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In this study, in order to develop the composition ceramics for multilayer piezoelectric actuator, PNN substituted PMN-PZT
ceramics were fabricated using Li 2CO 3 and Na 2CO 3 as sintering aids, and their piezoelectric and dielectric characteristics were investigated. With the increase of the amount
of PNN substitution, dielectric constant (ε r), electromechanical coupling factor ( k
p), and piezoelectric constant ( d
33) of specimens showed the maximum value at each sintering temperature, and crystal structure changed from tetragonal to rhombohedral.
At the sintering temperature of 950 ∘C, the density, ε r, k
p, d
33, Q m and Tc of 12 mol% PNN substituted PMN-PNN-PZT composition ceramics showed the optimal values of 7.79 g/cm 3, 1160, 0.599, 419pC/N, 894 and 332 ∘C, respectively, for low loss multilayer piezoelectric actuator application. 相似文献
A 0.655Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3-0.345PbTiO 3 (PMN-0.345PT) functionally graded (FG) piezoelectric actuator was fabricated by tape-casting. The effects of sintering temperature on the physical and electrical properties of the PMN-PT ceramics were initially investigated. High dielectric and piezoelectric properties of d 33?=?700pC/N, k p?=?0.61, ?? r?=?4.77?×?103, tan???=?0.014, P r?=?30.68 ??C/cm 2 were obtained for the specimens sintered at 1200°C. Compared with the traditional solid-state reaction, the properties of the ceramics were significantly enhanced by tape-casting. The new FG piezoelectric actuator consisted of four layers, and the variation of changes in their d 33 and ?? r were graded opposite the thickness direction. The relationship between displacement and voltage for the actuator was also determined, with the results showing that it was linear. The driving displacement of the free end of the actuator reached 430.668 ??m. 相似文献
Piezoelectric properties of Al 2O 3-doped Pb(Mn 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3-PbZrO 3-PbTiO 3 ceramics were investigated. The constituent phases, microstructure, electromechanical coupling factor, dielectric constant,
piezoelectric charge and voltage constants were analyzed. Diffraction peaks for (002) and (200) planes were identified by
X-ray diffractometer for all the specimens doped with Al 2O 3. The highest sintered density of 7.8 g/cm 3 was obtained for 0.2 wt% Al 2O 3-doped specimen. Grain size increased by doping Al 2O 3 up to 0.3 wt%, and it decreased by more doping. Electromechanical coupling factor, dielectric constant, piezoelectric charge
and voltage constants increased by doping Al 2O 3 up to 0.2 wt%, and it decreased by more doping. This might result from the formation of oxygen vacancies due to defects in
O 2 − ion sites and the substitution of Al 3+ ions. 相似文献
We present the results of obtaining and investigating multiferroic ceramics Pb(Fe 1/2Nb 1/2)O 3 (PFN) and PFN doped by various amounts of Li (PFN:Li). Ceramics have been obtained from oxides by two-step synthesis. For obtained samples the X-ray diffraction patterns, microstructure, DC electric conductivity, the temperature dependencies of dielectric permittivity and dielectric losses, electromechanical properties and hysteresis loops have been investigated. Obtained results have shown that the introduction of Li decreases electric conductivity and improves dielectric and electromechanical parameters important for applications. 相似文献
Pb(Yb 1/2Nb 1/2)O 3-PbTiO 3 ceramics at the morphotropic phase boundary (50:50) were sintered by conventional and reactive methods to 95% theoretical density and grain sizes <10 m. Excess PbO, added to enhance the densification, resulted in PbO-based non-ferroelectric phases that degraded the electrical properties. Volatilization of excess PbO by annealing the samples after sintering resulted in dense, perovskite samples and excellent electrical properties. The best electrical properties, obtained via reactive sintering, were a remanent polarization, P
r, of 0.36 C/m 2, a maximum dielectric constant of 31,000 (at the T
c = 371°C and 1 kHz), a piezoelectric charge coefficient, d
33, of 508 pC/N, and an electromechanical coupling coefficient, k
33, of 0.61. 相似文献
Pb(Ni 1/3Nb 2/3) 0.72Ti 0.28O 3 (PNNT) perovskite ceramics produced by a reaction-sintering process were investigated. Without any calcination, the mixture
of PbO, Ni(NO 3) 2, Nb 2O 5 and TiO 2 was pressed and sintered directly into PNNT ceramics. PNNT ceramics of 100% perovskite phase were obtained. For PNNT sintered
for 2 h in PbO compensated atmosphere, maximum density reaches a value 8.49 g/cm 3 (99.8% of the theoretical value) at 1250 ∘C. A maximum dielectric constant 20600 occurred around 37 ∘C at 1 kHz in PNNT sintered at 1250 ∘C for 2 h. 相似文献
La-doped 0.25Pb(Zn 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3-0.75Pb(Zr xTi 1-x)O 3 (x = 0.51–0.57) ceramics were prepared by a conventional mixed oxide method. The piezoelectric and dielectric properties
of various compositions near the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) were investigated. The MPB was determined by X-ray diffraction
(XRD) patterns. The optimal properties were obtained in the specimen with Zr/Ti = 53/47: d 33 = 570 pC/N, k p = 0.60, ε r = 3900, tgδ = 1.9%, T c = 204°C, P r = 35.21 μC/cm 2, E c = 11.62 kV/cm, which means it is a good candidate for applications. 相似文献
Abstract The physical and electrical properties of xPb(Sc 1/2Nb 1/2)O 3- yPb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3- zPbTiO 3(PSMNT 100 x/100 y/100 z) ternary ceramic materials near the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) were investigated. The MPB follows on almost linear region between the PSMNT 58/00/42 and PSMNT 00/68/32 MPB compositions of the binary systems. The maximum piezoelectric constant, d 33 = 680 pC/N, were found at PSMNT 29/33/38, where ε T 33/ε 0 = 3,800, and electromechanical coupling factors, ( k p = 70%, k 31 = 43%, and k 33 = 76%) and T c = 207°C were obtained. The maximum electromechanical coupling factors, ( k p = 72%, k 31 = 45%, and k 33 = 77%) were found at PSMNT 29/34/37, where ε T 33/ε 0 = 3,000, d 33 = 640 pC/N, and T c = 205°C were obtained. These values are better than those of PZT. 相似文献
Recently, one type of thermal-type IR detector, the pyroelectric sensor, has become of great interest in commercial applications, because of its ability to operate without cooling, its constant detectivity independent of wavelength, and its low cost. The conventional pyroelectric materials are usually normal ferroelectric materials with a first and second phase transition. The working temperatures are sufficiently below the Curie temperature Tc for stable responsivity to temperature. Electric field induced-type pyroelectric sensors have also been proposed. Relaxor ferroelectric materials such as Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3 (PMN) and Pb(Sc 1/2Ta 1/2)O 3 (PST), which have a glassy Curie temperature near room temperature, are used in this type of sensor. This paper describes the sensor properties of electric field induced-type pyroelectric sensors prepared by using PMN and PST ceramics as compared with the conventional type sensors. Material evaluations of PMN and PST ceramics were made to determine their dielectric and pyroelectric properties. PMN shows excellent induced pyroelectric properties for the sensors over a wide range of temperatures. On the other hand, PST seems to be inadequate for an IR detector because of a very narrow high-response temperature range. The sensors with PMN and PST ceramics show enhanced pyroelectric activities under dc bias field. The measured sensor voltage responsivities agree with the calculated values for the PMN case. The electric field induced-type infrared sensor with thick or thin film materials seems to be satisfactory as linear array IR detectors for thermal imaging, with application of a higher electric field. 相似文献
The 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 ceramic films were prepared using the water-based tape casting method. Two main components of the slurry are water and solids. The concentrations of other chemicals, the surfactant and binder, are at the level of 1 wt.%. Both binder and surfactant are eco-friendly polymers. Additional chemicals are not required. The optimal concentration of surfactant determined through viscosity measurements. The density of the ceramics was studied as a function of the concentration of water and binder. The density is nearly independent of amount of water despite a wide range of values of concentration. This independence is a powerful tool to cast using different techniques. The density substantially depends only on binder concentration. The polymers removal protocol of the cast films was optimized using thermogravimetric analysis. As a result, the translucent ceramic films with a relative density of 98% and thickness of 70 μm were prepared. The permittivity, remnant polarization and pyrocurrent measurements, along with the scanning electron microscopy, prove the high density of the ceramics. 相似文献
Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3O 3–-PbTiO 3 (PMN-PT) ceramics with base compositions close to the morphotropic phase boundary are potential materials for many applications such as transducers and actuators due to their high dielectric constants and electromechanical coupling factors. However, their dielectrical and mechanical losses are too high for high-power applications. In this paper, the dielectric and electromechanical properties of piezoelectric PMN-PT ceramics were investigated in specimens containing various A-site and B-site substituents with the goal of developing lower loss materials for wider applications. Emphasis was placed on various transition metal cation substituents of both lower and higher valences. Mn substituent was found to be the most promising substituent investigated for developing high power low loss piezoelectric PMN-PT ceramics. 相似文献
The piezoelectric properties of Pb[(Ni 1/3Sb 2/3) xTi yZr z]O 3 solid solution, where x+y+z?=?1, x?=?0.08 and y?=?0.44–0.49 have been investigated in a wide temperature region using a resonance technique. The physical properties of PZT near the morphotropic phase boundary modified with the relaxor Pb(Ni 1/3Sb 2/3)O 3 have been studied. The coefficients s 11, k 31 and d 31 have been calculated basing on the damped harmonic oscillator model of piezoelectricly vibrating sample. Several anomalies in the temperature dependence of piezoelectric coefficients within the temperature range from 300 to 600 K have been found. For y?>?0.46 the coexistence of rhombohedral and tetragonal phases occurs. The observed low piezoelectric activity confirms the existence of polar regions above T m in Pb[(Ni 1/3Sb 2/3) xTi yZr z]O 3. 相似文献
This study examined the effect of spark plasma sintering (SPS) on the densification behavior and resulting dielectric and
piezoelectric properties of Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3–35 mol% PbTiO 3 ceramics with a 5 mol% excess of PbO. Through normal sintering at 1200 ∘C, the density of the specimen reached only 92% of the theoretical density (TD). However, with the SPS treatment, the density
of the PMN-PT ceramics increased to more than 99% of the TD at 900 ∘C, and maintained over 98% of the TD during subsequent heat-treatment at 1200 ∘C for 10 h. The increased density of the Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3–35 mol% PbTiO 3 ceramics resulted in an improvement in the dielectric and piezoelectric properties. The SPS treatment was also successfully
applied to the densification of a PMN-PT single crystal grown on a BaTiO 3 seed crystal using a solid-state crystal growth (SSCG) process. 相似文献
Perovskite-type 0.05 Pb(Mn 1/3Sb 2/3)O 3-0.95 Pb(Zr 0.5Ti 0.5)O 3 (PMS-PZT) was synthesized by conventional bulk ceramic processing technique. ZnO as a dopant up to 0.5 mol% was incorporated
into the PMS-PZT system, and the effects on piezoelectric properties were investigated. Pyrochlore phase was not detected
to form during the synthesis of the PMS-PZT system with 0∼0.5 mol% ZnO addition. The highest density of 7.92 g/cm 3 was obtained when sintered at 1200°C for 2 hrs. Piezoelectric properties as a function of ZnO content were evaluated using
a gain phase analyzer. Piezoelectric charge constant (d 31) and piezoelectric voltage output coefficient (g 31) increased up to −130 pC/N and −24.9 × 10 3Vm/N, respectively, with increasing ZnO content. Mechanical quality factor ( Q
m) was shown to reduce considerably with increasing ZnO content. When 0.3 mol% of ZnO was added into the system, electromechanical
coupling factor ( k
p) and relative dielectric constant () reached to the maximum of 56% and 1,727, respectively. 相似文献
Electrical properties and sintering behaviors of (1 − x)Pb(Zr 0.5Ti 0.5)O 3- xPb(Cu 0.33Nb 0.67)O 3 ((1 − x)PZT- xPCN, 0.04 ≤ x ≤ 0.32) ceramics were investigated as a function of PCN content and sintering temperature. For the specimens
sintered at 1050 ∘C for 2 h, a single phase of perovskite structure was obtained up to x = 0.16, and the pyrochlore phase, Pb 2Nb 2O 7 was detected for further substitution. The dielectric constant (ε r), electromechanical coupling factor (K p) and the piezoelectric coefficient ( d
33) increased up to x = 0.08 and then decreased. These results were due to the coexistence of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases in the composition
of x = 0.08. With an increasing of PCN content, Curie temperature (T c) decreased and the dielectric loss (tanδ) increased. Typically, ε r of 1636, K p of 64% and d 33 of 473pC/N were obtained for the 0.92PZT-0.08PCN ceramics sintered at 950 ∘C for 2 h. 相似文献
Films of (1− x)Pb(Zn 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3- xPb(Zr 0.4Ti 0.6) O 3 ( x = 0.6, 40PZN-60PZT) were deposited on Pt/TiO 2/ SiO 2/Si substrate through spin coating. Using a combination of homogeneous precursor solution preparation and two-step pyrolysis
process, we were able to obtain the 40PZN-60PZT thin films of perovskite phase virtually without pyrochlore phase precipitation
after annealing above 650 ∘C. But since annealing done at the high temperatures for extended time can cause diffusion of Pt, TiO 2 and Si, and precipitation of nonstoichiometric PbO, we adopted 2-step annealing method to circumvent these problems. The
2-step annealed films show dense microstructure than the 1-step films annealed at higher temperature. Furthermore, the root-mean-square
surface roughness of 220 nm thick films which are annealed at 720 ∘C for 1 min and then annealed at 650 ∘C for 5 min was found to be 3.9 nm by atomic force microscopy as compared to the 12 nm surface roughness of the film annealed
only at 720 ∘C for 5 min. The electrical properties of 2-step annealed films are virtually same and those of the 1-step annealed films
annealed at high temperature. The film 2-step annealed at 720 ∘C for brief 1 min and with subsequent annealing at 650 ∘C for 5 min showed a saturated hysteresis loop at an applied voltage of 5 V with remanent polarization ( P
r) and coercive voltage ( V
c) of 25.3 μC/cm 2 and 0.66 V respectively. The leakage current density was lower than 10 −5A/cm 2 at an applied voltage of 5 V. 相似文献
0.94(K 05Na 0.5)NbO 3?0.03LiNbO 3?0.03LiSbO 3 (KNLNS) lead-free piezoelectric ceramics were prepared by conventional mixed oxide route with normal sintering method. The samples were sintered at different temperatures with KNLNS powder atmosphere to prevent volatilization of alkali metal oxides at high temperature. The effects of sintering temperature on the density, structure and electric properties of KNLNS ceramics were studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that the crystal structure of the crushed KNLNS ceramic powders were pure perovskite phase with tetragonal phase structure when sintered at T????1080°C. However a K 3Li 2Nb 5O 15 phase with tetragonal tungsten bronze structure began to appear when the sintering temperature was higher than 1080°C. The optimum sintering temperature was 1080°C which was determined by measuring the density of the samples. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation indicated that the sintering temperature had a great effect on the microstructure of the samples. The KNLNS ceramics under the optimum sintering temperature showed excellent electric properties: ???=?4.29 g/cm 3, ?? r?=?826, tan???=?0.049, d 33?=?190 pC/N, k p?=?0.30, and T c?=?385°C. The results show that the KNLNS ceramics are promising candidate for lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. 相似文献
Compositons in the pseudoquaternary system, 1-×(0.35Bi(Mg 1/2Ti 1/2)O 3-0.30BiFeO 3-0.35BiScO 3)—×PbTiO 3 were fabricated and characterised at the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) between ferroelectric rhombohedral and tetragonal phases. The MPB occurred at ×?≈?0.48 at which composition the ferreoelectric to paraelectric phase transition, T C?=?450°C, the piezoelectric constant, d 33?=?328 pC/N and electromechanical coupling factor, k p?=?0.44. The piezoelectric properties are viable for actuator applications but lower than equivalent high T C piezoelectrics such as 0.36BiScO 3–0.64PbTiO 3 (d 33?=?450 pC/N, T C?=?450°C). However, the relative reduction in the Sc 2O 3 content gives a significant cost saving which may prove a commercial advantage. 相似文献
New lead-free piezoelectric ceramics of ABO 3 perovskite type, Bi 1/2Na 1/2[Ti 1−x
(Sb 1/2Nb 1/2)
]O 3, were synthesized by conventional solid state reaction. The effect of the replacement of complex ions of (Sb 1/2Nb 1/2) 4+ in the B cationic site on structural and electrical properties was investigated. The XRD analysis showed that all samples
exhibited a single phase of perovskite structure. Piezoelectric and dielectric measurement revealed that the substitution
of (Sb 1/2Nb 1/2) 4+ ions lead to an increase in piezoelectric constant( d
33), electromechanical coupling factor( k
t), relative dielectric constant( ɛ
r),and loss tangent (tan δ), while excess of (Nb 1/2Sb 1/2) 4+ ions results in a decrease in d
33, k
t, ɛ
r, but an increase in tan δ. Temperature dependence of dielectric constant ɛ
r measurement indicated these compounds were relaxor ferroelectric. At low frequency and high temperature, dielectric constant
increased sharply attributed to the superparaelectric clusters after (Sb 1/2Nb 1/2) 4+ ions substitution. 相似文献
Abstract Nanocrystalline thin films of different relaxor materials, namely Pb(Sc 0.5Ta 0.5)O 3 (PST), Pb(Sc 0.5Nb 0.5)O 3(PSN), Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3(PMN) have been produced by RF-sputtering to investigate whether it will affect their dielectric properties if their grain size is reduced to the dimensions known from their nanodomains. The XRD shows that the amorphous film crystallizes in pyrochlore structure at lower temperatures and short times. Annealing at higher temperatures and far longer time intervals leads to an increasing amount of perovskite phase with a grain size in the nanometer range. These results including dielectric measurements will be presented and discussed. 相似文献