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A study has been made to investigate the influence of microstructure on the extrinsic and intrinsic fatigue properties of the Al---Li alloy, 8090. Two types of microstructure have been produced to compare the relative fatigue properties, one with a δ′ phase dominant microstructure and the other with a S′ + δ′ microstructure. Crack closure loads measured by the crack-opening displacement method have been used to obtain intrinsic fatigue resistance of the δ′ and S′ + δ′ microstructures. Results have shown that the extrinsic fatigue resistance of the δ′ microstructure was considerably higher than that of the S′ + δ′ microstructure, especially at lower growth rate, which was mainly due to the more severe crack path tortuosity and associated high levels of crack closure. In addition, the intrinsic fatigue resistance of the δ′ microstructure was also observed to be higher than that of the S′ + δ′ microstructure, presumably due to greater slip reversibility in the δ′ microstructure.  相似文献   

The effects of slip distribution and crack tip shielding mechanisms on the near-threshold fatigue crack growth of the Al---Li alloy 8090 have been studied at both room temperature and an elevated temperature. The slip distribution has been varied by changing the distribution of the S phase, through prior stretching or by means of a duplex heat treatment. Fatigue crack growth (FCG) tests were conducted at a high stress ratio to reduce possible effects due to crack closure.

At room temperature the changes in FCG rates are interpreted as arising from the changes in the degree of planarity of slip in the materials.

At 150°C, the microstructural changes due to the long exposure to elevated temperature appear to dominate the effects observed. At lower ΔK, where the time at temperature is greatest, lower ΔK thresholds than those found at room temperature are obtained. These have been attributed to increased slip homogenization due to the increased precipitation and coarsening of the incoherent S phase together with loss of toughness due to the growth of coarse grain boundary phases and the formation of the associated δ′ precipitate free zone.

At higher ΔK, where the time at temperature is low and microstructural changes are minimal, slower FCG rates than those found at room temperature are obtaine. These are explained in terms of increased crack tip shielding which arises because of the increase in tortuosity of the crack path, the increased slip homogenization and the climb and cross-slip within the crack tip plastic zone.  相似文献   

Al-Li 8090 alloy overlap shear test pieces machined from 3 mm thick diffusion-bonded sheets showed two fracture zones at the bond interface. Zone 1 at the ends of the overlap showed predominantly intergranular fracture and zone 2 at the centre of the overlap showed peel-type fracture. The load appeared to be carried entirely by zone 1. Only zone 1 fracture was obtained in the base metal test piece. The fracture zones were caused by the non-planar stress distribution and by the bending moments associated with this type of test piece. The planar bond interface may accentuate the tendency in these alloys towards low ductility and toughness in the short transverse direction.  相似文献   

The shear strength () of overlap shear test pieces made by solid state diffusion bonding or by machining thin (2.5 or 4 mm thick) Al-Li 8090 alloy sheet has been determined for various overlap lengths (/). When / < 3 mm, was independent of / and equal to 188 to 202 MPa for the bonded joint and 199 to 209 MPa for the base metal sheet. The lower mean shear strength of the bonded joint was caused by the lower resistance of intergranular fracture in the planar grain boundary at the bond interface. The bond strengths were, however, greater than those previously reported for joints in 8090 alloy made by solid-state or liquid-phase diffusion bonding and about a factor of 7 greater than those for adhesive bonded joints.  相似文献   

Peel strengths at room temperature and under superplastic forming conditions at 530 °C were measured for diffusion-bonded joints in Al-Li 8090 alloy sheet. The bonds were made in the solid state, or via a transient liquid phase using interlayers. The effect of strain rate, sheet thickness and heat treatment were investigated. The significance of these results for the testing of DB joints and for their use in DB/SPF structures is discussed.  相似文献   

Characterization of shock-hardened Al-8090 alloy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure and mechanical properties of Al-Li8090 alloy, that was dynamically deformed and then age hardened, were studied as a function of the changes in the nature and amount of precipitates produced. A comparison was made between two groups of samples, one group that was solution heat treated (SHT) and quenched from 530°C before the dynamic deformation and the other group that was dynamically deformed in the as-received (AR) condition. The higher values for microhardness and ultimate tensile strength observed (138 and 140 VHN, and 405 and 458 MPa, respectively), subsequent to shock treatment (ST), have been attributed to the increase in dislocation density and grain-boundary precipitation produced due to shock deformation. Dislocations and grain boundaries were assumed to act as precipitation sites and an increase in dislocation density, due to ST, was expected to increase precipitation density of (Al3Li), S(Al2CuMg), and T1(Al2CuLi) phases which, in turn, are expected to increase strength properties of the alloy. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that, for the species that precipitate below 180°C, (Al3Li) and GP zones, an increase in the amount of deformation increased the precipitation temperatures. However, for the species that precipitate at 197°C, S(Al2CuMg), an increase in the amount of deformation produced a decrease in its precipitation temperature. These results have been partially confirmed by the activation energy calculations for temperatures below 197 °C, which show a decrease of precipitation energies with an increase in the amount of deformation. Activation energies calculated from ageing curves showed that when ageing at low temperature (165–180 °C range), activation energies for the precipitation process are decreased upon increase in cold work. Shock treatment of SHT samples exhibited decreased activation energy values of precipitation, from 36.14 kcal mol–1 for the SHT sample to 24.18, 24.08, and 21.00 kcal mol–1 for SHT + ST samples 1, 2, and 3, respectively (corresponding to 1, 2, and 3 sheets of explosive). Activation energies of precipitation for AR + ST samples showed even lower values; 9.45, 9.95, and 8.21 kcal mol–1 for samples 4, 5, and 6, respectively. These activation energies strongly corroborate the role of defect substructure on the age-hardening kinetics of this alloy.  相似文献   

Joints were produced between Al-Li 8090 alloy sheet by solid state (SSDB) and transient liquid-phase (TLPDB) diffusion-bonding techniques. The bond interface was a planar, thermally stable, large-angle grain boundary in the SSDB joint. Non-planar grain boundaries in a band of coarse grains were present in the TLPDB joint. The origin of these microstructures and the measured shear strengths of the joints relative to that of the parent sheet are discussed.  相似文献   

Superplastic behaviour of annealed AA 8090 Al-Li alloy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

High temperature flow behaviour and microstructural evolution were investigated in an annealed AA 8090 Al - Li alloy over the temperature range 623 - 803 K and strain rate range ~ 6 × 106 - 3 × 102 s-1. Stress - strain rate data, obtained using a differential strain rate test technique and plotted in log - log scale, exhibited three regions I, II, and III, with increasing strain rate. In these regions, the values of strain rate sensitivity index m and the activation energy for deformation were determined to be 0.17, 0.43, and 0.17; and 758.8, 93.3, and 184.3 kJ mol-1, respectively. The stress - strain curves obtained from constant strain rate tests exhibited flow hardening at lower strain rates and higher temperatures whereas flow softening occurred at higher strain rates and lower temperatures. The microstructural evolution revealed the dominance of grain growth under the former conditions and dynamic recrystallisation under the latter conditions. Ductility and m were found to increase with temperature, with the maximum values of 402% and 0.55, respectively, at a temperature 803 K and strain rate 2 × 10-4 s-1.  相似文献   


Recrystallised and unrecrystallised Al–Li–Cu–Mg–Zr alloy 8090 sheet and Al–Cu alloy 2024 sheet have been tested to determine their relative resistance to creep cracking. Creep cracking in recrystallised 8090 sheet occurred at much lower stress intensity factors K, at higher rates for a given value of K, and at lower temperatures, compared with unrecrystallised 8090 or 2024 sheet. For recrystallised sheet, significant rates of creep cracking were observed at temperatures as low as 60°C, at K values of ~10%Kc (the critical value of K for overload fracture). Creep crack growth was predominantly intergranular for recrystallised 8090 and 2024 sheet, and a mixture of intersubgranular and transgranular for unrecrystallised 8090 sheet. The fractographic features, as well as other observations, suggest that 8090 alloys contain low melting point sodium-rich phases which are not found in conventional alloys. It was concluded that the presence of these phases and the continuous, intergranular crack paths approximately normal to the applied stress in recrystallised 8090 sheet were responsible for its poor resistance to creep cracking.

MST/1482  相似文献   

Creep of the particle-hardened commercial Al-Li 8090 alloy has been studied at temperatures of 425 and 445 K. The measured stress sensitivity of the minimum creep rates changes abruptly at a given applied stress with stress exponents being around 4–6 at low stresses and 30–40 at high stresses. Creep activation enthalpies were determined by both temperature cycling and by comparing creep rates at two temperatures at a given applied stress, the results from both gave the same unrealistically high values. The internal stresses, i, developed during creep were determined using the strain-transient dip test. These increased linearly with the applied stress, a, at low stresses and were effectively constant at high stresses. The minimum creep rate was found to be a simple function of the effective stress, a-i, with a stress exponent of between 5 and 6, at all applied stresses. The dislocation and precipitate structure of the alloy was examined before and after creep using thin-film electron microscopy. The initial structure consisted of pancake grains with a well-developed {1 1 0}1 1 2 type texture. The grains contained well-developed sub-cells and and S precipitates. The structure developed during creep consisted of dislocation pairs, single dislocations and dislocations loops. There was evidence to suggest that slip took place on both {1 0 0} and {1 1 1} planes. The dislocation loops were most likely to have been Orowan in character and around the rodlike S precipitate, with the coherent precipitate being sheared by pairs of dislocations. The measured internal stresses result from inhomogeneity of plastic deformation. These stresses increase continuously with applied stress up to the observed macroscopic yield stress, and then become constant. The internal stresses are likely to have arisen from the Orowan loops around S and the behaviour of sub-grain boundaries. The increases in internal stress may have resulted from an increased loop density with increasing applied stress. This rate of increase is likely to slow down if S particles are sheared or fractured at high applied stresses.  相似文献   

Lithium-containing aluminium alloys are of considerable current interest in the aerospace and aircraft industries because lithium additions to aluminium improve the modulus and decrease the density compared to conventional aluminium alloys. Few commercial aluminium-lithium alloys have emerged for use in the aerospace industry. One such candidate is 8090, a precipitation-hardenable Al-Li-Cu-Mg alloy. The influence of electron-beam welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of alloy 8090 material has been evaluated through microscopical observations and mechanical tests. Microscopic observations of the electronbeam welds revealed an absence of microporosity and hot cracking, but revealed presence of microporosity in the transverse section of the weld. Mechanical tests revealed the electronbeam weld to have lower strength, elongation and joint efficiency. A change in microscopic fracture mode was observed for the welded material when compared to the unwelded counterpart. An attempt is made to rationalize the behaviour in terms of competing mechanistic effects involving the grain structure of the material, the role of matrix deformation characteristics, grain-boundary chemistry and grain-boundary failure.  相似文献   

An investigation has been made of the tensile properties, impact-, initial fracture toughness and fracture mode of an aluminium-lithium 8090 alloy at room temperature and 77 K, depending upon the heat treatment and orientation. The peak-aged material exhibited an excellent combination of strength and toughness, equal to or exceeding that shown by the high-strength aluminium alloys of the 2000 and 7000 series. The superior strength and toughness of peak-aged plates, including that of 3% stretched material, compared to underaged material seems to be associated with the lower content of coarse insoluble precipitates, a higher density of S-precipitates in a matrix ligament (grain) which promote ductile fracture. The impact toughness of the peak-aged specimens increased at 77 K only in the L-T plate orientation, while in the T-L orientation it was somewhat lower or remained the same. The toughness increase at 77 K is discussed in terms of the role of the matrix and (sub)grain-boundary precipitates, freezing of low-melting point impurities of sodium and potassium alkaline metals at (sub)grain boundaries and the occurrence of the fine crack divider delamination toughening. The yield strength, R o.2, increase on ageing was accompanied by a corresponding increase in initial crack divider fracture toughness, K lc, opposite to the trends obtained for some traditional high-strength aluminium alloys. Changes of K lc versus R o.2 depending on orientation are discussed using models for ductile fracture toughness behaviour of aluminium alloys, based on the criterion that a critical width of the heavily strained zone at the crack tip approximates the average ligament width, d p, i.e. the thickness of the elongated grain in the L-T and T-L plate orientations. It was also found that, for constant chemical composition and fabrication practice of the alloy, a critical plate thickness exists B 0.1 6 t i, where i is the initial thickness of the rolling ingot, for which the tensile strength properties in the L-T orientation are the same as that in the T-L orientation, while the plasticity (measured by elongation to failure) of the plate is a maximum. Two types of laminated cracks were observed on fracture surfaces of the specimens: large, >1 mm deep (the number of these cracks remains the same as the number of hot-rolling passes), and fine <0.4 mm (shallow laminated cracks, the number of which significantly increases with decreasing temperature, 77 K).  相似文献   

Diffusion bonds have been produced between sheets of an Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr alloy using aluminium-4% copper vapour deposited metallic interlayers. Microstructural changes occurred both in the parent alloy and in the bond interface after diffusion bonding cycles and post-bonding heat treatments were analysed. Different metallographic techniques (light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy) have been used. Diffusion bonding trials were carried out using the same alloy (AA8090), both in non-superplastic (T6) and superplastic conditions. Differences in their behaviours in relation to diffusion bonding were observed.  相似文献   

The high cycle fatigue and the fatigue crack propagation behaviour of the new Al-Li alloy 8090 were evaluated on 25 mm plate material and compared to the conventional high strength Al alloy 2024. The investigation covered changes of test direction, R-ratio and environment. The results revealed that for most conditions the Al-Li alloy proved to be equivalent or better than the conventional Al alloy.  相似文献   


The effects of extrusion processing parameters on the mechanical properties of an AA 8090 alloy were monitored using a combination of hardness, tensile, andfracture toughness tests, and using light, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. It was found that variations in the processing parameters affect the tensile properties to a greater extent in the as extruded condition than in the heat treated condition. In the former, the property changes occur as a result of both variation of grain structure and the solutionising effect during the process. In the latter, the tensile properties are controlled by the precipitation processes that occur, and the toughness remains essentially unaffected by changes in the processing conditions. Improved combinations of strength, ductility, and toughness are achieved when the material is subjected to suitable preaging treatments, which modify the precipitate morphology within the microstructure; the fracture surface characteristics of both tensile and fracture toughness test specimens reflect the microstructural changes.

MST/1115  相似文献   

Aluminium-lithium based alloy plates were explosively clad with Al-1 wt% Zn alloy sheets. Clad plates were evaluated for bond continuity, interface shape, microstructure, variation of elemental concentrations across the bond interface, and bond strength. Comparisons of selected characteristics were made with roll clad sheets developed earlier.Ultrasonic tests revealed the bond to be continuous at all locations except over 50 mm wide edges of the plates. Both straight and wavy shaped interfaces were observed, often alternating arbitrarily. Microstructures on each side of the interface were distinct and characteristic of the individual alloys bonded. No localized melting was observed in the interface regions. Elemental concentration varied sharply across the bond line in the as-clad condition, later changing to a smooth profile after heat treatment. The diffusion widths, when expressed as a percentage of the cladding thickness, were much smaller than the corresponding values of previously studied roll clad sheets.'Tensile shear strength' of the clad samples exceeded the shear strength of monolithic Al-1%Zn alloy, thus indicating good bonding. The bond strength values were marginally lower than those of roll clad sheets. These differences could, perhaps, be due to the differences in the extent of elemental diffusion across the bond interface between the two techniques.  相似文献   

We present results of fatigue tests of high-strength 8090 Al-Li alloy and data on its fatigue crack growth resistance. High strength combined with fairly high crack growth resistance and endurance limit results in much better service characteristics compared to other high-strength aluminum alloys. We discuss results of tensile and impact tests of Charpy specimens and the critical values of theJ-integral andK 1c for 10-mm-thick specimens in the T-L and L-T orientations subjected to complete and partial aging. The experimental results are compared with published data for 8090 and other high-strength aluminum alloys. We suggest a numerical method for the evaluation of fatigue strength according toda/dN-K diagrams.Published in Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 45–58, January – February, 1995.  相似文献   

The rates of growth of short fatigue cracks initiated from a notch are much greater than the rates of growth of long fatigue cracks for the same values of K. A decrease in the strength of materials caused by aging affects the behavior of long cracks. The geometric form of the notch strongly affects the behavior of short cracks. The growth rate of a short crack initiated from a sharp notch decreases and attains a minimum value at a length of 0.45 mm, which is far beyond the region of its influence. However, short cracks initiated from blunt notches exhibit slower growth in the region of stress concentration than outside this region. Strain fields induced by deformation of the tip of the notch are not the only factor inhibiting the propagation of short cracks from notches. To explain the behavior of a short crack initiated at a notch, one must take into account some other factors, in particular, crack closure.Published in Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 39–44, January – February, 1995.  相似文献   

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