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To assess the impact of Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo infection on the reproductive performance of nine dairy herds with evidence of infection, forty years' fertility data were analysed relative to the year of first diagnosis. Fifty per cent of various fertility variables had their lowest values only in the year of diagnosis. Culling rates were highest during the year of diagnosis in five of the herds, and were above 22 per cent in five of nine (55-6 per cent) of the diagnosis years considered compared with seven (22-6 per cent) of the 31 non-diagnosis years. An assessment of the fertility status of the herds by means of a formula with incorporated the first service conception rate, the number of services per conception for cows conceiving, the calving to conception interval and the culling rate, revealed low reproductive performance during the year of diagnosis in six of the nine herds. Abortion rates were highest in four of the herds during the year of diagnosis, and these included the herds in which the fertility status was not lowest. It was concluded that L. interrogans serovar hardjo affected reproductive adversely by causing both abortions and low fertility, but that the effect was temporary.  相似文献   

Studies utilizing partially inbred miniature swine have demonstrated that a short course of cyclosporin A leads to indefinite survival of two haplotype class I mismatched renal allografts. In the present study, we have examined peripheral regulatory mechanisms that may be involved in maintenance of tolerance by coculturing PBL from long-term tolerant animals with naive recipient-matched PBL in cell-mediated lympholysis assays. We show that PBL from tolerant animals, primed in vitro with donor Ag, suppress antidonor CTL reactivity by naive recipient-matched PBL. Suppression was not observed when PBL from naive animals, primed with donor-matched PBL, were cocultured with PBL from a second naive animal, nor did PBL from either tolerant or naive recipient-matched control animals, primed with third-party Ag, suppress the generation of anti-third-party CTL by a second naive animal. The suppression was cell dose-dependent, radiation-sensitive, required cell-to-cell contact not reversed by the provision of exogenous IL-2, and associated with lower levels of IL-2R expression on the suppressive effector group (particularly the CD8 single positive cells) when compared with the control effector group. These data indicate an association between the presence of peripheral regulatory cells demonstrable in vitro and the maintenance of tolerance to renal allografts.  相似文献   

The distribution, density and histochemical subtype of mast cells (mucosal and connective tissue) were studied in the ileum, trachea and skin of rats treated with IFN alpha (70.000 IU/kg) treated rats. Light and electron microscopic procedures were utilized. The total number of mucosal mast cells in the sections of ileum and trachea were markedly increased in the IFN-alpha treated group (ileum: 31.9 +/- 2.2 cells/villuscrypt unit; trachea: 10,355 +/- 264 cells/mm3). However, the number of connective tissue mast cells did not show any significant change in the skin between IFN-alpha treated (1,472 +/- 125 cells/mm3) and saline-treated (1,757 +/- 264 cells/mm3) groups. We conclude that mast cell proliferation does exist in the rat ileum and trachea but no in the skin response to IFN-alpha. We suggest that this model provides a powerful tool to study differential effects of IFN-alpha on mast cell subtypes and to identify their role in the immunoregulatory and inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Samples of cerebrospinal fluid from 103 patients with aseptic meningitis were tested by PCR for detection of leptospires, and the results were compared with those of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of immunoglobulin M (ELISA-IgM). Of these samples, 39.80% were positive by PCR and 8.74 and 3.88% were positive by MAT and ELISA-IgM, respectively.  相似文献   

We analyzed the antibodies against cerebellum in five patients with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD). Four patients were found to have autoantibodies against rat brain, first one to cerebral 250 kd and 110 kd and cerebellar 110 kd proteins, second one to cerebral and cerebellar 98 kd and 68 kd proteins, third one to cerebellar 58 kd protein and fourth one to 58 kd protein especially in the cytoplasm and nucleus of Purkinje cells. We isolated a cDNA clone from a human cerebellar library to identify the target antigen for fourth antibody. Homology searches revealed a similarity with the zinc finger proteins. Zinc finger proteins are considered to regulate gene expression. Therefore, degeneration of this protein by its antibody may affect the synthesis of proteins in Purkinje cell and may cause cerebellar degeneration.  相似文献   

Treatment of hyperthyroidism with RAI has been performed for more than a half century with efficacy and safety. For its optimal use, the physician must employ appropriate patient selection criteria and clinical judgment concerning pretreatment patient preparation. The dose of the 131I needed remains an area of uncertainty and debate; thus far, it has not been possible to resolve the trade-off between efficient definitive cure of hyperthyroidism and the high incidence of post-therapy hypothyroidism. Early side effects are uncommon and readily manageable. Other than the need for long-term monitoring and, in most cases, lifelong L-T4 treatment, late adverse consequences of this treatment remain only conjectural. The available follow-up studies support the current majority opinion of North American thyroid specialists that RAI treatment is an excellent choice for most hyperthyroid patients.  相似文献   

Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and related methods can separate DNA fragments that differ by a single base pair or defect. This article describes the basic features of TGGE, and reviews the theoretical model of DNA unwinding and its ability to predict DNA mobility in a temperature gradient gel. Recent applications of TGGE and related methods that were directed at detecting point mutations, and evaluating the effects of single site defects are also reported.  相似文献   

The DNA in Chinese hamster cells was labeled first for 3 h with [3H]TdR and then for 3 h with [125I]UdR. Chromatin was extracted, frozen, and stored at -30 degrees C until 1.0 X 10(17) and 1.25 X 10(17) disintegrations/g of labeled DNA occurred for 125I and 3H respectively. Velocity sedimentation of chromatin (DNA with associated chromosomal proteins) in neutral sucrose gradients indicated that the localized energy from the 125I disintegrations, which gave about 1 double-strand break/disintegration plus an additional 1.3 single strand breaks, selectively fragmented the [125I] chromatin into pieces smaller than the [3H] chromatin. In other words, 125I disintegrations caused much more localized damage in the chromatin labeled with 125I than in the chromatin labeled with 3H, and fragments induced in DNA by 125I disintegrations were not held together by the associated chromosomal proteins. Use of this 125I technique for studying chromosomal proteins associated with different regions in the cellular DNA is discussed. For these studies, the number of disintegrations required for fragmenting DNA molecules of different sizes is illustrated.  相似文献   

Some agricultural lands located in the Vromos Bay area, near the Black Sea coast, Southeastern Bulgaria, have been contaminated with radioactive elements (uranium, radium and thorium) and toxic heavy metals (copper, cadmium and lead) as a result of mining and mineral processing of polymetallic ores. Laboratory experiments carried out with soil samples from these lands revealed that an efficient remediation of the soils was achieved by an in situ treatment method based on the activity of the indigenous soil microflora. The treatment was connected with the dissolution of the contaminants in the upper soil horizons and their transfer into the deeply located soil horizons (mainly to the horizon B2) where they were immobilized as different insoluble compounds. The dissolution of contaminants was connected with the activity of both heterotrophic and chemolithotrophic aerobic microorganisms and the immobilization was due mainly to the anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria. The activity of these microorganisms was enhanced by suitable changes in the levels of some essential environmental factors such as water, oxygen and nutrient contents in the soil. On the basis of the above-mentioned laboratory results, the method was then applied under real field conditions in a heavily contaminated experimental plot of land located in the Vromos Bay area. Within 8 months of treatment, the contents of radioactive elements and toxic heavy metals in the soil were decreased below the relevant permissible levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate self-disclosure, emotion-focused, and problem-focused coping styles among men with borderline hypertension and two groups of normotensive men differentiated by parental hypertension. Because blood pressure reactivity may discriminate between hypertensive and normotensive men, subjects in these three groups were categorized as high or low cardiovascular reactors based on their blood pressure response to a mental arithmetic task. Self-disclosure and coping styles were investigated in relation to status effects within the doctor-patient relationship. Men with exaggerated blood pressure reactivity were less self-disclosive and used fewer emotion-focused coping strategies than men with no blood pressure reactivity. Normotensives with a history of parental hypertension were less self-disclosive than normotensives without a history of parental hypertension.  相似文献   

Results are submitted of analysis of the external respiration function in rest, under cold test and berotec test in 308 patients with primary pneumonia and 233 patients with recurrent pneumonia. A prominent feature of recurrent pneumonia (unlike the primary one) is the presence of obstruction of the lungs and middle bronchi presenting with hyperreactivity to the cold test and poor response to the broncholytic berotec.  相似文献   

Anti-liver antibody has been demonstrated in the sera of Schistosoma japonicum-infected rabbits. By the 8th week after exposure to cercariae, perceptible levels of autoantibody were present and appeared to be direct predominantly determinants located in the cell membrane of the hepatocyte.  相似文献   

Control of intracellular bacterial infections requires interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) both for establishing a Th1 T-cell response and for activating macrophages to kill the bacteria. Exposure of mice deficient in IFN-gamma to mycobacterial infection produces an immune response characterized by a Th2 T-cell phenotype, florid bacterial growth, and death. We report here that IFN-gamma-deficient mice infected with mycobacteria also undergo a dramatic remodeling of the hematopoietic system. Myeloid cell proliferation proceeds unchecked throughout the course of mycobacterial infection, resulting in a transition to extramedullary hematopoiesis. The splenic architecture of infected IFN-gamma-deficient mice is completely effaced by expansion of macrophages, granulocytes, and extramedullary hematopoietic tissue. These features coincide with splenomegaly, an increase in splenic myeloid colony-forming activity, and marked granulocytosis in the peripheral blood. Systemic levels of cytokines are elevated, particularly interleukin-6 (IL-6) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). These results suggest that in addition to its central role in cellular immunity, IFN-gamma may be a key cytokine in coordinate regulation of immune effector cells and myelopoiesis. This model should be valuable for deciphering the cross-talk between the immune response and hematopoiesis during bacterial infection and for improving our understanding of the mechanisms that control chronic infections.  相似文献   

Latin America generates a low proportion of the references quoted in Medline, the most popular health-related literature search database in the world. This paper explores references from and about Colombia in Medline during the period 1987-1996. Topics addressed, patterns of authorship and research locations are established. The number of Latin American journals indexed in Medline has been progressively reduced during this 10-year period, with Colombian journals completely excluded since 1991. During this 10-year period, the total output of Colombian research institutions in foreign journals consisted of 531 articles, 41% (219) of which come from the four leading universities. These figures are substantially lower than those from other countries of the region such as Venezuela or Chile. Despite some governmental efforts, Colombia continues to have a low scientific output and has yet to attract the interest of foreign researchers. Alternatives for development of Latin American research and publications are offered.  相似文献   

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