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Flotation properties of dialkyl dithiophosphates of alkali metals BTF-1552, IMA-206, and IMA-I413 are investigated. Concentration characteristics using the M-TF reactant and its mixture with IMA-I413 and xanthate are evaluated. Based on these investigations, it is established that the application of the mixture of collectors IMA-I413 and butyl xanthate in the ratio 5: 1 with the consumption of 20 + 5 g/t makes it possible to increase the recovery into the copper concentrate by 0.79% for Cu, by 4.1% for Au, and by 2.4% for Ag with a twofold decrease in the yield of the sulfide concentrate. The disadvantage of this composition of reactants is an increase in the As content in the copper concentrate by 0.67%. The better characteristics by an increment of recovery of copper and precious metals among the tested samples are observed for the BTF-1552 collector. The recovery into the copper concentrate increased by 1.9% for Cu, by 3.2% for Au, and by 1.8% for Ag with a decrease in the yield of the sulfide concentrate by a factor of 1.4. An increase in the As content in the copper concentrate is 0.34%.  相似文献   

The influence of the mineral composition of sulfides and their modifications on the selection of flowcharts for the selective flotation of ores of nonferrous metals is considered. It is shown that the oxidation conditions of collectors with the formation of a new form of the collector participating in the formation of sorption layers on the surface play a significant role in the mechanism of the interaction of the collector with minerals. Practical investigations showed that the application of combinations of compositions of various collectors allow us to increase their collection and selective properties and improve the efficiency of the flotation separation of minerals. It is revealed that the structure of the adsorption layer with the use of the composition of the collectors in the flotation (one of them is the xanthate) is determined by the ratio of components and sequence of their dosing. These results allowed us to change the flowcharts of flotation of the ores of the Tarnier, Gai, and other deposits with the recovery of modifications of pyrite and sphalerite relative to the stages of the flotation process.  相似文献   

沂南金矿和龙头汪金矿均属矽卡岩型含金多金属硫化矿,采用重—磁—浮联合流程回收铜、金、铁和硫。经多次试验研究和生产实践,证明使用35~#捕收剂和丁铵黑药代替丁黄药进行优先浮选效果良好,提高了金、铜回收率,降低生产成本、并综合回收了铁、硫。  相似文献   

Mechanisms of interaction between different classes of collectors and flotation depressants of sulfide ores are investigated. Optimal conditions for the selective flotation of sulfide mineral complexes with the use of sulfohydrophilic collectors based on dithiophosphates are determined. As selective depressants, KMTs (cellulose-hydroxiacetic acid sodium salt) modified by heavy metal salts is used. Combinations and ratios of the collector and depressant, at which active flotation of some sulfide minerals and depression of others occur, are determined. Technological studies for various types of ores confirmed the results of theoretical experiments.  相似文献   

根据某含硫微细粒嵌布金矿石性质,在粗选药剂制度确定后进行了不同磨矿细度中矿循序返回流程、原矿粗磨二次粗选流程、原矿粗磨中矿再磨流程对比试验,最终确定采用原矿粗磨中矿再磨流程,获得了浮选金精矿品位32.05 g/t、回收率80.40%的闭路试验指标。  相似文献   

对水体中脂肪胺阳离子浮选捕收剂(癸烷基丙基醚胺、十二烷基丙基醚胺、十二胺和十八胺)的降解方法与效果进行了研究.生物降解性(BOD/CODCr比值)实验研究表明,这四种脂肪胺浮选捕收剂均难以生物降解.UV/H2O2/air氧化法是一种降解脂肪胺浮选捕收剂的有效方法,其降解率高、反应条件温和、操作简易,无二次污染.降解率大小顺序为:癸烷基丙基醚胺>十二胺>十二烷基丙基醚胺>十八胺,与COD去除率大小顺序一致.在pH为4.5、起始质量浓度为10 mg·L-1、1%的H2O2作为光催化剂、紫外光照15 min的条件下,癸烷基丙基醚胺的降解率为99.99%,COD去除率为78.06%.测定了十二烷基丙基醚胺和十八胺两种典型脂肪胺浮选捕收剂模拟废水降解前后的红外吸收谱图,初步探讨了UV/H2O2/air光化学氧化法处理脂肪胺浮选捕收剂模拟废水的降解机理.  相似文献   

A computational method for selecting collectors to investigate the flotation separation of minerals using the principle of hard and soft acids and bases (the Pearson principle) is presented with the examples of sulfide and calcium-containing minerals. Calculated data on the absolute hardness and electronegativity of cations of heavy metals (copper, iron, zinc, and lead) and calcium, solid acids, and ionogenic and nonionic collectors, as well as on the charge transfer in a conjugated “acid-base” pair, are presented. Nonionic low-polar compounds are potentially able to additionally increase the distinctions in the structure of the adsorption layer of collectors on the separated minerals. According to the degree of charge transfer in the conjugated acid (metal cation)-base (collector) pair, the calculated results are correlated with experimental results (non-frothing flotation, adsorption, and IR spectroscopy).  相似文献   

To increase the technological characteristics of processing of the ores of the Urup deposit, the flow chart of stream flotation and a column flotation machine are applied to separate a rough concentrate in a second flotation stream. A vapor-air mixture with the addition of a foam former and oleic acid fed into the column through a pneumohydraulic aerator of the diffuser-confusor type is used as the gas phase during the column flotation.  相似文献   

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Although reaction kinetics and process dynamics may greatly affect the engineering of pyrometallurgical processes, the limits of what can be achieved...  相似文献   

探索了矿浆pH值、分散剂和辅助捕收剂对含碳酸盐铁矿石一步直接反浮选影响.浮选实验结果表明,矿浆pH值由11.0增加到11.8时铁精矿品位陡增,pH值等于11.8时品位达到最高,此后品位变化不明显.矿浆pH值为12.0时,三聚磷酸钠是有效分散剂,十二烷基磺酸钠是KS-Ⅲ有效辅助捕收剂,两种药剂都可同时提高铁精矿的品位和回收率.理论计算表明,浮选实验结果与菱铁矿的浮选溶液化学行为以及颗粒间的相互作用有关.药剂结构性能计算表明,十二烷基磺酸钠在铁矿石阴离子反浮选中有良好的选择性、乳化性和溶解性.  相似文献   

Although reaction kinetics and process dynamics may greatly affect the engineering of pyrometallurgical processes, the limits of what can be achieved are set by the equilibrium relations. After a discussion of some experimental techniques this lecture reviews the phase equilibria that are of importance for the roasting and smelting of some important sulfide ores. The quaternary systems Zn-Fe-S-O and Cu-Fe-S-O under roasting conditions are treated in detail as functions of composition, temperature and oxygen potential. Finally the use of calcium oxide as an absorbent for sulfur as well as a means to modify roasting and reduction processes for copper and iron sulfides is discussed.  相似文献   

Control over the reagent flotation mode of copper-nickel ores is considered. It is proposed to take into account the residual concentration of sodium dimethyl dithiocarbamate (DMDC) ions in the pulp in its algorithm. Controlling the DMDC consumption using the results of determining the residual concentration of its ions in the pulp optimizes the reagent mode and makes it possible to increase the qualitative characteristics of the flotation of copper-nickel ores with a simultaneous decrease in material expenses for its performance.  相似文献   

采用密度泛函理论计算了一系列黄药捕收剂的几何构型和电子结构,利用最高占据分子轨道能量、自然布局分析电荷、电负性和绝对硬度等参数判断黄药捕收剂的浮选性能.研究结果表明:黄药阴离子是浮选溶液中的活性成分,键合原子为C—S单键中的S原子.最高占据分子轨道能量可较好地解释直链黄药(C1-C6)的浮选性能随碳链增长而增强的现象.在黄药同分异构体中,与极性基相连的碳原子上支链越多,烷基给电子诱导效应越强,该异构体的捕收活性越强.黄药同分异构体(C3-C5)的捕收活性顺序为:叔烃基黄药〉仲烃基黄药〉异烃基黄药.  相似文献   

Phosphate ores containing siliceous gangue minerals are beneficiated by recovering phosphate mineral into froth product by using soap or soap-fuel oil emulsion as collector and sodium silicate as depressant. We show here that urea a polar, non electrolyte improves both the recovery and grade of phosphate concentrate when used along with the soap-fuel oil emulsion.  相似文献   

硫化钠在浮选中的应用技术现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硫化钠是一种重要的浮选调整剂, 在浮选中具有广泛的应用.在处理有色金属硫化矿时,硫化钠可作为抑制剂、脱药剂、活化剂;在处理有色金属氧化矿时,硫化钠则是重要的硫化剂.在浮选溶液电化学中,硫化钠既可以调节矿浆pH,也可以调节矿浆电位Eh.本文将硫化钠在实际中的应用与其基本性质相结合,论述硫化钠在浮选中的不同作用及机理,指出控制硫化钠的用量和作用时间是合理使用硫化钠的关键.   相似文献   

浮选药剂的结构对其性能具有重要影响,向现有药剂中引入适宜的取代基,基于取代基效应实现药剂浮选性能的改变,已成为高性能浮选药剂开发的重要手段.为明确甲基对阳离子捕收剂浮选性能的影响,以十二胺(DDA)、N—十二烷基甲胺(MDA)、N,N—十二烷基二甲基叔胺(DMDA)、十二烷基三甲基氯化铵(DTAC)为样本,通过浮选试验考察了甲基取代基引入对药剂捕收能力和浮选选择性的影响规律,并基于药剂静电势图和极性基范德华体积的计算,明确了甲基对阳离子捕收剂浮选性能的影响机制.浮选试验结果表明,随着阳离子捕收剂中心原子中甲基的引入,石英和赤铁矿单矿物的浮选回收率逐渐降低,但人工混合矿的分离指数升高.给电子基团甲基的引入,改变了阳离子捕收剂的电荷分布密度,促使中心原子上的电荷数增加,削弱了药剂与矿物表面的静电吸附强度,从而导致浮选回收率下降.同时,甲基引入后,阳离子捕收剂中极性基尺寸变大,从而增加了药剂与矿物表面作用的空间位阻,增强了阳离子捕收剂的浮选选择性.  相似文献   

刘滨婵  刘建业 《黄金》1992,13(11):43-48
本文主要对岩金混合矿石的捕收剂进行了探讨。着重介绍了异戊基黄药这种捕收剂的性质,论述了异戊基黄药对山东某金矿混合矿石的浮选试验及工业验证的过程和结果,并且把常规的丁基黄药与其比较,指出了异戊基黄药在技术和经济方面的优越性,从而为岩金混合矿石的浮选药剂研究,开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

林均国  张学文 《黄金》1991,12(3):28-33
本文对高硫含金矿石的物质组成、结构进行了研究。并通过对分离作业的工艺流程改革获得的成功,使其选矿技术指标和经济效益不断提高。  相似文献   


Selective flotation of complex sulphide ores containing Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe sulphide minerals is very difficult. Oxidation is one of the most important factors.

The oxidation of complex sulphide ore is found to be enhanced by the presence of pyrite. Pyritic complex sulphide ore sometimes behaves like elemental sulphur in flotation. Such troublesome behaviour is often experienced for flotation systems in which the natural pH of the. pulp is low.

Elemental sulphur formation can be predicted thermodynamically. The potential-pH diagrams of the Me-S-H2O systems were constructed to show the stable domain of elemental sulphur. An explanation of enhanced oxidation of sulphide minerals in the presence of pyrite involves an electrochemical mechanism. Pyrite has the highest rest potential among all the sulphide minerals in an acidic solution. Since the condition of pyrite in its natural state may be regarded as electrochemically passive, we may anticipate that when pyrite is in galvanic contact with other sulphide minerals, the oxidation of the other sulphide minerals will.be enhanced under flotation conditions. The enhanced elemental sulphur formation on sulphide minerals in the presence of pyrite was confirmed experimentally.


Le triage par flottation des complexes minéralogiques constitués de sulfures de Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe est trés difficile. L'oxidation est un paramétre important.

La pyrite de fer accélère l'oxydation de ces complexes. Un complexe de pyrite parfois se comporte comme du soufre élémentaire lorsque le pH du milieu de flottation est bas.

La formation de soufre élémentaire se prévoit par calcul d' énergétique. Les diagrammes potentiel-pH des systèmes Me-S-H2O furent établis en vue d'indiquer les domaines de stabilité du soufre élémentaire. L'accélération de l'oxydation des minéraux sulfurés par la pyrite s'explique en se servant d'un mécanisme électrochimique. De tous les minéraux sulfurés, la pyrite possède dans les milieux acides, Ie plus haut potentiel d' équilibre. Puisque la pyrite è l' état naturel semble électrolytiquement passive, l'oxydation des autres sulfures, en conditions de flottation, serait alors accélérée. En présence de pyrite, l'experience conflIme la formation de soufre élémentaire sur les minéraux sulfurés.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the physicochemical properties of allanite, a RE-silicate, by measuring zeta potential in the absence and presence of three different flotation collectors (benzohydroxamic acid, sodium oleate and dodecylamine). This data was then verified by microflotation experiments and with bubble-particle attachment pictures. The investigated properties of allanite were com- pared to those of quartz, a common gangue mineral in many RE deposits. The results of this work indicated that only dodecylamine was able to achieve a selective separation of allanite and quartz. This was accomplished by lowering the dodecylamine dosage so that only quartz was recovered by microflotation.  相似文献   

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