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The calculation of stress intensity factors for one to four equal length, equally spaced radial edge cracks at the inner and outer surfaces of a rotating hollow circular disc is presented. The technique used for the solutions is the modified mapping-collocation method. Data are presented for two wall ratios.
Résumé On présente un calcul des facteurs d'intensité de contrainte dans le cas de une à quatre fissures radiales d'égales longueurs et également équidistantes situées en bordure des surfaces internes et externes d'un disque cylindrique creux en rotation. La technique utilisée pour les solutions consiste à recourir à une méthode modifiée de collocation (MMC). Les données sont fournies dans le cas de deux rapports de parois.

A computationally efficient finite element model that can provide accurate numerical solutions to the problem of rotating laminated composite annular discs is presented. Numerical results showing the effects of composite material properties and laminate designs on the stress field and deformed shape of the disc are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

超高分子量聚乙烯的性能、改性及应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文介绍了超高分子量聚乙烯的性能、改性及应用情况 ,并对其生产消费情况进行了分析  相似文献   

Dr. C. Y. Wang 《Acta Mechanica》1990,81(3-4):245-251
Summary A concentrated heat source is situated at the tip of an otherwise adiabatic rotating cone. Due to centrifugal forces, velocity and thermal boundary layers spread on the surface. After a similarity transform, the governing equations reduce to set of nonlinear, ordinary differential equations which are then integrated numerically. The related cases of rotating discs and other axisymmetric surfaces are considered.  相似文献   

Gamma-irradiation techniques for improving the creep performance of polyethylene tapes (draw ratio 6.5) have been investigated. With acetylene present during irradiation, the optimum dose required for maximum suppression of yielding under tensile stress coupled with minimum embrittlement was found to be 5–10 kGy. This is one-tenth that required for irradiation in vacuum. Creep performance was also improved at 100 °C. Creep experiments at higher loads have shown that the optimum acetylene-sensitized treatment is more effective in reducing creep rate than the optimum vacuum-irradiation treatment.  相似文献   

Non-destructive assay (NDA) of nuclear materials would benefit from gamma detectors with improved energy resolution in cases where line overlap in current Ge detectors limits NDA accuracy. We are developing metallic magnetic calorimeter gamma-detectors for this purpose by electroplating \(\sim \) 150  \(\upmu \) m thick Au absorbers into microfabricated molds on top of Au:Er sensors. Initial tests under non-optimized conditions show an energy resolution of \(\sim \) 200 eV FWHM at 60 keV. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate that this resolution is starting to be sufficient for direct detection of \(^{242}\) Pu in plutonium separated from spent nuclear fuel.  相似文献   

A previously developed conceptual framework for interpretation of fatigue of polymer matrix composites (PMCs) is revisited for the purpose of the interpretation of fatigue in metal matrix composites (MMCs). With appropriate modifications, the basic features in the mechanisms based fatigue life diagrams of PMCs are found to hold for MMCs as well. Fatigue data for different MMC systems are examined with the interpretative framework and some observed trends are clarified. Approaches to fatigue life modeling are discussed for the different regions of behavior interpreted by the fatigue life diagram concept.  相似文献   

In this paper a new method is applied in rotating cracked shafts to identify the depth and the location of a transverse surface crack. A local compliance matrix of different degrees of freedom is used to model the transverse crack in a shaft of circular cross section, based on available expressions of the stress intensity factors and the associated expressions for the strain energy release rates. It is known that when a crack exists in a structure, such as a beam, then the excitation in one-direction causes coupled vibrations in other directions. This property is used here to identify the crack. The shaft is modeled as a rotating Timoshenko beam including the gyroscopic effect and the axial vibration due to coupling. The method used here is based on the measurements of the axial vibration response due to different excitation frequencies and shaft revolutions. The figures presented are used to identify the crack.  相似文献   

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