very often N limited, and not limited by the soil C inputs. However, balances of N inputs showed that the implemented organic farming systems have the potential to supply high amounts of N to meet crop N demand. The level of plant available N to non-legume main crops was much lower, in comparison to the total N inputs. Reasons were the non-synchronized timing of N mineralization and crop N demand, the high unproductive gaseous N losses and an unfocussed allocation in space and time of the circulating N within the crop rotation (e.g. allocation of immobile manures to legumes or of mobile manures to cover crops). Simultaneously, organic cropping systems very often showed large C surpluses, which may be potentially increased the N shortage due to the immobilization of N. Soil organic matter supply and soil humus balance (a balance sheet calculated from factors describing the cultivation effects on humus increasing and humus depleting crops, and organic manure application) were higher in cropping systems based on liquid slurry than in those based on solid farmyard manure (+19%). Simultaneously, soil N surplus was higher due to lower gaseous N losses (+14%). Biogas digestion of slurry had only a very slight effect on both the soil N and the soil C budget. The effect on the N budget was also slight if the liquid slurry was stored in closed repositories. Digestion of residues like slurry, crop residues and cover crops reduced in a mixed farming system the soil C supply unilaterally (approximately −33%), and increased the amounts of readily available N (approximately +70–75%). The long-term challenge for organic farming systems is to find instruments that reduce N losses to a minimum, to keep the most limiting fraction of N (ammonia-N) within the system, and to enhance the direct manuring effect of the available manures to non-legume main crops.  相似文献   

On-farm runoff plots were established during 2004 and monitored for 4 years in the Pokhare Khola watershed (Nepal) in a completely randomized design with four replications of each three treatments: traditional Farmer Practice (FP) (Zea maysEleusine coracana), Reduced Tillage (RT; Z. maysVigna ungeuculata), and Commercial Vegetable with double dose of farm yard manure (CV; Z. maysCapsicum species) to evaluate treatment effects on soil nutrient losses, nutrient balances and crop income on Bari land (rainfed terraces). Nutrient removal due to crop harvest was found to be significantly higher than nutrient loss through soil erosion, and CV treatment exhibited a significantly higher N uptake (123 kg ha−1 year−1) through crop harvest than other treatments. Moreover, the CV treatment produced significantly higher income per unit area of Bari land than the other treatments. Soil organic carbon and major nutrients losses (NPK) through soil erosion were minimal [25.5 kg ha−1 year−1 soil organic carbon (SOC) and 5.6:0.02:0.12 kg ha−1 year−1 nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), respectively]. Result showed that no nutrients were lost through leaching. Nutrient losses due to soil erosion and runoff were lower than previously reported in the Middle Mountain region, indicating a need to re-evaluate the soil erosion and nutrient loss problems in this region. Interventions such as reduced tillage and double dose of FYM with vegetable production were found to be effective in maintaining soil fertility and increasing farm income compared to the traditional maize-millet production system. The nutrient balance calculations suggest that integrated nutrient management techniques such as residue incorporation and application of FYM with a minimum application of chemical fertilizer are potentially sustainable production approaches for the Mid-hills of Nepal.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence is showing a greater potential for carbon (C) sequestration in paddy soils than in upland soils. However, the mechanisms underlying long-term accumulation and protection of soil organic carbon (SOC) in paddy fields have not been well documented. In the present study, five soil C fractions were separated by physical fractionation in a subtropical paddy field following 27-year differential fertilization regimes (started in 1981). Results showed that, compared to the initial level, long-term rice (Oryza sativa L.) cropping increased SOC concentrations by 28.8, 30.1, 30.8, and 61.6% in the non-fertilized (CK), nitrogen (N), nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK), and NPK combined with farmyard manure (NPK + FYM) treatments, respectively. Application of FYM enhanced the formation of macroaggregates (>2,000 and 250–2,000 μm), whereas no significant differences in aggregate-size distribution were found among the CK, N, and NPK treatments. Inorganic fertilization (N and NPK) did not affect the concentration of either total SOC or any C fraction as compared with the CK, whereas application of FYM significantly increased the concentrations both in total SOC (25.5%) and in all C fractions, except coarse particulate organic matter (cPOM). Carbon in the paddy soil was dominated by free silt and clay (s + c_f) and intra-aggregate particulate organic matter within microaggregates (iPOM_m) in all treatments that accounted for 46.4–49.6% and 25.1–27.2% of the total SOC, respectively. Furthermore, the differences in C in the iPOM_m and s + c_f fractions between the CK and NPK + FYM treatments accounted for 53.2 and 38.8% of the differences in total SOC stocks, respectively. These results indicate that SOC originating from manure is stored mainly in fractions with slow turnover (i.e., iPOM_m and s + c_f), which may benefit the long-term C sequestration in paddy soils.  相似文献   

Sustainable soil fertility management depends on long-term integrated strategies that build and maintain soil organic matter and mineralizable soil N levels. These strategies increase the portion of crop N needs met by soil N and reduce dependence on external N inputs required for crop production. To better understand the impact of management on soil N dynamics, we conducted field and laboratory research on five diverse management systems at a long-term study in Maryland, the USDA- Agricultural Research Service Beltsville Farming Systems Project (FSP). The FSP is comprised of a conventional no-till corn (Zea mays L.)–soybean (Glycine max L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/double-crop soybean rotation (NT), a conventional chisel-till corn–soybean–wheat/soybean rotation (CT), a 2 year organic corn–soybean rotation (Org2), a 3 year organic corn–soybean–wheat rotation (Org3), and a 6 year organic corn–soybean–wheat–alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) (3 years) rotation (Org6). We found that total potentially mineralizable N in organic systems (average 315 kg N ha−1) was significantly greater than the conventional systems (average 235 kg N ha−1). Particulate organic matter (POM)–C and –N also tended to be greater in organic than conventional cropping systems. Average corn yield and N uptake from unamended (minus N) field microplots were 40 and 48%, respectively, greater in organic than conventional grain cropping systems. Among the three organic systems, all measures of N availability tended to increase with increasing frequency of manure application and crop rotation length (Org2 < Org3 ≤ Org6) while most measures were similar between NT and CT. Our results demonstrate that organic soil fertility management increases soil N availability by increasing labile soil organic matter. Relatively high levels of mineralizable soil N must be considered when developing soil fertility management plans for organic systems.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted on continuous barley to evaluate the effects of 3 beef cattle winter feeding systems (bale grazing (BG); swath grazing (SG); straw–chaff grazing (STCH)) and pen manure and compost application on soil N and P amounts and distribution, soil density and barley crop biomass. Cattle winter feeding systems were managed during the winter of 2005–2006. Effects of extensive winter feeding system on soil nutrients and soil density were determined in the spring of 2006 after winter feeding. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3–N) amounts at the low slope position in the 0–15 cm depth were 53% higher (P < 0.10) on BG sites than STCH sites. This may be attributed to the larger concentration of feed, thus feed nutrients, in the BG wintering system. Phosphorus amounts on the BG wintering sites at high slope were 34% higher (P < 0.10) than amounts at the same slope on the SG or STCH sites. Soil density was 21% greater (P < 0.10) where cows BG compared to where cows grazed straw–chaff piles, indicating differences in soil strength and resistance to penetration by roots. Soil density decreased on compost and raw manure sites in comparison to where no manure was applied, thus validating the benefits of manure on soil structure. Crop biomass measured on BG sites was consistent with soil nutrients captured, resulting in a 15% greater (P < 0.10) total biomass compared to STCH and SG wintering sites. Soil nutrient and crop biomass distribution was consistent among winter feeding sites with the STCH sites having the most uniform distribution of nutrients and crop biomass, and the BG sites having the least. Managing manure nutrients from winter feeding systems can be beneficial when followed by an annual cropping system.  相似文献   

Incubations at 5, 10 or 20°C of composted chicken manure in a sand, clay or loam soil consistently released nitrogen. A statistical model fitted to the data confirmed that the temperature dependence followed an Arrhenius pattern. The data were used to test the hypothesis that composted manure behaves more like native soil organic matter than fresh residues and this idea is illustrated with the use of a computer simulation model. Extrapolation of the model results in several climates suggests that about 40% of the organic N in composted chicken manure becomes available to crops during the first year and 6–12% during each subsequent year.  相似文献   

Upland rice is commonly grown during rainy season in Himalayan hills. Low or no application of fertilizer nutrients and heavy weed infestation are the major constraints leading to low productivity of rice in this region. Thus, the present investigation was conducted to see the effect of in-situ green manure in supplementing nutrients and saving of labour due to reduction in manual weeding from 2 to 1. Different combinations of chemical fertilizer with green manure or FYM were evaluated. In-situ green manuring with sunhemp improved the overall productivity of upland rice. Highest yield attributes, yield and sustainability index was recorded with 100% NPK + green manure, which were at par with 75% NPK + green manure. However, these values were lowest under 100% NPK application. Higher productivity and saving of labour under green manuring resulted in higher net return and benefit: cost ratio. Soil available nutrients (NPK) and net balance of NPK were also higher under 100% NPK + green manure. The study clearly suggests that in-situ green manure is a viable low-cost technology for enhancing productivity and profitability of upland rice in the fragile ecosystem of Himalayan hills.  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out between 2002 and 2005 to investigate the effects of biogas digestion in a mixed organic dairy farming system with arable land and grassland on nutrient cycling, nitrogen (N) uptake and crop yields within a cropping system comprising a whole crop rotation. Five treatments were carried out: (i) solid farmyard manure, (ii) undigested liquid slurry, (iii) digested liquid slurry, (iv) digestion of liquid slurry and field residues such as crop residues and cover crops, and (v) similar to iv, but with additional N inputs at the equivalent of 40 kg N ha−1 farmland through digestion of purchased substrates. The term “manure” is used in the present study to mean all kind of aboveground organic residues left on the field (“immobile manures”, such as crop residues and green manures incorporated directly into the soil) or added as stable wastes or effluents of biogas digestion (“mobile manures”). The total aboveground biomass growth and the overall aboveground N uptake of non-legume maincrops were higher in the liquid slurry manure treatment than in the solid farmyard manure system (+5% and +9%, respectively). The digestion of the liquid slurry increased N uptake and crop yields only after soil incorporation of the slurry shortly after field spreading. The additional collection and digestion of field residues such as cover crops and crop residues, combined with a reallocation of the effluents, strongly increased the amounts of “mobile” manure, allowing a more focussed allocation of the available N. This led to an increase in the aboveground N uptake (+12%) and biomass yield (+4%) of the five non-legume crops, due to a better adapted allocation of nutrients in space and time. Results obtained with spring wheat showed that removal of cover crops in autumn, and their digestion, combined with subsequent use as manure in spring resulted in a better synchronisation of the crop N demand and the soil N availability, in comparison with a strategy where the biomass was left on the field as green (immobile) manure. The inclusion of external substrates led to a further increase of 8% in N uptake, but not to a significant increase in aboveground dry matter yields.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM), besides influencing carbon (C) transfer between soils and atmosphere, impacts soil functional ability and its response to environmental and anthropogenic influences. We studied the impact of continuous application of rice straw and farmyard manure (FYM) either alone or in conjunction with inorganic fertilizers on aggregate stability and distribution of C and nitrogen (N) in different aggregate fractions after 7 years of rice–wheat cropping on a sandy loam soil. Macroaggregates (>0.25 mm) constituted 32.5–54.5% of total water stable aggregates (WSA) and were linearly related (R 2 = 0.69) to soil organic carbon content. The addition of rice straw and FYM significantly (P < 0.05) improved the formation of macroaggregates with a concomitant decrease in the proportion of microaggregates at all the three sampling depths (0–5, 5–10 and 10–15 cm). Macroaggregates had higher C and N density as compared to microaggregates. Application of rice straw and FYM improved C and N density in different aggregate sizes and the improvement was greatest in plots that received both rice straw and FYM each year. Application of FYM along with inorganic fertilizer resulted in a net C sequestration of 0.44 t ha−1 in the plough layer after 7 years of rice–wheat cropping. Carbon sequestration was greater (1.53 t ha−1) when both rice straw and FYM along with inorganic fertilizers were applied annually. It is concluded that addition of rice straw and FYM in rice–wheat system improves soil aggregation and enhances C and N sequestration in macroaggregates. This will help in sustainable rice–wheat productivity in the region.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) and its labile fractions are strong determinants of chemical, physical, and biological properties, and soil quality. Thus, a 15-year experiment was established to assess how diverse soil fertility management treatments for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) cropping system affect SOC and total N (TN) concentrations in the North China Plain. The field experiment included three treatments: (1) unfertilized control (CK); (2) inorganic fertilizers (INF); and (3) farmyard manure (FYM). Concentrations of SOC, TN, and different labile SOC fractions were evaluated to 1-m depth. In comparison with INF and CK, FYM significantly increased SOC and TN concentrations in the 0–30 cm depth, and also those of dissolved organic C (DOC), microbial biomass C (MBC), hot-water extractable C (HWC), permanganate oxidizable C (KMnO4–C), and particulate organic C (POC) in the 0–20 cm depth. Despite the higher crop yields over CK, application of INF neither increased the SOC nor the labile C fractions, suggesting that by itself INF is not a significant factor affecting SOC sequestration. Yet, POC (18.0–45.8% of SOC) and HWC (2.0–2.8%) were the most sensitive fractions affected by applications of FYM. Significantly positive correlations were observed between SOC and labile organic C fractions in the 0–20 cm depth. The data support the conclusion that, wherever feasible and practical, application of FYM is important to soil C sequestration and improving soil quality under a wheat/maize system in the North China Plain.  相似文献   

Crop rotations and reduction in tillage are commonly recommended for sustained crop production and enhancing soil quality. Our objective was to evaluate the long-term effects of cropping systems (1968–1992) on soil structure, carbon storage and the quality of soil organic matter. The study was conducted on a silt clay loam soil (Typic Cryoboralf) near Beaverlodge, Alberta, The cropping systems were: (a) continuous barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) (CB); (b) continuous bromegrass (Bromus inermiss Leyess.) (CG); (c) continuous forage legume (Medicago sativa L. until 1977, and Trifolium pratense L. since 1978) (CL); and (d) 3 years of bromegrass-legume forage alternating with 3 years of barley (RF). Our data showed that the CG and CL treatments had more stable aggregates with greater mean weight diameter (MWD) than soil under continuous barley. Organic C, total N and the light fraction in soil under CG and CL were higher than those of the other two treatments. Soil under CG had the highest and CB the lowest amounts of acid-hydrolyzable monosacchrides (comprising glucose, arabinose, xylose, mannose and galactose). Higher galactose + mannose concentration in soil under CG indicated a higher soil microbiological activity. Microbial biomass C and N followed the trend among treatments in whole and light fraction organic matter, and total extracted sugars. Soil organic matter 13C-NMR spectroscopy showed that: (i) soil under CB contained the highest amounts of aromatic and the lowest content of aliphatic-C, (ii) soil under CL had the lowest phenolic-C and the least aromaticity, and (iii) soil under CG and RF had the highest amounts of aliphatic-C which includes labile substances such as amino acids and carbohydrates, indicating an improvement in the quality of organic matter. It is concluded that perennial forage crops can improve soil structure and soil organic matter quality and quantity as compared with cereal monoculture.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1995 to 2006 on a Dark Brown Chernozem (Typic Boroll) loam soil at Scott, Saskatchewan, Canada to determine the influence of input level and crop diversity on accumulation and distribution of nitrate-N and extractable P in the soil profile, and soil pH, dry aggregation, organic C and N, and nutrient balance sheets in the second 6-year rotation cycle (2001–2006). Treatments were combinations of three input levels (organic input under conventional tillage—ORG; reduced input under no-till—RED; and high input under conventional tillage—HIGH), three crop diversities (fallow-based rotations with low crop diversity—LOW; diversified rotations using annual cereal, oilseed and pulse grain crops—DAG; and diversified rotations using annual grain and perennial forage crops—DAP), and six crop phases including green manure (GM), chem-fallow or tilled-fallow (F). Amount of nitrate-N in 0-240 cm soil was usually highest under the HIGH input-LOW crop diversity treatment and lowest under the ORG input-DAP crop diversity treatment. The distribution of nitrate-N in various soil depths suggested downward movement of nitrate-N up to 240 cm depth, especially with LOW crop diversity compared to DAP crop diversity, and with HIGH input. In some years, the ORG input systems had higher nitrate-N than the RED or HIGH input systems, which was attributed to low extractable P in soil for optimum crop growth and reduced nutrient uptake with ORG input management. Extractable P in soil was higher by a small margin for HIGH or RED input relative to ORG input in the 0–15 cm layer, suggesting little downward movement of P. Crop diversity did not affect extractable soil P due to the low baseline levels of P in this soil. The proportion of fine dry aggregates (<1.3 mm, erodible fraction) in 0–5 cm soil was highest with LOW crop diversity-HIGH input system, and lowest with DAG diversity-RED input system. The opposite was true for large aggregates (>12.7 mm). Wet aggregate stability was higher for RED input compared to ORG and HIGH input, which was attributed to the increase in the concentration of organic C in aggregates in the RED input system. Amount of light fraction organic matter (LFOM), light fraction organic C (LFOC) and light fraction organic N (LFON) in 0–15 cm soil was higher for RED input compared to ORG and HIGH inputs, and higher for DAG and DAP crop diversities than for LOW crop diversity. Soil N and P were usually deficient under ORG input management, but large amounts of N and P were unaccounted for, or in surplus, under RED and HIGH inputs, despite a marked increase in plant N and P uptake and crop yield compared to ORG input. Overall, our findings suggest that soil quality can be improved and nutrient accumulation in the soil profile can be minimized by increasing cropping frequency, reducing/eliminating tillage, and using appropriate combinations of fertilizer input and diversified cropping.  相似文献   

Promiscuous soyabean varieties have potential to contribute significantly to income generation, food security and soil N budgets on smallholder farms. One of the major factors limiting this potential is farmers’ preference to allocate nutrient resources to food security cereal crops on the most fertile fields, leaving grain legumes to grow on residual fertility on infertile fields. Two experiments were conducted to: (i) compare the current farmer practice with targeting manure and single super phosphate (SSP) to soyabean in a three-year rotation cycle on two fields with different soil fertility: an infertile sandy soil and a more fertile clay soil; and (ii) assess the effects of variability of soil fertility within and across farms on productivity of soyabean and groundnut. In the first experiment, soyabean (<0.2 t ha−1) and maize yields (<0.7 t ha−1) without fertilizer were poor on a degraded sandy soil. Both crops responded poorly to SSP due to deficiency of other nutrients. Manure application significantly increased soyabean and maize yields, led to yield stabilization over three seasons and also significantly increased the proportion of N2 fixed by soyabean (measured using 15N natural abundance) from 60% to 83%. On the sandy soil, P was used more efficiently and gross margins were greater when SSP and manure were applied to maize in a maize–soyabean rotation. Soyabean and maize yields without fertilizer inputs were larger on clay soil with moderate fertility (0.4–0.7 t ha−1 and 2.0–2.3 t ha−1 respectively) and were significantly increased by application of SSP and manure. Within rotations, P recovery was higher when manure and SSP were applied to maize (43 and 25%) than when applied to soyabean (20 and 19%). However, application of manure to soyabean on the clay was more profitable than application to maize for individual crops and within rotations. In the second experiment, soyabean and groundnut yields were largest (∼1 and ∼0.8 t ha−1 respectively) on plots closest to homesteads on wealthy farms, which were more fertile due to good past management. Yields were poor (< 0.5 t ha−1) on other fields which previously had received little nutrient inputs. Soyabean and groundnut yields correlated well with available P (R 2 = 0.5–0.7) and soil organic C (SOC) contents (R 2 = 0.4–0.6). For smallholder farmers to maximise benefits from legume production they need to focus attention on the more fertile plots, although production should be optimized in relation to maize. Targeting nutrients to maize as currently practiced by farmers was more efficient and economic under poor soil fertility conditions, whilst potential exists to increase income by targeting manure to soyabean on the more fertile soils.  相似文献   

Soil fertility is closely linked to soil organic matter (SOM), whose status depends on input, i.e., mainly biomass management, and output, i.e., mineralization, erosion and leaching. Preliminary results from runoff plots and lysimeters on hillslopes in West Africa indicated that carbon losses by erosion and leaching ranged between 10 and 100 kg C ha?1 yr?1, depending on annual rainfall and vegetal cover. Under natural conditions, losses may be low enough to be compensated by aerial deposits. But together with mineralization, erosion can locally be an important cause of SOM decrease in cropping systems where there is poor soil cover, steep slopes and erosive rain conditions. The effect of previous erosion on cereal production was assessed in case studies from Rwanda, Burundi, Cameroon, and Burkina Faso. On the densely populated hillslopes of Rwanda, hedges and manure reduced runoff and erosion efficiently, but did not succeed in improving grain yields due to P-deficiency of these ferrallitic soils. In Burundi, under similar conditions but under banana plantation, tree density and mulch cover had a strong influence on erosion; this previous erosion had an important effect on the next maize yield, even when the soils were amended with manure, mineral fertilizers and lime. On sandy ferruginous soils of North Cameroon, erosion increased with increasing tillage intensity. Manure application increased grain yield, but burying organic residues did not improve SOM levels and soil resistance to erosion. Mulching and tillage limited to the plant rows protected the topsoil against erosion, but did not clearly increase the yield. Manuring permitted the restoration of soil productivity, but additional mineral fertilizers (P, N) were needed to reach rapidly a high level of grain production. In the same way, experiments conducted with traditional Zaï system for restoring a degraded Entisol in Burkina Faso showed that runoff harvesting and organic matter input were not sufficient with no additional N and P fertilizers. Complementary experiments in Cameroon showed that a 4-mm selective sheet erosion and a 50-mm non-selective de-surfacing resulted in similar yield decline. Long fallowing, burning and grazing are traditional ways to utilize available biomass in Africa. Considering social habits and technical realities, it seems useful to balance ‘grazing-manuring’ and mulching in order to protect the soil and maintain its productive capacity. Minimum tillage with mulch (crop residues, weeds or legume fallow) is the new trend used for increasing crop production, with the help of herbicides. Agroforestry that produces good-quality litter is also a part of the solution.  相似文献   

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