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为精确、快速测量波荡器磁场积分,研制了一套基于拉伸线法的测磁系统。该系统采用Agilent 3458A八位半数字万用表实现微电压信号采集,使用Kohzu高精度位移平台实现拉伸线的精确同步移动,测量软件平台采用Lab VIEW实现。使用测磁系统在一台7周期混合永磁型波荡器样机上进行了测量实验,结果同霍尔探头点测吻合,一次积分和二次积分的重复测量精度分别优于2.5?10?6 T·m和2.5?10?6 T·m2。该系统将用于华中科技大学在研的一套紧凑型THz波段自由电子激光装置中波荡器磁场测量。 相似文献
上海软X射线装置中纯永磁移相器的积分场垫补 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
X射线自由电子激光(Free-electron Laser,FEL)达到饱和功率输出时所需要的波荡器总长度为数十米甚至上百米,目前国内外研制的波荡器只能分段加工,且每段长度一般在5 m以内。为了保证两相邻波荡器间辐射光的相位相互匹配,通用的设计是在相邻波荡器之间增加移相器。移相器的加入不应对电子束流产生影响,其产生的磁场沿束流方向的一二次积分必须达到技术要求。由于移相器较短,二次积分较小,可不予考虑。在不考虑永磁块非线性的基础上,导出了纯永磁移相器的磁场一次积分以及调整移相器中某些磁化块的高度和倾斜角度产生的磁场一次积分变化量的解析表达式。利用这种方法对上海软X射线自由电子激光装置中的5台移相器做积分场垫补,使得每台移相器的磁场一次积分在好场区内都小于20 Gs·cm,满足工程设计要求。 相似文献
Five of the seven Phase I beamlines of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) are based on insertion devices (IDs), which include two wigglers, one elliptically polarized undulator (EPU), and two in-vacuum undulators. There were some inevitable field integral errors in manufacturing the IDs, and these would affect performance of the storage ring. The integrated multipoles were corrected by using the magic fingers technique. In this paper, we report the correction method based on the simulated-annealing algorithm. The results show that the integrated multipole components were corrected to meet the design specifications. 相似文献
跟据用户的实验要求,本项目为上海光源中产生低轴功率密度的同步辐射光设计了新型波荡器EPU200(Elliptically Polarized Undulator)。EPU200是首台拥有8排磁化块、可以产生椭圆极化辐射并降低轴功率密度的纯永磁波荡器。其8排磁排列安装在4根铝梁上,每个磁化块固定件上安装两块磁化块,其磁结构的机械结构和安装十分复杂。磁结构对波荡器的品质有很大影响,首先设计EPU200的磁结构的机械结构,根据磁化块的排列通过Radia程序计算出磁化块的最大受力,并通过ANSYS Workbench对磁结构进行力学分析,得出该结构中磁化块的位置变形量,从而验证该机械结构的可行性。 相似文献
注入束流的能量稳定性和能散度对电子储存环的性能影响很大,通过从SSRF(上海同步辐射装置)上采集数据,研究了直线加速器的能量稳定性,结合国内外相关经验及150 MeV直线加速器自身特点,设计了直线加速器的能量稳定系统方案,利用增强器低能输运线上BPM(beam position monitor)信号进行能量反馈,通过模糊控制器调节速调管输出相位,将束流能量稳定在期望值±0.2%内。用Matlab中Simulink动态链接库建立RF系统模型,进行了系统仿真,仿真结果表明该系统可以较好地抑制能量的长期漂移。 相似文献
上海光源(SSRF)光束线站上使用的精密光学狭缝要求重复精度小于1μm,在精密狭缝安装到光束线站前需要在线或者离线对其进行重复精度测量。提出了基于高分辨率CCD和高倍率镜头的机器视觉测量系统,设计出一种图像多级滤波的数据处理方法,从而实现了精密光学狭缝重复精度的测量。测量之前,通过测量系统对光学分辨率板标准小孔采集图像,完成了高倍率放大镜头倍率标定。利用代数均值滤波、统计中值滤波、最小均方误差滤波有效降低图像随机噪声。提出将狭缝图像二值化,并将狭缝刀片移动前后两帧二值图像差值,从而得到狭缝的重复精度。该系统的测量分辨率达到0.3μm。结果表明,该测量系统能够满足精密狭缝的重复精度的测量。 相似文献
B.S. Li C.H. Zhang H.H. Zhang Y.T. Yang L.H. Zhou L.Q. Zhang Y. Zhang 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(21):3390-3394
The modifications induced in silicon samples by helium implantation before and after isothermal annealing at 673 K have been investigated. The surface morphology has been detected by atomic force microscopy. A hillock structure is observed on the sample surface before and after annealing for 5-10 min. Surface blister formation is observed with an increasing annealing time. The variation of crystal damage with annealing time has been investigated by Rutherford backscattering/channeling. The intensity of the damage peak first increases with annealing time, reaches maximum at an annealing time of 60 min and then decreases. Helium-induced bubbles and residual defects have been observed by transmission electron microscopy, which shows that dislocations are close to the bubbles. 相似文献
Takayuki Omori Toshio Nakamura 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(7-8):969-971
Recently, the importance of statistical and probabilistic analysis to derive accurate 14C data has been recognized. This paper discusses a 14C calibration procedure to correct marine reservoir effect using the marine source contribution estimated as a probability distribution. In addition, we also developed the marine source estimation with δ13C and δ15N for the 14C calibration in order to cover a complex mixture of terrestrial and marine carbon such as a human. In our calibration procedure, the 14C date is weighted with the probability distribution of marine source contribution and the calibrated date depended on the marine 14C intake can be evaluated. The age range calibrated by our procedure can be also reduced more than by conventional calibration methods. We illustrated the character of our calibration procedure by the example of human bones found from the archaeological shell mounds in Japan. 相似文献