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A 1-V third order one-bit continuous-time (CT) ΣΔ modulator is presented. Designed in the SMIC mixed-signal 0.13-μm CMOS process, the modulator utilizes active RC integrators to implement the loop filter. An efficient circuit design methodology for the CT ΣΔ modulator is proposed and verified. Low power dissipation is achieved through the use of two-stage class A/AB amplifiers. The presented modulator achieves 81.4-dB SNDR and 85-dBdynamic range in a 20-kHz bandwidth with an over sampling ratio of 128. The total power consumption of the modulator is only 60μW from a 1-V power supply and the prototype occupies an active area of 0.12 mm~2.  相似文献   

This paper presents a 1.1 mW 87 dB dynamic range third orderΔΣmodulator implemented in 0.18μm CMOS technology for audio applications.By adopting a feed-forward multi-bit topology,the signal swing at the output of the first integrator can be suppressed.A simple current mirror single stage OTA with 34 dB DC gain working under 1 V power supply is used in the first integrator.The prototype modulator achieves 87 dB DR and 83.8 dB peak SNDR across the bandwidth from 100 Hz to 24 kHz with 3 kHz input signal.  相似文献   

杨培  杨华中 《微电子学》2007,37(6):866-869
连续时间Σ-Δ调制器较之传统的开关电容Σ-Δ调制器具有更低的功耗、更小的面积,以及集成抗混叠滤波器等诸多优势。设计了一种应用于低中频GSM接收机的4阶单环单比特结构的连续时间Σ-Δ调制器。在调制器中,采用了开关电容D/A转换器,以降低时钟抖动对性能的影响。仿真结果显示,在1.8 V工作电压2、00 kHz信号带宽、0.18μm CMOS工艺条件下,采样频率21 MHz,动态范围(DR)超过90 dB,功耗不超过2.5 mW。  相似文献   

设计了一种适用于音频应用的16位D/A转换器.芯片集成了内插滤波器、Δ-Σ调制器和D类功放,可以独立完成带宽为8 kHz的音频数字信号到模拟信号的转换.内插滤波器完成64倍过采样并消除镜像信号,Δ-Σ调制器实现16位的转换精度.在驱动8 Ω负载时,D类功放实现97 dB的动态范围,最大输出功率达到100 mW,三次谐波小于-100 dB;同时,功率效率大于90%,特别适合低功耗应用领域.设计采用标准0.18 μm CMOS工艺,芯片面积约为2 μm×2 μm.  相似文献   

在SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS 工艺条件下,设计了一个可应用于无线通讯和视频领域的高带宽低功耗Σ-Δ调制器.该调制器采用连续时间环路滤波器,较之传统的开关电容滤波器,连续时间滤波器可大大降低功耗.其中,积分器补偿可减小运放有限单位增益带宽的影响.换句话说,在同等速度下也可以减小功耗.另外,加法器和量化器是通过跨导单元和梯形电阻结合在一起的,能在很高的频率下很好地工作.在采样时钟为200 MHz和过采样率为20的条件下,该调制器采用单环3阶4位量化结构.Hspice仿真验证表明,调制器达到5 MHz的信号带宽和75 dB的动态范围;在1.8 V电源电压下,其总功耗为20 mW.  相似文献   

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