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带分流叶片的离心泵叶轮内三维不可压湍流场的数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
对带分流叶片的离心泵叶轮内三维不可压湍流场进行数值模拟。计算采用雷诺时均方程和修正了的 湍流模型,在压强连接的隐式修正法(SIMPLE—C)建立的压力速度校正方程基础上,利用贴体坐标系和交错网格技术进行计算。计算结果揭示了带分流叶片离心泵叶轮内湍流流动的速度分布、压力分布规律,并对增加分流叶片后叶轮内部的流动状况进行了分析和研究,研究结果将对带分流叶片的离心泵进行性能预测和优化设计有指导 意义。  相似文献   

不同叶轮形式下离心泵整机非定常流场的数值研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
针对无短叶片、有长短叶片和短短叶片三种叶轮的离心泵,采用非定常CFD方法数值分析了设计工况点的整机全三维流场,讨论了不同叶片形式对水泵扬程、进出口压力波动及叶片表面和中央回转面内参数分布的影响。其中,与无短叶片情况相比较,详细分析了短叶片的有无和短叶片尺寸对泵内流场的影响;并对一个压力波动周期内,由于叶片和蜗舌相对位置不同内部流场的变化给出了相应的分析结果。从动力学角度对降低水泵的振动和噪声提供了有益的分析结果。  相似文献   

离心泵叶轮内部湍流流动的数值计算及试验   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
对IH65型离心泵叶轮内部流动进行研究,基于Reynolds时均化的N-S方程和标准的k – e 两方程湍流模型,运用流场计算软件Fluent,计算该泵叶轮在不同工况下的内部流场,并将计算结果与粒子图像测速仪(PIV)实测结果进行比较。在对该泵叶轮内部流速分布、压力分布以及试验得到的流动撞击、二次流、回流等现象分析的基础上,提出设计上的一些改进措施,为该型泵叶轮优化设计及其内部两相流动研究提供参考。  相似文献   

不同叶片包角的离心泵试验与数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在离心泵叶轮的基本外尺寸(叶轮内外半径、叶轮进出口宽度、叶片进出口安放角及叶片数)和设计转速相同的情况下,采用三次曲线对叶片进行造型。设计叶片包角分别为59°、75°和91°的三副离心叶轮C1、C2、C3,其中叶轮C1与传统的单圆弧叶型非常接近。三副叶轮的同台试验结果显示,叶轮C2的最高效率比叶轮C1、C3的效率高1.28%、1.43%。采用数值模拟得到设计工况下三副叶轮内的相对速度场和各流道内的载荷分布,C1叶轮内有明显的回流区,且各流道内的载荷存在较大差异。研究表明:在叶轮外尺寸相同的情况下对叶片造型设计时,存在最佳的叶片包角,单圆弧叶型不是最佳叶型。  相似文献   

串列式双级轴流泵性能的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示串列泵的内部流动机理及其能量特性,采用两个具有试验结果的轴流式叶轮和一新设计的导叶串联组成了一串列式轴流泵模型。应用Pro-E对该串列泵进行三维实体造型,用数值模拟的方法计算泵内的流场。数值计算采用NUMECA商业软件。在不同的工况条件下获得前后叶轮内部的速度矢量分布。基于流场计算结果,预测包括扬程、效率和轴功率在内的串列泵性能。将数值计算的结果与原叶轮的试验结果进行对比并与首级叶轮比较,串列轴流泵次级叶轮压力面和吸力面的速度具有较大的差值。与一般的轴流泵比较,串列式轴流泵具有比较宽的高效区,最优工况点向大流量区域偏移,其轴功率不再像普通轴流泵那样随流量的增加而减小。为了分析前后叶轮的相互作用,预测不同的后叶轮叶片偏转角条件下的串列泵性能,结果表明后叶轮的叶片偏转角对串列泵性能有重大的影响。  相似文献   

The flow of pulp fiber suspensions with a consistency below 5% through a pump falls into the turbulent region.The 2-phase 3D turbulent flow of the mixture is simulated in the hydraulic components composed by suction chamber, front board, semi-impeller and volute casing for the first time. The pseudo-fluid model and the к-з turbulent model are modified. Phase coupled SIMPLE algorithm is applied to make pressure-velocity correction equation. Based on the results of the numerical simulation, the distribution of velocity, pressure and density of liquid and particle phase are compared and analyzed. The flow analysis in the tip between front board and impeller is emphasized, which reflects the advantage of semi-open impeller when it transports 2-phase medium. This calculation result will be helpful for the design of pump impeller and the establishment of design method of centrifugal stock pump.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation is used to investigate the flow field in a model centrifugal fan for steam power stations in order to improve the performance. During testing the model fan, it is found that the efficiency is only 62.5% with inlet box, without it the efficiency is 83%. In addition, the strong vibration of test rig is observed with inlet box. It would be highly desirable if the aerodynamics of the fan could be studied. Therefore, numerical simulation is carried out to investigate the internal flow characteristics of a model fan with inlet box. The results from CFD analysis show that the whole region of the inlet box is occupied by a spiral vortex rotating inversely as the rotor's direction, which significantly affect the most flow region inside the fan. For this reason, a dummy plate is arranged in the inlet box to impede the generation of the spiral vortex, the results from CFD after the reform demonstrate that the modification is quiet effective, the former large spiral vertex has been destroyed effectively, the large one is superseded in favor of two small vortexes. However, two small vortexes have little effect on the inner flow of the rotor and the following parts. Finally, the efficiency of the model fan is improved by the test and the strong vibration of the test rig disappears. This type of modification has been used in steam power stations, the fan efficiency raises to 84% successfully.  相似文献   

为分析叶轮结构对于叶轮内部流动的影响,对8叶片的闭式和半开式两种形式低比转速高速离心复合叶轮进行研究.采用S-A湍流模型和雷诺时均N-S方程,对叶轮内部的流动进行三维紊流数值计算和分析,并对离心泵进行试验研究.数值计算结果表明,两种形式叶轮内部都存在回流,其中半开式叶轮内部的回流区域较少,液流在间隙里的相对流动大致为圆周方向;叶轮内部的静压力都是由叶片进口到出口逐渐升高,等静压曲线几乎是沿圆周方向,半开式叶轮叶片顶部的静压力低于相应位置根部的静压力,闭式叶轮出口的压力系数高于半开式叶轮.试验结果表明,半开式叶轮离心泵的效率较高,说明叶轮内部的回流是影响离心泵性能的重要因素.  相似文献   


带分流叶片的离心泵叶轮内部流场的PIV测量与数值模拟   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用PIV技术和工程上广泛应用的k-ε标准两方程模型,对不同工况带分流叶片的离心式水泵叶轮内部流场进行了测量和计算模拟。通过试验测试和模拟计算,获得了不同工况下叶轮内的流速分布规律,揭示了叶轮内流动的非对称性、长叶片吸力面进口附近有回流、各种工况下分流叶片前缘入口稍后吸力侧均存在一个高流速区、分流叶片改善出口速度分布、随着流量增加叶轮内相对速度的大小增大明显等对带分流叶片离心泵性能有直接影响的多种流动现象。  相似文献   

A mathematical model is set to evaluate the 3-D dense solid-liquid two-phase turbulent flow in a non-clogging mud pump, the flow feature in the impeller channel is simulated with the tool of IPSA. Meanwhile, resort to TECPLOT as the post-processor, the simulation results is visualized. The results show the main flow characteristics: There exists backflow and aberrant velocities at inlet area and a relative velocity slip between two phases; A jet-wake flow pattern is discerned around the shroud-suction side area; The relative velocity vector of solid phase is closer to the pressure surface than that of liquid phase and the trend is more obvious with the increase of diameter; The kinetic energy of turbulence k and the dissipation rate s reach their peaks at the corner of pressure and suction surface. The simulation results show a good agreement with the experimental flow features in the impeller channel, which prove the turbulent model used is valid and provide a theoretical design basis to non-clogging pu  相似文献   

无堵塞离心泵内部三维固液两相湍流场数值模拟   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
针对无堵塞泵叶轮内部流场的特点,选用颗粒拟流体的κ-ε-Α_p模型模拟两相湍流,基于SIMPLEC算法建立压力修正方程来满足连续性方程和动量方程间的耦合关系,并由此建立了两相湍流的时均控制方程组,采用GEM-CHIP算法编制程序对叶轮内流进行模拟,并实现了模拟结果的可视化。模拟结果揭示了无堵塞泵叶轮内部流动的某些特征:叶轮前盖板一吸力面处存在射流—尾迹区,流体相与颗粒相之间有速度滑移,且滑移值随流道逐渐降低。  相似文献   

基于三维紊流数值计算的离心泵叶轮优化设计   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
应用标准k-ε紊流模型加壁面函数法对离心水泵叶轮内部的三维紊流流动进行了雷诺平均N-S方程的数值计算与分析。分析了离心泵叶轮叶型对流速分布、压力分布和泵性能的影响,研究了离心泵叶轮通道内流动规律,提出了三维紊流数值分析基础上的离心泵叶轮优化设计方法。实例表明用三维紊流数值模拟方法研究叶轮内部流场是改进和优化叶轮设计的一个重要手段。  相似文献   

The 3-D turbulent flow in the impeller of sewage pump is simulated. The time-averaged N-S equations and the k-ε turbulent model is modified. The calculation is carried out in body-fitted coordinated grid by applying SIMPLE-C algorithm. The calculated velocity, pressure distributions of the turbulent flow in the sewage pump are obtained for the first time, which will be helpful for the optimal design and performance prediction of sewage pumps on the basis of flow field simulation.  相似文献   

可植入式微型轴流血泵流场的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用CFD技术对血泵内部流场进行分析可以大大缩减血泵的研制周期和成本,采用非定常的三维N-S方程和基于非结构网格的有限体积法,利用k-ε湍流模型和滑移网格模型,对一可植入式轴流血泵进行了三维数值模拟,得到满足生理要求的扬程曲线。同时对泵内流场进行了分析,对导流叶片的作用及其对内部流场、扬程的影响进行了探讨,为血泵的进一步优化设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

比例控制径向柱塞泵性能预测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以JBP-63型电液比例控制径向柱塞泵为例,建立了符合其工作情况的虚拟模型。通过计算机仿真技术对该泵的静态、动态特性进行了预测。该模型结构与实际系统结构相对应,计算结果与试验结果符合,且能显示系统各参数的变化过程和参数调整对系统性能的量化影响。应用结果表明该仿真模型能够对系统进行性能预测和分析,对于系统的设计和参数优化有实际意义。  相似文献   

The calculation method for vane numbers is obtained on the intention that it should have no back flow area in the flow passage of centrifugal passage. Then a criterion that the design of splitting vanes of centrifugal compound impeller should ensure that the back flow area ratio be the minimum is proposed. On the basis of the criterion, the slippery theory is used as one of CFD methods to analyze the inner flow field of the impeller of various kinds of splitting vanes design, therefore, the optimized design of splitting vanes is obtained and which agrees with that of some testing results.  相似文献   

离心力场下铸造充型行为数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了离心力场下铸造充型流动的数学模型,采用VC++语言自行编制了离心力场铸造充型及凝固传热的计算机模拟软件。通过模拟旋转圆柱容器中的液体从重力静止水平自由表面状态过渡到离心抛物面自由表面的动态变化过程,并与理论解析曲线对比,以及钛合金薄壁件离心浇注充型状态与试验结果的对比,检验了所建立的理论模型及计算程序的正确性。通过对钛合金薄壁铸件在重力场与离心力场浇注工艺条件下合金熔体充型行为数值模拟结果的对比表明,在一定转速条件下,金属液的离心浇注比重力浇注具有强得多的薄壁充型能力。  相似文献   

轴流泵端壁间隙流动特性的数值研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
基于N-S方程,标准k-ε模型和SIMPLEC算法,在三种叶端间隙、三种工况条件下,对轴流泵端壁间隙流动进行了数值模拟。重点考察了叶端间隙流动对叶轮出口流场及性能的影响。数值结果表明,间隙增加,扬程下降,特别是越在小流量工况下越明显。  相似文献   

开式离心叶轮内部流道的数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用了多块网格技术、雷诺平均N-S方程和应用S-A湍流模型,对开式直叶高速离心泵叶轮内部流场进行了数值模拟,并对开式高速离心泵作出了试验研究。通过数值模拟与试验研究的结果比较分析,得出该数值模拟方法可以较好地模拟离心泵叶轮内流场,总结出了影响离心泵叶轮内流场和外部特性的因素及其变化规律。为优化设计、提高泵的效率提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

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