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Ensemble classification – combining the results of a set of base learners – has received much attention in the machine learning community and has demonstrated promising capabilities in improving classification accuracy. Compared with neural network or decision tree ensembles, there is no comprehensive empirical research in support vector machine (SVM) ensembles. To fill this void, this paper analyses and compares SVM ensembles with four different ensemble constructing techniques, namely bagging, AdaBoost, Arc-X4 and a modified AdaBoost. Twenty real-world data sets from the UCI repository are used as benchmarks to evaluate and compare the performance of these SVM ensemble classifiers by their classification accuracy. Different kernel functions and different numbers of base SVM learners are tested in the ensembles. The experimental results show that although SVM ensembles are not always better than a single SVM, the SVM bagged ensemble performs as well or better than other methods with a relatively higher generality, particularly SVMs with a polynomial kernel function. Finally, an industrial case study of gear defect detection is conducted to validate the empirical analysis results.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comparative study of two machine learning methods on Arabic text categorization. Based on a collection of news articles as a training set, and another set of news articles as a testing set, we evaluated K nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm, and support vector machines (SVM) algorithm. We used the full word features and considered the tf.idf as the weighting method for feature selection, and CHI statistics as a ranking metric. Experiments showed that both methods were of superior performance on the test corpus while SVM showed a better micro average F1 and prediction time.  相似文献   

Decoding perceptual or cognitive states based on brain activity measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can be achieved using machine learning algorithms to train classifiers of specific stimuli. However, the high dimensionality and intrinsically low signal to noise ratio (SNR) of fMRI data poses great challenges to such techniques. The problem is aggravated in the case of multiple subject experiments because of the high inter-subject variability in brain function. To address these difficulties, the majority of current approaches uses a single classifier. Since, in many cases, different stimuli activate different brain areas, it makes sense to use a set of classifiers each specialized in a different stimulus. Therefore, we propose in this paper using an ensemble of classifiers for decoding fMRI data. Each classifier in the ensemble has a favorite class or stimulus and uses an optimized feature set for that particular stimulus. The output for each individual stimulus is therefore obtained from the corresponding classifier and the final classification is achieved by simply selecting the best score. The method was applied to three empirical fMRI datasets from multiple subjects performing visual tasks with four classes of stimuli. Ensembles of GNB and k-NN base classifiers were tested. The ensemble of classifiers systematically outperformed a single classifier for the two most challenging datasets. In the remaining dataset, a ceiling effect was observed which probably precluded a clear distinction between the two classification approaches. Our results may be explained by the fact that different visual stimuli elicit specific patterns of brain activation and indicate that an ensemble of classifiers provides an advantageous alternative to commonly used single classifiers, particularly when decoding stimuli associated with specific brain areas.  相似文献   

Multilabel classification is a challenging research problem in which each instance may belong to more than one class. Recently, a considerable amount of research has been concerned with the development of “good” multi-label learning methods. Despite the extensive research effort, many scientific challenges posed by e.g. highly imbalanced training sets and correlation among labels remain to be addressed. The aim of this paper is to use a heterogeneous ensemble of multi-label learners to simultaneously tackle both the sample imbalance and label correlation problems. This is different from the existing work in the sense that we are proposing to combine state-of-the-art multi-label methods by ensemble techniques instead of focusing on ensemble techniques within a multi-label learner. The proposed ensemble approach (EML) is applied to six publicly available multi-label data sets from various domains including computer vision, biology and text using several evaluation criteria. We validate the advocated approach experimentally and demonstrate that it yields significant performance gains when compared with state-of-the art multi-label methods.  相似文献   

Concept drift constitutes a challenging problem for the machine learning and data mining community that frequently appears in real world stream classification problems. It is usually defined as the unforeseeable concept change of the target variable in a prediction task. In this paper, we focus on the problem of recurring contexts, a special sub-type of concept drift, that has not yet met the proper attention from the research community. In the case of recurring contexts, concepts may re-appear in future and thus older classification models might be beneficial for future classifications. We propose a general framework for classifying data streams by exploiting stream clustering in order to dynamically build and update an ensemble of incremental classifiers. To achieve this, a transformation function that maps batches of examples into a new conceptual representation model is proposed. The clustering algorithm is then applied in order to group batches of examples into concepts and identify recurring contexts. The ensemble is produced by creating and maintaining an incremental classifier for every concept discovered in the data stream. An experimental study is performed using (a) two new real-world concept drifting datasets from the email domain, (b) an instantiation of the proposed framework and (c) five methods for dealing with drifting concepts. Results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed representation and the suitability of the concept-specific classifiers for problems with recurring contexts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system to predict gender of individuals from offline handwriting samples. The technique relies on extracting a set of textural features from handwriting samples of male and female writers and training multiple classifiers to learn to discriminate between the two gender classes. The features include local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), statistics computed from gray-level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) and features extracted through segmentation-based fractal texture analysis (SFTA). For classification, we employ artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), nearest neighbor classifier (NN), decision trees (DT) and random forests (RF). Classifiers are then combined using bagging, voting and stacking techniques to enhance the overall system performance. The realized classification rates are significantly better than those of the state-of-the-art systems on this problem validating the ideas put forward in this study.  相似文献   

A pervasive task in many forms of human activity is classification. Recent interest in the classification process has focused on ensemble classifier systems. These types of systems are based on a paradigm of combining the outputs of a number of individual classifiers. In this paper we propose a new approach for obtaining the final output of ensemble classifiers. The method presented here uses the Dempster–Shafer concept of belief functions to represent the confidence in the outputs of the individual classifiers. The combing of the outputs of the individual classifiers is based on an aggregation process which can be seen as a fusion of the Dempster rule of combination with a generalized form of OWA operator. The use of the OWA operator provides an added degree of flexibility in expressing the way the aggregation of the individual classifiers is performed.  相似文献   

Along with the increase of data and information, incremental learning ability turns out to be more and more important for machine learning approaches. The online algorithms try not to remember irrelevant information instead of synthesizing all available information (as opposed to classic batch learning algorithms). Today, combining classifiers is proposed as a new road for the improvement of the classification accuracy. However, most ensemble algorithms operate in batch mode. For this reason, we propose an incremental ensemble that combines five classifiers that can operate incrementally: the Naive Bayes, the Averaged One-Dependence Estimators (AODE), the 3-Nearest Neighbors, the Non-Nested Generalised Exemplars (NNGE) and the Kstar algorithms using the voting methodology. We performed a large-scale comparison of the proposed ensemble with other state-of-the-art algorithms on several datasets and the proposed method produce better accuracy in most cases.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new approach to the dynamic classifier selection in an ensemble by applying the best suited classifier for the particular testing sample. It is based on the area under curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) of each classifier. To allow application of different types of classifiers in an ensemble and to reduce the influence of outliers, the quantile representation of the signals is used. The quantiles divide the ordered data into essentially equal-sized data subsets providing approximately uniform distribution of [0–1] support for each data point. In this way the recognition problem is less sensitive to the outliers, scales and noise contained in the input attributes. The numerical results presented for the chosen benchmark data-mining sets and for the data-set of images representing melanoma and non-melanoma skin lesions have shown high efficiency of the proposed approach and superiority to the existing methods.  相似文献   

Reducing SVM classification time using multiple mirror classifiers.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We propose an approach that uses mirror point pairs and a multiple classifier system to reduce the classification time of a support vector machine (SVM). Decisions made with multiple simple classifiers formed from mirror pairs are integrated to approximate the classification rule of a single SVM. A coarse-to-fine approach is developed for selecting a given number of member classifiers. A clustering method, derived from the similarities between classifiers, is used for a coarse selection. A greedy strategy is then used for fine selection of member classifiers. Selected member classifiers are further refined by finding a weighted combination with a perceptron. Experiment results show that our approach can successfully speed up SVM decisions while maintaining comparable classification accuracy.  相似文献   

The Internet has been flooded with spam emails, and during the last decade there has been an increasing demand for reliable anti-spam email filters. The problem of filtering emails can be considered as a classification problem in the field of supervised learning. Theoretically, many mature technologies, for example, support vector machines (SVM), can be used to solve this problem. However, in real enterprise applications, the training data are typically collected via honeypots and thus are always of huge amounts and highly biased towards spam emails. This challenges both efficiency and effectiveness of conventional technologies. In this article, we propose an undersampling method to compress and balance the training set used for the conventional SVM classifier with minimal information loss. The key observation is that we can make a trade-off between training set size and information loss by carefully defining a similarity measure between data samples. Our experiments show that the SVM classifier provides a better performance by applying our compressing and balancing approach.  相似文献   

The automatic detection of construction materials in images acquired on a construction site has been regarded as a critical topic. Recently, several data mining techniques have been used as a way to solve the problem of detecting construction materials. These studies have applied single classifiers to detect construction materials—and distinguish them from the background—by using color as a feature. Recent studies suggest that combining multiple classifiers (into what is called a heterogeneous ensemble classifier) would show better performance than using a single classifier. However, the performance of ensemble classifiers in construction material detection is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the performance of six single classifiers and potential ensemble classifiers on three data sets: one each for concrete, steel, and wood. A heterogeneous voting-based ensemble classifier was created by selecting base classifiers which are diverse and accurate; their prediction probabilities for each target class were averaged to yield a final decision for that class. In comparison with the single classifiers, the ensemble classifiers performed better in the three data sets overall. This suggests that it is better to use an ensemble classifier to enhance the detection of construction materials in images acquired on a construction site.  相似文献   

The popularity of social networks has attracted attention of companies. The growing amount of connected users and messages posted per day make these environments fruitful to detect needs, tendencies, opinions, and other interesting information that can feed marketing and sales departments. However, the most social networks impose size limit to messages, which lead users to compact them by using abbreviations, slangs, and symbols. As a consequence, these problems impact the sample representation and degrade the classification performance. In this way, we have proposed an ensemble system to find the best way to combine the state-of-the-art text processing approaches, as text normalization and semantic indexing techniques, with traditional classification methods to automatically detect opinion in short text messages. Our experiments were diligently designed to ensure statistically sound results, which indicate that the proposed system has achieved a performance higher than the individual established classifiers.  相似文献   

Searching and mining biomedical literature databases are common ways of generating scientific hypotheses by biomedical researchers. Clustering can assist researchers to form hypotheses by seeking valuable information from grouped documents effectively. Although a large number of clustering algorithms are available, this paper attempts to answer the question as to which algorithm is best suited to accurately cluster biomedical documents. Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) has been widely applied to clustering general text documents. However, the clustering results are sensitive to the initial values of the parameters of NMF. In order to overcome this drawback, we present the ensemble NMF for clustering biomedical documents in this paper. The performance of ensemble NMF was evaluated on numerous datasets generated from the TREC Genomics track dataset. With respect to most datasets, the experimental results have demonstrated that the ensemble NMF significantly outperforms classical clustering algorithms of bisecting K-means, and hierarchical clustering. We compared four different methods for constructing an ensemble NMF. For clustering biomedical documents, this research is the first to compare ensemble NMF with typical classical clustering algorithms, and validates ensemble NMF constructed from different graph-based ensemble algorithms. This is also the first work on ensemble NMF with Hybrid Bipartite Graph Formulation for clustering biomedical documents.  相似文献   

The problem of handwritten digit recognition has long been an open problem in the field of pattern classification and of great importance in industry. The heart of the problem lies within the ability to design an efficient algorithm that can recognize digits written and submitted by users via a tablet, scanner, and other digital devices. From an engineering point of view, it is desirable to achieve a good performance within limited resources. To this end, we have developed a new approach for handwritten digit recognition that uses a small number of patterns for training phase. To improve the overall performance achieved in classification task, the literature suggests combining the decision of multiple classifiers rather than using the output of the best classifier in the ensemble; so, in this new approach, an ensemble of classifiers is used for the recognition of handwritten digit. The classifiers used in proposed system are based on singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm. The experimental results and the literature show that the SVD algorithm is suitable for solving sparse matrices such as handwritten digit. The decisions obtained by SVD classifiers are combined by a novel proposed combination rule which we named reliable multi-phase particle swarm optimization. We call the method “Reliable” because we have introduced a novel reliability parameter which is applied to tackle the problem of PSO being trapped in local minima. In comparison with previous methods, one of the significant advantages of the proposed method is that it is not sensitive to the size of training set. Unlike other methods, the proposed method uses just 15 % of the dataset as a training set, while other methods usually use (60–75) % of the whole dataset as the training set. To evaluate the proposed method, we tested our algorithm on Farsi/Arabic handwritten digit dataset. What makes the recognition of the handwritten Farsi/Arabic digits more challenging is that some of the digits can be legally written in different shapes. Therefore, 6000 hard samples (600 samples per class) are chosen by K-nearest neighbor algorithm from the HODA dataset which is a standard Farsi/Arabic digit dataset. Experimental results have shown that the proposed method is fast, accurate, and robust against the local minima of PSO. Finally, the proposed method is compared with state of the art methods and some ensemble classifier based on MLP, RBF, and ANFIS with various combination rules.  相似文献   

多分类器选择集成方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对目前人们对分类性能的高要求和多分类器集成实现的复杂性,从基分类器准确率和基分类器间差异性两方面出发,提出了一种新的多分类器选择集成算法。该算法首先从生成的基分类器中选择出分类准确率较高的,然后利用分类器差异性度量来选择差异性大的高性能基分类器,在分类器集成之前先对分类器集进行选择获得新的分类器集。在UCI数据库上的实验结果证明,该方法优于bagging方法,取得了很好的分类识别效果。  相似文献   

Pattern Analysis and Applications - Segmentation is a significant stage for the recognition of old newspapers. Text-line extraction in the documents like newspaper pages which have very complex...  相似文献   

Malicious executables are programs designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner’s consent, which have become a serious threat to the security of computer systems. There is an urgent need for effective techniques to detect polymorphic, metamorphic and previously unseen malicious executables of which detection fails in most of the commercial anti-virus software. In this paper, we develop interpretable string based malware detection system (SBMDS), which is based on interpretable string analysis and uses support vector machine (SVM) ensemble with Bagging to classify the file samples and predict the exact types of the malware. Interpretable strings contain both application programming interface (API) execution calls and important semantic strings reflecting an attacker’s intent and goal. Our SBMDS is carried out with four major steps: (1) first constructing the interpretable strings by developing a feature parser; (2) performing feature selection to select informative strings related to different types of malware; (3) followed by using SVM ensemble with bagging to construct the classifier; (4) and finally conducting the malware detector, which not only can detect whether a program is malicious or not, but also can predict the exact type of the malware. Our case study on the large collection of file samples collected by Kingsoft Anti-virus lab illustrate that: (1) The accuracy and efficiency of our SBMDS outperform several popular anti-virus software; (2) Based on the signatures of interpretable strings, our SBMDS outperforms data mining based detection systems which employ single SVM, Naive Bayes with bagging, Decision Trees with bagging; (3) Compared with the IMDS which utilizes the objective-oriented association (OOA) based classification on API calls, our SBMDS achieves better performance. Our SBMDS system has already been incorporated into the scanning tool of a commercial anti-virus software.  相似文献   

Imbalanced classification using support vector machine ensemble   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Imbalanced data sets often have detrimental effects on the performance of a conventional support vector machine (SVM). To solve this problem, we adopt both strategies of modifying the data distribution and adjusting the classifier. Both minority and majority classes are resampled to increase the generalization ability. For minority class, an one-class support vector machine model combined with synthetic minority oversampling technique is used to oversample the support vector instances. For majority class, we propose a new method to decompose the majority class into clusters and remove two clusters using a distance measure to lessen the effect of outliers. The remaining clusters are used to build an SVM ensemble with the oversampled minority patterns, the SVM ensemble can achieve better performance by considering potentially suboptimal solutions. Experimental results on benchmark data sets are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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