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In this paper, new completely regular q-ary codes are constructed from q-ary perfect codes. In particular, several new ternary completely regular codes are obtained from the ternary [11, 6, 5] Golay code. One of these codes with parameters [11, 5, 6] has covering radius ρ = 5 and intersection array (22, 20, 18, 2, 1; 1, 2, 9, 20, 22). This code is dual to the ternary perfect [11, 6, 5] Golay code. Another [10, 5, 5] code has covering radius ρ = 4 and intersection array (20, 18, 4, 1; 1, 2, 18, 20). This code is obtained by deleting one position of the former code. All together, the ternary Golay code results in eight completely regular codes, only four of which were previously known. Also, new infinite families of completely regular codes are constructed from q-ary Hamming codes.  相似文献   

The problem of constructing equidistant codes over an alphabet of an arbitrary size q is considered. Some combinatorial constructions and computer-based search methods are presented. All maximal equidistant codes with distances 3 and 4 are found.  相似文献   

We consider several combinatorial problems concerning fragments of words over a q-ary alphabet. We obtain a number of new facts, some of them being previously known in the binary case only.  相似文献   

We construct a family of nonlinear q-ary codes obtained from the corresponding families of modified complex Butson–Hadamard matrices. Parameters of the codes are quite close to the Plotkin bound and in a number of cases attain this bound. Furthermore, these codes admit rather simple encoding and decoding procedures.  相似文献   

We develop refinements of the Levenshtein bound in q-ary Hamming spaces by taking into account the discrete nature of the distances versus the continuous behavior of certain parameters used by Levenshtein. We investigate the first relevant cases and present new bounds. In particular, we derive generalizations and q-ary analogs of the MacEliece bound. Furthermore, we provide evidence that our approach is as good as the complete linear programming and discuss how faster are our calculations. Finally, we present a table with parameters of codes which, if exist, would attain our bounds.  相似文献   

We prove that the group of permutation automorphism of a q-ary Hamming code of length n = (q m − 1)/(q − 1) is isomorphic to the unitriangular group UT m (q) if the code has a parity-check matrix composed of all columns of the form (0 ...0 1 * ... *)T. We also show that the group of permutation automorphisms of a cyclic Hamming code cannot be isomorphic to UT m (q). We thus show that equivalent codes can have different permutation automorphism groups.  相似文献   

Algebraic systems have many applications in the theory of sequential machines, formal languages, computer arithmetics, design of fast adders and error-correcting codes. The theory of rough sets has emerged as another major mathematical approach for managing uncertainty that arises from inexact, noisy, or incomplete information. This paper is devoted to the discussion of the relationship between algebraic systems, rough sets and fuzzy rough set models. We shall restrict ourselves to algebraic systems with one n-ary operation and we investigate some properties of approximations of n-ary semigroups. We introduce the notion of rough system in an n-ary semigroup. Fuzzy sets, a generalization of classical sets, are considered as mathematical tools to model the vagueness present in rough systems.  相似文献   

Given a graph with a source and a sink node, the NP-hard maximum k-splittable s,t-flow (M k SF) problem is to find a flow of maximum value from s to t with a flow decomposition using at most k paths. The multicommodity variant of this problem is a natural generalization of disjoint paths and unsplittable flow problems. Constructing a k-splittable flow requires two interdepending decisions. One has to decide on k paths (routing) and on the flow values for the paths (packing). We give efficient algorithms for computing exact and approximate solutions by decoupling the two decisions into a first packing step and a second routing step. Usually the routing is considered before the packing. Our main contributions are as follows: (i) We show that for constant k a polynomial number of packing alternatives containing at least one packing used by an optimal M k SF solution can be constructed in polynomial time. If k is part of the input, we obtain a slightly weaker result. In this case we can guarantee that, for any fixed ε>0, the computed set of alternatives contains a packing used by a (1−ε)-approximate solution. The latter result is based on the observation that (1−ε)-approximate flows only require constantly many different flow values. We believe that this observation is of interest in its own right. (ii) Based on (i), we prove that, for constant k, the M k SF problem can be solved in polynomial time on graphs of bounded treewidth. If k is part of the input, this problem is still NP-hard and we present a polynomial time approximation scheme for it.  相似文献   

This article briefly introduces the artificial-brain-building paradigm developed at the Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute International (ATR). The ATR Artificial Brain Project consists of two related themes: dedicated hardware and psychodynamic architecture. The first theme includes work on the theory of pulsed paraneural networks (PPNN), experiments with q-cellular automata, and studies toward a post-FPGA technology for 3-dimensional evolvable elastic circuits. The second theme involves an original version of the psychodynamic theory of mind, investigating dynamics phenomena in simulated working memories (MemeStorms), testing the behaviors of psychodynamic robots, and building of an environment for growing intelligent systems.This work was presented in part at the 8th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 24–26, 2003  相似文献   

A 2D p:q lattice contains image intensity entries at pixels located at regular, staggered intervals that are spaced p rows and q columns apart. Zero values appear at all other intermediate grid locations. We consider here the construction, for any given p:q, of convolution masks to smoothly and uniformly interpolate values across all of the intermediate grid positions. The conventional pixel-filling approach is to allocate intensities proportional to the fractional area that each grid pixel occupies inside the boundaries formed by the p:q lines. However, these area-based masks have asymmetric boundaries, flat interior values and may be odd or even in size. Where edges, lines or points are in-filled, area-based p:q masks imprint intensity patterns that recall p:q because the shape of those masks is asymmetric and depends on p:q. We aim to remove these “memory” artefacts by building symmetric p:q masks. We show here that smoother, symmetric versions of such convolution masks exist. The coefficients of the masks constructed here have simple integer values whose distribution is derived purely from symmetry considerations. We have application for these symmetric interpolation masks as part of a precise image rotation algorithm which disguises the rotation angle, as well as to smooth back-projected values when performing discrete tomographic image reconstruction.  相似文献   

The question of the contemporary relevance of Heidegger’s reflections on technology to today’s advanced technology is here explored with reference to the notion of “entanglement” towards a review of Heidegger’s understanding of technology and media, including the entertainment industry and modern digital life. Heidegger’s reflections on Gelassenheit have been connected with the aesthetics of the tea ceremony, disputing the material aesthetics of porcelain versus plastic. Here by approaching the art of wabi-sabi as the art of Verfallenheit, I argue that Gelassenheit may be understood in these terms.  相似文献   

We study two topological properties of the 3-ary n-cube Q n 3. Given two arbitrary distinct nodes x and y in Q n 3, we prove that there exists an xy path of every length ranging from d(x,y) to 3 n −1, where d(x,y) is the length of a shortest path between x and y. Based on this result, we prove that Q n 3 is edge-pancyclic by showing that every edge in Q n 3 lies on a cycle of every length ranging from 3 to 3 n .
Hui-Ling HuangEmail:

In most of the auction systems the values of bids are known to the auctioneer. This allows him to manipulate the outcome of the auction. Hence, one might be interested in hiding these values. Some cryptographically secure protocols for electronic auctions have been presented in the last decade. Our work extends these protocols in several ways. On the basis of garbled circuits, i.e., encrypted circuits, we present protocols for sealed-bid auctions that fulfill the following requirements: 1) protocols are information-theoretically t-private for honest but curious parties; 2) the number of bits that can be learned by malicious adversaries is bounded by the output length of the auction; 3) the computational requirements for participating parties are very low: only random bit choices and bitwise computation of the XOR-function are necessary. Note that one can distinguish between the protocol that generates a garbled circuit for an auction and the protocol to evaluate the auction. In this paper we address both problems. We will present a t-private protocol for the construction of a garbled circuit that reaches the lower bound of 2t + 1 parties, and Finally, we address the problem of bid changes in an auction. a more randomness efficient protocol for (t + 1)^2 parties  相似文献   

Recently, sparse subspace clustering, as a subspace learning technique, has been successfully applied to several computer vision applications, e.g. face clustering and motion segmentation. The main idea of sparse subspace clustering is to learn an effective sparse representation that are used to construct an affinity matrix for spectral clustering. While most of existing sparse subspace clustering algorithms and its extensions seek the forms of convex relaxation, the use of non-convex and non-smooth l q (0 < q < 1) norm has demonstrated better recovery performance. In this paper we propose an l q norm based Sparse Subspace Clustering method (lqSSC), which is motivated by the recent work that l q norm can enhance the sparsity and make better approximation to l 0 than l 1. However, the optimization of l q norm with multiple constraints is much difficult. To solve this non-convex problem, we make use of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) for solving the l q norm optimization, updating the variables in an alternating minimization way. ADMM splits the unconstrained optimization into multiple terms, such that the l q norm term can be solved via Smooth Iterative Reweighted Least Square (SIRLS), which converges with guarantee. Different from traditional IRLS algorithms, the proposed algorithm is based on gradient descent with adaptive weight, making it well suit for general sparse subspace clustering problem. Experiments on computer vision tasks (synthetic data, face clustering and motion segmentation) demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves considerable improvement of clustering accuracy than the convex based subspace clustering methods.  相似文献   

We propose a non-iterative solution to the PnP problem—the estimation of the pose of a calibrated camera from n 3D-to-2D point correspondences—whose computational complexity grows linearly with n. This is in contrast to state-of-the-art methods that are O(n 5) or even O(n 8), without being more accurate. Our method is applicable for all n≥4 and handles properly both planar and non-planar configurations. Our central idea is to express the n 3D points as a weighted sum of four virtual control points. The problem then reduces to estimating the coordinates of these control points in the camera referential, which can be done in O(n) time by expressing these coordinates as weighted sum of the eigenvectors of a 12×12 matrix and solving a small constant number of quadratic equations to pick the right weights. Furthermore, if maximal precision is required, the output of the closed-form solution can be used to initialize a Gauss-Newton scheme, which improves accuracy with negligible amount of additional time. The advantages of our method are demonstrated by thorough testing on both synthetic and real-data.  相似文献   

For the interval system of equations defined by [x] = [A][x] + [b] we derive necessary and sufficient criteria for the existence of solutions [x]. Furthermore we give necessary and sufficient criteria for the convergence of powers of [A]. In contrast to former results we treat complex interval arithmetics.  相似文献   

The corepresentation of a Sylow p-subgroup of a symmetric group in the form of generating relations is investigated, and a Sylow subgroup of a group , i.e., an n-fold wreath product of regular cyclic groups of prime order, that is isomorphic to the group of automorphisms of a spherically homogeneous root tree is also studied. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 1, pp. 27–41, January–February 2009.  相似文献   

We prove that any balanced incomplete block design B(v, k, 1) generates a nearresolvable balanced incomplete block design NRB(v, k ? 1, k ? 2). We establish a one-to-one correspondence between near-resolvable block designs NRB(v, k ?1, k ?2) and the subclass of nonbinary (optimal, equidistant) constant-weight codes meeting the generalized Johnson bound.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a strengthening of the author’s core-accessibility theorem for balanced TU-cooperative games. The obtained strengthening relaxes the influence of the nontransitivity of classical domination αv on the quality of the sequential improvement of dominated imputations in a game v. More specifically, we establish the k-accessibility of the core C v ) of any balanced TU-cooperative game v for all natural numbers k: for each dominated imputation x, there exists a converging sequence of imputations x0, x1,..., such that x0 = x, lim x r C v ) and xr?m is dominated by any successive imputation x r with m ∈ [1, k] and rm. For showing that the TU-property is essential to provide the k-accessibility of the core, we give an example of an NTU-cooperative game G with a ”black hole” representing a nonempty closed subset B ? G(N) of dominated imputations that contains all the α G -monotonic sequential improvement trajectories originating at any point xB.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to focus on the notions of merotopy and also merotopology in the soft universe. First of all, we propose L-soft merotopic (nearness) spaces and L-soft guild. Then, we study binary, contigual, regular merotopic spaces and also relations between them. We show that the category of binary L-soft nearness spaces is bireflective in the category of L-soft nearness spaces. Later, we define L-approach soft merotopological (nearness) spaces by giving several examples. Finally, we define a simpler characterization of L-approach soft grill merotopological space called grill-determined L-approach soft merotopological space. We investigate the categorical structures of these notions such as we prove that the category of grill-determined L-approach soft merotopological spaces is a topological category over the category of L-soft topological spaces. At the end, we define a partial order on the family of all L-approach soft grill merotopologies and show that this family is a completely distributive complete lattice with respect to the defined partial order.  相似文献   

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