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Word spotting has become a field of strong research interest in document image analysis over the last years. Recently, AttributeSVMs were proposed which predict a binary attribute representation (Almazán et al. in IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 36(12):2552–2566, 2014). At their time, this influential method defined the state of the art in segmentation-based word spotting. In this work, we present an approach for learning attribute representations with convolutional neural networks(CNNs). By taking a probabilistic perspective on training CNNs, we derive two different loss functions for binary and real-valued word string embeddings. In addition, we propose two different CNN architectures, specifically designed for word spotting. These architectures are able to be trained in an end-to-end fashion. In a number of experiments, we investigate the influence of different word string embeddings and optimization strategies. We show our attribute CNNs to achieve state-of-the-art results for segmentation-based word spotting on a large variety of data sets.  相似文献   

The retrieval of information from scanned handwritten documents is becoming vital with the rapid increase of digitized documents, and word spotting systems have been developed to search for words within documents. These systems can be either template matching algorithms or learning based. This paper presents a coherent learning based Arabic handwritten word spotting system which can adapt to the nature of Arabic handwriting, which can have no clear boundaries between words. Consequently, the system recognizes Pieces of Arabic Words (PAWs), then re-constructs and spots words using language models. The proposed system produced promising result for Arabic handwritten word spotting when tested on the CENPARMI Arabic documents database.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a segmentation methodology of handwritten documents in their distinct entities, namely, text lines and words. Text line segmentation is achieved by applying Hough transform on a subset of the document image connected components. A post-processing step includes the correction of possible false alarms, the detection of text lines that Hough transform failed to create and finally the efficient separation of vertically connected characters using a novel method based on skeletonization. Word segmentation is addressed as a two class problem. The distances between adjacent overlapped components in a text line are calculated using the combination of two distance metrics and each of them is categorized either as an inter- or an intra-word distance in a Gaussian mixture modeling framework. The performance of the proposed methodology is based on a consistent and concrete evaluation methodology that uses suitable performance measures in order to compare the text line segmentation and word segmentation results against the corresponding ground truth annotation. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by experimentation conducted on two different datasets: (a) on the test set of the ICDAR2007 handwriting segmentation competition and (b) on a set of historical handwritten documents.  相似文献   

A novel text line extraction technique is presented for multi-skewed document images of handwritten English or Bengali text. It assumes that hypothetical water flows, from both left and right sides of the image frame, face obstruction from characters of text lines. The stripes of areas left unwetted on the image frame are finally labelled for extraction of text lines. The success rate of the technique, as observed experimentally, are 90.34% and 91.44% for handwritten Bengali and English document images, respectively. The work may contribute significantly for the development of applications related to optical character recognition of Bengali/English text.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a word spotting framework for accessing the content of historical machine-printed documents without the use of an optical character recognition engine. A preprocessing step is performed in order to improve the quality of the document images, while word segmentation is accomplished with the use of two complementary segmentation methodologies. In the proposed methodology, synthetic word images are created from keywords, and these images are compared to all the words in the digitized documents. A user feedback process is used in order to refine the search procedure. The methodology has been evaluated in early Modern Greek documents printed during the seventeenth and eighteenth century. In order to improve the efficiency of accessing and search, natural language processing techniques have been addressed that comprise a morphological generator that enables searching in documents using only a base word-form for locating all the corresponding inflected word-forms and a synonym dictionary that further facilitates access to the semantic context of documents.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new text line detection method for handwritten documents. The proposed technique is based on a strategy that consists of three distinct steps. The first step includes image binarization and enhancement, connected component extraction, partitioning of the connected component domain into three spatial sub-domains and average character height estimation. In the second step, a block-based Hough transform is used for the detection of potential text lines while a third step is used to correct possible splitting, to detect text lines that the previous step did not reveal and, finally, to separate vertically connected characters and assign them to text lines. The performance evaluation of the proposed approach is based on a consistent and concrete evaluation methodology.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Word spotting in handwritten document images is a field of immense interest due to its widespread applications. Recognition-free and recognition-based approaches...  相似文献   

In this paper, a two-step segmentation-free word spotting method for historical printed documents is presented. The first step involves a minimum distance matching between a query keyword image and a document page image using keypoint correspondences. In the second step of the method, the matched keypoints on the document image serve as indicators for creating candidate image areas. The query keyword image is matched against the candidate image areas in order to properly estimate the bounding boxes of the detected word instances. The method is evaluated using two datasets of different languages and is compared against segmentation-free state-of-the-art methods. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms significantly the competitive approaches.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated approach to spot the spoken keywords in digitized Tamil documents by combining word image matching and spoken word recognition techniques. The work involves the segmentation of document images into words, creation of an index of keywords, and construction of word image hidden Markov model (HMM) and speech HMM for each keyword. The word image HMMs are constructed using seven dimensional profile and statistical moment features and used to recognize a segmented word image for possible inclusion of the keyword in the index. The spoken query word is recognized using the most likelihood of the speech HMMs using the 39 dimensional mel frequency cepstral coefficients derived from the speech samples of the keywords. The positional details of the search keyword obtained from the automatically updated index retrieve the relevant portion of text from the document during word spotting. The performance measures such as recall, precision, and F-measure are calculated for 40 test words from the four groups of literary documents to illustrate the ability of the proposed scheme and highlight its worthiness in the emerging multilingual information retrieval scenario.  相似文献   

中文文本布局复杂,汉字种类多,书写随意性大,因而手写汉字检测是一个很有挑战的问题。本文提出了一种无分割的手写中文文档字符检测的方法。该方法用SIFT定位文本中候选关键点,然后基于关键点位置和待查询汉字大小来确定候选字符的位置,最后用两个方向动态时间规整(Dynamic Time Warping, DTW)算法来筛选候选字符。实验结果表明,该方法能够在无需将文本分割为字符的情况下准确找到待查询的汉字,并且优于传统的基于DTW字符检测方法。  相似文献   

In keyword spotting from handwritten documents by text query, the word similarity is usually computed by combining character similarities, which are desired to approximate the logarithm of the character probabilities. In this paper, we propose to directly estimate the posterior probability (also called confidence) of candidate characters based on the N-best paths from the candidate segmentation-recognition lattice. On evaluating the candidate segmentation-recognition paths by combining multiple contexts, the scores of the N-best paths are transformed to posterior probabilities using soft-max. The parameter of soft-max (confidence parameter) is estimated from the character confusion network, which is constructed by aligning different paths using a string matching algorithm. The posterior probability of a candidate character is the summation of the probabilities of the paths that pass through the candidate character. We compare the proposed posterior probability estimation method with some reference methods including the word confidence measure and the text line recognition method. Experimental results of keyword spotting on a large database CASIA-OLHWDB of unconstrained online Chinese handwriting demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) - We present a framework for learning an efficient holistic representation for handwritten word images. The proposed method uses a...  相似文献   

Pattern Analysis and Applications - In this paper, we present a segmentation-free word spotting method based on Wave Kernel Signature (WKS) under the foundation of quantum mechanics. The query word...  相似文献   

Searching and indexing historical handwritten collections are a very challenging problem. We describe an approach called word spotting which involves grouping word images into clusters of similar words by using image matching to find similarity. By annotating “interesting” clusters, an index that links words to the locations where they occur can be built automatically. Image similarities computed using a number of different techniques including dynamic time warping are compared. The word similarities are then used for clustering using both K-means and agglomerative clustering techniques. It is shown in a subset of the George Washington collection that such a word spotting technique can outperform a Hidden Markov Model word-based recognition technique in terms of word error rates. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the effect of taking the user into account in a query-by-example handwritten word spotting framework. Several off-the-shelf query fusion and relevance feedback strategies have been tested in the handwritten word spotting context. The increase in terms of precision when the user is included in the loop is assessed using two datasets of historical handwritten documents and two baseline word spotting approaches both based on the bag-of-visual-words model. We finally present two alternative ways of presenting the results to the user that might be more attractive and suitable to the user's needs than the classic ranked list.  相似文献   

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